Technical Newsletter 23-01-2023

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Date: 24 Jan 2023

* Sensex 60941.67 + 319.90 * Nifty 18118.55 + 90.90 * Bank Nifty 42821.25 + 314.45
Market Preview
Nifty hovering near 18100 zone
Nifty has been hovering near the important 50EMA level of 18100
zone and finding tough resistance barrier near the 18150 levels
attempting several times to get a breakthrough. BankNifty touched
the 43000 zone and gradually slipped down to close near the
42800 levels with frontline banking stocks showing improvement
in their bias and anticipated for further upward move. Sectorwise
IT, Pharma, Auto, FMCG and Banking stocks were among the
major gainers while Realty, Metals and Infra were among the
laggards. The market breadth was very much flat with the advance
decline indicating a neutral ratio at close.
Market Forecast
Nifty daily range 18000-18250
Nifty once again witnessed a rangebound failing to cross the
18150 zone which has been acting as a tough barrier and finally
ended the session near 18100 levels with stocks moving in
rotation. The previous 4 sessions witnessed a narrow rangebound
movement near the significant 50EMA level of 18100 zone and
with the Budget session nearing we anticipate volatility in the
market with spurts expected in Budget related stocks. BankNifty
also saw an initial momentum pickup and thereafter witnessed
resistance near the 43000 zone and saw a gradual slide to close
near 42800 levels. The support for the day is seen at 18000 while
the resistance is seen at 18250. BankNifty would have the daily
* Blue candle  Close rate > Open rate * Red candle  Close rate < Open rate range of 42400-43300 levels.

Nifty Daily chart with RSI indicator:

BankNifty Daily chart with RSI indicator:


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