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From: Homer, The Odyssey, trans. Barry B.

Powell (New York : Oxford University Press, 2015)

Homeric Timeline
c. 1200 bc Fall of Troy

Dictation of the Homeric poems

c. 800 bc
Invention of Greek alphabet

from 566 bc Panathenaic festival

c. 450 bc Herodotus

c. 200 bc Alexandrian Vulgate

c. ad 950 Venetus A manuscript of the Iliad with marginal notations

c. ad 1000 Laurentianus manuscript of the Odyssey

c. ad 1500 First printed edition of the Iliad and the Odyssey in Italy

from 1598 Chapman’s English translation of Homer

ad 1715–1726 Translation of the Iliad and the Odyssey by Alexander Pope

ad 1788 Publication of Venetus A by Villoison

ad 1795 Wolf ’s Prolegomena ad Homerum

ad 1871 Heinrich Schliemann digs at Troy

Copyright © 2014. Oxford University Press, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

ad 1930 Milman Parry creates the oral-formulaic theory

ad 1991 Connection of invention of alphabet with recording

of ­Homeric poems


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