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22/3/16 recalls thanks to my friend D. R.

1. Diabetic lady. Lower limb neuro examination. And finding to examiner. Sensory loss +.
2. LL neuro examination. Young man. Missed Uni exam day before . Found unable to walk
by friends. ? Malingering
3. Heavy drinker . Abdo examination to exclude liver disease and advise pt.
4. Talk to Father-Son had splenectomy. Discuss post surgical complications and
5. Young guy. Played basketball and painted the house. 2 day history of right ul swelling and
pain. All others normal. ? DVT
6. Young chap. Feeling unwell for 72 hrs feel hot and cold. Cough. Same symptoms noticed
in a work colleague. Pe nad. All other history normal. ?Flu
7. Young guy with typical migraine symptoms. Worry about brain tumour. History and
8. Young lady with secondary dysmenorrhoea. History. Examination finding from examiner.
Dx, mx. Endometriosis
9. Girl over dose with mothers Bebzo. Issues with mother. Hx and Dx. ? Borderline
Personality disorder 
10. Mother came with 5/12 boy. Excessive crying n/v for 6 hrs. Previously well. Hx, PE
finding from examiner. Only right Uq tenderness. ? Intersusseption. Hx, Mx
11. 42 ys home PT positive. Primi, past history given normal. Expected pregnancy. Hx and
12. Young primi. Baby not kicking. Anxious. PE from examiner . Fhr 120. Abd, pelvic ex
normal. History, management
13. Picture given. Child's lips. Painful rash with fever for 2 days. History & management. ?
14. Middle age man. Lif pain. Examination and explain management to pt. ?Diverticulitis
15. Breast lump 
16. Enuresis
1. Diabetic lady. Lower limb neuro examination. And finding to
examiner. Sensory loss +.
Examine n revalent examination…
Dx n revalent finding to pt…

2. LL neuro examination. Young man. Missed Uni exam day before .

Found unable to walk by friends. ?
Do lower limb exam 6 mins.
Advise examiner dx n d/d/ n give finding 

3. Heavy drinker . Abdo examination to exclude liver disease and

advise pt.

4. Talk to Father-Son had splenectomy. 

Discuss post surgical complications and management

5. Young guy. Played basketball and painted the house. 2 day history
of right ul swelling and pain. All others normal. ? DVT
dx n d/d

6. Young chap. Feeling unwell for 72 hrs feel hot and cold. Cough.
Same symptoms noticed in a work colleague.
Hx 6 min
Dx n D/d
Pe nad. All other history normal. ?Flu

7. Young guy with typical migraine symptoms. Worry about brain

tumor. History and management
headache several month.
Hx revalent 6 months
Likely dx n d/d
8. Young lady with secondary dysmenorrhoea. 
32 year old lady with pain in menstrual period.
28 days cycle n regular.5 days bleed. Never veen in pregnancy.LMP
3 weeks ago. dyspaurnia .
History 4 mins.
Examination finding from examiner.
Dx, mx. 

9. Girl over dose with mothers Bebzo. Issues with mother. 

Psychiatric assessment 
Advise condition n Mx.
Hx and Dx. ? Borderline Personality disorder 

10. Mother came with 5/12 boy. Excessive crying n/v for 6 hrs.
Previously well. Hx, PE finding from examiner. Only right Uq
tenderness. ? Intersusseption. Hx, Mx

11. 42 ys home PT positive. Primi, past history given normal.

Expected pregnancy. Hx and mx.

12. Young primi. Baby not kicking. Anxious. PE from examiner . Fhr
120. Abd, pelvic ex normal. History 4 mins, advise management

13. Picture given. Child's lips. Painful rash with fever for 2 days.
History 4 min
physical examination
Management. ? Herpes

14. Middle age man. Lif pain. Examination and explain management
to pt. ?Diverticulitis
PE 6 min
Advise Dx n mx to patient..
15. Breast lump . 22 year old with breast lump.
3 min history. 
Ask PE fromexaminer 
Mx..likely dx n action u will take…

16. Enuresis
Further hx.

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