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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami
11am- Sunday Services & Childrens Programs
September 4th: BeginningsRev. Wendy Pantoja As summer draws to a close, members and friends will gather once again to celebrate the beginning of a new congregational year and a new ministry. We welcome our children and youth as they join us for the entirety of this abbreviated service. COME AND JOIN US! BRING YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! September 11th: We RememberRev. Wendy Pantoja On this tenth anniversary of 9/11, we remember the events of a decade ago. How have we been changed by them? How can we use that to realize the dream of peace?


September 18th: As Waters FlowRev. Wendy Pantoja As waters ow together so do our lives. Please join us for our Water Ceremony as we bring together the waters we have collected in our travels and the messages they carry. There will be water samples for those who might not have been able to bring their own. September 25th: Hope- Raquel Reyes Amongst the barrage of bad news, how do we keep Hope in our daily lives? Come lift your spirit with us as we nd hope.


Raquel Reyes- Worship Committee Chair Welcoming Reverend Wendy Pantoja/Labor Day Sunday Potluck Summer has come to a close and our congregation is back home. Let's welcome our settled new minister Reverend Wendy Pentoja to her new UUCM home. Join us in the "back 40" after the service on September 4th for a Homecoming Picnic. This is a potluck so please bring your yummiest casseroles, baked beans, pies and delicious dishes. (Drinks and chips are also needed.) The Young Adults group (YAs) will be stafng the grill to fund their GA scholarship. Michael Malone has volunteered his musical talents so wear your dancing shoes! The Religious Education Department has games for the kids and possibly a cool down water sprinkler! Come one, come all and bring your friends!



Look with favour upon a bold beginning.

Reverend Wendy Pantoja



The summer is winding down and some of you are beginning to make your way home or at least thinking about it. I hope you have lots of wonderful memories to share and a little bit of water for our water ceremony. My original plan was to be settled nicely in Miami by now. Unfortunately, the path of life took an unexpected turn and delayed my relocation. By the time you read this, I will have just arrived or may be about to arrive in Miami. Thank you for your patience and loving thoughts. They have helped buoy my sons spirit and mine during a very challenging time. At this writing, my son is about to begin radiation and chemo therapies. He is making good progress in regaining neurologic capabilities that were affected by brain surgery. A network of supportive friends, volunteers, and health professionals are looking after him as I, too, do my part albeit long distance. The start of something new can be very exciting and a little scary at the same time. The beginning of a new ministry is no different what with new relationships to establish, new ways to learn, and a new trail to forge together. The uncertainty of the unknown can be daunting if we let it but the opportunities that abound for a fresh start as a religious community are ever so promising and inviting. Guided by our Unitarian Universalist principles and led by our love and compassion, let us accept the invitation to come together as the peaceful, justice-seeking religious community we aspire to be for each other, for the greater Miami-Dade community, for the world. I am so looking forward to getting to know you all. I plan to join you in worship on August 28 and am preparing to be in the pulpit on September 4 in an abbreviated service. I invite you to come, bring family and friends, and join us as we begin to write together a new chapter in the life of the UU Congregation of Miami. For the remaining days of August and the beginning of September, I will be on study leave in order to continue to prepare for the congregational year ahead. During this time I will have abbreviated ofce hours and will be available for appointments and for any emergency. After Labor Day I will be keeping ofce hours on a regular basis and will post those by several different means to inform as many of you as possible. I look forward to seeing your friendly faces and to chatting with you as we begin to know each other. En Paz y Fe, Rev. Wendypaz



Barbara Woshinsky- President of the Board


For the last couple of months, I have been telecommuting to my job as your President from our summer home in the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Things are pretty green and calm there. I will need to readjust to the land of blaring horns and red-light-equals-green-light; but its worth it to be with you again. You would think that summer would be a relatively quiet time in congregation life, but hundreds of emails and dozens of phone calls have been ying back and forth, on subjects ranging from professional development to lawn service to dogs attending church. Special thanks are due our wonderful team of ofcers and staff, as well as our stalwart members, who have literally kept the roof over our heads (see Kudos department in the 8/11/11 Weekly Update and below). One of the Boards summer accomplishments was nalizing an addendum to the lease with our tenant Smartstarts, by which they will be renovating and renting Room 5. Special thanks to Susie, David Traupman, David Roelant, Joyce Anderson, who went over the addendum with a lawyers eye, and Treasurer David Jacobs, who virtuosically orchestrated the whole business. The Congregation has a busy September coming up: an ingathering service will be held on September 4, with our new minister, Reverend Wendy Pantoja, in attendance. Reverend Wendy will give her rst sermon on September 11. That same weekend, an important retreat is scheduled with the Minister, the Board, Florida District Executive Kenn Hurto, and the transitions team to help us focus our goals and energies for the year. Some of our intentions are already clear: to nurture a congregation that looks and sounds more like South Florida; to articulate an inspiring mission statement, based on the work done by the appreciative inquiry team last year; to come closer together as the warm, vibrant group of people we are. Then on September 17th, a team of ve people--Reverend Wendy; vice president Margaret McAlister; Bill Turner, outgoing chair of Social Justice; Derrick Mustelier, who represented us at the General Assembly in Charlotte this summer, and myself--will be heading to Boca Raton for a UUFL leadership roundtable on the theme of healthy congregations. In my next article I will report on these gatherings. Let us direct our thoughts to Reverend Wendy and her son Jason in this time of family crisis, and nd ways to help and support them.

Kudos Department
The following was reported to me by Vice-President Margaret McAlister: I popped into the ofce one day during our usual rainstorm to see how Susie was doing, and to my horror saw water running out of the ceiling light in her ofce.I sputtered: What's with the water coming out of this light? Susie replied good-naturedly: Sometimes that happens when it rains. I replied that we rather liked her and were not interested in her being electrocuted any time soon, and I would see what I could do about this. John Bost, who had already supplied some names of roofers, obtained 4 estimates for the roof repair with lightening rapidity. Zoltan cheerfully dried the roof the day before the workers came. This was all accomplishedwithin 3 weeks. The bid went to a company called Palm Roong; fortunately they do not use palm leaves in their repairs. So at present writing, our ofce is snug and dry.



Margaret McAlister- Vice President of the Board

Odds & Ends from your Board of Trustees

Commitment, Flexibility, Vision, Energy, Dedication. 5 powerful words that describe 5 wonderful people in our community. 5 very important people, without whom we wouldnt exist. Yes, of course, Im writing about our EMPLOYEES, Monica Rizzo, Sally Vann Pyle, Susie Green, Tim Buchholz, and Zoltan Bakos. Monica is our Director of Religious Education, and has been for almost 2 years. She is responsible for the administration of our Religious Education to our children and youth. This involves recruiting teaching teams every year, choosing the curricula for the school year, and coordinating the Sunday classroom coverage for the summer. She also helps to plan our Intergenerational Services. There are mountains of records she must maintain-family RE registration, attendance records, visitor information, curriculum material, background checks on RE staff and teachers. She is also in charge of the RE budget, and oversees the Nursery Staff. Monica has obviously made it her mission to make the RE Program a strong one, and for that we are sooo grateful. Sally has blessed us with her gift most Sundays for 30+ years. There is no long list of duties in her personnel le her gift to us is two-fold: her pianist skills and her showing up skills. 30+ years of Sally compute to about 1560 Sundays-wow! Thank you Sally and heres to 30 more! Susie has just celebrated her 1 year anniversary as our Ofce Administrator. Susie has many titles: receptionist, telephone answerer, greeter of visitors, vendors, repairmen & women, inspectors, renters; accounts payable, accounts receivable, property manager, bulletin boards up keeper, newsletter creator, webmaster, calendar keeper, bookkeeper assistant, to name a few. And I havent mentioned that she is the keeper of us, as well with her committee support, help with the copier, ordering supplies, answering all our questions, and the most amazing part of all is she does all this with a SMILE, and it is a genuine smile! And most of the time, shes doing more than one thing at a time- make that more than 10 things at a time. She has endeared herself to us in the short year that shes been here. Susie, please grow old with us! Tim has also just celebrated his 1 year anniversary with us as Music Director. What a joy to see how the Choir has grown and stretched under Tims direction! He attends music related conferences and is a wonderful source of energy and new ideas for us as we continue to expand our musical horizons. Zoltan has been with us for 12+ years as our Sexton. The list of duties in Zoltans personnel le is 2 and pages long and is exhaustive to read, much less contemplate. He keeps the sanctuary, kitchen, bathrooms, breezeway, meeting rooms, RE classrooms, Friendship Garden, & ofces neat and clean. Those areas add up to a big number of square feet! The best line item in his Job Description is: Just be available and know where things are. Thats our Zoltan, fortunately for us! I have had a great time writing this article and having the opportunity to illuminate and praise our wonderful employees. You, too, will have the opportunity, on a community Employee Appreciation Bannercoming to the hallways of our Breezeway soon!



The body is a community made up of its innumerable cells or inhabitants.

~Thomas A. Edison
Iris Massey Spiritual Reality
Spiritual Reality offers an opportunity for spiritual exploration and growth through selected readings and commentary by the group. Those who attend are encouraged to comment on the readings and/or share their personal concerns. We are not a therapy group, but a group of caring friends who come together to listen and to learn. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM in the Emerson Room. Interweave lm series celebrating LGBTQ themes this Fall.So, please join us for our varied activities including Speakers and Workshops on interesting topics. Everyone is welcome!For more information about Welcoming Congregation Committee and Lavender Salon please contact Marilyn Rutgers or Dave Roelant.

June Harbett The Alliance

Meeting Saturday, Sept. 3rd and welcoming visitors for lunch at 12pm and to a workshop at 1pm on improving communication skills: Playing Reporter presented by Selva Joseph.

Alice Lingswiler Grief Support Group

The Grief support group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month in the Emerson Room at 1:15pm. You are welcome to join us whether your loss is recent or long ago. See Connie Bartels or Alice Lingswiler.

Nanette Bartels Buddhist Group

If you are looking for a pause in your busy week why not come and experience Buddhist Reections? We meet every Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:45pm in the Emerson Room (the second Tuesday of every month is in the sanctuary). Discover your Bodhicitta. We begin with a seated 15 minute meditation, a reading or two, followed by engaging discussion. We close with a second 15 minute meditation. No commitment is necessary; come whenever you like. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. Come and refuel for your busy week. Enlightenment is intimacy with all things. - Jack Korneld

John Bost Humanist Group

Join us on September 13th as we explore DVD "How Do We Know Right from Wrong"? from the "Philosophy & Intellectual History" by Professor Patrick Grim, State University of New York at Stony Brook. We meet in the Emerson room every second Tuesday of the month at 8pm. Come join us.

Alice Lingswiler Lunch Bunch

Bring a bag lunch and join us as we enjoy a friendly lunch and discuss a reading from an inspirational book each Wednesdays from 12pm-2pm in the Emerson Room. Every 3rd Wednesday is Poetry Day so bring your favorite poems to share. Hope to see you there.

William Turner Social Justice Committee

This is a time when UUs are especially challenged to take responsibility to introduce the light of truth and the power of justice into the dispirited social & economic conditions & political chaos we nd in our communities, in our nation & in our world. This is a time when UU members and friends need to seize the opportunity to respond to the attacks and misinformation that are undermining democratic processes & democratic institutions throughout the USA. We have the moral responsibility & power of persuasion of truth, to organize within communities, work places and communities of faith, to help project a clear path for rebuilding the power of people-who-areorganized, to gain back our democracy, our votes, our schools, our jobs and our condence. Young adults & friends of our congregation are giving us a strong impetus. They want us to be & for them to be more involved with us in organizing to make gains for social & economic justice. Are we ready for this infusion of youth and enthusiasm? I think we are. Derrick Mustelier, our Representative at the 2010 General Assembly, will report at our meeting on what he learned at GA about how we are involved in struggle for social & economic justice. We welcome young adults into rebuilding our congregations social & economic justice work together. We UUs can make a difference, disseminate truth, lead struggles & set an example for others. We meet in the Emerson Room, Friday, September 23. 7pm- potluck dinner (bring something to eat or drink). 7:30- We begin. We can do it only with your participation, ideas, experience and leadership. 5

Margaret McAlister & Sandy Howard PFLAG

PFLAG Kendall meets at 12pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami. PFLAG Homestead meets at 12pm the fourth Saturday of each month at St. Johns Episcopal Church,145 NE 10 Street in Homestead. For more info contact

Marilyn Rutgers Welcoming Cong regation

The Welcoming Congregation Committee is usually scheduled to meet on the rst Sunday of each month at 1pm.The Lavender Salon, which we sponsor, is an Intergenerational Event for Miami's LGBTQ Community.It is usually held on the second Sunday of the month at 6:30pm in the Emerson Room.We start with a Potluck followed by an evening of educational events and fun. We have been on hiatus for the summer months but will resume our Lavender Salon gathering on September 10th with Pridelines Youth Services GALAHomecoming Dance & Celebration!!We also plan to restartour



"The whole world is full of things, and somebody has to look for them." ~Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindgren, 1950
Monica Rizzo- Director of RE

Classes After a wonderful teacher workshop in early August, the Religious Education department has chosen a curriculum for each age group to follow this school year. For kids age 4-7 years old, the curriculum is called Wonderful Welcome, a Tapestry of Faith curriculum. The website describes this as: "The Wonderful Welcome curriculum engages and challenges leaders and children alike to explore how and why we are willing to welcome others into our lives. We welcome not only strangers, but family, our peers, our neighbors and even entities that are not people such as our animal friends and nature itself." Teachers for this age group are Dan Dickinson, Roxane Pickens, Lisa Shackelford, Eduardo Larenas and Julie Dobson. The curriculum for ages 8-12, also from Tapestry of Faith, is called Windows and Mirrors. The website says this about the curriculum: "In spirit, we embrace the contribution of diversity to our collective ability to pursue truth, fairness, justice and love. In practice, however, we often fail to embrace all the experiences and viewpoints in our communities as respectfully or as wholly as we might. Sometimes, we fail to even see differences among us. We seem most prone to gloss over differences when to acknowledge them requires acute self-examination and may lead to pain, shame, discomfort or guilt." Teachers for this age group include Yvonne Arias, Derrick Arias, Reed Olszack, Margaret McAlister, Calla Gudheim and Bernardo Carrillo. The youth group will continue to meet in Room 4 during the service at 11 am. Their upcoming curriculum and nal schedule are still being considered. The group will be meeting with their advisors, Cheryl Koenig-Morgan and Art Friedrich. We are hoping to have another advisor trained by the end of August as well, but do not have any further new at the deadline for this publication.

We begin this month with an Intergenerational Service on September 4 with a congregational potluck picnic to follow. Please bring a dish to share and be ready for kid friendly activities including some water play and other games. Please bring a swim suit, towel and sunscreen for your children if you would like them to participate in water activities. The last three Sundays will be regular classes for the kids. This means children ages 4 and up meet and stay in the sanctuary with their responsible adults until after the Story for All Ages. Children then meet their teachers in the breezeway and go to their individual classrooms for a lesson. Please pick up your child promptly after service. Also, each Sunday the nursery is open at 10:45 for infants-3 years old. Please note the age change. When dropping off your child, please sign him/her in on the class roster and leave your phone number. Each child is required to have appropriate supplies including diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snack and drink. Please pick up your child promptly after service. Registration If you have not yet registered your child for RE classes please see the Director of Religious Education (DRE), Monica, as soon as possible to ll out the appropriate paperwork so your child can attend classes. Religious Education Meeting The next RE committee meeting will be Sunday, October 2 at 12:45PM in the Religious Education Ofce. Due to scheduling, we are not meeting in the month of September. New to the Program? If you are new to the program and would like more information about Religious Education, please feel free to contact Monica Rizzo, the Director of Religious Education (DRE), at to chat by email, set up a phone call or schedule a face-to-face meeting.



Monica Rizzo- Director of RE Our Whole Lives (OWL) Update We have nally begun the OWL program that so many have been looking forward to for so many years!Currently we areteaching thegrade K-1 agegroup and thegrade4-6 group. Here is some more info about the program: The UUA developed Our Whole Lives to provide accurate information about healthy sexual development and sexuality issues in an age appropriate way. The classes offer a forum in which questions are respected and our children have a safe place to learn facts about matters so often heard in rumors, explore feelings, and nd values. We are excited about OWL because it has a history in other UU congregations of developing childrens skills to make healthy, responsible decisions throughout life. The K-1 curriculum includes chapters on Healthy Bodies, Safe Bodies and Babies and Families. The grades 4-6 curriculum, which is more detailed, includes chapters on Values and Sexuality and Puberty: Physical and Emotional Changes.If you have any more questions about the program, please feel free to email the DRE, Monica at

Carol Reiter UU Jazz Series The Sunday Afternoon Jazz Series begins its 12th Season on Sunday, September 25th, 2011 at 4pm with The Debbie Orta Quintet: Debbie Orta (jazz vocalist), Ed Maina (sax/ute/EWI), Nicky Orta (electric bass), Carlomagno Araya (drums), Mike Orta (piano). To View Bios: Singer Debbie Orta performs a terric jazz repertoire from the Great American Songbook in swing, Brazilian, and Latin jazz arrangements, as well as some jazz/funk, effortlessly exing her range and feel in these varied rhythms. With her onstage energy and versatility, she explores jazz styles, offering something fresh and new. Educated at the University of Miami and Florida International University, Debbie has performed at premier Jazz Festivals and clubs, including The Deering Estate Summer Cabaret, The Van Dyke Caf in South Beach, Blue Jean Blues, The SunTrust Sunday Jazz Brunch, Hollywood ArtsPark, Arturo Sandovals, The Seminole Hard Rock Casino, and the Setai Hotel on South Beach, among others. With her smoking band, she is a Founder of the Miami Jazz Coop and a featured performer of the prestigious Sunshine Jazz Organization of Miami. Debbie was the only South Florida jazz artist invited to perform at South Floridas premier music festival, SunFest 2009, opening the Sunday Jazz Brunch for jazz fusion group, Spyro Gyra. In addition to the virtuoso Orta-Araya-Maina combination, she often sings with other local jazz masters, including Turk Mauro and Othello Molineaux. In June, 2011, Debbie collaborated with, and performed alongside, Wendy Pedersen and a stellar live band in the highly successful KCC Production, Jazz Gals: Celebrating the Music of Peggy Lee and Billie Holiday at Sunrise Civic Center, Sunrise, Florida. Debbies cultural experiences add to her style and choice of material, providing an eclectic mix. CDs will be available for purchase after the concert. Visit Debbies website,! and nd her on Facebook. Tickets are $15.00 for adults, $10.00 for minors (cash only).

Andrea Mustelier Membership Committee We invite our guests and newcomers to visit the "Pineapple Table" on Sundays. It has been rewarding to see so many summer visitors & the way they have been welcomed. Wes love to pair up newcomers with members in order to share our community as they meet new people. It is the congregation as a whole that is our best representatives. We knowing that it is important to worship together on our spiritual journey but, we want to embrace those who are just starting their search as well. The committee is comprised of: Martha Dominguez, Martha Harrison, Melissa Jacobs, Selva Joseph, Andrea Mustelier, Derrick Mustelier, Jill Taft, Sterling Waiters & Ruth Wells. You can easily identify us by our bright yellow name tags with a pineapple on it (a symbol of hospitality). For the next 6 months we will be focusing on retention. We welcome any information about people who we can reach out to. We plan to work with the Caring Committee to make sure that we contact people that may be ill or going through a difcult time. Come meet with us on the First Wednesday each month, 7:30pm in the Emerson Room. 7 For more information contact Andrea Mustelier at (305) 299-9958.



Dr. Tim Buchholz- Director of Music UU Musicians Network Annual Conference I am excited to report back to all of you about the wonderful experience I had at the Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network Annual Conference I attended in Arlington, Virginia from Wednesday, July 27th through Sunday, July 31st. Approximately 250 UU Music Leaders from throughout the country attended the conference, and it was a highly energizing, informative, and inspiring experience. Some of the highlights included: Meeting and networking with fellow UU Music Directors from our Florida District and throughout the country. Attending workshops on a wide range of topics including: Developing a Childrens Choir, Leading Congregational Singing, Contemporary Singing for Choirs, Conducting techniques, The History of Our UU Hymnals and more. Learning about and singing from Las Voces del Camino, the new UU Spanish language hymnal. Singing in a 200+ member UU choir, and nding new UU choral music in the process. Attending a UU Jazz Worship Service. Learning about the many resources for UU music directors. I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend this conference, and am excited to share the knowledge and ideas I have brought back from the conference with all of you in the coming months.

Martha Harrison Restorative Circles & Conflict Transformation The Restorative Circles process has been described as a straightforward problem-solving and nonviolent restoration method that demonstrates how community members can resolve their own conicts when provided with a constructive forum to do so. The establishment of a restorative system empowers communities to consciously choose how they would like to respond to conict before it occurs a form of proactive, preventative conict transformation. It enables them to choose a nonviolent response to conict that involves the whole community in discovering their own sustainable strategies by addressing immediate as well as underlying long term causes. Restorative Circles are being used with great long-term success in schools, justice systems, and communities in this country and around the world. Facilitator, Duke Duchscherer, is a Certied Nonviolent Communication and is on the Board of Directors for the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. He has facilitated trainings in Restorative Circles and/or Nonviolent Communication in India, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, Canada and the United States. He taught at the European Peace University in Austria and the World Peace Academy in Switzerland, which draws students from all over the world. Duke's trainings and experience builds capacity in areas of peace-building, conict transformation, trauma healing, restorative processes and reconciliation.
For more information contact Registrar: Mercedes Frace, 941-492-9279 Registration: Opens 5/15/2011 $35 to conrm your space Sliding scale tuition $75-300

Dates: Friday- September 30, 2011 7 PM - 9 PM Saturday, October 1, 2011 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday, October 2, 2011 10 AM - 4 PM (doors open 9:30am) Location: Rising Tide Internationa 5102 Swift Road, Sarasota Fl Sponsored By: Suncoast NVC Peace Education & Action Center, Inc







7:30pm- Choir Practice, S

7pm- Young Adult Group, ER

11am- Alliance, Luncheon, S

9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am- Service, S 1pm- Welcoming Rev Wendy Potluck, S 1pm- Welcoming Congregation, R3 1:15pm- Grief Support, ER


6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

12pm- Lunch Bunch, ER

7:30pm- Choir Practice, S

12pm- PFLAG, ER 4pm- 911 Remembrance, ER 6pm- Lavender Salon, ER

9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am- Service, S


6:30pmBuddhist Reections, S 8pmHumanist Group, ER

12pm- Lunch Bunch, ER

7:30pm- Choir Practice, S



9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am Service, S 12:45pm- Worship Committee, R6 1:15pm- Grief Support, ER


6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

12pm- Lunch Bunch, ER

7:30pm- Choir Practice, S

7pm- Social Justice, ER


9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am- Service, S 4pm- Lotz Concert, S


6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

12:30pm- Lunch Bunch, ER

7:30pm- Choir Practice, S


Legend: ER= Emerson Room S= Sanctuary R= Room

TBD= To Be Determined, See Calendar Online for most recent information G= Grounds


Laura Hadden SWIM SWIM, the UU camp from Dec 26th-Jan 1st in Homestead is looking for workshop leaders. Anyone interested in sharing their skill or teach others something fun can contact Laura Hadden Also, check out the SWIM website and the new YouTube video v=iKfSSMskN38&feature=youtube_gdata_player



Staff Schedule & Contact Info
Rev. Wendy Pantoja, Minister- 305- 667-3697 The newsletters distribution is made possible with the help of John Asgeirson, Paul McCabe. Thank you gentlemen for proong, folding, labeling, stamping and distributing Connections to our community! Susie Green, Ofce Administrator- Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm & Sun 10:30am-12:30pm, Ph: 305-6673697, Fx: 305-667-9585, Email: Monica Rizzo, Director of Religious Education- Dr. Tim Buchholtz, Choir Director- Zoltan Bakos, Custodian, Summer Hours Available upon request.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami 7701 SW 76 Ave Miami, Fl 33143

September 2011 Deadline for the October Newsletter Articles: 10/15/11 Suggested donation for annual subscriptions: $25 Sunday Service- 11am

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