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Podcast Script

Cristine: Hey, Liberals! Pitch in for this newest podcast only made to share knowledge
about Argumentation and Debate.

Irvin: We aim to empower your voices, and cultivate your reasoning into a higher level of

Angelica: Whether you’re into debate and argumentation or not, buckle up as we dive
into tonight’s topic.

Irvin: This is Irvin…

Angelica: Angelica…
Cristine: and Maria…

All: We are your hosts, and welcome to the “I AM” podcast, believing in Da Vinci’s
adage that “learning never exhausts the mind”.

Cristine: To our Liberals, the listeners out there, my question is “are you having fun
engaging in the ‘bardagulan’s’ happening nowadays? Well, you can actually level that

Angelica: You can have a meaningful discussion…

Irvin: Argumentation is a much more informal way of discoursing whereas you try to
influence or persuade others of your perspective. On the other hand, debate is a much
more formal discourse whereas stands are being explained by two people making
conflicting ideas.

Angelica: However, before engaging into such discourse, you must be informed of the
Values of Academic Debate.

Cristine: For today’s episode we have here three Values of Academic Debate. On the
SIGNIFICANT CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS. What’s your stance about this Irvin and

Irvin: Themes in debates were mostly about numerous contemporary problems which
go too far sometimes, as people will have different opinions on nearly everything, and
their opposing viewpoints frequently lead to heated discussions that can last for years or
even result in murder and war, or various crimes. Values, various cultural standards,
economic inequality, and social power structures all cause problems when they are
raised. Contemporary issues are things worth debating and discussing the most,
specifically because they are affecting people currently. Providing for investigation and
intensive analysis of contemporary problems were made to ease our lives concerning
these contemporary issues.

Angelica: As for me, when in debate, the parties involved tend to overanalyze given
points which ended up becoming a personal attack. Most of the time debates open up
an opportunity for contemporary problems to be discussed. When this happens, both
sides are able to defend their stands about a certain topic - whether they affirm it or
negate the idea. Before they stand up on a podium, or on the platform, both sides would
take their time in studying their topics. This is where the investigation starts, systematic
analysis of data is being gathered using parameters of a well-proven paradigm which
can justify one’ s claim. They start investigating the greater depths of each topic, both
pros and cons. Debaters will do their best to dig on their side so they can argue with
facts and not with subjectivity. It is a well constructed discourse because there are
supporting facts after a thesis statement or claim. Afterwards, real life situation can be
used as examples.

Irvin: I agree, to add, debates and discussions often lead to new insights into different
situations which is extremely useful. Hence, contemporary conflicts were often solved
instead of making a new problem through an intensive debate. Participating in debates
encourages creative problem-solving and thinking. These contemporary issues have
different views on them, including whether or not to be considered a priority, which is
most likely why these debates and discussions are started.

Angelica: Lastly, most of the time debate topics tend to focus on contemporary
problems which is why audiences and debaters will be able to see the significance of
the topic to their real life situation. Since both debaters should provide knowledgeable
and factual arguments then indeed, debate helps debaters think critically through
utilization of evidence.

Cristine: I affirm with the things you have said, guys. Since humans as social animals
are prone to interactions, there will always be conflicting perspectives due to the
differences in history, culture, geographical position, and among others. For instance,
how will the issue of “development” in the lens of Eurocentrism be given further reforms
if there will be no debate? But before jumping into such debate, the one’ s willing to
pursue reformation of the ideology will need to do research first. A survey is also very
evident because it reflects the people’s stance or state regarding the contemporary
issue. Henceforth, debate is not just about making arguments but also being
knowledgeable about the topics or issues by researching or collecting supporting
evidence about the possible claims. Debating is a systematic process which
incorporates a higher level of reasoning and critical analysis. Moving forward to our
my view…that ever since we started schooling, we are already trained not just to read
or write, but to have critical comprehension as well. Through debate, we are criticized
for the way we do it, the way we argue our statement through writing, and the way we
provide real life instances which will be more powerful in a debate. Well, since there is
criticism along with reading and writing, debaters are able to be holistic about different
ideologies in the society. The means of reading and writing not only literally requires the
act in debate, but it also requires a higher level of logical thinking. We do not just read
and rephrase ideas whenever we do academic writings or essays about social issues,
we collect ideas and synthesize them. We paraphrase it, then give an explanation using
our own understanding relating it to the contemporary world.

Irvin: I agree! To tell you a story, I develop proficiency in reading and writing, and I
concur with it as well. As much as I love reading and writing, debating helps me to
develop my critical thinking skills. Your ability to critically think, which is crucial in
everyday life, will grow as a result of the debate. Making well reasoned arguments and
evaluating the supporting data for a given conclusion or attitude are both aspects of
critical thinking. Therefore, as I develop my critical thinking skills, I could develop my
proficiency in reading and writing too. I have the idea that when you can't think well,
your writing and reading proficiency will also improve.

Angelica: In my standpoint, debate develops reading comprehension and proficiency in

writing. Both debaters should analyze articles in order to support the claims they will
provide during discourse. You must have great reading skills to understand debate
topics and defend it well. In terms of writing skills, debating helps in enhancing the ideas
being delivered. Debaters would often develop their own arguments by writing their
main points but it is backed up with facts and intensive evidence. They must know what
to write and how to properly give citations since debate is associated with oral
communication. This enhances the comprehension skills of debaters. They have to
expand their main points so they must read tons of related articles to provide a strong

Irvin: But not that just, as for you to write and read well, you have to do more reading
and writing. Actually, the finest piece of advice I have ever heard is this because there
isn't a secret recipe or quick fix, in reality. To view examples of excellent writing, read
books that most closely correspond to the kind of writing you wish to produce. To see
examples of poor writing, you should write more. Your writing will get better through time
and practice. And it works for me, by doing debate and as people criticize me and my
work, it helps me to get better. It is just you have to find something that will make your
work improve, and for me, I could find it in debating. You will develop a healthy attitude
towards questioning and become more open-minded to new concepts while yet being
skeptical. You're not going to be right all the time, therefore it will even help you grow
more modest.

Angelica: Debaters would often develop their own arguments by writing their main
points. These arguments are formed with analysis beforehand and even synthesizing
concepts. This enhances the critical reading skills of debaters.

Cristine: So when it comes to the value of DEBATE DEVELOPS PROFICIENCY IN

READING AND WRITING, we do not just go through a discourse and make claims and
rebuttals, because we also do note take on what the other person or positions is saying.
We become open to ideas, and learn from them. We comprehend the things we read,
analyze different points, consider different concepts, and make resolutions about it
through critical analysis. Moving on, the last Values of Academic Debate that we are
going to deal with today is DEBATE DEVELOPS MATURITY.

Angelica: In my opinion, the value “debate develops maturity” means that debate helps
in developing social maturity. Debating opens up viewpoints not just for debaters but for
the listeners as well. This helps us gain a new perspective on the chosen topic. We
become holistic rather than partial with our perspectives.But, what does it mean to be
mature about the issues of the real world? Does it mean being constructive, aggressive,
or just logical?

Irvin: Well, debates are not individual speeches. The ability to debate demands a
person to be considerably more politically and socially informed of current events.
Debating, in actuality, calls for you to discuss a wide variety of various societal topics
and opinions. In addition to being crucial while discussing, being more politically and
socially conscious can also help you connect and relate to others more effectively in
both social and professional settings. The process of forming suitable attitudes for a
person's interpersonal, social, and personal sufficiency, which is necessary for good
social functioning, is known as social maturity. In debating, you tend to develop that as
you socialize with people and start to get to know more about things that you tend to

Angelica: From this view, we can understand that since we are hearing the cons and
pros in the topic, we can know where to stand. This helps society to choose their
respective standpoints, and still become appreciative and respective of the others.
Debate is important in terms of social maturity.

Cristine: Debate develops social maturity because in a debate there is a winner and a
loser. But this does not mean that the losing side is inferior with the points and claims of
the winning side. This only means that in a competitive lens, there are much higher
variables to be considered in order to make resolutions about the issues being debated.

Angelica: Also, debate helps people from expanding their knowledge about a certain
topic. This helps them in reasoning properly without feeling superior or inferior with the
opinions or standpoints of others. This gives them well thought arguments and
enhances their cognitive skills, as well as the sportsmanship of a person when their
ideas did not win. Thus, debate helps us to reach the psychological level of functioning
objectively rather than being vulnerable and dependent on opinions or our own

Cristine: Indeed, tonight we have tackled how we can be critical thinkers, socially
matured, fact-based, and proficient in making written or oral statements about issues
that concern the real world. Remember that debate is not just a discourse because it
WRITING, and DEVELOPS MATURITY. And that’s that for today’s Episode of Values of
Academic Debate here on the “I AM” podcast! Thank you, Liberals, as well as to my
co-hosts - Irvin and Angelica. Today, we’ve learned about…Once again, thank you to
our subscribers. I am Maria…

Angelica: this is Angelica…

Irvin: and Irvin.

All: We are your hosts, leaving you with the quote from Leonardo da Vinci - “learning
never exhausts the mind.” This is the “I AM” podcast! See you on our next podcast!

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