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English Speaking

independent Clubleaders
IPL Speaking Club

Uncountable nouns,
Oil drilling rig
•1. We
tank a lot of work to
on time. = We have to finish this
2. shale shakers 17. lots of work to do to
Pipe rack
‘many’, ‘much’ and finish thisline
3. Suction project on time.18. Swivel

lot of’1 4. Mud pump 19. Kelly drive

2.1 Comparing quantity:

5. Motor or power source 20. Rotary table
Match the components in the list with 6. Vibrating hose 21. Drill floor
1 Countable and
the numbers in the schematic 7. Draw works 22. Bell nipple
‘much more’, ‘much less’ When we compare two
uncountable nouns
8. Stand pipe 23. Blowout preventer
Casing head, shale shakers, drill bit, mud or more quantities and we
9. Kelly hose
want to show that
24. Blowout preventer
tank, Kelly drive, rotary table, Kelly hose, the difference
10. Goose- neck is big, we can (pipeuse:
ram and shear ram)
Nouns can be countable or uncountable.
standpipe, suction line, draw-works, 11. Travelling
“much .............. than 25.Drill
more”block = a lot string
more ............ than
Countable nouns can be counted: e.g. one 26. Drill bit
vibrating hose, goose neck, pipe rack, drill 12. Drill line
“much less” ................ than = a lot less ............. than
spanner, two spanners; one nail, four nails. 13. Crown block 27. Casing head
floor, swivel, flow line, motor, bell nipple,
An uncountable noun cannot be counted. 14. Derrick
Marcos has $20 and Maria 28. Flow
has $6 linedollars.
blowout preventer, ((BOP)s pipe rams and
For instance, we cannot count water, 15. Monkey board
shear rams), derrick, crown block, mud Marcos has the most money.
oil or rice. We cannot give a number
pump, travelling block, monkey board,
to an uncountable noun but we can give
stand (of drill pipe), Kelly drive, drill string, Text: A major oil
Maria has the least money.
a quantity. e.g. three litres of oil; a bottle
casing head
of water; five kilograms of rice. company
Marcos has $10 and Maria has $2.
Marcos has a lot more/much more money
Uncountable nouns than Maria.
take a singular verb Maria has a lot less/much less money
is a major American oil company
• Petrol is expensive that merged with Exxon in 1999 to form
• There is no water left in the bottle. Marcos has $10
ExxonMobil. and Maria
It operates hasstations,
petrol $8.
Marcos has convenience
more money than stores and auto-
Uncountable nouns
take a singular verb Maria has less money than Marcos.It was
repair shops throughout the world.
founded in 1911 and quickly grew to be one
Much is used with uncountable nouns such of the world’s most important oil companies.
Comparing quantities
as rice, water, and petrol. ExxonMobil is the world’s largest international
Barrels of oil
oil and Gas Company and the world’s largest
• How much rice would you like?
‘Oil’ is an uncountableofnoun
refiner and marketer petroleum products.
• Australians don’t eat much rice ExxonMobil is also a technology company,
applying science and innovation to find better,
Many is used with countable nouns such as
safer and cleaner ways to deliver the energy
bolts, screws or knives.
the world needs. The company employs over
• How many nails are there in that box? 80,000 people worldwide.
• There are many students in this class.
Exercise 2
A lot of and lots of can be used with both
countable and uncountable nouns. There is Refer to the paragraph and write down
no difference between the two. answers to the following questions. Use
• I have a lot of friends. = I have lots of friends complete sentences where required.

Name: Code:
English Speaking
independent Clubleaders
IPL Speaking Club

1. Find three comparative nouns,
We have a 3 lot of work to do to finish this
project on time. = We have lots of work to do to
‘many’, ‘much’ and
Better, safer, cleaner
finish thisthe correct
project on possessive
time. wor
to complete the sent
‘a lot of’
2. Find two superlative adjectives. 2.1
1. TheyComparing our
are ....................... quantity:
(our/ours) friends.
1 Countable and
Most important, the world’s largest 2. They
‘much are workmates
more’, ‘much less’of
When we compare (her/hers) two
uncountable nouns
3. When was Exxon Mobil founded?
3. more quantities
I put .................... and we want
(my/mine) toolstoinshow mythat
the difference
(my/mine) toolbox is big, weI put
and can ................................
use: your
NounsIt was
canfounded in 1911/ or uncountable.
be countable
“much more” .............. yours = a lot
in ...........................
than (your/yours)
more ............ than
4. How many
Countable employees
nouns does Exxon
can be counted: Mobil
e.g. one
have? two spanners; one nail, four nails.
spanner, “much
4. Thisless” ................
morning I foundthana=purse.a lot less
Is it .............
yours than
(your/yours)? — No, mine
An uncountable
Exxon Mobil hasnoun cannot
over 80,000 be counted.
employees worldwide Marcos has $20 andit’s Marianot ................................
has $6 dollars.
For instance, we cannot count water, (my/mine)
Marcos has the most money.
Possessive pronouns
oil or rice. We cannot give a number
to an uncountable noun but we can give
5. Safety
Maria hasisthe your
least money. (your/yours)
and determiners
a quantity. e.g. three litres of oil; a bottle
Marcos has $10 and Maria has $2.
of water; five kilograms of rice. 6. Please send your
Marcos has a lot................................
more/much more (your/yours)
There are two types of words which show CV and a letter with your
................................ (your/
Uncountable nouns than Maria.
possession or ownership. yours) application.
take a singular verb Maria has a lot less/much less money
• The first type act as adjectives and are than
7. MyMarcos.boss has gone to visit ............................... her
• Petrol
used inis expensive
front of nouns. They are also called
(her/hers) brother in hospital. He goes to
• There is no water
possessive left in the
determiners. bottle.
e.g. my friend, his Marcos has $10 and Maria has $8.
book, their children. visit her every evening. She is in hospital
becausehas shemore money thanher Maria.(her/
• The second type nounsis called a possessive fell off ................................
take a singular verb on their own and take Maria has less money
hers) motorcycle last week than Marcos.
and broke
pronoun. They stand
the is
place her
.............................. (her/hers) arm.
Much usedofwith
a noun to show ownership.
uncountable nouns suche.g. Comparing quantities
This phone is mine.
as rice, water, and petrol. my
8. I can’t find ................................ (my/mine)
Barrels of oil yours
• Subject
How much ricePossessive
would you like?Possessive hacksaw. Can I borrow ................................ (your/
‘Oil’ is an uncountable noun
• pronoun
Australians don’t eat much ricepronouns
determiners yours)?
I My Mine
Many is used with countable nouns such as
He His His
bolts, screws or knives.
She Her Hers Rules of punctuation
• ItHow many nailsIts are there in thatItsbox?
• There are many students in this class. Exercise 4
We Our Ours
AYoulot of and lots ofyour
can be used withYoursboth Complete these rules of punctuation by
countable Their
and uncountable Theirs
nouns. There is filling in the gaps with the words below:
no difference between the two.
• I have a lot of friends. = I have lots of friends

Name: Code:
independent petroleum leaders
IPL Speaking Club

Uncountable nouns,
Comma (,), full stop (.), Question mark (?),
be aused
lot oftowork
do to finish this
project on time. = We have lots of work to do to
Capital letter‘much’ and
(A), apostrophe (’), • Would you like coffee or tea?
• thissugar
Is this project
or on time.
exclamation mark (!)
‘a lot of’ • Did she say ‘fifteen’ or ‘fifty’?
1. Every sentence in English starts with a 2.1
‘But’ isComparing quantity:
used to link items that have
1 Countable and
Capital letter.
......................... contrasting meanings.
‘much more’, ‘much less’ When we compare two
a full stop (.)
2. Every sentence in English ends with a • Your computer is very old but it is still
or useful.
more quantities and we want to show that
• difference is big, we
brother speaks can use:
Arabic and English but
3. Names canof bedays
countable or uncountable.
and months start with a he doesn’t speak Portuguese.
“much more” .............. than = a lot more ............ than
Capital nouns
......................... can be counted: e.g. one
spanner, two spanners; one nail, four nails. “much less” ................ than = a lot less ............. than
4. A question ends with a .........................question mark (?). Exercises 5
An uncountable noun cannot be counted. Marcos has $20 and Maria has $6 dollars.
5. You
For instance, exclamation
we mark (!)water,
use a
cannot count the end of
1. Whichhas
Marcos toolthe
you want?
money.A spanner
a sentence to express
oil or rice. We cannot give a number surprise. or
Maria has the a screwdriver?
least money.
to At uncountable
comma (,) noun
a......................... but webriefly.
you pause can give
a quantity. e.g. three litres of oil; a bottle 2. I went to bed early………………………….
Marcos has $10 and Maria has $2.
7. Names of people, countries, places and unfortunately I got up late.
of water; five kilograms of rice. capital letter Marcos has a lot more/much more money
organisations start with a .........................
3. MyMaria. but
motorcycle is old …………………………. it still
Uncountable nouns than
8. Language names capital letter
start with a ......................... runs well.
Maria has a lot less/much less money
take a singular verb
capital letter in the middle
9. You cannot use a ......................... than Marcos.
4. I have but
been to Brazil …………………………. I have
•ofPetrol is expensive
a sentence except for names. never been to Portugal.
• There is no water left in the bottle. Marcos has $10 and Maria has $8.
10. If a letter is left out of a word you must use
an apostrophe (’) 5. Would
Marcos you
has like money
more a standard
an .........................
Uncountable nouns ………………………….
or a superior room?
take a singular verb Maria has less money than Marcos.
6. Each room has a television …………………………. a
Much is used with uncountable nouns such
as rice, water, and petrol.
Comparing but quantities
fan …………………………. no air conditioning.

‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’

• How much rice would you like?
7. Please
‘Oil’ is an
oil my hammer ………………………….
uncountable noun

Australians don’t some nails.
we write weeat
canmuch rice
join clauses with
conjunctions to form complex sentences. 8. You have two choices. You can use nails
Many is used with countable nouns such as
Here are some important conjunctions and or
…………………………. you can use screws.
bolts, screws
how they areor knives.
9. I have a cordless drill …………………………. the
many nails are
phrases or there in that
clauses whichbox?
are both battery is flat.
There are many students in this class.
• Yesterday it was hot and sunny. 10. If there is an accident you must make
A lot of and lots of can be used with both
• My name is Ken and I come from New two reports, a verbal report ………………………….
and a
Zealand.and uncountable nouns. There is written report.
no difference
• My between
friend can speak the two.
Indonesian and
• I Portuguese.
have a lot of friends. = I have lots of friends

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