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In the course of the implementation of the project, the Consultant shall provide the
following Site Staff approved by the Government namely:
1) Resident Engineer
2) Clerk-of-Works

The duties of the Site Staff are as follows:

1. Resident Engineer

The Consultant shall ensure that at specified time shown in Schedule C while
undertaking the Project, the Resident Engineer acceptable to the Government shall take
charge of the operations of the Project. The Resident Engineer shall be responsible for
liaison between the Consultant and the Government. The duties of the Resident
Engineer are as follows:
a) He shall organise and phase the duties of his staff to suit the construction
b) He shall supervise the permanent work to ensure that it executed to the correct
line and level, and that the materials and workmanship comply with the
c) He shall execute or supervise tests carried out at the site, and he shall inspect
materials and manufacture at source.
d) He shall issue instructions and drawings to the Contractor’s Agent.
e) He shall agree departures from the contract documents upon in consultation with
the Project Manager.
f) He shall draft variation orders and pass them to the Project Manager.
g) He shall keep a diary constituting a detailed history of the work of the
construction and of significant happenings at the site, and submit regular periodic
progress reports to the Project Manager.
h) He shall keep records of inspections, variations, testing and point of contention.
i) Where the Contractor claims payment for additional work, he shall check with the
Contractor and record all relevant circumstances, including the cost of labour and
materials, seeking agreement on matters of fact before any question of principle
has to be decided by the Project Manager or an Arbitrator.
j) He shall record and check the progress of the work against the programme.
k) He shall assist in measuring, in agreement with the Contractor’s staff, the
quantities of the work executed, and he shall check daywork and other accounts
for interim and final payments due to the Contractor.
l) He shall examine methods proposed by the Contractor for executing the work,
and temporary work.
m) He shall redesign work to the extent that this may be delegated by the Project
n) He shall record on drawings prepared for the purpose, the actual level and nature
of all foundations, the strata encountered in excavation, and full details of any
deviations from the working drawings which have been made during the
execution of the work.
o) He shall observe the behavior of the finishes works, recording movements,
settlements etc.
p) He shall keep all Project Manager’s staff fully informed on matters which may
affect their work, including copies of the relevant site instructions and

2. Civil And Structural Clerk-Of-Work

The duties are as follows:-

a) He shall check the workmanship and material for conformity with the
drawings, specification and site instructions, and he shall inform the Resident
Engineer and the Contractor where this is not achieved.

b) He shall note the site instructions and any other relevant directives onto the
drawings used in inspection, to ensure that they are taken into account during
and inspection.

c) He shall check the reinforcement against the drawings and to inform the
Resident Engineer and the Contractor of any discrepancies. This inspection
must be carried out prior to the erection of any formwork which would impede
access to the steel.

d) He shall prepare a written list of any points which may require attention, in
conjunction with the Project Manager/Engineer, where the Contractor has
asked for the inspection. He shall pass the list to the Contractor’s foreman.
He shall check that this point have been rectified or agreed before this part of
works is covered (by concreting, erecting formwork, or earthworks as the
case may be), unless the Resident Engineer advises him that relaxation of
requirements has been agreed. A copy of this list should be passed to the
Resident Engineer.

e) He shall attend during concreting, to ensure that the workmanship is

satisfactory and to observe the formwork. He shall check the workability of
the concrete.

f) He shall inspect the concrete when the forms are struck, to note any defects
and to inform the Resident Engineer.
g) He shall attend operations where full records are required e.g. piling,
prestressing, grouting etc.

h) He shall check the levels of the foundations after placing the blinding
concrete (or earlier if extra digging is involved) and he shall inform the
Resident Engineer of any significant discrepancies. He shall agree the levels
with the Contractor’s Quantity Surveyor where extra digging is involved.

i) He shall keep a daily diary recording the weather, the work in progress,
inspections, carried out, concrete placed, movements of key plant, points of
special difficulty or contention, other items of special interest, and his own
hours of attendance on this site.

j) He shall note minor variations which may affect payment and to notify the
Resident Engineer.

k) He shall record the ground conditions in foundations on the layout drawings.

l) He shall notify the Resident Engineer of any accidents on site and record
these in his diary.

m) He shall keep record drawings marked with the dates when concreting takes

n) He shall keep a record of the Contractor’s staff and the sub-contractors on


o) He shall ensure that general disciplines such as the curing and protection
fresh concrete, the provision for traffic through the site, and safe working
conditions are maintained. These can best be kept under control by requiring
items in this category to be put in order before inspecting for concreting.

p) He shall keep other Resident Engineer’s staff informed on matters which may
affect their work.

q) He shall report daily, in person, to the Resident Engineer.

r) He shall undertake any other work requested by Resident Engineer.

s) He shall supervise routine test where requested.



1.0 AM

1.1. Bertanggungjawab kepada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Pegawai

Penguasa, Wakil-wakil Pegawai Penguasa, Pengurus Tapak dan Jurutera
1.2. Bertanggungjawab membantu Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak mengurus,
mentadbir dan menyelaras pejabat tapak dan semua aktiviti berkaitan skop
kerja mekanikal di tapakbina berpandukan “Conditions of Contracts”. Undang-
undang dan akta-akta yang berkaitan, spesifikasi dan lukisan mengikut
amalan pembinaan.
1.3. Bertanggungjawab membantu Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak merekod,
menyelia dan menyimpan semua dokumentasi, sample bahan dan ujian di
tapakbina bersama wakil kontraktor yang sah serta memastikan aktiviti
pemasangan kerja mekanikal mengikut Jadual Pelaksanaan Projek yang


2.1. Membantu Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak menyemak semua lukisan

perkedaian kejuruteraan mekanikal dan menyelarasnya dengan lukisan-
lukisan pembinaan arkitek, lukisan-lukisan pembinaan kejuruteraan awam dan
struktur dan juga senarai bahan (“bill of quantities”) / spesifikasi bagi
memastikan ianya betul dan tiada “discrepancies” untuk digunakan bagi
tujuan pembinaan.
2.2. Membantu Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak menyemak dan memastikan
bahan-bahan yang digunakan adalah mengikut spesifikasi dan bermutu serta
sesuai digunakan untuk tujuan pembinaan.

3.1. Menyelia kerja-kerja kontraktor supaya menepati lukisan dan spesifikasi

sebagaimana dalam kontrak.
3.2. Memantau kemajuan kerja berdasarkan Jadual Pelaksanaan Projek supaya
kerja dapat disiapkan mengikut jadual.
3.3. Membuat Laporan Harian kepada Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak mengenai
penyeliaan dan pemantauan kerja.
3.4. Menyelaras kerja-kerja pemasangan sistem mekanikal dan yang
bersangkutan dengannya.
3.5. Memeriksa bahan yang dipakaiguna untuk kerja-kerja mekanikal berdasarkan
lukisan dan spesifikasi sebelum ianya boleh dipasang.
3.6. Mengawasi Ujian-ujian terhadap pemasangan dan peralatan oleh kontraktor
mekanikal di tapakbina.
3.7. Menghadiri mesyuarat tapak/teknikal/koordinasi dan lain-lain jika diperlukan.
3.8. Menilai dan membuat Laporan Kemajuan Kerja oleh kontraktor mekanikal
yang dinamakan.
3.9. Menerima dan melaksanakan arahan dari Pegawai Penguasa/Wakil Pegawai
Penguasa serta Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak dari masa ke semasa.
3.10. Mengawasi ujian-ujian dan kerja-kerja pemasangan bagi sistem mekanikal
mengikut perincian lukisan yang diluluskan oleh pihak Berkuasa Mekanikal
dan selaras dengan skop kerja arkitek dan kejuruteraan awam dan struktur.


4.1. Mengurus dan menyelaras lain-lain kerja di tapakbina yang berkaitan dengan
jawatannya yang diarahkan dari masa ke semasa.


1.0 AM

1.1 Bertanggungjawab kepada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia,

Pegawai Penguasa, Wakil-Wakil Pegawai Penguasa, Pengurus Tapak
dan Jurutera Tapak.
1.2 Bertanggungjawab membantu Pengurus Tapak dan Jurutera Tapak
mengurus, mentadbir dan menyelaras pejabat tapak dan semua aktiviti
berkaitan skop kerja elektrikal di tapakbina berpandukan “Condition Of
Contract”, Undang-undang dan akta-akta yang berkaitan spesifikasi dan
lukisan mengikut amalan pembinaan.
1.3 Bertanggungjawab membantu Pengurus/Jurutera Tapak merekod,
menyelia dan menyimpan semua dokumentasi, sample bahan dan ujian
di tapak bina bersama wakil kontraktor yang sah serta memastikan aktiviti
pemasangan kerja elektrikal mengikut Jadual Pelaksanaan Projek yang


2.1 Membantu Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak menyemak semua lukisan

perkedaian kejuruteraan elektrikal dan elektrikal dan menyelarasnya
dengan lukisan-lukisan pembinaan arkitek, lukisan-lukisan pembinaan
kejuruteraan awam dan struktur dan juga senarai bahan “ Bill Of Quatity” /
spesifikasi bagi memastikan ianya betul dan tiada “discrepancies” untuk
digunakan bagi tujuan pembinaan.
2.2 Membantu Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak menyemak dan memastikan
bahan-bahan yang digunakan adalah mengikut spesifikasi dan bermutu
serta sesuai digunakan untuk tujuan pembinaan.

3.1 Menyelia kerja-kerja kontraktor supaya menepati lukisan dan spesifikasi

sebagaimana dalam kontrak.
3.2 Memantau kemajuan kerja berdasarkan Jadual Pelaksanaan Projek
supaya kerja dapat disiapkan mengikut jadual.
3.3 Membuat Laporan Harian kepada Pengurus Tapak/Jurutera Tapak
mengenai penyeliaan dan pemantauan kerja.
3.4 Menyelaras kerja-kerja pemasangan system elektrikal dan yang
bersangkutan dengannya.
3.5 Memeriksa bahan yang dipakaiguna untuk kerja-kerja elektrikal
berdasarkan lukisan dan spesifikasi senelum ianya boleh dipasang.
3.6 Mengawasi Ujian-Ujian terhadap pemasangan dan peralatan kontaktor
elektrikal di tapakbina.
3.7 Menghadiri mesyuarat tapak/teknikal/koordinasi dan lain-lain jika
3.8 Menilai dan membuat Laporan Kemajuan Kerja oleh kontraktor elektrikal
yang dinamakan.
3.9 Menerima dan melaksanakan arahan dari Pegawai Penguasa/Wakil
Pegawai Penguasa serta Pengurus Tapak/Jututera Tapak dari semasa
ke semasa.
3.10 Mengawasi ujian-ujian dan kerja-kerja pemasangan bagi system elektrikal
3.11 mengikut perincian lukisan yang diluluskan oleh Pihak Bekuasa Elektrik
dan selaras dengan skop kerja arkitek dan kejuruteraan awam dan


4.1 Mengurus dan menyelaras lain-lain kerja ditapakbina yang berkaitan

dengan jawatannya yang diarahkan dari masa ke semasa.


1.1 Responsible to Ministry of Education of Malaysia, S.O, S.O’s representative, Site

Manager/Resident Engineer and Clerk of Works.
1.2 Responsible to assist the Site Manager/ Resident Engineer/Clerk of Works to
manage and administer the site office inclusive all related activities of
administration scope of work and clerical such as typing, filing and compiling all
document and files of site office
1.3 Responsible to assist the Site Manager/Resident Engineer/Clerk Of Works on
preparation of report and other related works
1.4 Responsible to assist the Site Manager / Resident Engineer/ Clerk of Works on
the telecommunication matters of the site office.
1.5 Responsible to ensure the site office is clean, tidy and well organized at all times.
1.6 Responsible to assist the preparation of food/ drink during the meetings ( if


2.1 To administer and coordinate all other related Scope Of Work as required


1.1 Responsible to Ministry of Education of Malaysia, S.O and S.O’s representative.

1.2 Responsible to assist the Site Manager / Resident Engineer to manage and
administer the site activities and all other architectural scope of works according
to Conditions of Contracts, Laws, related Acts, specifications and drawings and
construction procedures.

1.3 To assist the Site Manager / Resident Engineer to record, coordinate and
compiling all documents, product samples, and test data jointly with authorized
contractor’s representative and to ensure all architecture works are according to
approved programme of work.


2.1 To assist the Site Manager / Resident Engineer to check and coordinate all
drawings inclusive of Civil and Structure Drawings, Mechanical & Electrical
Drawings, shop drawings, and Bill of Quantities and specification to ensure the
conformity for construction purposes.

2.2 To assist the Site Manager / Resident Engineer to check and ensure all materials
are used for construction are according to specification and approved quality.


3.1 To monitor, coordinate and to ensure the construction works are according to
drawings, specifications and Conditions of Contract.

3.2 To ensure the progress of work is according to approved programme of Work

and to be completed accordingly.

3.3 To prepare the daily report and report to Site Manager / Resident Engineer on
daily basis of the progress work.

3.4 To coordinate the aspect of architectural works and related scope of works.

3.5 To check all materials related to architectural works are according to drawings,
specification and approval before the installation.

3.6 To witness all tests and construction works related to architectural works.

3.7 To attend all related meetings if required.

3.8 To evaluate and report on the progress of work executed by the Contractor.
3.9 To carry out all instruction given by S.O/S.O’s representatives, site manager and
resident Engineer as required
3.10 To witness all test and construction of related architectural works according to
detail drawing approved by Local Authorities and conforms to mechanical and
Electrical, Civil and Structural Scope of Works.


4.1 To administer and coordinate other related Scope of Works on site as required.

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