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Darius Vincent A.

Magpantay Building Utilities


Based from the basic principle of

Plumbing no. 1, It is said that all premises
intended for human habitation occupancy or use
shall be provided with a supply of pure and
wholesome water, neither connected with
unsafe water supplies. The picture shows that it
violates this principle because the water is
contaminated inside the water tank that makes
the water unsafe for human consumption. Way
back then, we used to drink tap waters because
it’s still pure and clean but as the time goes by,
we felt a stomachache or worst diarrhea when
we are drinking it. As a solution, call a skilled
professional ang let them clean it or in replace
of buying a new water tank that cost too much
buy a gallon of mineral water for water

In our house, we have a personal water tank

that gives us one of the necessities to live our lives
every day but in this basic principle of Plumbing no.
2, the picture violates it. It is stated that, plumbing
fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be
supplied with water sufficient volume and at
pressure adequate to enable them to function
satisfactorily and without undue noises under all
normal conditions of use. But this water tanks you
see produce an irritable sound every day. It also
disturbs the daily living of an individual and nearest
neighborhood. To make it sound peacefully instead
of buying a new water tank, replace the valve
because in this case the valve may not be closing
fully and shimmering on the water causing the
This picture violates the basic
principle no. 3 wherein plumbing shall be
designed and adjusted to use the minimum
quantity of water consistent with proper
performance and cleaning. Since, water is
the most important necessity of one family
or an individual it is needed to have a
minimum quantity of supply of water in
order to have a proper hygiene. But this
photo shows that the flow of water is low.
As a solution, Check the pipes if there is a
clogged that restricting the water to flow
and if it isn’t still the case, you must contact
a skilled professional to solve this problem.

Principle no. 4 states that devices for

heating and storing water shall be designed and
installed as to prevent dangers from explosion.
The picture shows that the outlet of the heater
is placed above the shower. It can cause
electricity faults or troubles that can cause
explosion because tap water is not an electric
conductor. As a solution the heater outlets must
be placed 6 feet away from the edge of bathtub
or shower and at least 1 foot away from sinks.
Every building having plumbing
fixture installed and intended for human
habitation, occupancy or use on premises
abutting on a street, alley or easement where
there is a public sewer, shall be connected to
the sewer system as stated to the basic
principle of plumbing no. 5. The photo
shows that there is no proper canals or
drainage system installed near the house that
is connected to any public sewage canals. It
causes bad odor to near places or
neighborhood and housing of mosquitos that
can affect the health of the people living in
the area. As a solution, it should have a
proper canals and drainage system to flow
the water into bodies of water.

The basic principle no. 6 states that

each family dwelling unit or with a private
sewage disposal system shall have at least one
water closet and one kitchen type sink. Further
a lavatory and bathtub or shower shall be
installed to meet the basic requirements of
sanitation and proper hygiene. The photo is
violating the basic principle no. 6 because it
has only a water closet and a faucet. Shower,
lavatory and bathtub is not present. As a
solution to meet the basic requirements of
sanitation and proper hygiene it is needed to
install at least a lavatory and a shower.
The photo violates the basic principle
no. 7 plumbing fixtures shall be made of
smooth non-absorbent material, free from
concealed fouling surfaces and shall be
located in ventilated enclosures because it is
located outside the house and exposed to
different micro-organisms that can
contaminate the water such as corrosion traces
and mosses. Since, it is exposed, it is always
unintentionally hit by someone that causes of
breaking or in worst damaging the pipe. As a
solution, this kind of pipe is fragile so that it is
a must that it is stored in a safe place to
prevent from breaking.

The drainage system shall be designed, constructed and maintained to safeguard against
fouling, deposit of solids, clogging and with adequate cleanouts so arranged that the pipe may be
readily cleaned as stated to basic principle of plumbing no. 8. The photo violates the said
principle because the lavatory was restricted from smooth flow of water inside the pipe. As a
solution, the pipe must be cleaned to remove the clogged solid elements that causes on restriction
of water flow.

Basic principle of Plumbing no. 9 explains that all piping of systems shall be made of
durable materials, free from detective workmanship designed and checked by a Registered
Master Plumber to ensure satisfactory service. The photo shows an extension part of the kitchen.
The tiles represent the beginning of an extension part. The workmanship of this extension part
(such as piping system) was not made by the skilled professionals so that the owner experienced
clogged lavatory moments and clogged water closet at times. It is always important to hire
professional in order to be safe and be at eased all time.

Based from basic

principle of Plumbing no. 10,
each fixture directly
connected to the drainage
system shall be equipped
with a water-sealed trap and
in the photo, there isn’t
water-sealed trap present to
prevent the lavatory from
clogging. As a solution it is a
must to have a filter in order to let the water flow without any restriction or clogging. So, having
a water-seal trap is a must. Buy one.

Basic principle of Plumbing no. 13

states that plumbing systems shall be subjected
to such test to effectively disclose all leaks and
defects in the workmanship but the photo shows
a damage water tank wherein the water
continues to leak when it is operating. As a
solution, cover it by means of welding or you
may be able to seal the leak by using an
appropriate sealant for tank construction. And if
it isn’t go as planned, contact a skilled
professional to help you with your water tank

Water closet which are not properly ventilated and

lighted should not be used in any
compartment or room as stated to basic
principles of plumbing no. 16. The photo
shows a comfort room that has no proper or
natural ventilation. The water closet needs
to have a proper ventilation to prevent
having a bad odor inside the comfort room
or having a feeling of suffocation. As a
solution, locate your comfort rooms in a
well-ventilated part of your house or put an
artificial ventilation such as exhaust fan.
Artificial ventilation is okay but Natural ventilation is much better.

Based from basic principle no.

18, where a plumbing system and
drainage system may be subject to
backflow of sewage, suitable provision
shall be made to prevent its overflow
in the building. The picture shows a
pipe that leaks because of backflow
and a sudden overflow happened. And
as a solution, replace the existing
drainage to prevent another backflow
or contact a skilled professional to
have a suitable provision and to
maintain the cleanliness and safety of
everyone inside the building or

Plumbing system and drainage system

shall be maintained in serviceable condition
by skilled plumbers as stated by basic
principles of plumbing no. 19, but it is shown
in the picture that a barangay road hasn’t
enough public sewer or canals to maintain the
cleanliness. It can affect the daily livelihood
of individual because of the bad odor of the
water passing their houses. As a solution, allot
a budget for making a public canal to have a
serviceable condition lifestyle and to prevent a flood and also, contact a skilled professional on
doing so.

Stated to basic principle of

plumbing no. 20, all plumbing
fixtures shall be installed properly
spaced, to be accessible for their
intended use. The photo shows an
unworkable faucet in a lavatory. It
plays a vital role for daily living
such as washing the dishes but it
can’t be used because the supply of
water is too low at performance. As
the solution, Check the pipes if
there is a clogged solid element
that restricting the water to flow
and if it isn’t still the case, you
must contact a skilled professional
to solve this problem.

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