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Chapter 1: Introduction
o Background of the Study
It's widely understood that policemen have the enormous responsibility to protect
and serve the populace against selfish individuals who are just seeking for an opportunity
to gain advantage for them through chaos and disorder in our community with an ever-
changing social climate is making it more and more apparent.

The PNP considerably succeeded in establishing neighbourhood partnership

through the Community Oriented Policing System (COPS), however the institution suffers
constantly from the negative perception caused by undesirable attitudes and abuses
exacerbated by operational lapses, infidelity in the custody of prisoners ad mishandling
of investigations.

o Statement of the Problem

In general, the proposed study is to compare the index crime rate and non-index
crime rate in effect of the implementation of Project Double Barrel at San Isidro, Davao
Specifically, this sought answers to the following research problems:

1. What type of non-index crimes are recorded by the police force in San Isidro
Municipal Police Station from July 1 to November 2015 and from July 1 to
November 2016?
2. What type of index crimes are recorded by the police force in San Isidro
Municipal Police Station from July 1 to November 2015 and from July 1 to
November 2016?

3. What is the prevalence of recorded index crimes and non-index crimes in the
two periods?

4. What are the rates of index crimes and non-index crimes in the municipality
San Isidro from July 1 to November 2015 and from July 1 to November 2016?

5. Is there significant difference in the rates of index crimes and non-index crimes
in municipality San Isidro from July 1 to November 2015 and from July 1 to
November 2016?

o Objectives of the Study

o Significance of the Study

The proposed study is considered significant because it will comparatively
analyze the rate of index and non-index crimes in effect to the implementation of Project
Double Barrel. In that sense, it could be useful to the Local Government Unit of San
Isidro, San Isidro Municipal Police Station (SIMPS), Davao Oriental Police Provincial
Office (DOPPO), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and other
members of the public sector, and students and researcher to fully recognize the
relationship of Project Double Barrel to the prevalence of index and non-index crimes.
The following are expected to benefit from this study:
The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) which authority
over local government executives including public safety line bureaus like the Philippine
National Police (PNP), the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology (BJMP), enables it to direct policy guidelines on matters of
public safety and security. Future findings and recommendations of this study may be of
valuable use to the DILG in policy formulation and issuance of Department Orders to the
PNP towards further improvement of the PNP standard operating procedures in dealing
with index and non-index crimes in particular the effects of the implementation of Project
Double Barrel towards the constituents of San Isidro.
The Philippine National Police (PNP), wherein its top hierarchy and units
responsible for the implementation of Project Double Barrel and with respect in
responding to calls/information regarding crimes of all types, this study may be used as a
reference for review and further improvement of measures and procedures towards
further operational effectiveness.
Local Government Unit of San Isidro on whose shoulders lay the responsibility of
keeping their political jurisdictions safe, orderly and secure from threats, this study may
be used for decision-making concerning further support, financial or otherwise, to their
local PNP units under their operational supervision during the implementation of Project
Double Barrel with respect to capability against crime.
Other members of the public sector, especially NGOs and cause-oriented groups
that are well-organized and having a collective drive to push proper authorities into
timely action concerning issues most especially the welfare of those who are involved in
the drug related crimes either perpetrator or victims. The future findings and
recommendations of this study could be of great help for purposes of strengthening
public safety and security against criminal activities and to the programs to be laid down
for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Finally, this research could be used by students and other researchers conducting
similar studies.

o Scope and Limitation of the Study

The proposed study will focus on the rates of index and non-index crimes for two
periods, namely: July 1 to November 2015 and from July 1 to November 2015. Data were
limited to index and non-index crimes recorded by the San Isidro Municipal Police
Station. Secondary data were obtained from the records of Davao Oriental Police
Provincial Office.

o Definition of Terms

For purposes of clarity to establish a common frame of reference for the study, the
following terms are defined operationally as they are used in this study:
Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which the Philippine government (via
mechanisms such as legal system) can ultimately prescribe a conviction.
Crime prevention refers to strategies and measures that seek to reduce the risk of crimes
occurring, and their potential harmful effects on individuals and society, including fear of crime,
by intervening to influence their multiple causes.
Homicide refers to the act of a human killing a human being. A common form of
homicide, for example, would be murder. It can also describe a person who has committed such
an act, though this use is rare in modern English. Homicide is not always an illegal act, so
although "homicide" is often used as a synonym for "murder", this is not formally correct
Index crimes refer to those violations of the penal code considered to have
socioeconomic significance, and occur with sufficient regularity to be meaningful. These include
crimes against person (murder, homicide, physical injury and rape), and crimes against property
(robbery and theft).
Project Double Barrel
Rape is an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with another person without
that person's consent.
Robbery is the crime of seizing property through violence or intimidation.
Serious physical injuries refer to the act of a human wounding, beating, or assaulting
another, shall be guilty of the crime of serious physical injuries.
Theft refers to unauthorized taking, keeping or using of another's property and/or the
intent to permanently deprive the owner or the person with rightful possession of that property or
its use.

Chapter 2: Review of Literature and Theoretical Framework

o Related Literature and Studies

o Conceptual Framework

o Research Hypotheses
Ho1: The implementation of Project Double Barrel has no significant effect in the
rates of index and non-index crimes in San Isidro, Davao Oriental in the period of
July 1 - November 2015 vs July 1 - November 2016.

Chapter 3: Methodology
o Method Used
The proposed study will employ a descriptive research design. It will dealt on the rates of
index and non-index crimes in effect to the implementation of Project Double Barrel in San
Isidro from July to November 2015 to July to November 2016. Data from San Isidro Municipal
Police Station will be utilize to answer the objectives of this research.

o Sources of Data
Prior to the collection of data, permission must be secured from the Research Adviser and
thereafter, permission to collect data from the crime registrar will be obtain from the Chief of
Police of San Isidro Municipal Police Station.
Other relevant information will obtained from the web, existing reports, research papers,
books, journals, and other publications.

o Data Gathering Instrument

o Sampling Technique
o Procedure of the Study
o Statistical Treatment
Appendix A : Survey Questionnaire

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