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Final Synopsis for B.Arch.

thesis 2023
– KMCT Kalathode , Kerala.

Writing a Synopsis determines your understanding of the chosen topic as your thesis project. We will
list out and discuss different steps in which one should proceed with writing a Synopsis. Briefly
explain the Architectural/technological/social relevance or significance of the research work of your
thesis topic. Be precise and include only relevant background material in the introduction. Provide
information on past works by way of giving appropriate references.

Description of the thesis:

 Keeping in mind the limitations and difficulties, identify the precise architecturally relevant
area and extent of the thesis that you attempt.
 Detailed explanations of the drawbacks/problems identified for which you seek possible
architectural solutions.
 Explain in detail how the case studies will help resolve the drawbacks/problems identified.
 Clear the role of literature studies and case study analysis methods which would be useful
for the thesis.
 Define the detailed methodology that will lead you toward Architectural solutions.

The thesis synopsis should be 300 words ( 4-6 pages). After the thesis topic is finalized, the detailed
synopsis will be submitted per the following details and format.

1. Design brief: project Introduction, live project or hypothesis, promoter ( funding agency of
the proposed project ), location, scale, type, and any special program or process proposed to
be applied in this thesis.
2. Need for the study: feasibility of the proposed project /site, why we need this type of
project for this context.
3. Aim, objective, scope, and limitations.
4. Site details – site background, plan, area, location, climatic zone, and other eco-sensitive
zones ( like coastal regulation), slopes/topography, surrounding land use, and important
landmarks. With detail dimension of the site, orientation , access road and proximity to
public transport.
5. Building program ( area statement) – the type of activities, no of people/occupancy, and
area requirements, a minimum of 5000m2 of total built-up area is required.
6. List of Case studies – live and literature (2 + 2 minimum only, a student can do more to
understand the project type better) with details of location, designer/ architects, areas,
location, and context. If complete similar projects are unavailable, a student can do a case
study separately for different functions in the proposed project.
7. Suggested special topic related to the thesis title: a special topic that would help to
guide/evolve concept or data applicable to the design process. A minimum of one topic is
8. References: web, books, journals, articles, and others that will be referred in the project.

Please, note : Today, too much data is available - collect data more specific to the project &

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