Physics Module 2 SHS

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Prepared By: Ms. Rheanne f. bautista,lpt

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Chapter II

Have you ever wondered why you arrived faster at the base of your
enemy when you take the straight path in the middle of the mobile legends
arena? Why your math teacher says that the shortest way is the longest line
in a triangle? And travelers say “always take the straight line”? In our day to
day life, we tend to travel a lot, we tend to move from one place to another
not by just leisure, but a necessity. There are so many maps and
navigational devices that we use to determine directions and magnitude of
distance and displacement-compass, octant, maps, google map, waze,
wind vane to name a few.
In this module you will learn why it is important to know the
directions, where you will go and where you came from. The difference
between distance and displacement, of vector and scalar quantity, plot
Cartesian coordinates, solve vector addition, subtraction, multiplication, dot
product and cross product and predict the direction and the magnitude of a
given vector. You will also apply your knowledge in trigonometry
specifically- component method, SOHCAHTOA and etc.
Now, let’s go back to mobile legends and mobile games both offline
and online games. Can you name a few gaming software that you think is
using the concept of vectors, directions and displacement?

Lesson Objectives:

- Differentiate a vector quantity from a scalar quantity

- perform vector addition and subtraction using analytical and graphical
Mobile Legends, League
of Legends, Cross fire
- perform three ways of vector multiplication
and Adorable Homes to - resolve a given vector into its components using three unit vectors
name a few is a Role - perform mathematical operations on vectors using three unit vectors
Playing Game (RPG). - Draw the best fit line and estimate its slope and intercepts

A book entitled Values:

“Catharsis: Awakened
Online” is a famous RPG
- Recognize and appreciate the role of physics as the foundation upon
based fiction story that
which modern technology is built
exhibits the future
threats that RPG games
- Appreciate vector operations as an essential tool in physics
can cause in the future. -develop accuracy in drawing graph
A must read.


Questions Ideas/Facts Online resources Formulas Science Idols

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Table of Contents

Chapter 2.0:
Graphical Analysis
Lesson 2.1: 1-13
Problem-solving Strategy
Vector and Vector Addition
Vector Representation and Direction
Vector Addition
-Parallelogram Method
-Polygon Method
-Resolution of Vectors
Using Laws of Sines and Cosines
Component Method
Lesson 2.2: 13-14
Vector Subtraction
Lesson 2.3: 14-18
Vector Multiplication
Dot Product
Cross Product

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Graphical Ananlysis
Experiments in physics usually changing a variable and observing how
another variable is affected by this change.
- The variable that is being changed by an experiment is called the
Independent Variable.
- The variable that is being affected by the change of the independent
variable is called the Dependent Variable.
An equation can be used to relate two variables while a graph can be used
to relate two between them.
- The independent variable is usually plotted along the x-axis.
- while, the dependent variable is plotted on the y-axis.
An easy way to make a graph is to enter one’s data into a spreadsheet
program (e.g., Microsoft Excel). The program can generate the graph you
need, place error bars, and give the equation of the best fit line.

Problem-Solving strategy
Most courses in general physics require the students to learn the skills used
in solving problems, the examinations usually include problems that require
such skills. This brief section presents some useful suggestions that will
help increase your success in problem solving. An organized approach to
problem solving will also enhance your understanding of physical concepts
and reduce exam stress.
General problem-solving strategy
1. Read, The problem carefully at least twice. Be sure that you understand
the nature of the problem before proceeding further.
2. Draw. A diagram while reading the problem.
3. Label. All the physical quantities in the diagram, using letters that remind
you what the quantity is (e.g. m for mass). Choose a coordinate system and
label it.
4. Identify Physical principles, the knowns and the unknowns, and list them.
Put circles on the unknown. There must be as many questions as there are

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5. Equations, the relationships between the labeled physical quantities,

should be written down next. Naturally, the selected equations should be
consistent with the physical principles identified in the previous steps.
6. Solve the set of equations for the unknown quantities in terms of the
known. Do this algebraically, without substituting values until the next step,
except where terms are zero.
7. Substitute the known value, together with their units. Obtain a numerical
value with units for each unknown.
Check Answer
8. Check your answer. Do the unit’s match? Is the answer reasonable?
does the plus or minus sign makes sense? Is you answer consistent with
an order of magnitude?.

Read the Solve Substitute

problem equations known values

Draw diagram Check answer

Label physical Mark your
quantities final answer
List data

Figure 2.1: A guide to problem-solving.

Vectors are usually Vector and Vector Addition

plotted in a
Cartesian plane. Quantities in Physics may either be vector or scalar.
- Scalar Quantities are those that can be described completely by their
magnitudes and appropriate units. Examples are: mass, temperature,
speed, and time.
- Vector Quantity are quantities that are completely described by their
magnitude, appropriate units and directions. Examples are: Force,
displacement, velocity and acceleration.

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Vector Representation and Direction

- A vector quantity could be represented by

an arrow. And length and direction of the
arrow represents the magnitude and
direction of the vector quantity respectively.
The symbol for vector quantities is an
italicized capital letter in boldface or with an
arrow on top. For example, force may be
represented as F or 𝐹⃗. This book uses the Figure2.2:A vector can be drawn into
former representation. a scale.

The direction of a vector is the acute angle it

makes with the east-west line. The word
north or south is written after the measure of
the angle followed by the phrase “of east” or
“of west”.
A direction of 60° south of west means that
starting from west, you go south by 60°, figure
3 shows the vector diagrams of A and B. the
direction of vector A is 30° north of east. The Figure2.3: the directions of vector A
direction of vector B is 60° south of west. and B based on the east-west line.

Sample Problem 2.1

Specify the directions of vectors A,B,C and D

as shown in the figure.

Answer: A is 50° north of east

B is northwest or 45° norh of west

C is 20° south of east
D is south.

Practice Exercise 2.1:

Show the following directions using a vector diagram: (a) 28° north of
east, (b) 59° south of west, and 15° south of east.

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Vector Addition
A variety of mathematical operations may be performed on vectors. While
scalar quantities obey the ordinary rules of arithmetic in addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division, vector quantities are treated in a
different way. Their directions must be taken into consideration.
The sum of two or more vector quantities is called the resultant vector, or
simple, resultant. The resultant vector is the single vector that, if substituted
in place of all vectors to be added would produce the same combined effect
of these vectors. The notation R is usually used to represent the resultant.
Vector addition could be commutative and associative properties in nature.
- Commutative vector addition, the order of the vectors may be changed
without affecting the resultant.
-Associative vector addition, the grouping of the vectors to be added may
also be changed without affecting the resultant.
(A + B) + C = A + (B + C)

Methods of Vector Addition


Graphical Analytical

Polygon Parallelogram Laws of sine Component

method method and cosine method

Figure 2.4: Vector addition, can be expressed by graphical method or analytical

method. in graphical method, the vectors will be plotted in a Cartesian coordinate

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system and the resultant will be measured by a measuring tool. Analytical method
uses formulas, Vx = Vcos𝜃; Vy = Vsin 𝜃.
In vector operations, the laws of sine and cosines are generally used if there
are only two vectors to be added.
-Laws of sine and The component method is more convenient to use than the laws of sines
cosine is and cosines if there are more than two vectors to be added.
convenient for
TWO VECTORS Parallelogram Method
only. The steps in determining the resultant of two vectors using the
-Component parallelogram method are outlined below and are shown in figure 2.5. Two
method is for vectors, A and B, are used for these analyses.
adding more than
two vectors.
1. using a suitable scale, draw the arrows
representing the vectors from a common point. (a)

2. construct a parallelogram using the two vectors

as sides(b).

3. draw the diagonal of the parallelogram from the component point. This
represents the resultant R (c).

4. measure the length of the arrow representing

the resultant, and from the scale used, determine
its magnitude.

5. determine the direction of the resultant vector

using a protractor.


Figure 2.5: The steps in

parallelogram method of
adding vectors.

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Sample Problem 2.2

Two forces A and B are acting on an object. A is 3.0N directed north and B
is 4.0N,30° north of east. Find the resultant force acting on the object
using the parallelogram method.
Using the scale of 0.5 cm: 1N, the parallelogram using forces A and B as
sides is drawn as shown in the figure. Using a ruler, the length of the
arrow representing the magnitude of the resultant

Many people use R is found to be 6cm. using a protractor., the angle 𝜃 that R makes with
the Mnemonic the horizontal is approximately 55°. Therefore, R is 6N,55° .north of east.
remember the basic
formulas: Sine=
e, Cosine=
e, and Tangent=
(Thanks go Professor
Don Chodrow for
pointing this out).

Practice exercise 2.2:

A balloon is rising vertically at 4.0 m/s. wind is blowing from the east to west at
3.0 m/. find the resultant velocity of the balloon.

Polygon Method
The polygon method is otherwise known as the tip-to-tail method. This
method is more convenient than the parallelogram method when more than
two vectors are to be added graphically. The following are the steps to be
followed using the polygon method.
1. Represent each vector quantity by an arrow drawn scale.
2. starting from the origin, draw the first vector on the rectangular coordinate
system, accounting properly its direction.

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3. connect the tail of the second vector to the head of the first vector. Then,
connect the tail of the third vector to the head of the second vector. You
may continue drawing the vectors head to tail until you draw the last vector
to be added.
4. the resultant will close the figure formed by connecting the vectors. This
resultant is drawn from the tail of the first vector to the head of the last
5. measure the length of the arrow representing the resultant. Determine
the magnitude of the resultant from the scale used.
6. use a protractor to determine the direction of the resultant.
If there are only vectors to be added, the polygon that will be formed is a
triangle. In this vase the polygon method is otherwise known as the triangle

Sample Problem 2.3

You are bound to Dagupan, when the driver informed you that he will use
another route going to your destination. The driver drives 5.0m south, and 12.0
m, east. When the driver decided to go further he turns 4.0m, southwest and
6.0m, west. (a) How far are you now from your starting point and in what
direction? (b) would you have arrived at the same spot have you taken the spots
in this order: 12.0m, east; 4.0m, southwest;5.0m, south; and 6.0m, west? Use
polygon method to determine your answer.

(a) (b)
Figure 5 (a) The resultant displacement R for A +B +C +D and (B) the resultant
displacement R for B + C + A + D

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Resolution of Vectors
A single vector is usually divided into two
vectors called components that are
In medicine, a perpendicular to each other. The progress of
vector is a carrier splitting the vector into its components is
that transfer an called resolution. The components are
infective agent from normally along the x and the y-axes of the
one host to another. rectangular coordinate system. The
Dogs and cats are component along the x-axis is called the
vectors that
horizontal component, while the component
transmit the rabies
along the y-axis is called the vertical
virus to human. The Figure 2.6 A given vector may be
Anopheles component. To represent the horizontal and resolved into its horizontal and vertical
the vertical components of a vector V,Vx and components.
mosquitoes and
Aedes mosquitoes Vy will be used, respectively. In general,
are carriers of virus
that causes malaria
and dengue,
Vx = Vcos𝜽 ; Vy = Vsin 𝜽

Provide that 𝜃 is measured with respect to the

x-axis. The signs of the horizontal and vertical
components of the given vector must also be Figure 2.7 different quadrants of the
taken into consideration, depending on the Cartesian coordinate system.

quadrant where the vector lies.

Using the Laws of Sines and Cosines

The steps I vector addition using the laws of sines and cosines are the same
with the parallelogram method and polygon method., except that instead of
determining the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector by actual
measurement, they are computed using these laws.
Special Cases
1. For two vectors acting in the same direction
The angle between the two vectors is zero. The magnitude of the resultant
is equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors. The direction of the
resultant is the direction as the direction of the vectors.
2. For two vectors acting in opposite directions
The angle between the two vectors is 180° . the magnitude of the resultant
is the difference between the magnitude of the two vectors. The direction of
the resultant is the direction of the larger vector.

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3. for two vectors that are perpendicular to each other

The magnitude of the resultant can be obtained by the Pythagorean
theorem. The direction of the resultant can be found by using any
trigonometric function of a right triangle.

Sample Problem 2.4:

A hiker begins a trip by first walking 25.0 km 45 ° south of east from hehr base
camp. On the second day she walks 40 km in a direction 60° north of east, at
which point she discovers a ranger tower. (a) determine the components of the
hiker’s displacements in the first and second days. (b) determine the
components of the hiker’s total displacement for the trip. (c) Find the magnitude
A good background in and direction of the displacement from the base camp.
vectors is needed in
the job of
atmospheric scientist. (a) Find the components of 𝐴⃗ and 𝐵
Atmospheric scientist
forecast weather,
(b) Find the components of resultant vector. 𝑅⃗⃗ = 𝐴⃗ + 𝐵
investigate and study Vector Horizontal Component Vertical component
atmospheric 1. 25km,45° south Ax = A cos (-45.0°)
of east = (25.0 km)(0.707)
= 17.7km
meteorological data
2. 40 km,60.0° By = B sin (60.0.0°)
gathers by surface
north of east = (40.0 km)(0.866)
and air stations,
= 34.6km
satellites, and radars
and analyzes
Σ𝑑𝑥 = Σ𝑑𝑦 =
(c ) find the magnitude and direction of 𝑅⃗⃗ . Use the Pythagorean theorem to get

the magnitude: 𝑅 = √𝑅𝑥 2 + 𝑅𝑦 2 =

Calculate the direction of 𝑅⃗⃗ using the inverse tangent function.

𝑦 𝑅
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (𝑅 ) =

Practice exercise 2.3:

A cruise ship leaving port travels 50.0km 45° north of west and the 70.0 km at a
heading 30.0° north of east. Find (a) the ships displacement vector and (b) the
displacement vectors magnitude and direction.

As the angle between two vectors increases, the magnitude of the

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resultant decreases. The maximum magnitude of the resultant is obtained

If the vectors are acting in the same direction; that is, the angle between
them is zero. The minimum magnitude of the resultant is obtained when
they are oppositely directed. In other words, the angle between them is 180.

Component Method
The component method is generally used when more than two vectors are
to be added. The steps involved in adding vectors using the component
method are as follows:
1. Resolve the given vectors into the horizontal and vertical components.
2. get the algebraic sum of all the horizontal components, Σ𝑉𝑥. Then, get
the algebraic sum of all the vertical components, ΣVy. These sums
represent the horizontal component and the vertical component of the
resultant, respectively.

, 𝜮𝑽𝒙 = 𝑽𝒙𝟏 + 𝑽𝒙𝟐 + 𝑽𝒙𝟑 + 𝑽𝒙𝟒 + ⋯ … + 𝑽𝒙𝒏

, 𝜮𝑽𝒚 = 𝑽𝒚𝟏 + 𝑽𝒚𝟐 + 𝑽𝒚𝟑 + 𝑽𝒚𝟒 + ⋯ … + 𝑽𝒚𝒏

3. since the vertical and horizontal components are perpendicular to each

other, the magnitude of the resultant may be calculated using the
Pythagorean theorem.

R= √(𝜮𝑽𝒙)𝟐 + (𝜮𝑽𝒚)𝟐

Froom the signs of the sum of the horizontal components and the vertical
components, determine the quadrant where the resultant is. This will
indicate the direction of the resultant.
4. solve for the angle 𝜙 that the resultant makes with the horizontal.
𝝓 = 𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒕𝒂𝒏 |𝜮𝑽𝒙 | or 𝝓 = 𝒕𝒂𝒏−𝟏 |𝜮𝑽𝒙 |
Note: |ΣVx| means the absolute value of the sum of the vectors along the y-
axis divided by the sum of the vectors along the x-axis.

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Sample Problem 2.5:

Ana Runs 4.00 m, 40° north of east;2.00m, east; 5.20m,30° south of west; and
6.50m,south before stopping for water break. Find her resultant from where she


Tabulate the horizontal and vertical components of each vector.

Vector Horizontal Component Vertical Component

A= 4.00m,40°north of Ax= +4.00m (cos 40°) Ay= +4.00m (sin 40°)
east = +3.06m = +2.57m
B= 20m east Bx = +2.00m By = 0
C= 5.20m, 30° south of Cx= -5.20m(cos 30°) Cy= -5.20m (sin 30°)
west = -4.50m = -2.60
D= 6.50m, south Dx = 0 Bx = -6.50m
Σ𝑑𝑥 =+0.56 Σ𝑑𝑦 = - 6.53m

Practice Exercise 2.4:

(a) Find the horizontal and vertical components of the d=1.00 X 102m
displacement of a superhero who flies from the top of a tall building
along the path shown in figure .(b) Suppose instead the superhero leaps
⃗⃗ to the top of the
in the other direction along a displacement vector 𝐵
flagpole where the displacement components are given by Bx= -25.0m
and By= 10.0m. Find the magnitude and direction of the displacement

Vector subtraction
Sometimes it is needed to subtract one vector from another, to do this, the
negative of a vector V should be defined first. The negative of a vector V,
written as -V, is a vector equal in magnitude V but in the opposite direction.
To subtract vector B from vector A, we simply add the negative of B and A.
In symbols
A – B = A = (-B).
Because the process of subtraction has been reduced to addition, then the
methods of addition discussed in the previous section may be used.

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Sample Problem 2.6:

Give the negative of the following vectors: A = 2.0m, north and B= 4.0,30° south
of west.


From the diagrams, -A= 2.0m, south and -B = 4.0,30° north of east. Note that we
do not place a negative sign before the magnitude of the vectors. The negative
Proudly Pinoy! sign (-) only indicates opposite direction and does not affect the magnitude.
Fortunato Sevilla III,
PhD,”Doc Sev” as he is
fondly called at the
University od Santo Tomas Practice Exercise 2.5:
(UST), was conferred the
title academician by the Give the negative of the following vectors: A = 6.0 units, southeast and B = 7.5
National Academy of units, 67° north of west.
Science and Technology
(NAST) in july 2015. He
was named outstanding
professional chemist by Vector Multiplication
the Professional
Regulation Commission in Many quantities in physics are defined in terms of vector multiplication,
2002. which occurs in three ways: (1) product of a vector and a scalar, (2) dot
A BS chemistry graduate product of a two vectors, and (3) cross product of two vectors.
from UST, earned
doctorate degree in Product of a Vector and a Scalar
instrumentation and
Analytical Science from Suppose that 𝜅 is a scalar and V is a vector. The product 𝜅 and V, written
the University of as 𝜅𝑉, is a vector. The magnitude of the product is 𝜅 multiplied by the
Manchester, United magnitude of V. the direction of the product is the same as that V. Typical
Kingdom. He specializes in
sensor and low-cost
examples where a vector quantity is multiplied to a scalar quantity are
instrumentation. momentum and force. Momentum is mass time velocity, where mass is
scalar and velocity is a vector. Force, on the other hand, is the product of
mass and acceleration (which is a vector).

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Sample Problem 2.7:

An unbalanced force F acting on a body of mass m will cause an acceleration

according to the equation F=ma. What force is needed to give a 15 kg body an
acceleration of 2.4m/s2 directed east?


Recall that mass is a scalar quantity and acceleration is a vector. Hence, this is a
case of a vector quantity multiplied by a scalar quantity. Using the equation
F=ma, solve for the magnitude of force.

F= (15kg) (2.4 m/s2) = 36 kg. m/s2 =36N

The product followed the direction of the vector being multiplied by a scalar.
Thus, the force F is 37N directed east.

Dot Product
The dot product of the two vectors A and B is
called scalar product. Although two vectors
are being multiplied, the product is a scalar
quantity. The dot product is written and
defined as
𝑨 ∙ B = AB cos𝜽
Where 𝜃 is the angle (0° 𝑡𝑜 180°) between A
and B. The dot product may be viewed as the
product of A and the projection of B along A. Figure 2.8 Dot product 𝐴 ∙ 𝐵 is the
The dot product of two nonzero vectors may product of A and the projection of
be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the B and A.
angle between them. Since the two product of
two vectors is scalar, then the dot product is commutative, that is,
A ∙ 𝑩 = 𝑩 ∙ 𝑨.
A familiar example of a scalar product is work. Work is the dot product of
force F and displacement d. Work is a scalar quantity whose unit is the joule
(J). which is equal to 1 newton-meter (N.m).
Sample Problem 2.8:

How much work was done by a man if he exerted a force of 5.0 N, inclined 30°
with the horizontal surface and succeeded in moving his luggage by 2.0m?


W= F ∙ d = (5.0 N) (2.0m) cos30° = 8.7 N∙ 𝑚 =8.7 joules or 8.7 J.

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Cross Product
The cross product of two vectors A and B
yields another vector. It is for this reason that
the cross product is called the vector product.
The vector product of A and B is written as A
x B. Its magnitude is given by 𝐴𝐵𝑠𝑖𝑖𝑛𝜃, where
𝜃 is the angle (0° 𝑡𝑜 180°) between A and B.
Magnitude of A x B =𝐴𝐵𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
As shown in figure 2-8, sin𝜃 is the component
of vector B that is perpendicular to vector A.
hence, the magnitude of the vector product Figure 2.9: The magnitude of the cross
can be viewed as the product of magnitude of product is the product of the
vector A and the component of vector B magnitude of vector A and the
component of vector B perpendicular
perpendicular to vector A. to vector A.

The right-hand rule determines the direction pf

the vector product. With your right hand, point
your index finger along vector A, and point you
middle finger along vector B. Move your index
finger direction of B. The thumb gives the
direction of the cross direction. Note that the
cross product is n ot commutative. Reversing
Pythagoras was a the order of the vectors gives the same
Greek philosopher magnitude but in the opposite direction, that is,
Figure 2.10 : The cross product of
and considered
𝑨 𝒙 𝑩 ≠ 𝑩 𝒙 𝑨. vectors A and B is another vector that
the first pure is perpendicular to both A and B. its
mathematician. The cross product of vectors A and B is a vector direction is given by the right hand
He is best that is perpendicular to both A and B, but note
remembered for that A and B need not be perpendicular to each other. If A and B are parallel
the Pythagorean or anti parallel which each other, then the vector product is zero. The vector
theorem. He product will be very useful in our study of electromagnetism.
believed that all
things can be
represented by
numbers and that
the physical world
can be understood

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