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Task 6

2. London’s Oxford street

3. Madame Tussauds
4. Big Ben
5. Westminster Abbey
6. Tower of London
7. Buckingham Palace
8. London Eye
9. London’s Tower Bridge

Task 14 Make the notes on the top attractions of the UK

completing the table below. Holidaymakers of what type can be
interested in visiting the places?

Tourist To See & Do Recommendations

Stonehenge To see the construction, the Visitors are not allowed
summer solstice in summer, to go to go into the circle, to
on an audio tour come there in summer
to see summer solstice
Oxford To see Oxford Botanical Gardens, To come in the summer
visit the Covered Market, Bodleian to enjoy punting
Library, enjoy punting, visit
Blenheim Palace
Cambridge Enjoy music, festivals, join a Come in the summer
walking tour, see the choir of
King’s College, visit Cambridge‟s
Fitzwilliam Museum,
Edinburgh Visit Edinburgh Castle, visit Come any time
subterranean maze, visit National
Museum of Scotland, the Scottish
National Gallery of Modern Art,
Edinburgh‟s Royal Botanic Garden,
Ocean Terminal,
Cardiff Visit Cardiff Castle, Wales
Millenium Centre, Cardiff
International White Water facility
Belfast Visit Titanic Belfast museum, The
Belfast Botanic Gardens & Palm
House, the Ulster Museum,

Будівля Британського парламенту - British Parliament Building
середньовічний палац - medieval palace
Велика Королівська Рада - Great Royal Council
римський храм - roman temple
палата громад -
норманське завоювання - norman conquest
місце зустрічі- meeting point
палата лордів - the House of Lords
Вестмінстерський палац – Westminster Palace
Вестмінстерська зала - Westminster Hall
британський уряд - British government
світова спадщина ЮНЕСКО - UNESCO world heritage
вулиця Оксфорд-стрит - Oxford Street
головна вулиця - main Street
універмаг - department store
крамниця роздрібної торгівлі - retail store
розпродаж дизайнерського одягу - sale of designer clothes
безліч - array
місце паломництва поціновувачів моди – fashion destination
музей мадам Тюссо - Madame Tussauds Museum
воскова фігура - wax figure
королівська родина – royal family
її величність - her majesty
герцог - duke
герцогиня - dutchess
пенні (розмінн-а грошова одиниця Великобританії) - penni
15 пенсів -
Біг Бен – Big Ben
Вежа Єлизавети – Elizabeth’s Tower
годинникова вежа - clock tower
дзвін - bell
дзвін годинника – bell of a clock
бій годинника – striking
депутат британського парламенту - Member of the British
реконструкція - refurbishment
оточений лісами для ремонтних робіт - scaffolded
Вестмінстерське абатство - Westminster Abbey
Вільгельм Завойовник - William the Conqueror
місце поховання - burial place, resting place
монастир (2)- monastery
монах- monk
будинок капітулу (колегії духовенства вищого рангу)- chapter
попередник - predecessor
Лондонський Тауер - Tower of London
оборонний замок – fortified castle
в‘язниця - prison
монетний двір- mint
королівський звіринець- royal zoo
королівська скарбниця - t h e r o y a l t r e a s u r y
Темза - t h e T h a m e s
вартовий Тауера- watchman of the Tower

London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. It is located on the River Thames and consists of 32 counties
(districts). The most visited places are: the Tower of London and Tower
Bridge, the British Parliament building and Big Ben, Buckingham Palace
and Westminster Abbey, The British Museum and Madame Tussauds.
Famous streets and squares include Baker Street, home to the Sherlock
Holmes Museum, and Oxford Street, a pilgrimage destination for fashion
connoisseurs, with its many department stores, retail shops and designer
clothing boutiques.
Madame Tussauds is a museum of wax figures in Marylebone, London. It
is considered one of the symbols of the capital of Great Britain, which is
also called "landmark with a human face". All the figures in the Madame
Tussauds Museum are so remarkable that you want to take a photo of
literally every one of them as a memory. Oscar Wilde and William
Shakespeare, Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II and her husband Prince
Philip, Princess Diana and her sons Princes William and Harry, Duchess of
Cambridge Kate Middleton, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, this
is far from a complete list of famous people, political and religious figures
whose decisions influenced the course of human history.
The British Parliament is located in a picturesque Victorian palace on the
banks of the Thames. Its silhouette is defined by three large towers. The
most famous of them is the Big Ben clock tower, which in 2012 was
renamed "Elizabeth Tower" in honor of the queen. After the Second World
War, there was a major reconstruction of the Palace, particularly the House
of Commons, during which all the Members of Parliament and the Lords
left the building, and the bell of Big Ben was silenced.
The Tower is one of the oldest fortresses in England and the oldest
surviving building in London. It belongs to the time of the Norman
conquest (XI century). The purpose of the Tower was varied. It was used
as a fortress, served as the king's residence and royal palace, at different
times it housed a prison, a mint, the first royal observatory, and a zoo.
Today, the Tower is a historical monument and a museum included in the
list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Tower Bridge was built in 1894 under Queen Victoria. This swing
suspension bridge with Gothic towers is one of the most beautiful on the
Thames. The towers of the bridge perform not only a decorative role - they
house steam mechanisms of the Victorian era, which serve to raise the
bridge. On the bridge there is also an engine room with hydraulic
equipment, which was preserved after electrification in 1976, exhibition
Buckingham Palace, famous as one of the remaining royal palaces, is the
largest in the world. It has six hundred and sixty-one rooms, it covers an
area of 20 hectares, most of which (17 hectares) is set aside for a
magnificent lush garden. But before it acquired the majestic appearance
well-known to every Englishman, which corresponds to the status of the
official London residence of the British monarchs, many years passed and
many re-plannings and reconstructions were made. It is here that banquets
for the heads of other states are held, as well as other royal ceremonies that
are important not only for the royal family, but also for the entire country.
2 months a year (in August and September) Buckingham Palace opens its
doors to visitors. But only nineteen rooms are available for inspection.
These are mainly official rooms, such as the Throne Room and the State
Dining Hall, as well as the picture gallery and the royal stables.
Interestingly, the palace has its own post office, swimming pool and
cinema. Visitors get the opportunity to explore the park, which even has
waterfalls and a lake.
Westminster Abbey is the main church of England, located in one of the
central districts of London, Westminster. It is known for its numerous
tombs and sculptural monuments of kings and queens. It also contains
about 600 tombs of prominent statesmen, scientists, soldiers, musicians,
and writers who made England famous. Since 1066, starting with William I
the Conqueror, all monarchs of England have been crowned in
Westminster Abbey. From the 13th century until 1547, the sessions of the
House of Commons were held in the House of the Chapter.
London is a beautiful city full of various historical and architectural sights,
so every traveler who comes here wants to see as many interesting places
as possible. Of course, it will not be possible to consider in detail all the
wonders of London in one trip, but it is easy to look at them from a bird's
eye view! And to do this, one of the most famous attractions on the planet
will help - the Ferris wheel called the "London Eye". The London Eye
complex includes 32 capsule cabins, symbolizing each of the 32 London
buildings (districts). Each of its cabins can accommodate 25 people. The
speed of rotation of the London Eye is approximately 0.9 kilometers per
hour - this allows not to stop its rotation in order to take new passengers on

The palace was an old country mansion that had been extended over the
centuries. Its architecture was like no other in the 19th century. It was supported
by 4 towers and the only way to get there is through the suspension bridge.
Inside of a house was a whole maze, filled with state rooms, ballrooms,
staircases etc. The house itself is located in a rural area. It has a huge terrace
outside surrounded by lanterns, which has quite a few scenic spots. It is truly a
world heritage site for all tourists.

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