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Soviet’s command is supreme across all the Soviet Union’s states in its confederation.

The ruling party

and its leader would direct the policy goals and pursued acti Soviet Union also had the idea of developing
the Soviet Union’s2017). This policy centralizes production of agricultural products including livestock
that are all divided according to the number of regions concerned. The Soviet Union leadership during’s
ons that would boost the Soviet Union’s system, particularly in vitalizing its economic landscape. Stalin
and hi influence in the global s subordinates

2017). This policy centralizes production of agricultural products including livestock that are all divided
according to the number of regions concerned. The Soviet Union leadership during

assets as its operation

Households were placed into
goals of Stalin, the Soviet Union had an objective to achieve three transformations for its ‘Great Turn’ in
the countryside of Central Asia

beneficial in crop production, the USSR also increased the taxes for crop production among farmers,
which affected the sustenance of their necessities

crops so it would be enough for the demands of the Soviet. The five Central Asian Republics during this
time are all focused on producing agricultural crops. In this case, the Soviet utilized four countries of
Central Asia as crop-producing agricultural

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