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Use Case Document

Version 1.0

Major Revision Date:
Version: 0.1
Table of Contents

Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................................................2
Document Version Control...................................................................................................................................4
Privacy Information..............................................................................................................................................4
Document Revision History.....................................................................................................................................4
Status........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Approved By............................................................................................................................................................4
Use Case Brief..........................................................................................................................................................5
1.0 Use Case Model...........................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Use Case List..........................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Actor List................................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Use Case Relation Diagram....................................................................................................................7
1.4 Use Case Glossary...................................................................................................................................8
2.0 Use Cases..................................................................................................................................................10
2.1 Create Customer....................................................................................................................................10
2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios...........................................................................................................................11
2.2.4 Exception Scenarios..........................................................................................................................11
2.2.5 Business Rules\Constraints....................................................................................................................11
2.2 Create Car.............................................................................................................................................12
2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios...........................................................................................................................12
Exception Scenarios.......................................................................................................................................12
2.2.5 Business Rules\Constraints....................................................................................................................12
2.3 Book Car...............................................................................................................................................13
2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios...........................................................................................................................13
2.2.5 Exception Scenarios..........................................................................................................................14
2.2.6 Business Rules\Constraints....................................................................................................................14
2.4 Pick Up Car...........................................................................................................................................15
2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios...........................................................................................................................15
2.2.6 Exception Scenarios..........................................................................................................................15
2.2.5 Business Rules\Constraints....................................................................................................................16
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It is the reader's responsibility to ensure they have the latest version of this document. Questions should be directed to the
preparer of this document above, or the project manager.

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This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. This information should not be given to persons other than
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Document Revision History

Revised By Revised Version CR # Comments

Status  Open  In Process  Ready for  Pending  Approved
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Approved By
Department Name Date Comments
Product Management
(1) Start with a use case diagram giving an overview on the system, its boundaries and its main

(2) Develop Use case, Use case relationship Diagram, Activity Diagram

Use Case Brief

The customer requests a booking for rent a car of a certain category to the rental service provider (RSP).
The rental service provider (RSP) receives booking request from the customer and create /selects the
customer information in the system like customer name, address, and contact details.

The rental service provider (RSP) creates/selects the Car category information in the system like Car
Category, Car ID, Model, Make, Color, etc.

The rental service provider selects the booking details like Customer ID, Car category, Car ID, Booking
start date, Booking end date and saves booking information. The rental start day is greater than equal to
current day and less then equal to 30 days from the today’s date

The customer picks up a car from the rental service provider (RSP). The provider issues a car to the
customer whom booking is available in the system. The system changes the booking status as a current
booking and booked car is marked as unavailable in the system

The customer returns the car to the provider. The provider changes the booking status as closed; the car
marked as available in the system. The rental system allows early return or late return facility to the
customer. (Early return before the end booking date or Late return after the end booking date)

The customer may requests a cancellation of a booking. The provider changes the booking status as
closed; no car will be picked up for this booking.
1.0 Use Case Model
1.1 Use Case List
Name Description
2.1 Create Customer The use case describes the ability of the user to create a new customer
2.2 Create Car The use case describes the ability of the user to create a new car.
2.3 Book Car The use case describes the ability of the user to enter a car rental booking.
2.4 Cancel Booking The use case describes the ability of the user to the booking is marked as closed; no car will
Request be picked up for this booking.

2.5 Pick Up Car The use case describes the ability of the user to deliver a car for a car rental.
2.6 Return Car The use case describes the ability of the user to return a car for a car rental.

1.2 Actor List

Use Case List

Actor Description or Role

Rental Service Provider A type of ‘User’ who is the owner of rental service provider company.
User A type of ‘User’ The rental service provider booking clerk user interacts with the car rental
Customer A real world customer is outside the car rental system and makes request for car booking.
Billing A type of ‘system’ deal with billing (payment).
1.3 Use Case Relation Diagram
1.4 Use Case Glossary
Term Definition
SUD System under design. It is the computer program under
Use case Records behavioral requirements for the SUD. It is a
contract for the behavior of the SUD.

Captures a contract between the stakeholders of a system

about its behavior.

Describes the system’s behavior under various

conditions as the system responds to a request from one
of the stakeholders, called the primary actor.

Primary actor initiates an interaction with the system to

accomplish some goal.

System responds, protecting the interests of all the

stakeholders. Gathers different sequences of behavior,
or scenarios, together
Stakeholders Someone or something with a vested interest in the
behavior of the SUD. For example, people who use the
program, the company that owns the program,
government regulatory agencies, and other computer
programs or devices
Primary actor The stakeholder who or which initiates an interaction
with the SUD to achieve a goal.
Scope What is really the system under design? Identifies the
system that is being discussed. For example, the Pfx.Net
suite is the system being discussed.
Preconditions and guarantees What must be true before and after the use case runs.

Main success scenario A case in which nothing goes wrong

Alternate courses An alternate course to any main success scenario step.

Failure conditions Failure of any step of the main success scenario.

Extensions What can happen differently during the main scenario?

Documents special case processing for the main
scenario. They represent unusual business processing.

Summary-level goal Involves multiple user goals. They show the context in
which the user goals operate. They show life-cycle
sequencing of related goals. They provide a table of
contents for the lower-level use cases.
User-level goal Goal that is of the greatest interest. It is the goal the
primary actor has in trying to get work done or the one
the user has in using the system.
Sub function-level goal Goals that is required to carry out user goals. Include
them only as you have to – they are needed on occasion
for readability or because many other goals use them.
For example, Find and Save, As are sub function-level
2.0 Use Cases
2.1 Create Customer
Description The use case describes the ability of the user to create a new customer.

Level User goal

Primary Actor(s) 1. User

Secondary Actor(s)
Precondition(s) 1. The user is logged into the car rental system.
2. The real world customer to be recorded is currently not existed in the system.
Minimal Guarantee System sends an error message when the user cannot be created a new customer.
Success Guarantee Display message to the user that the new customer is successfully created. The (RSP) user selects
the customer information while booking the car.
Trigger User creates a new customer.
Frequency On demand

Activity Diagram
2.1.2 Main Success Scenario

Action Response
1. The user selects the customer module in the The system displays various options under customer module for
System. the user to select.
2. The user selects the option to view Customer. The system displays the list of customers (if some customer
have already been defined in the system).
3. The user selects the option to create new The system gives the user the option to create a new customer
customer and displays the fields for defining the customer.
4. The user specifies the CustomerID, Name,
and Contact Details etc.<A1> <A2>
5. The user selects to save the details. The system validates and saves the details in the customer

2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios

A1. The user enters a Customer ID, which is not unique
Action Response
The user enters a Customer ID, which is not The system informs the user that Customer ID 4
unique (across the firm) and submits the details. must be unique.

A2. The user enters more than Forty Five Characters in Customer Name description
Action Response
The user attempts to enter more than Forty Five The system does not allow the user to enter more 5
Characters in the Customer Name description. than Forty Five Characters.

2.2.4 Exception Scenarios

E1. The user selects the option to cancel the Create customer option
Action Response Next
The user selects the option to cancel the create The system exits from the create customer option The user
customer option exits the
use case

2.2.5 Business Rules\Constraints

B1. The Customer ID is a mandatory field
Rule\Constraint Description
The Customer ID field is a mandatory field that E.g. Customer ID’s like 100, 300TX.
must be entered by the user before submitting the
Customer ID related information.

B2. The Customer ID field can be Alphanumeric with no Special Characters

Rule\Constraint Description
Only Alphanumeric Characters can be saved in as E.g. Customer ID’s like “15$ 44” will not be saved in the
Customer ID. No Special Characters in Customer system.
ID can be saved in the system.

B3. The Customer ID is non-editable once saved into the system

Rule\Constraint Description
The Customer ID is non-editable once saved in the E.g. If 100, 300TX Customer ID’s are already created earlier -
system. then the user cannot edit the same.
2.2 Create Car
Description The use case describes the ability of the user to create a new car in the system .
Level User goal
Primary Actor(s) 1. User

Secondary Actor(s)
Precondition(s) 1. The user is logged into the car rental system.
2. The car to be recorded is currently not existed in the system.
Minimal Guarantee System sends an error message when the user cannot be created a new car. The (RSP) user selects
the car information while booking.
Success Guarantee Display message to the user that the new Car is successfully created.
Trigger User creates a new car.
Frequency On demand

2.2.2 Main Success Scenario

Action Response
1. The user selects the customer module in The system displays various options under customer module for the user to
the system. select.
2. The user selects the option to view car. The system displays the list of cars (if some car have already been defined
in the system).
3. The user selects the option to create new The system gives the user the option to create a new car and displays the
car fields for defining the car.
4. The user specifies the Category, CarID,
Name, Model, Details etc.<A1> <A2>
5. The user selects to save the details. The system validates and saves the details in the car information

2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios

A1. The user enters a Car ID, which is not unique
Action Response
The user enters a Car ID, which is not unique The system informs the user that Car ID must be unique. 4
(across the firm) and submits the details.

A2. The user enters more than Forty Five Characters in Car Name description
Action Response
The user attempts to enter more than Forty The system does not allow the user to enter more than Forty 5
Five Characters in the Car Name description. Five Characters.

Exception Scenarios
E1. The user selects the option to cancel the Create Car option
Action Response Next
The user selects the option to cancel the The system exits from the create Car option The
create Car option user
exits the
use case

2.2.5 Business Rules\Constraints

B1. The Car ID is a mandatory field
Rule\Constraint Description
The Car ID field is a mandatory field that E.g. Car ID’s like M001, T300.
must be entered by the user before submitting
the Car ID related information.
B2. The Car ID field can be Alphanumeric with no Special Characters
Rule\Constraint Description
Only Alphanumeric Characters can be saved E.g. Car ID’s like “15$ 44” will not be saved in the system.
in as Car ID. No Special Characters in Car ID
can be saved in the system.

B3. The Car ID is non-editable once saved into the system

Rule\Constraint Description
The Car ID is non-editable once saved in the E.g. If M001, S00T Car ID’s are already created earlier - then the user cannot
system. edit the same.

2.3 Book Car

Description The use case describes the ability of the user to book the car. The user select/enters the booking
details like Customer ID, Car category, Car ID, Booking start date, Booking end date and saves
booking information.
Level User goal
Primary Actor(s) 1. User

Secondary Actor(s)
Precondition(s) 1. The user is logged into the car rental system.
2. The user has received request from the customer.
Minimal Guarantee System sends an error message when the user cannot be booked the car.
Success Guarantee Display message to the user that the car is booked successfully.
Trigger To enter a car rental booking.
Frequency On demand

2.1.2 Main Success Scenario

Action Response
1. The user selects the Booking module in The system displays various options under booking module for the user to
the system. select.
2. The user selects the option to book car. The system displays the list of book cars (if some booking have already
been defined in the system).
3. The user selects the option to add new The system gives the user the option to create a new booking and displays
booking the fields for defining the booking.
4. The user specifies the details as follows.

1) Customer ID
2) Car category
3) Booking start date
4) Booking end date.<A1> <A2>
5. The user selects to save the details. The system validates and saves the details in the booking information

2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios

A1. The user enters a Customer ID, which does not exist in the system
Action Response
The user enters a Customer id, which does not The system informs the user that customer ID does not 4
exist in system and submits the details. exist.
A2. The user enters a Car ID, which does not exist in the system
Action Response
The user enters a Car id, which does not exist in The system informs the user that car id does not exist. 4
system and submits the details.

A3. The user enters booking start date less then today’s date
Action Response
The user attempts to enter start date less then The system does not allow the user to enter start date less 5
today’s date then today’s date.

A4. The user enters booking end date greater then 30days from the today’s date
Action Response
The user attempts to enter end date greater then 30 The system does not allow the user to enter end date 5
days from the today’s date greater then 30 days from the today’s date.

2.2.5 Exception Scenarios

E1. The user selects the option to cancel the car booking option
Action Response Next
The user selects the option to cancel the car The system exits from the book car option The
booking option user
exits the
use case

2.2.6 Business Rules\Constraints

B1. The Car ID is a mandatory field
Rule\Constraint Description
The Car ID field is a mandatory field that must be E.g. Car ID’s like M001, T300.
entered by the user before submitting the Car ID
related information.

B2. The Car ID field can be Alphanumeric with no Special Characters

Rule\Constraint Description
Only Alphanumeric Characters can be saved in as E.g. Car ID’s like “15$ 44” will not be saved in the system.
Car ID. No Special Characters in Car ID can be
saved in the system.

B3. The Car ID is non-editable once saved into the system

Rule\Constraint Description
The Car ID is non-editable once saved in the E.g. If M001, S00T Car ID’s are already created earlier - then
system. the user cannot edit the same.
2.4 Pick Up Car
Description The use case describes the ability of the customer to pick up a car from the rental service provider
(RSP). The provider issues a car to the customer whom booking is available in the system.
Level User goal
Primary Actor(s) 1. User

Secondary Actor(s)
Precondition(s) 1. The user is logged into the car rental system.
2. The customer booking is available in the system.
Minimal Guarantee System sends an error message when the user cannot be issued the car.
Success Guarantee Display message to the user that the car issues to the customer successfully.
Trigger Customer picks up the car.
Frequency On demand

2.1.2 Main Success Scenario

Action Response
1. The user selects the customer module in The system displays various options under customer module for the user to
the system. select.
2. The user selects the option to view pick The system displays the list of cars, which has been issued to the customer
up car (if some car have already been picked up by the customer in the system).
3. The user selects the option to pick up a The system gives the user option to pick up a car and displays the
car respective fields.
4. The user specifies the booking date The system displays the list of customer whom booking falls under entered
<A1> <A2> date
6. The user selects to save the details. The system validates and saves the details in the car information

2.2.3 Alternate Scenarios

A1. The user enters a Car ID, which is not unique
Action Response
The user enters a Car ID, which is not unique The system informs the user that Car ID must be unique. 4
(across the firm) and submits the details.

A2. The user enters more than Forty Five Characters in Car Name description
Action Response
The user attempts to enter more than Forty Five The system does not allow the user to enter more than 5
Characters in the Car Name description. Forty Five Characters.

2.2.6 Exception Scenarios

E1. The user selects the option to cancel the Create Car option
Action Response Next
The user selects the option to cancel the create Car The system exits from the create Car option The
option user
exits the
use case
2.2.5 Business Rules\Constraints
B1. The Car ID is a mandatory field
Rule\Constraint Description
The Car ID field is a mandatory field that must be E.g. Car ID’s like M001, T300.
entered by the user before submitting the Car ID
related information.

B2. The Car ID field can be Alphanumeric with no Special Characters

Rule\Constraint Description
Only Alphanumeric Characters can be saved in as E.g. Car ID’s like “15$ 44” will not be saved in the system.
Car ID. No Special Characters in Car ID can be
saved in the system.

B3. The Car ID is non-editable once saved into the system

Rule\Constraint Description
The Car ID is non-editable once saved in the E.g. If M001, S00T Car ID’s are already created earlier - then
system. the user cannot edit the same.

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