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This animation, and subsequently every animation in the Goku Versus series, is not monetized. I make no profit from these animations. Any ads you see placed on the
videos from the Goku Versus series is not from me. I create these animations out of my love for Dragon Ball as a passion project/hobby and do not intend to infringe on
anyone's rights.

The Goku Versus series is considered Doujinshi or a parody, and is only a fan-inspired work based of the popular and long lasting Japanese anime; Dragon Ball. The Goku
Versus series is not associated with any official Dragon Ball related content.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned and operated by Toei Animation, Akira Toriyama, Funimation, and Fuji TV.

Please support the official releases.

I have much respect for Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball.
I hope he accepts this animation as a tribute and gift for the inspiration he has given to myself and so many around the world.
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ドラゴンボール、ドラゴンボールZ、ドラゴンボールGT、ドラゴンボールスーパーはすべて、東映アニメーション、鳥山明、ファニメーション、フジテレビが所有・運営しています。 公式リリースをサポートしてくださ

ドラゴンボールの生みの親である鳥山明さんを尊敬しています。 彼がこのアニメーションを、彼が私自身と世界中の多くの人に与えたインスピレーションへのオマージュと贈り物として受け取ってくれることを



The epic conclusion to the Goku Versus series that started in 2009 with Goku vs. Evil Goku, is charged up and ready to fire!

Goku Versus Z brings together countless Gokus from the infinite sea of universes once again to fight for survival.

This animation has been worked on almost daily for the past two and a half years. A high-emphasis has been placed on the story and
wrapping up the series with nothing being left on the table. Old and new characters will emerge, alliances will be formed, and never before
seen forms will debut as this climatic 15 year-long series comes to a close.

In Universe -7 Echo-G has malfunctioned yet again, targeting Goku energy signatures throughout the multiverse and teleporting them to a
new Unknown Universe. It would seem the device is once again looking for Evil Goku’s energy signature, as it was originally designed to do.
Prince Vegeta struggles to stop these malfunctions while worrying of something greater that is at play with the malfunctioning device.

Meanwhile, in the Unknown Universe Gokus start appearing one by one. Some Gokus begin forming alliances and others testing their
prowess in battle. As more and more Goku are pulled to into this unique world Goku Black, from the animation Evil Goku vs. Goku Black,
emerges in the Unknown Universe. Seeking more power and the opportunity defeat every Goku in this insane situation, this evolved Goku
Black is a direct threat to every Goku on the battlefield and must be stopped.

Back in Evil Goku’s Realm, our anti-hero is struggling with personal issues brought on from spending 100 years with Goku (prime). An old
rival returns seeking to speak with Evil Goku and reveal some truths from Evil Goku’s past. Simultaneously, this old rival tries to enlist Evil
Goku’s help to stop the insane situation brewing in the Unknown Universe.

There is a hidden message in the animation that needs to be decoded, can you find it?


Can you find all 7 Orange Dragon Balls hidden in the animation? They play no part in the story, it’s only an easter egg. Hint: All the Dragon
Balls are shown separately and are scattered throughout the animation. The first obvious Dragon Ball is the Four-Star Ball held by the girl at
the beginning. Universe -7 Dragon Balls (purple) do not count.

Red is in the animation fighting, can you find him?


Many callbacks to the series are in the animation. This includes items, quotes, music, and more.

No. He reaches a partial temporary form/state of False Super Saiyan. If you wanted to get into more specifics, his S-Cells were not matured
or plentiful yet to handle the transformation of False Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan. He only tapped into this power in that one moment after
raging over the death of his wife. Later, as Evil Goku would become stronger raising his battle power, his S-Cells would multiply/mature and
he would unlock False Super Saiyan during his travels and then eventually Super Saiyan. This will be explored in my new Evil Goku series
coming out.


It isn’t explained. However if you played my fan game Evil Goku: Battle for Otherworld, Evil Goku kills Vegeta and Piccolo and you see them
dead in Goku vs. Evil Goku 4. Seeing as 100 years have passed from GVEG4 to GVZ at some point they both regained their lives somehow. It
isn’t really important, however what is important is that for 100 years they have been trying to repair the damage to Universe -7 after Evil
Goku killed King Yemma, and Event Madness transpired.


Event Madness is a loose term to describe the chaos transpiring in Universe -7. In the game I made called, Evil Goku: Battle for Otherworld,
Evil Goku kills King Yemma which starts to cause instabilities in the universe. As time would go on the instabilities would grow, spreading
throughout the cosmos of the universe. Violent storms, world phasing, instabilities, cosmic anomalies, dead walking among living and living
walking among dead have become rampant for the past 100 years. All of this would transpire on a galactic scale, no world in Universe -7
would be safe from the event.

Evil Gokumi is around mid to late Namek saga power. Gokumi, who was from the Saiyan saga, was easily defeated by Evil Gokumi when we
are first introduced to her. As GVZ would progress Gokumi would become stronger and by the end of GVZ both Gokumi and Evil Gokumi are
roughly about equal in power.


A Dragon Ball Super version of Evil Goku faces off against Goku (Prime) and is easily defeated. We don’t have specifics of what time period
this Evil Goku is from, however based on the fight, he is roughly around the Goku Black saga in terms of power. However this can’t be fully
confirmed as it might be possible that this version of Evil Goku could be from a universe where power scaling works differently or events
unfolded differently.


Piccolo’s bag consisted of a fresh set of clothing (boots included), a bottle of Malrupt Juice, a small calibrated portal controller allowing Evil
Goku to travel to the Unknown Universe, and a note from Chi-Chi.

I think it’s important to show Evil Gokus vulnerabilities and his flaws. Especially now, as this will be the final time we will see him in my
official fan series which stars him as the primary character. Evil Goku needs to be more than just a color copy bad guy. Showing his faults, his
limits, how he became the way he is, is what makes him a more believable character- one who can be relatable. This is what makes you the
viewer connect with him. When he’s conversing with Piccolo and with flashbacks of Goku (Prime) and Chi-Chi we are getting snapshots of
who he is. He may still be a badass dude who conquers the universe, but seeing him exposed in this way allows us to understand how he
became the way he is. He is guarded, and doesn’t flaunt his emotions as casually as Goku does. In effect we as the audience are seeing him
exposed as he explores and reflects on his life. How he ultimately must make a change to try alter his life after realizing he’s achieved
nothing, despite getting everything he wanted.


Throughout the series Evil Goku is cunning, ruthless, and for lack of a better term “an edgy evil version of Goku.” For years he’s caused
destruction, inflicted pain on others, and more. However, after spending time with Goku for 100 years this slowly begins to change him.
Now we see him as this bored, depressed, and apathetic person who wants nothing to do with anything. He’s been doing what he has for so
long it’s all he knows. So now he’s alone, reflecting much on his past, his sins, what could he have done differently. As he himself got
everything he wanted, but as mentioned earlier achieved nothing of any real value. He conquered his universe, a rematch with Goku,
became stronger etc… But after getting everything you want this would spark boredom and cause one to reflect on things. This ultimately
gets Evil Goku to let down his guard. As we see in flashbacks and previous animations he’s much more demanding, but now he’s much more
passive. He’s still somewhat sarcastic, edgy, and all those other things. But Goku and ultimately time/time alone chipped away at his core
exposing a nerve that he must now confront.

The note was an apology from Chi-Chi, but it essentially acts like a personal test for Evil Goku to see if he would go back to a life where he
was lied to and manipulated or would move on with his life. The note basically told him that Chi-Chi was sorry for her actions and that she
would wait for him in Otherworld. Chi-Chi also begs for Evil Goku to stop Event Madness if he can. Evil Goku, while he may still on some
level love Chi-Chi, he knows that going back to her may trap him in the same life he has walked for decades, which ultimately got him
nothing. His decision to walk away from her and his realization that Goku has been his friend and tired to help him over the years, is part of
what brings his character arc into a full circle. More of this will be mentioned later in this document.


Yes. But I only showed the last line that was blurred out somewhat in the animation. This was done on purpose so you only get a gist of
what is being communicated to Evil Goku from Chi-Chi. Maybe one day I’ll post it so you guys can read it.

This is kind of a silly question but one I thought I would entertain. In a post-credit scene at the end of Goku vs. Evil Goku 4, we see Evil Goku
and Goku (Prime) eating at a large table filled with empty rice bowls. This would imply that since Goku is trapped in Evil Goku’s Realm, Evil
Goku must have (at some point) traveled back to his universe and gathered supplies for the two of them. In Goku Versus Z, Evil Goku has his
own base or accommodation that he perhaps built in the side of a cliff. Inside this small cave you can see a bed, a dirty generator that is
connected to a dirty fridge, crates (perhaps filled with items and food), empty beer bottles/cans, and other essentials he may need. Though
it is not displayed on screen, in my mind Goku (Prime) had his own home or base elsewhere in the realm. Though both are dead you could
argue they don’t really need these things. But seeing as Goku still eats when he’s dead in Otherworld in the anime it would make sense that
some essentials are needed for both characters.

With flashbacks in reverse chronological order we get glimpses of Evil Goku and his time on Earth in Universe -7. Though these are snippets
of his past that tie-in to the overall story, we see that he loved Chi-Chi very much. They conquered the world together and created a
“kingdom” proclaiming to be King and Queen over the Earth after wiping out all their enemies. Their Kingdom was nothing more than a
destroyed city, with a large building (still standing) acting as their home. The city littered with rubble, fires, and gangs of thugs some loyal to
Evil Goku.

We as the audience are watching Evil Goku reflect on his own past, and his interoperation of events. While he loved his wife, he was
ultimately blinded by her and her manipulation tactics. As a result we perceive Chi-Chi (through Evil Goku’s flashbacks) as being the perfect
match for him, when in reality she was using a perfume-like substance to subtly make him do what she wanted by merely making
suggestions. And while she may have loved him, she still used him to gain what she wanted. Chi-Chi is very much opposite of Chi-Chi (Prime)
from Universe 7. Evil Chi-Chi is very manipulative, calculating, introverted and reserved versus her counterpart who is very outspoken,
demanding, and extroverted. This gets into the next point below.

As I always play on parallels between my Goku Versus series and Dragon Ball Z you can find a lot of parallels between Evil Goku and Goku and the way in
which their life-events unfold. For instance, Evil Goku proposes to Chi-Chi wanting to marry her versus how in Dragon Ball Chi-Chi wanted to marry Goku.
Raditz and Piccolo team up to face Evil Goku, where as in the anime Piccolo and Goku team up to face Raditz. If you look hard enough you can find many
intentional parallels (too many too list) that were done not just between Goku Versus and Dragon Ball Z, but also parallels within the series itself. For
example, the first time we are introduced to Evil Goku he comes through a portal, in which I used a specific sprite pose, camera angle, and music. In
Goku Versus Z (15 years later), Evil Goku goes through a portal and emerges the exact same way he did with the same music (remixed), and sprite pose
as he did the first time he appeared in the series. There are dozens of parallels between this last installment and the rest of the series. Another example
is that in the original Goku Versus animation, Evil Goku is one of the first Gokus to arrive on the battlefield with Goku (Prime) being asked by Piccolo to
come help. Goku (Prime) agrees and arrives later in the animation. In Goku Versus Z this has now flipped, where Goku (Prime) arrives before Evil Goku
and Evil Goku comes in much later, also being asked by Piccolo to help. Another example is that this is the first time we see Evil Goku saving Goku, versus
in Evil Goku vs. Goku Black, Goku (Prime) saves Evil Goku from being killed by Black’s Kamehameha. Many examples of past parallels were done on
purpose; if you look hard enough you will find many.


I’ve had this incorporated into Evil Goku’s character for a long time. Evil Goku very much likes to showcase his triumphs. Goku on the other hand does
not. Goku doesn’t really boast about villains he’s killed or have really any personal belongings that hold any real value besides maybe the Four-star
Dragon Ball. Evil Goku on the other hand, seeing as he is opposite Goku, enjoys collecting objects or “trophies” from his battles as a keepsake or to put
on display in his room. He does this as a way of displaying his accomplishments, or boast about enemies he’s defeated. You can see this at the beginning
of Goku Versus Z if you look carefully at his room. It is filled with various items such as skulls, jars filled with dirt from the battles he fought on, guns,
ripped clothing, Roshi’s Sunglasses, swords, jewels, other objects and cameo items from enemies that he’s defeated over the years. As Evil Goku enjoys
collecting items from his battles as trophies for himself, we see evidence of this from previous animations I’ve done that was intentional. Evil Goku
collected Majin Buu’s torn up cape and used it as a cloak in Evil Goku vs. Majin Buu and Goku vs. Evil Goku 4. In Evil Goku vs. Goku Black, Evil Goku
collects Black’s time ring however just before he puts on the ring, Black emerges and takes it back from him. In Evil Goku’s little home base in his realm
we see what appears to be some kind of dead animal skull or creature skull sitting on top of his fridge. Did he simply just slay an animal and eat it, or was
it some kind of creature that opposed him and he saved its skull as a trophy?
Malrupt Juice (taken from the words malevolent and corruption) is a drink created and harvested by Demons that live in the Demon Realm.
It is a unique and scarce drink, due to its rare ingredients and brewing directions, that permanently raises the power levels of Demons. It is a
highly sought after delicacy by different Demon factions and Demon Kings that reside in the Demon Realm. The juice raises the power level
of Demons but only if a substantial amount is consumed. A glass or two may only raise a Demons power level by about 2-10%. The amount
is based on how pure the juice is and or if it was brewed correctly. However, even obtaining a single 8 ounce glass of Malrupt Juice would be
considered no easy feat. It is eluded to that at some point in Evil Goku’s past, he had spent a year in the Demon Realm and knew of Malrupt
Juice and its unique effect on anyone who drinks it.

The genetic makeup of a Demon is different than other races. A Demons body can properly, or more adequately, consume the juice as it is
from its native world/realm. The way in which a Demon’s digestive tract process and digests the juice amplifies its power permanently.
Where as, say for example, a Saiyan can’t fully absorb the power from the juice; resulting in only a temporary power increase.

No. Evil Goku’s Demon form was always planned to be in this animation from when I originally began work on Goku Versus Z back in 2014. It
just so happened that Dragon Ball Super Heroes, this time, beat me to it in terms of the design being red/black and related to evil/demons.
While you could argue Heroes isn’t canon, I would speculate that the energy emitting from Evil Goku while he is in his Demon Form is
almost like an off shoot/separate class of Dark Energy with different properties/effects.

When Malrupt Juice is consumed by someone who isn’t a Demon, the result is a temporary power boost which can last anywhere from a
few hours to a few minutes, again depending on purity. The drawback to this however is that all the negative emotions, thoughts, and
feelings residing in the person who consumes the drink are amplified and brought to the surface. Certain demonic traits emerge in the
consumer. Changes include the growth of fangs, eye color, a deeper tone in voice, hair stands on end, and a dark energy field/aura. In some
cases a change of skin color may also happen, though this is extremely rare. In longer duration periods while the juice is still present in the
system of the consumer, other physical changes may happen. This consists of horns, pointed longer ears, demonic tail, or sprouting demonic
wings. Though these instances are again rare and only tied to longer durations of more purified juice. It should be worth noting that Demon
energy in most cases will change all Ki colors to red and or black, and emits little to no light with unusual dark mystical glows.

As mentioned above, Demon energy changes the color of all Ki within said individual. Evil Goku’s aura in base, while in his Demon form, is
black with dark red highlights. When he is a Super Saiyan the colors become inverted, consisting of a dark red aura with black highlights. At
Super Saiyan 4 violet bolts of electricity surround his aura though they are only present when his aura is manifested, unlike the electrical
sparks that are always present at Super Saiyan 2 with or without the aura. Additionally, when firing his Kamehameha the color changes from
pink and white to red and black.

Seeing as it is an artificial and temporary way to boost power within said consumer, the result of how much of a power increase depends on
how much Malrupt Juice is drank in addition to other factors. Evil Goku drinks about 12 ounces of Malrupt Juice which significantly
increases his power to being stronger than Goku Black before both fighters turn Super Saiyan 4, in which case Evil Goku and Goku Black are
even in power. As Evil Goku transforms, stacking his Super Saiyan transformations on top of his Demon From, the power output burns
through the Demon From much more quickly. As a result of this, Evil Goku’s Demon Form depletes faster than had he just stayed at his base
demon form. Unfortunately, Evil Goku fails to realize this during his fight with Goku Black, and he abruptly loses his Demon form while at
Super Saiyan 4. This also hints at the fact that he must have been in the Demon Realm and used Malrupt Juice before learning how to
obtain Super Saiyan, or had never stacked Super Saiyan on top of his Demon form. It should be worth noting that the Malrupt Juice Evil
Goku consumed, was about as pure as you can make it. This caused a significant temporary boost to his power, and considering he already
had a massive zenkai boost from his fight with Goku Black in the previous animation, Evil Goku is much stronger in Goku Versus Z.

If Malrupt Juice is consumed by a race other than a Demon, its temporary power boost effect works differently on different
individuals/races. It also only magnifies power levels by certain amounts, based on how strong the consumer happens to be, in a somewhat
random but calculated way. Again, as the person is not a Demon the increase is not limited to a 2%-10% increase. This is due to many
factors such as the amount of negative or evil traits that reside in said person, current power of said person, how pure is the juice, was it
brewed correctly, and how much Malrupt Juice is consumed- even down to the tiniest drop.


As mentioned earlier Evil Goku goes through some physical changes as well as a temporary personality/mental change while in his Demon
form. In a sense we are seeing him restored back to how he was decades ago, more ruthless and cunning. More egoistical then he already
is. Showboating to Goku Black as Evil Goku is radiating with command and confidence.

Yes. I plan to explore Evil Goku’s time in the Demon Realm in his origin story. 16
Renegade Goku is very weak. Roughly end of Dragon Ball/early Dragon Ball Z power. However the energy weapon he uses can fire an absurd
amount of power, relative to somewhere around that of Buu Saga power. He can only fire two maybe three shots with the weapon until it is
depleted and must be recharged. Recharging takes a considerable amount of time.


That’s just not going to happen, for a variety of reasons. Most of the Goku shown are just tertiary characters, who have little to no
importance or impact on the story. Only that they may appear to showcase an awesome fight, to get you thinking about possibilities, or to
show how badass a certain Goku would be. I take the time to focus on the primary and some of the secondary characters, not the
background ones. I think it’s better to come up with your own head canon for them anyway. Not every character needs a back-story, and
even keeping the mystery around certain characters can be a good thing.


The first version of Shadow Goku you see who is fighting Mecha Goku, is in fact the Shadow Goku who resides in the Shadow Universe. Evil
Goku has his own Shadow Goku technique, however we do not know if Evil Goku is somehow summoning Shadow Goku from the Shadow
Universe, or if he is somehow manifesting an alternate version of Shadow Goku. You can learn more about Shadow Goku here and the
Shadow Goku technique here.

This is a difficult question to answer, but I will do my best. Shadow Goku is somewhat of an enigma in that he is weak when he exists
outside of the Shadow Universe. However, if he has been summoned or copied from Evil Goku, he inherits some of Evil Goku’s power
making him stronger. He was able to hit Goku Black by completely catching Black off guard, though technically his punch shouldn’t have
been enough to inflict much damage. When Shadow Goku is solid he has no bones to break, so he is able to psychically deal damage
without breaking or injuring himself. He can choose to phase himself allowing any physical object to pass through him instantly. It’s as if
Goku Black was a bullet, flying at Mecha Goku and suddenly hit a brick wall. He was deflected or repelled off of Shadow Goku’s punch. It’s
worth noting that Shadow Goku cannot be detected with the use of a scouter or through sensing a power level. So as you can see, Shadow
Goku can be weak in one instance or strong in the next deepening on the circumstances. He also does not have a power level in the
conventional sense that can be measured accurately. Seeing as he can allow solid objects to pass through his body when he decides, it
makes him somewhat difficult to hit physically.

Shadow Goku’s only weakness is energy based attacks, of any magnitude. Energy attacks will dissipate him, and he either ceases to exist
after dissolving into nothingness or he is somehow sent back to his Shadow Universe. We just don’t have enough information to confirm
either of those possibilities.


Bear-ku has the strength of the entire multiverse. He is the apex of what it means to be the strongest warrior and most heroic Goku. Long
live Bear-ku! 

Yeah, I know. KAY-OH-KEN was a mistranslation from the early dubs and in some early Dragon Ball Z games. I grew up watching the original
Ocean Dub in the late 90’s/early 2000’s on Kids WB before Funimation took over the English dub and the switch was made to Toonami on
CartoonNetwork. It wasn’t common knowledge at the time that KAY-OH-KEN was mistranslated. To me, KAY-OH, sounds better even though
KAI-OH is the correct pronunciation and reference to King Kai. Whenever I hear KAI-OH-KEN it sounds strange. Technically, both Kay-Oh and
Kai-Oh are said in the animation. So those who want accuracy won’t be happy, I just come from a different era and it doesn’t really bother
me what way it’s pronounced.

If you’re really that upset about it, you’re more than welcome to file a complaint here 


It should be, I selected the music. In addition, I hired some of the best talent that can recreate Dragon Ball music and can remix tracks that I
wanted to have done and implemented in the animation. I wanted the music in GVZ to be a combination of multiple Dragon Ball series
including Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, and Dragon Ball GT. Both American scored music and original Japanese scored music to be used,
in combination with other epic scores and remixes from other mediums. It wouldn’t be a RedHeadHenry animation without a solid
Pokemon remix track ;)

Yup, already knew that. But it needed to be done. It’s not even noticeable on the sprites, so why you mad? If this is not to your liking you
are more than welcome to file a complaint here 

Goku the Hedgehog is somewhat of a partial joke character. In his base form he’s around Goku’s power level during the Mid Namek saga.
Once he uses a Dragon Emerald and goes Super, his power skyrockets beyond that of a normal Super Saiyan. Additionally, his speed is
increased in such a manner where he becomes the “fastest” in the universe. While his Super strength may only rival that of a Super Saiyan
around the Namek saga, his speed exceeds all limits known to exist and he becomes the fastest Goku on the battlefield in Goku Versus Z.
Goku the Hedgehog becomes so fast he is able to travel undetected by virtually every fighter including Goku Black at Super Saiyan Rose 4.
This explains how he was able to grab the bag of Senzu beans with ease. He also uses his speed to move Gokumi and Mecha Goku around
the battlefield so that they are able to dodge Goku Black’s attacks. One hit from Black would essentially kill them, so the speed to dodge
would be essential.

Yes. This is true. It’s not just a Super Saiyan 4 against three Super Saiyans. It’s a Super Saiyan 4 mixed with God Ki that has obtained massive
amounts of power that rivals/exceeds MUI. Black should be able to easily defeat the three amigos with no issue. The only thing Goku Black
doesn’t account for is Goku the Hedgehog’s speed. While Black wants to be dealt damage in order to become stronger, toying with his
opponents is what he enjoys doing as he hopes that he will be dealt some kind of damage to make himself stronger. That said, he
significantly underestimates Goku the Hedgehog’s speed, and as a result he can’t detect his movements while Goku the Hedgehog is in his
Super form. This is also true if Goku the Hedgehog is pushing/moving people out of the way of Black’s attacks.

Your Power scaling makes no sense
Technically, it does make sense as I try and have solid consistency. I’ve always try to stay as true as possible to the anime in terms of what
we consider to be the Prime DB universe. One thing that must be understood is that this series that has gone on for 15 years. It began and
took place years before Dragon Ball Super released. If you watch the entire Goku Versus series in full from beginning to end, the power
scaling does make sense. For example, Goku (Prime) and Evil Goku are 100 years post GT events. Which means when they are in Super
Saiyan 4, they are FAR stronger than Blue or Rose just due to the natural course of time and having trained/fought for 100 years. However,
that said, every Goku that is shown comes from a universe where potentially the way power scaling works could be entirely different. It
could also be that just because you see a Goku at Super Saiyan 3 doesn’t mean he is AS strong as a Super Saiyan 3. Meaning maybe the
multipliers are different. It also could be that some of these Goku’s are from different time periods, have lived entirely differently lives.
Some may be naturally stronger or weaker. Something else worth noting… Just because you see a Goku with blue hair for example, doesn’t
necessarily mean that he is Super Saiyan Blue. It might just be that blue hair IS the color of a normal Super Saiyan in that Goku’s universe,
similar to how Evil Goku’s Super Saiyan hair color is red. This isn’t true in all cases but in some. One thing to keep in mind is that all these
Goku were never meant to encounter each other. A clash of universes means inconsistency and that certain things won’t make sense. But
out of the chaos I try to incorporate consistency out of inconsistency.

Explain Ultra Ego Goku (Explain this. Explain it. Explain it now)
This was just a small cameo of a “What if” Goku had obtained Ultra Ego. As I was working on GVZ Ultra Ego came out in the manga, so
naturally I had to incorporate it into GVZ. Ultra Ego Goku uses an attack called Hyper Kaio-Ken, which is kind of like Pikkon’s Hyper Tornado
Attack. The difference here is that, instead of gusts of wind surrounding the enemy it’s gusts of multi-colored energy that swirl and strike
the opponent. Ultra Ego Goku IS stronger than Goku (Prime) at Super Saiyan 4. He interjects into the fight to try and save/protect Goku
(Prime) however Goku Black doesn’t like this, and kills him with a punch that strikes though his abdomen. Black does this as a way to show
dominance and continue toying with Goku (Prime) uninterrupted.

It can get kind of tricky if you don’t pay attention in the series, or read some of the descriptions from the episodes. The device in one
instance is activated and the next it’s destroyed then it’s activated again. To summarize this on a high-level here is a bulleted list order of

• Echo-G is created by Vegeta’s scientists so he can travel back in time and stop Evil Goku from destroying the universe (Pre-Goku
Versus Series)
• It malfunctions/was not designed correctly and doesn’t warp time, it warps space transporting Evil Goku to Goku (Prime)’s universe
(Goku vs. Evil Goku 1, 2, 3)
• Echo-G gets semi-repaired but fails to bring Evil Goku back to Universe -7 (Evil Goku vs. Broly)
• Echo-G malfunctions grow and targets Goku energy signatures across the multiverse as it attempts to lock onto Evil Goku’s energy
signature across the multiverse (Goku vs. Mecha Goku, Goku Versus)
• Echo-G finally brings back Evil Goku and sends back all other Goku’s to their proper universe (Goku Versus)
• Vegeta orders the device to be shutdown and parts of it are destroyed but ripples of portals are scattered like a shockwave
throughout the multiverse after it’s shutdown. They still target Goku energy signatures (Gokuu Versus NegaGoku)
• 100 years later Vegeta would order the device to be reactivated with safety protocols to prevent any malfunctions after one of its last
energy ripples affects Goku Black’s Time Ring (Evil Goku vs. Goku Black) this was done to try and send Black back to his universe
• Though safety protocols were put in place, Echo-G bypassed them and once again began pulling Goku’s to a single point in time and
space (Goku Versus Z: Origins, Goku Versus Z)

2.5 years of almost daily grinding. I did take breaks from time to time but it was almost daily I would be working on some aspect of it. I
originally begin production in 2014 but only managed to get about 2-3% complete. I picked back up production on Goku Versus Z on
8/30/2020 and production wrapped on 1/1/2023.


To be realistic, I have no idea. I have so many sprites that I put in the animation I could not tell you. A lot of these sprites were reused
several times but just recolored to show that they are all different Gokus from different universes. I obviously wanted to show as many
different unique Goku’s as I could, so I spent the time when needed to do so. But it would be impossible for me to make every single Goku
sprite unique, so most of them are simple recolors. I did have some help creating sprites, but that was more so for specific Gokus I needed
done to help me save time. With all this in mind, the area all these Goku are fighting is potentially infinite. With clumps of Goku in some
areas and not so many Goku in others, so in some shots you see a lot of Goku’s fighting and in others you do not.

Goku Black mentions that he can sense thousands of Gokus. However that’s just in a certain range of the area he was in. How far that range
is we do not know, as he first says hundreds of Goku, but then changes it to thousands. Perhaps signifying that he miscalculated, or he
expanded his range of sensing powers to its maximum radius. It would be impossible for him to sense every single Goku, so when he says
the phrase, “I can sense all of them.” What he really means is, he can sense all of them within the radius of his ability to detect power

Now that we’ve gotten all this out of the way I can tell you the official answer. Millions of portals opened in the Unknown Universe, sending
through millions of Goku. However as I stated before, we are only seeing certain areas, as the Unknown Universe is infinite. So by the end of
the animation a lot of Goku were killed from the fights they were in. And we are also only seeing all the Goku who were nearby the “main
action” of this animation. So it’s entirely possible other versions of Goku were not shown who were even more powerful than Goku Black
and Savage Goku, they just weren’t in the area/shown on screen.
By now it should be obvious, without it even being explained in the animation, that Komay is Evil Goku’s daughter. When Chi-Chi had died
and went to Otherworld pregnant, she was allowed to keep her body till the baby was born residing in heaven. Both Chi-Chi and Komay are
dead. However Komay, having died while being unborn, was allowed to keep her body and grow up in heaven until she reaches adulthood,
in which case she will stop growing and remain in her early adulthood years never aging. The way in which time works in heaven is different
and considering Event Madness was happening we do not entirely know how it could have affected time or the aging process for Komay. As
a result Komay appears to Evil Goku between 4-5 years of age- even though over an estimated 130 years have passed from when she died in
the womb with Chi-Chi.


Yes and no. It is supposed to be interpreted that Evil Goku is essentially on deaths doorstep. That he popped into heaven temporarily.
However, he doesn’t realize if what he is seeing is all in his head or if it is real, so we do not know which is really true. It could be interpreted
as all in his head, as he didn’t technically go through the Check-in Station. However that said, Universe -7 is in complete chaos (from Event
Madness) as King Yemma is dead. So the way in which life, death, and the universe (as we know it in Dragon Ball) operates, is all messed up.
Another factor to consider is what happens to a Goku if he dies in the Unknown Universe? Does his spirit/body just magically get
transferred back to his original universe, or does it cease to exist? Technically speaking we as the audience are not supposed to know if
Komay actually exists in heaven or not, seeing as Goku states “Is this real or is this all in my head?” Ultimately it’s up to the viewer to decide
if Evil Goku was dreaming or was actually in Heaven for a brief moment, even if my previous answer about who Komay is, contradicts the
explanation in this one. It’s ultimately up to you to decide if it was just a dream/vision, or if he was actually in Heaven seeing his daughter.

No. I would never give Evil Goku a form that was introduced to us in Super. Nor should he have one. He doesn’t get a new from in this
instance. Evil Goku gets reenergized from seeing his daughter for the first time and this sparks some last reserves of power within him.
Almost like when Vegeta became so strong that in Super Saiyan 2 he was able to attack Beerus and inflict a little miniscule amount of
damage. I would think of it like this: You know how if you pull an all-nighter and the next day after no sleep you get to a point where you’re
really tired, about to pass out, but something snaps you out of it and focuses you to stay awake? That’s kind of like what is happening here. I
would also state that Evil Goku is tapping into his Super Saiyan 4 power as well, but he isn’t transformed. He’s just pushing everything he’s
got into dodging and concentrating. So he isn’t technically stronger than Black in this instance, he’s just focusing really hard. I would also
state that there are a few instances across the Dragon Ball series as a whole where we see characters do this. We even see Saiyans tapping
into their Super Saiyan power, without the need to transform. You can look up, Super Saiyan/partial manifestation. So no, this is not really a
transformation. It’s more like a power consumption alteration or a power diversion. Though one could still technically argue, Evil Goku still
shouldn’t be fast enough to dodge Black’s attacks. To that I would say, it could be a Zenkai boost, or maybe he still has residual left over
from the Malrupt Juice, or maybe his mind concentration just went off the charts. We really don’t know. I guess after all my rants about the
ass pulls in Super we could just chalk this up as an ass pull if you really wanted to, as Black even states this to be an ass pull. But there is
enough to go on from this answer. You’ll just have to accept it and move on, or of course you can always file a complaint here 

No. The universe in the animation Goku Versus (2011) transformed all characters into “chibi” sprite versions of whatever universe they
came from. This was due to the laws and rules of how that universe operated on a quantum, spiritual, matter, energy, and engineered level.
The Unknown Universe in Goku Versus Z, while similar in appearance, has a different set of universal laws applied to it. As a result every
Goku that appears retains their original appearance from their original universe. It should also be worth noting that both Unknown
Universes are essentially “infinite”, or near infinite, pieces of land surrounded by a cosmic anomaly. Meaning, the ground in which these
characters stand on is not a planet in the conventional sense. You could classify the Unknown Universe as a possible realm, but again we
just don’t have enough information to really know for sure.
When Gokumi picked up the ring from Goku the Hedgehog it gave her a significant, permanent, power boost. She’s then able to stay on par
with Mecha Goku until given the Dragon Emerald. Her body reacts to the Dragon Emerald from Goku the Hedgehog’s universe and she
transforms into a Super Saiyan. As she continues to fight throughout the animation her power increases and she is able, with Goku Primes
advice, to obtain Super Saiyan on her own.


As Mecha Goku fights Gokumi and sees her transform into Super Saiyan he is reminded of how he was on Namek and became a Super
Saiyan fighting Frieza. As shown in the prequel animation Goku Versus Z: Origins Episode 1, Mecha Goku fell to Frieza and became his
puppet after Namek. Mecha Goku reflects on his encounter with Frieza and then is suddenly attacked by Gokumi, “knocking sense into
him.” He is able to snap out of Frieza’s control and help the others.


Goku the Hedgehog grabs the Senzu beans and gives one to Evil Goku, Gokumi, Goku (Prime), and Mecha Goku. The bean restores all their
powers/heals them and also regrows Mecha Goku’s arm. Senzu Beans however can’t heal scars that have been present on a person after a
certain amount of time, this is why Mecha Goku still has a large scar over his eye and is blind out of that eye. This is due to his fight with
Frieza on Namek.

By now, it should be made apparent- this is not the same Goku Black in the anime or manga. He is a hybrid between the two and is
somewhat of a “cheat code.” As explained in this video, and shown in Evil Goku vs. Goku Black, he can become stronger far quicker than any
other fighter due to his tail, his unusual Zenkai boost, and other factors. In addition to him obtaining the Senzu Beans, he heals himself after
every near fatal or exhausting engagement. Allowing him to “close the gap” in power between himself and MUI Goku. Black wants to allow
damage to himself because he knows every time he is dealt damage, he can become stronger. For instance, the Kamehamheha that MUI
Goku launches at him should have been enough to kill him or at least deal a significant blow where he would be severely injured. But Goku
Black placed a Senzu bean in his mouth at the last moment, eating it. This allowed Goku Black to take the full force of the Kamehameha,
regain his health/power, AND grow stronger from the impact of the attack all at the same time. By which point MUI Goku was depleted in
power and Goku Black moved in for the kill. At this point in the animation after MUI Goku fires the Kamehameha and Black becomes
stronger- I would say Goku Black at his maximum Super Saiyan Rose 4 power is not as strong as MUI Goku, however he closed a very large
gap between MUI Goku and his own power. By the end of the animation Goku Black’s Corrupted Super Saiyan 4 form, and having eaten
many Senzu Beans and gained more power, IS stronger than MUI Goku from this animation.


We don’t know. At minimum this MUI Goku could be from TOP or at maximum (as of the current manga chapter from the writing of this
document) the Granola Arch. Or some other future point in time perhaps, we just don’t know. It’s technically really isn’t that important.

While Evil Goku and the others fight Goku Black and distract him, Goku (Prime) powers up to use Kaio-Ken X100. It is hinted at that Goku
(Prime) did this once before while fighting Evil Goku during their 100 year battle. It should be worth noting that it probably took Goku less
time to gather energy to use Kaio-Ken X100 because he was dead when fighting Evil Goku. Now that he’s alive a danger and a need for more
time becomes apparent as one wrong mistake while using Kaio-Ken X100 could kill Goku (Prime). Fortunately, the power buildup is
successful and Goku (Prime) is able to strike a single devastating blow to Goku Black, though losing all of the energy he just got back from
eating the Senzu bean leaving him completely drained from that one strike.

Kaio-Ken X100 requires complete and total peace within said person. The amount of focus and clarity required is critical thus requiring a lot
of time to build. It isn’t so much the time needed to build up the energy, its more so the time needed to relax the mind and body into
stillness. The sudden burst in power to use the attack can either kill the user instantly or completely drain you of all your energy within a
few seconds if successful. While Black was distracted, Goku took the time to focus, and clear his mind. Relaxing his body with no tension,
distractions, or outside influence in order to calm his mind and body.

Technically, Black could have seen that Goku (Prime) was planning an attack when he read Evil Goku’s mind. However while that could
possibly be a plot hole, I would argue that while Black was reading Evil Goku’s mind perhaps he just didn’t read that memory. Or maybe he
did see it, and just decided whatever Goku (Prime) was up to, would be no threat to him. It could also be that Black was looking deeper into
Evil Goku’s mind and just looked passed that memory. Almost like taking a book, and skipping past the first few pages to get to the meat of
the story.

Having been corrupted with so much power, Goku Black is unable to contain the power within himself. After suffering devastating blow
from Goku (Prime) using Kaio-Ken X100, this inflicted injury along with a combination between his anger, emotional state, and power is
what sparks the transformation. A conflict of Zamasu’s God Ki with Goku’s body causes a mutation to the Super Saiyan 4 form. This
ultimately proves Evil Goku’s point, that Black would eventually become so corrupted with power he would lose himself, a point to which
Evil Goku had experienced himself during his early travels.

The Mutated Super Saiyan 4 transformation did not boost Black’s power that significantly. Mutated Super Saiyan 4 is not a higher form of
Super Saiyan 4 nor is it Super Saiyan 5. It is still a Super Saiyan 4 form, and Black did get a boost in power but not a big one. As a result, after
eating the Senzu Beans, Goku (Prime) and Evil Goku also get a boost in power, and though they are still way weaker than Black, they can
stand somewhat of a better chance against him. Goku Black’s primal rage from the Saiyan body of Goku has lost complete control. Zamasu’s
mind/God Ki is in constant conflict trying to control or stabilize Goku’s body, but can’t. This inner conflict between mind, spirit, and body is
at a constant war internally and thus Mutated Super Saiyan 4 in born. We can see certain shots of Goku Black struggling to maintain the
form, or more so control his body. The form is unique only to Goku Black as it is Zamasu’s mind/spirit that is present within Goku’s body
which is part of the key to this unique form.

Because Zamasu’s God Ki and the body of Goku are in conflict and is unstable, his appearance changes completely. All of the heavenly light
pink hues present in all of Black’s transformations (due to his God Ki) are gone, and his dark purple and black hues (as seen in his base form)
emerge. He grows longer spiky hair, and loses his pupils and eyebrows (much like Super Saiyan 3). Goku Black’s body also buffs up and
grows in height by about two feet, as if he’s trying to prevent himself from changing into a Great Ape, though this isn’t entirely the case.

The route of Zamasu becoming one with Goku’s body and being more mortal is the opposite direction the Goku Black took in the
anime/manga. While ultimately Goku Black fused with Zamasu to create Merged Zamasu, In Goku Versus Z Goku Black only cares about
more power and being more like Goku (like a mortal). Becoming so strong he mutates and is corrupted with mortal Saiyan power, taking on
a primal and unstable form opposite of the deformed Merged Zamasu. Circle complete. Parallel revealed.
In an attempt to defeat Goku Black, Goku and Evil Goku both power up a Kamehameha X10 and merge the beams into the Minus Positive
Kamehameha. Unfortunately Black knew this attack could potentially destroy him and he evades it without both Goku’s noticing.

Without going into massive detail about the Minus Positive Kamehameha in this document, I will keep this summary somewhat brief. Goku
and Evil Goku are direct polar opposite each others in terms of their energy signatures- one positive and one negative. As shown throughout
the series, both Goku and Evil Goku were never meant to encounter each other and as a result of how powerful they have become when
they rise their energy or power levels high enough instabilities happen to the universe around them. This is why in GVEG3 they begin to
cross universes in their fight, and why the Kamehameha’s cancel each other out in the end struggle in that animation.

When Evil Goku creates his realm to fight Goku on equal playing field, the realm cannot be affected by their rising energy signatures. As a
result, when they merge their energy beams it creates this infinite supply of energy that can be theoretically magnified infinitely. They are
tapping into Zero-point energy. Evil Goku somewhat understands this as he knows there is something unique that happens when he is
present with Goku and they rise their power levels high enough.

If you want to learn more about this you can watch this video here.

Later in this document I will explain Zero-point energy.

In the anime, Goku Black creates a hole in reality and is able to summon/create clones of himself. I originally wanted to incorporate this idea
in an earlier version of one of the scripts I had outlined. After mauling it over the idea was scrapped before I started work on GVZ again as I
felt that there was just way too much happening that it would be too much. Fast-forward 2 years later, once I got to this scene where I had
originally planned to put the clones, and had bounced the idea around with my Creative Consultant, it became apparent that I could make
this sequence short enough and have it make sense/work with the reveal of Savage Goku. It is kind of a callback to when Cell created the
Cell Jr.’s and though short, gives the other Goku’s (who were once fighting each other) something to do instead of standing around and all
fight a common enemy, before the reveal of Echo-G.

The Goku Black Clones, though appearing as Corrupted Super Saiyan 4, are nowhere near as strong as Goku Black at the same level. They
are, somewhere below Evil Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 power seen during Evil Goku vs. Goku Black. So while significantly weaker than Goku
Black, Goku (Prime), and Evil Goku they still pose a huge threat to many on the battlefield. Additionally, not many Goku are left on the
battlefield who surpass the Clones power. Some may still rival them, but most Goku don’t stand a chance.

Goku Black’s Clones appear as dark swirls of purple and black energy. They have a physical form in the sense that they are made up of
Black’s energy. While similar to Shadow Goku they are not made up of the same substance nor do they relate to Shadow Goku in anyway.

The big reveal of Savage Goku making his triumphant return to the series after having not been seen in over a decade. Savage Goku is back
and he’s stronger than ever, having somehow obtained the mythical and overpowered form of Super Saiyan 5. I had essentially lied (in a
good way) and mislead everyone for years that he would not be coming back, as I did not want to spoil his epic return.

Savage Goku was always planned to return at the end of the animation and combat Goku Black in his corrupted form. While now also, with
the newly added scene of the Goku Black Clones, saving every Goku on the battlefield.

Savage Goku effortlessly destroys, in base form, all of the Goku Black Clones effectively saving everyone. Though he may be tapping into his
Super Saiyan power, we don’t know for sure. He stands off with Goku Black and the two fight at full power effectively breaking down the
barriers holding the realm together and fighting in a gap between realms. Savage Goku at Super Saiyan 4 is on par with Goku Black at
Mutated Super Saiyan 4. Once Savage Goku realizes he cannot beat Goku Black at Super Saiyan 4, he wastes no time and transforms into
Super Saiyan 5. A fitting transformation for the character.


I’ve had lengthy discussions on this with my Creative Consultant, who I would argue is one of the best power scalers in the DB community. Super Saiyan
5, as it is a fan created form, can literally serve as any amount of power increase as one would want. It can have any multiplier applied to it as it is not
canon and there are so many instances of the form appearing in different fan fictions it’s hard to get a general sense of just how much stronger it is
compared to Super Saiyan 4. That said, I think realistically Super Saiyan 5 Goku from AF would be as strong or maybe slightly weaker then Goku Super
Saiyan God from his fight with Beerus. Keep in mind, I dislike Super and the multipliers/forms they have come out with, but I think realistically SS5 is
weaker then SSG. So we actually see an AF Goku on the battlefield in a very short sequence that basically tells us the audience all we need to know. That
AF Goku is a Super Saiyan 5, and Savage Goku is also a Super Saiyan 5. But Savage Goku’s power far exceeds everyone’s on the battlefield. This would
mean Savage Goku’s base is stronger than most Goku’s on the battlefield at their maximum Super Saiyan forms. The reason for this we do not know.
Perhaps Savage Goku is from a future point in time, is just naturally stronger, has fought more battles, has an unusual Zenkai boost, - we just don’t know.
That’s up to the viewer to imagine in their own head canon. In any case, Savage Goku serves as the panicle of pure primal Sayian power and until Echo-
G’s body is formed, Savage Goku IS the strongest Goku in the Goku Versus series that we’ve seen. 32
Echo-G’s power is a result of obtaining energy and life force from every Goku on the battlefield. In addition to this power, its primary source
of power comes from the physical device that resided back in Universe -7. The device itself can harness the power of Zero-point energy and
amplify it causing massive waves of energy that can open portals to other universes as seen throughout the series. Echo-G’s energetic form
on the battlefield can also do the same thing, however it no longer needs the physical device tethered to its energetic body.

Echo-G was able to vaporize Goku Black as a Mutated Super Saiyan 4 without any effort. It is able to effortlessly rip open portals to other
dimensions, realms, and universes in which it can travel to or destroy. It also was able to repeal over one hundred Kamehameha’s shot from
many Goku on the battlefield. Lastly, as stated by Evil Goku, a Spirit Bomb could not break Echo-G’s shield.

Based on these feats alone, without evening seeing its full capabilities, Echo-G is capable of wiping out universe after universe with ease,
and can easily travel to any universe it wants, with the ability to prevent any attack from reaching its body. This makes Echo-G a direct threat
to the entire multiverse as it could theoretically destroy all universes. However, seeing as the multiverse is infinite, it would be impossible
for it to actually do this as far as we know. Simply based on what we saw on screen, it must open one portal at a time and fire a Zero-point
energy attack at the universe in order for it to be obltierated.

It should be worth noting Echo-G, while having the ability to consume, amplify, and harness Zero-point energy, it cannot realistically fight in
hand-to-hand combat. Echo-G has no martial arts skills. Much like Zeno from Dragon Ball Super, Echo-G is not a fighter per se- it only has
this one ability of controlling Zero-point energy.

As mentioned earlier Echo-G obtains or feeds off the energy from Goku’s on the battlefield. This is because it was originally (after the Evil
Goku first portal accident) programmed to hunt down and find Evil Goku’s energy signature in the multiverse, but as a result of malfunctions
it pulled in other Goku’s to the Unknown Universe. In addition to its ability to harness and amplify Zero-point energy. In theory, if it is able to
harness and amplify Zero-point energy it could theoretically harness that energy infinitely and amplify it infinitely resulting in infinite power.

Seeing as how Echo-G was trying to locate Evil Goku’s energy signature, it had a somewhat affiliation with Evil Goku’s energy, and thus only
Evil Goku’s energy could stop it. When Evil Goku fires his Kamehameha on Echo-G he notices that his beam, and only his beam, is weakening
the energy field around Echo-G. Later on, Evil Goku realizes that only his energy can stop Echo-G. Also, that part of fixing his past mistakes
means defeating Echo-G on his own. As it is in-part Evil Goku’s fault the device ever existed in the first place, and that the situation everyone
is in is partly his doing.


No, Echo-G cannot transform. Echo-G is not a Saiyan. It is simply an energy manifested anomaly that takes on the appearance of Goku due
to the energy it consumed from all the Goku’s on the battlefield. Its height shown is 12 feet, though it can grow or shrink its height to any
size. It cannot be reasoned with, or bargained with. It has no personality or emotions. For lack of a better term, “it simply is what it is.”
Almost like a computer program, or one that has become self-aware in a sense. It will defend itself, and won’t stop till it has completed its
task. It’s objective was to hunt down Evil Goku’s energy signature, but due to malfunctions it pulled in other Goku and so now that Echo-G
(the device) created a body for itself, it continues to look for Evil Goku and wipe out universes in the process.

I’m not a physicist or a scientist, but I can research and learn a topic like anyone else can. In short, if you want to Google Zero-point energy
its actually quite fascinating. But to sum this up and how it plays into GVZ lets dive into it as these concepts have been in the series for many
years over the course of the series.

If you have an empty space, it actually isn’t empty at all. It’s filled with particles. This means that an empty space is filled with measureable
energy. These fluctuating particles pop in and out of existence and generate energy. We as a human species can not harness this power, its
technologically not possible at the moment. If we as a species could harness ZPE we could have free unlimited energy that could power
virtually everything.

In GVZ the portal device (Echo-G) can tap into and harness ZPE. Which means its power source is virtually all the space around it as it pulls
in more and more particles, or the energy from those particles, to give itself unlimited energy. Echo-G, the physical device, can do this. Once
the physical device creates a body for itself, using the stolen energy from all the Goku’s, the energetic body of Echo-G can also tap into and
harness ZPE.

Theoretically, this means Echo-G can be as strong as it needs to be, and can have virtually an unlimited supply of energy which can be used
for defense or attack by simply collecting energy out of thin air, literally.

Echo-G has two techniques shown on screen. As mentioned earlier, we don’t really know the true extent of its capabilities. That said, it is
possible Echo-G is able to use other Zero-point energy techniques but we just have not seen them.

Zero-point Expansion
Echo-G has a unique destructive attack called, “Zero-point Expansion.” This attack is based off Zero-point Energy, and
manipulating/harnessing Zero-point Energy. As the center of the attack expands it becomes stronger as it is enveloping or harnessing more
and more Zero-Point energy around it. This causes the attack to expand, theoretically infinitely, within the confines of a universe and
destroy anything in its radius. As shown in the animation, Echo-G uses this attack on a universe and it begins enveloping a galaxy, followed
by other galaxies. Eventually the entire universe would be wiped out and turned to nothingness. A Black hole singularity, light, energy,
magic, matter, nothing can prevent this attack from expanding once it has begun. The only thing that theoretically might be able to stop it
would be another Zero-point Expansion attack, or something else that can also harness and manipulate Zero-point Energy. However we
don’t know if that would cancel out the attack, or if it would aid in making it stronger.

Zero-point Shield
An impenetrable shield that can be harnessed by Echo-G. The shield taps into Zero-point Energy and can become as strong as Echo-G needs
it to be in order to withstand any attack of any kind.

In one of the many earlier versions of the GVZ script, one of the endings resulted in Evil Goku and Goku both using the Minus Positive
Kamehameha to stop Echo-G. This was intended to be one of many endings early on, but was soon scrapped as a much more emotional
ending and death of Evil Goku needed to occur. The fact that Goku and Evil Goku together could tap into Zero-point energy means they
could have stopped Echo-G without the loss of Evil Goku. However this may have only resulted into 1 of 2 scenarios:

1) Goku and Evil Goku succeed (highly unlikely)

2) Echo-G and subsequently Evil Goku and Goku keep raising their energy by tapping into ZPE and the Unknown universe is wiped out, or at
least the immediate area is. Killing every Goku (more likely)

Multiple different endings were considered, scripted, and scrapped. Eventually boiling down to two endings both consisting of Evil Goku’s
death. The first ending resulted in Evil Goku absorbing the Spirit Bomb sacrificing himself and when he explodes is instantly wiped out with
Echo-G. The second ending, similar to the first, Evil Goku survives the explosion just long enough to say good-bye to his friend and brother,

Goku Versus Z had roughly 4 completely different scripts or outlines over the course of about 9 years. And of those 4, they all evolved and
turned out differently with different scenarios till we got eventually what would become the final Goku Versus Z plot/script.

My job, with the assistance of my Creative Consultant Numbers, was to create the best story that made sense to what I have already
established in my series. Not to put too much unwanted fluff or too much nothingness for the sake of just doing it. I wanted to make a good
story, not just have ridiculous events or outcomes because that’s what Dragon Ball fans want. I want to do what I want, and create the best
Dragon Ball story I can. If it is accepted by people who watch my work great. If not, then it is what it is. So lets get into some of these
alternate plots. I will do a video explaining a lot of these but I will let you in on two of them below.

Goku and Evil Goku Fusion

This was very close to being in the final product. The sprites for Goku (Fusion) were about 50% done, lines of dialogue were recorded, and
scenes were animated that had a whole build up to Goku and Evil Goku fusing to combat Goku Black in his Corrupted Super Saiyan 4 form. I
wont go into details about which type of fusion and whatnot, I’ll save that for a future video. In any case, it would have just been “fan
service” and ultimately the fusion wouldn’t have worked to defeat Black anyway. They would have ran out of time, events would have been
different, and it would take away from the importance of Goku and Evil Goku working together which we have never seen. I personally don’t
care for fusions all that much anyway. But the fusion would have just been another thing that didn’t work against Black in conjunction with
everything else that didn’t work. MUI, Demon Form, Kaio-Ken X100, Savage Goku, AND fusion? It was just way too much and right when it
came time to animate the scene, it was scrapped. The focus should be put on Goku and Evil Goku working together. Not just join bodies and
call it a day because they are stronger, but then something happens and they run out of time and defuse. This always happens in the main
series and I’m not about to start doing it in mine.

Xeno Goku
In a version of the script that actually contained time travel, Xeno Goku and also Super CC Goku were going to fight Goku Black. At this point
it was just too much and Xeno Goku was cut from the script. It would have taken away from Goku and Evil Goku as well as the other
supporting characters like Gokumi and Mecha Goku. But some scenes were animated with Xeno Goku at the Time Nest. 38
When Evil Goku absorbs the Sprit Bomb he essentially starts an internal process where his life-force energy/negative energy is mixed with
the energy of the Spirit Bomb. He literally becomes a walking time bomb, similar to Vegeta’s self-destruction and when Goku absorbed the
Spirit Bomb in movie 7, unleashing it to destroy Super Android 13. The difference here is that the Spirit Bomb also contains Goku (Prime)’s
energy, and as talked about before when Evil Goku’s negative energy is mixed or fused with Goku’s positive enery (based on their Q.E.S.),
the result is tapping into Zero-point energy. As Evil Goku approaches Echo-G, energy is slowly leaking out or escaping from his body. He is
unable to contain the incredible amount of energy that is being processed and continues to rise inside of him for very long.

While the Spirit Bomb’s energy is massive it is really Evil Goku’s energy that is the key to stopping Echo-G, fusing or mixing his power with
the Spirit Bomb only amplifies the output. Evil Goku realizes this in the end and makes a selfless decision to destroy Echo-G himself, with
the aid of the Spirit Bomb. Evil Goku mixing his negative energy with Goku (Prime)’s positive energy (present in the Spirit Bomb) creates this
amplified energy output as explained in this video. Both Goku (Prime) and Evil Goku share a direct polar opposite Q.E.S number. When
energy signatures from two characters with direct polar opposite Q.E.S. numbers clash at a certain energy levels or frequencies, one of two
things can happen. Either the energy will cancel out or it will magnify infinitely by tapping into Zero-point Energy, resulting in a theoretical
infinite power source. We have seen evidence of this throughout the series. In Goku vs. Evil Goku 3: Both Goku’s power grow and begin
clashing. This causes the environment around them to break down as they warp to different universes. The ending scene shows both Goku’s
firing Kamehameha’s at each other, resulting in the two beams canceling each other out, pushing through one another. Evil Goku recognizes
this, and in order for him to fight Goku with no break down or universal barriers or otherworldly/cosmic interference, he creates his own
realm that can’t be affected by any of this, as seen in Goku vs. Evil Goku 4. In Evil Goku vs. Goku Black, Goku (Prime) and Evil Goku merge
their Kamehameha’s to create the Minus Positive Kamehameha, which taps into Zero Point energy magnifying the beam to push back Black.

Had Goku thrown the Spirit Bomb at Echo-G it would have been deflected or nullified by Echo-G’s Zero-point Shield. However, Evil Goku
absorbing the Spirit Bomb creates, almost like this, Zero-point Energy Spirit Bomb. As his energy is being mixed with Goku (Prime) and
amplified, in conjunction with every other Goku’s energy present in the bomb. As Evil Goku is tapping into Zero-point energy for the Spirit
Bomb this again means the energy output can be theoretically infinite. Evil Goku is as powerful as he needs to be to stop Echo-G, but with
at price of costing him his life. The energy from Evil Goku cancels out the shield from Echo-G and he destroys the anomaly. 39
It became apparent early on for Evil Goku to die in this final installment of the series. A full in-depth video will be released on my YouTube
channel that goes over his character arch and why it is essential he dies with zero chance of being revived or coming back. He was already
dead (killed himself in Goku vs. Evil Goku 2), and thus having sacrificing himself against Echo-G he no longer exists as far as we know.

When Goku (Prime) finds Evil Goku, Evil Goku’s body is in the process of turning to ash, similar to Vegeta against Majin Buu. He survived the
explosion but is essentially in the process of turning to ash. Nothing can be done to stop this process. Evil Goku loses his halo as he is in this
process of dying for a second time. For reasons why we do not know, speculation may be needed. But this is the first time we are seeing
someone who was already dead, die for a second time. What ultimately ends up happening to Evil Goku is up for debate. If he is ceasing to
exist, or if he is on a different journey altogether where his body is not needed, we just don’t know. Goku and Evil Goku say their parting
good-byes and both acknowledge each other as brothers.

To keep this explanation short for this document and to reserve my full analysis of his character arch for said future video as mentioned
earlier, Evil Goku’s character has come full circle. As a result of his actions through the course of his life and all of his evil deeds, he has
walked down a small path of redemption in Goku Versus Z. Evil Goku has caused the deaths of trillions, he’s destroyed hundreds of worlds,
killed those who oppose him, and killed the innocent on a galactic scale. He cannot live in a world un-tortured or have any kind of peace of
mind. Evil Goku can fight for peace, in this case peace for himself, for Goku, for Komay, for his universe, etc… but he cannot live in said
peace. This is because of the evil deeds he has done. He does a lot of good before the end, but it’s not enough to balance out the decades
of his sins. The only way his redemption is even remotely possible is if he dies in the process of fighting for the cause. The price of that
redemption is too high not to cost Evil Goku his existence. His past sins are so egregious, that while he can fight for the cause; he cannot be
allowed to live on after the battle is over. For him to truly be redeemed in the end and for his character to truly come full circle, he must
give his life for the cause of the heroes. He has to die with zero chance of ever coming back. This is ultimately why, from a story perspective,
he remains dead in the series after Goku vs. Evil Goku 2. When Evil Goku kills himself the first time, it was done out of selfish reasons to
become stronger. When he sacrifices himself in Goku Versus Z it is an act of self-sacrifice and selflessness to save his friend, the other
Gokus, and ultimately the multiverse. Whether or not he is truly redeemed is ultimately up to the viewer.
Every Goku sent to the Unknown Universe by Echo-G is returned back to their original universe. Because Echo-G can manipulate time and
space, it returns each Goku to the moment they left their original universe. So it is as if each Goku never actually left. However, having been
gone from their Universe for X amount of time, all Gokus did retain whatever power increase or form unlocks that were obtained during
their time away from their universe. This also would include any injury, interaction, or experiences they had during their time in the
Unknown Universe.

Echo-G pulled all these Goku from their original universe and delivered them back to the same universe. Almost like matching the Q.E.S.
from every Goku with the Q.E.S. residing within every universe. Each Goku has a certain frequency or wavelength or something about their
power that essentially identifies them as being, “X Goku from X universe.” Like an energetic/quantum zip code that identifies who they are
and where they belong in the multiverse.

If a Goku died in the Unknown Universe, we have no way of knowing what happened to that Goku. In my mind I like to think that they cease
to exist, as we don’t know how the Unknown Universe operates in terms of what happens to an individual after death. And I don’t think
that question needs to be answered. I think with the way Echo-G works, and the way the Unknown Universe works, it would be impossible
for any Goku who died to be “brought back” or “sent back” to their proper universe.

So in this case, any Goku who dies in the Unknown Universe is dead and gone for good. I don’t think a dead body would be returned either,
as the body no longer has any sort of energy signature attached to it as all energy/soul on a spiritual and quantum level is gone. Seeing as
how Echo-G targets Gokus based on their Q.E.S./energy signature, it would make sense that dead Goku bodies would remain in the
Unknown Universe, and the soul/spirit would cease to exist.

Goku (Prime) however is an exception. Because he was in Evil Goku’s Realm for 100 years, his Q.E.S. does not match that realm. So Goku
(Prime) is returned back to Universe 7 at the present time. Meaning he is now 100 years past the events of GT.

If you pay close attention to this animation, there are lines of dialogue that are said between most characters that eventually come to pass
or were reversed on purpose to the desired outcome as a play on parallels. This was planned in such a way so that every primary character
gets complete fulfillment to their story. In addition, fans of the series get what they wanted as old characters from the series return, and
certain match ups and ideas are put into my fan series.

Goku Black- Becomes so strong he achieves a new form but loses himself in the process, proving Evil Goku’s point. Black also wishes to fight
both Goku (Prime) and Evil Goku at the same time early on, then by the end of the animation he gets to fight them both
Goku (Prime)- Mentions to Goku Black that “We all can’t get what we want.” When the exact opposite comes to pass and everyone gets
what they want in the animation. Goku (Prime) also is returned back to his universe after 100 years spent with Evil Goku putting him in the
events of post GT to meet Goku Jr.
Gokumi- Achieves Super Saiyan with outside help and then unlocks it on her own. She also teams up with Evil Gokumi who strictly told her
she would never join forces with her. Gokumi also returns home and protects her planet by easily defeating Vegeena.
Mecha Goku- Regains his humanity and his arm. He also saves Piccolo from Frieza, and they escape Frieza’s planet.
Goku the Hedgehog- Gets waffles and saves King Kai (King Robo Kai).
Savage Goku- Makes his triumphant return and can go Super Saiyan 5.
Gokuu and NegaGoku- Return briefly as cameos.
Vegeta- Returns. Hints that Echo-G is forming a consciousness, this comes to pass.
Piccolo- Returns. Has always wanted to get Evil Goku to see the truth, this comes to pass.
Echo-G- Present in mostly every animation in the series, but gets revealed as final antagonist in the climax of the series.
Evil Goku- Gets peace. He sacrifices himself for the greater good to try and redeem himself for his past sins. He also experiences, for a brief
moment, what it’s like to have his own child and ultimately try to move on from his past life events.

And there is many more, look for them. Too many to list out in this document.

Thanks to everyone who has been with me on this Snake Way journey and also those who helped contribute to the entire series as a whole.
It’s awesome to know you guys enjoy my videos. Thank you for your support and love over the years. It is humbling to read all the positive
outcomes from those who were inspired or entertained by my work with Evil Goku and the Goku Versus series.

Using 2D sprites to tell this story was, at the time it began, the only way I knew how to visually communicate this narrative. My style
evolved a lot over the years. Which is why I believe my 2D sprite animation style is unique among the thousands and thousands of 2D sprite
animators that there are. I now animate as if you are watching a full fledged episode of Dragon Ball Z not focusing strictly on combos,
fighting, and the special effects. But to develop something truly unique with strong story elements, good character growth, and other
equally as important ideas/elements injected into an anime-style 2D sprite movie.

I didn’t want to retcon certain elements (or mistakes) from my own series, so I had to stay true with everything that came before and
somehow wrap it up in a way that made sense. I used a lot of my own life-experiences, head canon, mature themes, and western world
elements by fusing that into my favorite childhood show, Dragon Ball Z. Creating characters and stories that would be interesting and fun for
me to animate, and hopefully; something all of you would enjoy. I very much am from the late 90’s early 2000’s era of Dragon Ball, and it’s
when I was introduced to it. So naturally a lot of the elements (big and small/incorrect and correct) from that era are present in this
animation on purpose, like “KAY-OH-KEN.”

Goku Versus Z was by far was the most challenging animation I’ve done in my life. It took almost 2.5 years to complete. I devoted so much
of my time, effort, money, blood, sweat, and tears into completing this series with this final installment. To make it something I can be
proud of and something special for everyone. During it’s production major life events happened. Some of these events were sad and some
were happy. I say this proudly: it is a testament to my strength of character for persevering through the stress of completing a project of this
magnitude almost virtually all on my own. I did hire some help with voices, some sprites, music, artwork, and other misc. things that
needed to be done. But I was the one who had to animate and bring this whole event together, and you guys were with me cheering me on
every step of the way. So now, I deserve a nice long break by a beach, and I intend to collect on that. You can picture me sitting on a beach
at sunset. A beer in one hand and a good cigar in the other, relaxing for a nice long while 😎😎 43
No. As far as the Goku Versus series is concerned, it is done and complete. I have worked on it for almost two decades and it has been a
significant part of my life for many years. All good things must come to an end. I would rather stop here at the top of my game with the
grand finale, then continue dragging this series out and have it potentially crumble and evolve into something terrible, which seems to
happen a lot with many modern day shows/series. It is the right time for this series to end, and end on a big note. At the time of it’s
inception the term or phrase “Multiverse” was not mainstream. Now, the word “multiverse” is literally everywhere. Every medium, every
series, every story now has some sort of multiverse element in it. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is a reflection of how for many
years I have done this concept and it is time to move on to other things.

I do plan on going back and telling the origin story of Evil Goku as a new series and all of his early adventures using a different digital
medium, not animations. I would also love to tell a continuing story using Evil Goku’s daughter, Komay. I think there is a lot to explore yet in
Evil Goku’s universe both in his past events and with future events using, Komay. So I’m looking forward to using a quicker method to tell
those stories, without (sadly) the animation quality I’m used to producing. This would likely lead to faster production times and a more
consistent posting of videos on my YouTube channel, instead of going months or years between posts. It also gives me the opportunity to
turn this hobby into a potential solid source of income.

As far as animating goes, I’m permanently burnt out. After an event like this who wouldn’t be. It’s been one hell of a ride, and I wouldn’t
change a thing. My Snake Way journey has come to an end. I’m looking forward to continuing the stories you guys enjoyed as soon as I take
some much needed R&R. Ensure you stick around to find out what happens in future Dragon Ball stories on my channel. Thank you for
taking this journey with me and for your continued support over the years. It means more than you know 

Much love to all of you, I wish you the best!

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