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Tori I. Rehr Erica P. Regan

The Ohio State University The Ohio State University

Zayd Abukar Jacquelyn C.A. Meshelemiah

The Ohio State University The Ohio State University

Among many challenges that first-generation college students face, navigating how to
balance the financial costs of college with covering monthly expenses can be particularly
challenging. The present study uses the lens of person-in-environment theory to
conceptualize how the financial attitudes, behaviors, and resources of first-generation
college students contribute to their financial wellness. Data from the multi-institutional
Study on Collegiate Financial Wellness are used to compare first-generation students
and continuing-generation students at four-year public institutions on sources of
educational funding, financial knowledge, financial optimism, financial strain, and
financial self-efficacy. First-generation students were significantly more likely to use
federal student loans, private student loans, money from a job, scholarships/grants,
and credit cards to fund their education, whereas continuing-generation students were
more likely to use parent and family income. First-generation students had significantly
higher scores on average than continuing-generation students on the financial strain
measure; this was reversed for the financial knowledge score, the financial self-efficacy
measure, and the financial optimism measure. These results support findings from prior
literature that first-generation students may experience greater financial hardship and
implicate an impact on attitudes and beliefs around finances.
Key words: financial literacy, first-generation students, financial capability, financial wellness

Please direct inquires about this manuscript to: Tori Rehr,

College Student Affairs Journal, Volume 40(1), pp. 90 - 105 ISSN 2381-2338
Copyright 2022 Southern Association for College Student Affairs All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
91 College Student Affairs Journal Vol. 40, No. 1, 2022

ollege is becoming an increasingly ex- characteristics with any analysis of student financ-
pensive endeavor for American fami- es.
lies as college costs rise and federal and
state subsidies for higher education Literature Review
decrease (Ma et al., 2020; Pew Charitable Trusts,
2015). The shift of financing education to families Definitions, Characteristics, and Experi-
and students has exacerbated pre-existing eco- ences of First-Generation College Students
nomic inequality as some students are able to rely Definitions of the first-generation college stu-
on parental income and other assets to fund their dent identity vary widely between studies (Pas-
postsecondary education, whereas other students carella et al., 2004; Peralta & Klonowski, 2017;
use alternative funding sources such as student Sharpe, 2017). Researchers have defined first-gen-
loans and employment that are linked with great- eration students as first in their immediate fami-
er financial stress (Goldrick-Rab, 2016; Houle & lies to attend college (Kabaci & Cude, 2015); stu-
Addo, 2019). Several studies have detailed the ad- dents whose parents have never attended college
verse effects of financial stress on academic per- (Ishitani, 2006; Trevino & DeFreitas, 2013); or
formance (Baker & Montalto, 2019; Britt et al., students whose parents attended some college
2016; Letkiewicz et al., 2014) and retention (Britt but did not complete a bachelor’s degree (Ishitani,
et al., 2017; Joo et al., 2008). Students who do not 2006). Federal programs tend to define first-gen-
complete their degree are more likely to default eration as a student for whom neither of their
on student loan debt and face decreased lifetime parents completed a bachelor’s degree (Ishitani,
earnings relative to their peers who completed 2006; Espinoza, 2013; National Center for Edu-
their degrees (Baker et al., 2017; Gladieux & Perna, cation Statistics [NCES], 2018). Most first-genera-
2005). Understanding how the financial aspects tion students are people of color (Chatelain, 2018;
of college differ across various student groups is Kabaci & Cude, 2015; Trevino & DeFreitas, 2013).
therefore important for researchers and adminis- They are also more likely to work in college (part-
trators to support degree completion and confront time and full-time; Martinez et al., 2012); have fa-
societal inequality. milial responsibilities (Garza, 2017); rely on credit
Within recent decades, first-generation stu- cards to subsidize educational expenses (Eitel &
dents have emerged as a population of interest, Martin, 2009); come from lower income families
particularly related to college access and reten- (Gibbons et al., 2019; Williams & Ferrari, 2015);
tion (Ives & Castillo-Montoya, 2020; Pascarella et and tend to have lower college completion rates
al., 2004; Terenzini et al., 1996). First-generation (Ishitani, 2006; Kabaci & Cude, 2015; Wilbur &
students (i.e., a student whose parents or guard- Roscigno, 2016; Williams & Ferrari, 2015).
ians did not graduate from college) comprise ap- As described, much of the research on
proximately one-third of the college-going student first-generation college students focuses on their
population (Chatelain, 2018). Despite the size of at-risk disposition relative to continuing-gen-
this group, there is a dearth of research specifically eration college students. However, to fully un-
examining the financial attitudes, knowledge, and derstand the dynamics underlying differences in
resources of first-generation students. The present retention and success between the groups, one
study attempts to address first-generation college strain of research suggests we must move beyond
student experiences through a person-in-environ- individual-level deficit analyses and take into ac-
ment lens and financial wellness model. In doing count environmental- and institutional-level fac-
so, we aim to highlight the necessity of examining tors as well. These factors include, but are not lim-
environmental contexts in addition to personal ited to, cultural mismatch, sense of belonging, and
Financial Wellness of First-Generation Students 92

academic experiences. 2020). These works provide a glimpse into how

Several scholars contend that cultural mis- factors external to the student can ultimately im-
match can complicate first-generation students’ pact their retention and success.
collegiate experiences (Adams & McBrayer, 2020; In examining first-generation college stu-
Chang et al., 2020; Ives & Castillo-Montoya, 2020; dents, it is important to disrupt the conception
Phillips et al., 2020). American higher education of them as a monolithic group, or inherently a
institutions tend to emphasize and reward indi- “problem to be fixed” (Brown et al., 2020, p. 245).
vidualistic norms, meanwhile collectivist world- While they share similar experiences, first-gen-
views and interdependent behaviors are common eration college students are a highly diverse
among first-generation college students (Adams group whose other social identities can uniquely
& McBrayer, 2020; Brown et al., 2020; Chang et steer their experiences (Ives & Castillo-Montoya,
al., 2020). In practice, this can manifest in differ- 2020), from socioeconomic status (Goward, 2018)
ent ways. For instance, although most campuses to race (Azmitia et al., 2018). Despite deficit-based
provide support services to assist with academic, narratives, they often enter college with valuable
financial, or mental health concerns, first-genera- strengths and assets that can promote their suc-
tion college students are less likely than continu- cess. Persistence, pride, and belief in a greater
ing-generation college students to utilize them due purpose for pursuing a college education were re-
to fear of being judged or burdening others (Chang sounding themes in recent studies examining the
et al., 2020). Unrecognized or unaddressed cultur- persistence of first-generation college students
al misfit between student and institution, where (Azmitia et al., 2018; Brown et al., 2020; Havlik
students must straddle between two cultures, can et al., 2020). Even that many first-generation col-
be detrimental to student success (Adams & Mc- lege students are compelled to work during college
Brayer, 2020; Chang et al., 2020; Phillips et al., can help foster critical skills, such as time manage-
2020). ment, goal focus, self-advocacy, and leadership
From a broader perspective, sense of belong- (Salisbury et al., 2012; Nuñez & Sansone, 2016).
ing has been deemed an especially crucial element The over-arching implication from the liter-
to first-generation college student institutional ature is that first-generation college students are
engagement (Gillen-O’Neel, 2021). Numerous more likely than continuing-generation college
studies have found that first-generation students students to face challenges that can hinder their re-
are likely to feel marginalized in college for rea- tention and success. However, institutional struc-
sons ranging from microaggressions towards their tures and environments can, and often do, affect
first-generation identity (Azmitia et al., 2018; Hav- their experiences and outcomes as well. Thus, the
lik et al., 2020; Phillips et al., 2020) to more overt more student-ready institutions are—acknowledg-
forms of bias (Adams & McBrayer, 2020). Fur- ing first-generation college students’ unique expe-
thermore, a systematic review of first-generation riences, emphasizing their strengths and assets
college students as academic learners highlights (rather than framing interventions from an at-risk
the influential role classroom dynamics, such as perspective), and aware of the diversity within this
pedagogy or classroom activities, on learning and population—the more likely they are to drive pos-
success. Classroom environments and exercises itive outcomes with this population (Brown et al.,
that encourage community, incorporate students’ 2020; Ives et al., 2020; Goward, 2018). This is the
lived experiences, and provide explicit tools for notion that underlies the chosen framework of our
navigating academia allow many first-genera- present study.
tion students to leverage their strengths and per-
form well academically (Ives & Castillo-Montoya,
93 College Student Affairs Journal Vol. 40, No. 1, 2022

The Person-In-Environment Framework (2013) conceptualized financial capability as com-

The present study aims to understand finan- posed of two fundamental building blocks: the
cial wellness as a product of knowledge, attitudes, ability to act (i.e., financial literacy) and oppor-
and environmental context. The person-in-envi- tunity to act (i.e., financial inclusion). Financial
ronment theory (also called person-in-situation literacy speaks to an individual’s knowledge and
theory) is a framework for understanding how perceived ability around financial topics, such as
personal characteristics and aspects of the en- applying for loans, responsibly using credit, and
vironment interact to affect behavior and deci- opening a savings account (Lusardi & Mitchell,
sion-making (Cornell, 2006; Kondrat, 2002). The 2014). Financial literacy has been the target of nu-
field of social work uses person-in-environment merous federal policies, most notably the creation
theory to conceptualize how an individual’s en- of the United States Financial Literacy and Edu-
vironmental context shapes their opportunities; cation Commission (U.S. FLEC) in 2003 to coor-
this enables practitioners to move beyond para- dinate efforts across different governmental agen-
digms that view individuals as problematic and cies tasked with consumer financial health (U.S.
instead locate issues within institutions and soci- FLEC, 2020). Scholars have noted lower financial
etal norms (Cornell, 2006). In the present study, literacy among low-income families may originate
employing person-in-environment requires exam- from fewer opportunities for formal financial ed-
ining first-generation students’ subjective experi- ucation and generational marginalization from
ences around finances amidst external constraints financial opportunity (Lusardi & Mitchell, 2014),
and opportunities. and that solely focusing on literacy ignores the
Despite its stature in social work research and role of financial institutions in reproducing in-
practice, person-in-environment theory has yet to equalities (Hutten et al., 2018).
be applied broadly to the student affairs and high- These critiques align with financial inclusion,
er education context; however, there is precedent the second financial capability building block,
for contextualizing outcomes within students’ en- which focuses on the ability to access financial
vironments. Renn and Arnold (2003) used Bron- services and asset-building opportunities (Sherra-
fenbrenner’s ecological model of concentric and den, 2013). Low-income families have less excess
interacting social systems to explore effects of peer capital to invest in modern forms of asset-build-
culture on students’ academic experiences. We ing, such as property acquisition and receiving
utilize a broader person-in-environment theoreti- dividends from stocks, forcing them to rely on an
cal lens to focus on financial opportunity and align increasingly volatile labor market (Champagne
with the literature on financial wellness. As exem- & Kurmann, 2013). Financial institutions have a
plified with the present study, using person-in-en- legacy of racial and ethnic discrimination that per-
vironment theory in higher education and student sists to the present day, further limiting access for
affairs research presents an opportunity to theo- many American families (Morse & Pence, 2020).
rize how systemic inequalities are reproduced. In 2010, the Obama administration further inte-
grated financial capability into federal policy by
Financial Capability and Wellness establishing the President’s Advisory Council on
Financial capability is a framework for ad- Financial Capability (2013); subsequent federal fi-
dressing individuals’ financial experiences that nancial policy frameworks have incorporated con-
utilizes person-in-environment theory to explain siderations of access to institutions and services
the interaction of personal characteristics and en- (U.S. FLEC, 2020).
vironmental agents in producing economic out- Financial wellness builds on financial capabil-
comes (Sherraden, 2013; Xiao, 2016). Sherraden ity to address attitudes and subjective experiences
Financial Wellness of First-Generation Students 94

of finances. Prior literature has emphasized the finances.

importance of examining attitudes and beliefs in
relation to finances in addition to objective knowl- The Present Study
edge (Xiao, 2016). In particular, elevated finan- The present research study seeks to add to
cial stress correlates with undergraduate attrition the understanding of first-generation college stu-
(Britt et al., 2017; Joo et al., 2008). We therefore dents’ experiences by examining their financial
use a holistic definition of financial wellness in this wellness. The study is grounded in the following
study that incorporates financial literacy (i.e., fi- research questions:
nancial knowledge and financial self-efficacy), af- 1. How does the holistic financial wellness of
fective domains of financial well-being (i.e., finan- first-generation students compare to continu-
cial strain and financial optimism), and access to ing-generation students?
financial institutions (sources of funding for col- 2. How do the sources of funding first-gener-
lege expenses). ation students use to pay for college expenses
Some existing literature has examined aspects vary from the sources of funding among con-
of first-generation student financial experiences, tinuing-generation students?
although not explicitly through a financial well-
ness lens. First-generation students are more like- Methods
ly to work to finance their college education and
are particularly likely to be employed off-campus Data and Sample
(Gibbons et al., 2019). Off-campus employment The data used in these analyses are from
has been linked to heightened risk for attrition the 2017 Study on Collegiate Financial Wellness
and lower sense of belonging on-campus (Joo et (SCFW), a multi-institutional study examining
al., 2008; Martinez et al., 2012), indicating it as undergraduate students’ financial knowledge, be-
a possible risk to first-generation student success. haviors, and attitudes. In the 2017 administration,
A study of financial education professionals found 65 U.S. institutions across 24 states participated in
that these educators assessed first-generation stu- the study. A random sample of undergraduate stu-
dents to be at greater risk of financial strain due dents from each institution was invited to take the
to lack of knowledge concerning sound financial survey; the total number of enrolled undergradu-
management practices and ways of funding educa- ate students determined sample size. Among par-
tion (Kabaci & Cude, 2015). Furthermore, recent ticipating institutions, 89% were public and 81%
data from the NCES (2018) show first-generation were four-year institutions. The survey had a re-
students as being less knowledgeable about key sponse rate of 10.5% with 28,539 respondents.
financial concepts compared to students whose For the purposes of this study, we adopt the
parents completed a bachelor’s degree or higher, first-generation definition generally used by the
indicating possible issues with financial literacy. federal government; that is, neither of the stu-
However, Flores’s (2014) study involving 117 col- dent’s parents or legal guardians have completed
lege first-generation students found levels of cred- a bachelor’s degree (NCES, 2018). The SCFW de-
it card debt and student loan debt to be unrelated termined first-generation identity using two items
to financial literacy among first-generation college that asked the student about the highest level of
students. An implication of Flores’ study is that education obtained by their mother/guardian and
financial literacy level, while important, may be father/guardian. First-generation students were
insufficient for gauging overall financial wellness, identified as those students for whom neither
necessitating research that also examines finan- mother, father, and/or guardian had received a
cial inclusion and subjective experiences around bachelor’s degree. To create a sample for which
95 College Student Affairs Journal Vol. 40, No. 1, 2022

this definition of first-generation would be most sources. A summary of all scales is provided in Ta-
relevant (Toutkoushian et al., 2019), only students ble 2. All Cronbach’s alpha values fall within ac-
enrolled at four-year public institutions pursuing ceptable ranges given the number of items on each
bachelor’s degrees were included in this study. scale (Taber, 2016).
The sample was further limited to domes- Financial literacy was assessed using mea-
tic students between the ages of 18-23 who had sures of financial knowledge and financial self-ef-
complete responses on all variables of interest ficacy; both constructs are consistently correlated
(i.e., completed all demographic items, sources of with financial capability (Xiao, 2016). The SCFW
funding, and financial scale questions) to elimi- instrument asks six personal finance knowl-
nate potential confounding variables. Addition- edge questions to understand students’ financial
ally, a cleaning process consistent with Dugan et knowledge. The financial knowledge module used
al. (2012) was used to flag potential mischievous Lusardi and Mitchell’s (2014) financial literacy
respondents: first, students were eliminated from questionnaire. Participant responses were recod-
the sample if they selected they obtained “All” of ed as incorrect (0) and correct (1) in a dichoto-
their funding from three or more sources of educa- mous variable, and then summed to give each
tional funding; secondly, students were eliminated respondent a financial knowledge score between
from the sample if they responded inappropriately 0 and 6. Financial self-efficacy describes an indi-
to the open-ended option for sources of education- vidual’s feeling of preparedness to handle finan-
al funding (e.g., writing in a racial slur). cial responsibility and draws from psychological
The final cleaned sample consisted of 12,295 theories of self-efficacy (Montalto et al., 2019); it
four-year students, of which 4,205 (34.2%) were is part of the literacy block of financial capability
first-generation and 8,090 (65.8%) were continu- (Sherraden, 2013). Responses on the seven item
ing-generation. Table 1 provides a breakdown of self-efficacy scale were collected on a four-point
the demographic composition of first-generation Likert response scale with responses from Strong-
and continuing-generation students in this sam- ly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (4).
ple. First-generation students were more likely to The SCFW uses two measures designed to
be Latinx or Black compared to continuing-gen- explore financial attitudes: financial optimism
eration students, whereas continuing-generation and financial strain. The financial strain measure
students were more likely to be White compared examines stress around financial situations, in-
to first-generation students. This is consistent cluding worry about monthly finances and gen-
with prior literature on first-generation students, eral financial stress. This scale is consistent with
which indicates they are more likely to be people prior work on students’ financial worries (Britt
of color (Chatelain, 2018; Kabaci & Cude, 2015; et al., 2017; Robb, 2017). The three-item finan-
Trevino & DeFreitas, 2013). cial optimism measure examines student atti-
tudes towards their financial futures, including
Measures their perspectives on whether the cost of college
The SCFW instrument was developed to un- is worthwhile. Prior work has correlated financial
derstand undergraduate students’ financial atti- optimism with overall financial health (Prawitz et
tudes, behaviors, and knowledge. In spring 2017, al., 2013). Responses on the financial strain and
students were invited to take the 82-item instru- financial optimism scales were collected on a four-
ment via Qualtrics online survey software. De- point Likert response scale with responses from
pendent variables included measures of financial Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (4).
self-efficacy, financial knowledge, financial strain, Financial inclusion was assessed using the
financial optimism, and educational funding sources of funding that students used to finance
Financial Wellness of First-Generation Students 96

their education. Educational funding sources were four authors contributed substantively in a collab-
determined by a question that asked participants orative dialogue to develop a theoretical frame-
to indicate how much of their total college ex- work, conduct analyses, and interpret findings.
penses were paid for by common funding sources.
Respondents were supplied with a list of typical Limitations
educational funding sources and asked to select This research has several limitations. While
how much they used that source. For the purpos- the SCFW multi-institutional data are useful for
es of our analyses, responses were aggregated into examining broad trends across institutions, they
whether the student had used the source (i.e., se- are not nationally representative. The response
lected the A little bit, Some, Most, or All options) rate for the 2017 SCFW was also low at 10.5%;
or not used the source (i.e., selected the None op- however, this rate is comparable to response
tion). We focused on those educational funding rates for other multi-institutional surveys (Gol-
sources that are most common to students, such drick-Rab, 2016; The Healthy Minds Study, 2019).
as scholarships and grants, federal student loans, The SCFW is free for institutions to participate
and parent/family income (Salle Mae, 2019), or and does not require the use of incentives. While
are linked to higher financial risk, such as credit 66% of institutions did provide incentives in the
cards (Andrews, 2021; Montalto et al., 2019). 2017 administration, part of the low response rate
may be attributed towards those institutions that
Analysis were unable to provide incentives. Additionally, a
Two sets of analyses were used to compare recent study by Fosnacht et al. (2017) illustrated
first-generation and continuing-generation stu- robustness against nonresponse bias with large
dents’ financial capability. Chi-square tests of in- sample sizes. While the findings of Fosnacht et
dependence were used to contrast first-generation al. (2017) support the reliability of our analyses,
and continuing-generation students on sources results should be interpreted with caution given
of funding for educational expenses. Indepen- the low response rate. The analyses are also lim-
dent sample t-tests were used to compare average ited to domestic students between the ages of 18
scores on the financial strain, financial optimism, to 23 seeking a bachelor’s degree at a public four-
financial self-efficacy, and financial knowledge year institution. As this is the first study to exam-
measures. ine financial wellness of first-generation students,
As person-in-environment framework asks we limited the sample parameters to control for
researchers to contextualize experiences as the extraneous factors. However, this limits the gen-
dynamic interaction of personal characteristic and eralizability of our results; we encourage future
environmental influences, we offer our position- research that examines financial experiences of
ality to reflect on how our identities shaped our first-generation students at two-year institutions,
analytic process. Tori Rehr and Dr. Erica Regan private institutions, among international students,
identify as continuing-generation White women; and among students age 24 and older.
both challenged themselves to explore how their
privilege affected their understanding of analyses Results
and drew upon authors using critical paradigms.
Zayd Abukar identifies as a first-generation Black Our first set of analyses examined whether
man and Dr. Jacquelyn Meshelemiah identifies there are differences between first-generation and
as a first-generation Black woman; both reflected continuing-generation students in financial well-
on the ways in which their first-generation status ness using a series of measures. Analyses were con-
interacted with other aspects of their identity. All ducted using independent sample t-tests. Results
97 College Student Affairs Journal Vol. 40, No. 1, 2022

are displayed in Table 3. First-generation students first-generation students were (58%; p < .001).
(M = 3.15, SD = 1.56) had significantly lower aver- Overall, these data suggest that first-generation
age financial knowledge scores (p < .001, d = .18) students and continuing-generation students use
than continuing-generation students (M = 3.44, different sources of funding to finance their edu-
SD = 1.60). First-generation students (M = 2.91, cations, with first-generation students particular-
SD = 0.49) also had significantly lower average fi- ly less likely to use parental income to fund their
nancial self-efficacy scores (p < .001, d = .14) than education.
continuing-generation students. Both of these
findings illustrate differences in financial literacy Discussion
between first-generation and continuing-gener-
ation students; however, in both cases the effect Students’ financial experiences have critical
size was very small. For the financial optimism relationships with retention and on-campus par-
measure, first-generation students (M = 2.76, SD ticipation (Baker & Montalto, 2019; Britt et al.,
= 0.62) had significantly lower average scores (p < 2017; Letkiewicz et al., 2014). This study is the
.001, d = .24) than continuing generation students first to apply the financial wellness to first-genera-
(M = 2.91, SD = 0.61). Furthermore, on the finan- tion students. First-generation students’ financial
cial strain measure first-generation students (M = wellness differs significantly from their continu-
2.63, SD = 0.69) had significantly higher average ing-generation peers across all scales and indi-
scores (p < .001, d = .51) than continuing-genera- cators examined in this study, suggesting oppor-
tion students (M = 2.27, SD = 0.71) with a medi- tunities to re-examine institutional practices and
um effect size, denoting additional differences be- question assumptions of first-generation students.
tween first-generation and continuing-generation
students in subjective financial experiences. Financial Literacy and Attitudes
The second set of analyses examined edu- In our study, first-generation students had
cational funding sources to analyze financial in- significantly lower scores on the financial knowl-
clusion. Table 4 details which sources of funding edge and financial self-efficacy scales, suggesting
first-generation and continuing-generation stu- they have lower financial literacy. Partially in re-
dents used, as well as results for chi-square dis- sponse to federal policy encouraging the develop-
tribution tests. The analyses revealed extensive ment of financial literacy among college students,
significant differences; first-generation students colleges and universities now provide a bevy of fi-
were significantly more likely to use both feder- nancial literacy programming (Cude et al., 2016).
al student loans (72% used source) and private However, financial education tends to be largely
student loans (28%) than continuing-generation elective at postsecondary institutions and is of-
students were (51% and 25%, respectively; p < fered as standalone workshops, as opposed to
.001). First-generation students were also signifi- high schools where financial education courses
cantly more likely to use scholarships and grants are more often mandatory and integrated in the
(85%) than continuing-generation students were broader curriculum (U.S. FLEC, 2019). Mandato-
(76%; p < .001), as well as to use money from a ry financial education among high school students
job (first-generation = 58%, continuing-genera- promotes positive financial behaviors, including
tion = 49%, p < .001) and credit cards (first-gen- lower-cost student loan financing and decreased
eration = 14%, continuing-generation = 11%, p < likelihood of holding a credit card balance (Har-
.001). However, continuing-generation students vey, 2017; Stoddard & Urban, 2020). Our findings
were more likely to use income from parent/fam- suggest that additional postsecondary financial
ily member(s) (78%) to fund their education than education would be beneficial to first-generation
Financial Wellness of First-Generation Students 98

college students, particularly as they may not have federal loans or borrowing, such as credit cards
had pre-college access. and private student loans, also carry higher in-
Other studies have noted that providing terest rates and may be more difficult for low-in-
students with factual knowledge alone does not come students to obtain (Andrews, 2021; Ionescu
suffice to increase financial capability; rather, fi- & Simpson, 2016).
nancial education should attend to beliefs and per- The finding that more than half of first-gen-
ceptions around finances to be effective (Carpena eration students reported using money from a job
et al., 2019; Xiao et al., 2014). Within our study, to pay for their postsecondary education is also a
first-generation students had significantly lower useful insight for college administrators. This re-
scores than continuing-generation students on the search confirms the findings of other studies that
financial optimism measure and had significantly have shown that first-generation students work
higher scores on the financial strain measure than more than their continuing-generation counter-
continuing-generation students. Prior literature parts do (Pascarella et al., 2004; Terenzini et al.,
has connected financial strain with negative ac- 1996; Goldrick-Rab, 2016). Previous studies have
ademic outcomes (Baker & Montalto, 2019) and demonstrated that working full-time and off-cam-
other negative financial indicators, such as low fi- pus could have negative effects on academic en-
nancial self-efficacy (Heckman et al., 2014). This gagement and degree completion (Joo et al., 2008;
further suggests that financial literacy and atti- Martinez et al., 2012). This can further have impli-
tudes are intertwined. cations for varied facets of the student experience,
including course schedules, involvement on cam-
Paying for College pus, and availability for group coursework.
Our study illuminated several differences A potential auspicious finding is that
between the way first-generation and continu- first-generation students in our study had higher
ing-generation students fund their education. use of scholarships and grant aid than their con-
First-generation students were more likely to use tinuing-generation peers did, with over 85% of
student loans (both federal and private), credit first-generation students using a scholarship or
cards, scholarships and grants, and money from a grant in some form. These findings indicate that
job than continuing-generation students; howev- the first-generation students in our sample were
er, first-generation students were less likely to use successful in navigating institutional and poli-
income from parents or family members. While cy systems to receive grant aid and scholarships.
student loan aid is pivotal for postsecondary ed- Focusing on how first-generation students are
ucation access (Jackson & Reynolds, 2013), re- able to secure adequate funding and successfully
cent scholarship has found that borrowing in high complete their degrees while facing financial and
amounts, particularly exhausting subsidized fed- institutional barriers fits with current discourse
eral financial aid, has a negative effect on reten- encouraging researchers and practitioners to con-
tion and increases financial anxiety (Baker et al., sider the unique assets and cultural wealth that
2017; Dwyer et al., 2012; Herzog, 2018). Scholars first-generation students bring to their education
have also highlighted how the system for award- (Ives & Castillo-Montoya, 2020).
ing federal aid is difficult for students to navigate
and that the formula for awarding aid is in drastic Implications
need of reform (Kelly & Goldrick-Rab, 2014). This In designing educational interventions for
is especially worrisome for first-generation college first-generation college students, it is critical for
students, who are among the first in their family administrators and researchers to recognize that
to navigate these systems. Alternative methods to first-generation students may struggle with nega-
99 College Student Affairs Journal Vol. 40, No. 1, 2022

tive cognitions and emotions around finances that the financial aid system and balancing the many
can pose an additional barrier to achieving finan- financial pressures of college. While our findings
cial stability. Collaborations between financial ed- do not speak to the efficacy of these interventions,
ucational offices and mental health practitioners the high use of risky funding sources in our study
may therefore be one promising opportunity to reinforces the importance of making financial aid
explore. In designing financial education curric- accessible and adequate to cover college expenses.
ulum for first-generation students, practitioners This study represents an important addition
should attend to underlying assumptions around to the growing body of literature around the expe-
first-generation students and recognize that nega- riences of first-generation college students in: 1)
tive attitudes may be an adaptive response to ongo- examining how first-generation students subjec-
ing financial marginalization. Involving first-gen- tively experience their financial situations along-
eration students in financial education curriculum side their financial knowledge, and 2) highlighting
design would be beneficial for avoiding assump- the role of environmental contexts on first-gen-
tions and perpetuating biases, as first-generation eration students’ financial situations. As this is
students will best be able to speak to areas where the first study to specifically address first-gener-
additional knowledge is needed given the financial ation student financial wellness, we have limited
constraints they experience. Stewart and Nicolaz- our analyses to describe overall trends. However,
zo (2018) provide a framework for integrating stu- first-generation students present numerous and
dents’ lived experience and unrecognized strengths diverse experiences with regards to family back-
into curriculum design in student affairs that can ground, nationality, gender, race, ethnicity, lan-
be applied to financial education, including by de- guage, institution type, and (dis)ability (Trevino
veloping a research team that reflects identities of & DeFreitas, 2013). Future research can attempt
study participants, utilizing critical paradigms in to parse how these unique identities and experi-
assessment, and subjecting curricula to continual ences affect the financial situations of first-gener-
revision. ation students through more advanced statistical
We further recommend that administrative analyses. We encourage the use of qualitative re-
staff and institutions interrogate financial aid pol- search studies to analyze how first-generation stu-
icies and practices, particularly with attention to dents conceptualize finances in relation to their
how a first-generation student will navigate these academics and on-campus activities, as well as to
challenges. Prior studies have articulated recom- highlight personal strengths and campus resourc-
mendations for institutions, including: critical- es that support first-generation students in their
ly analyzing the requirements for aid (e.g., GPA collegiate journeys. Furthermore, we urge univer-
and minimum number of enrollment hours) and sities to attend to the nuances and intersectional-
if these are feasible for students managing com- ity of first-generation student identity by fostering
mitments outside of academics (Goldrick-Rab, collaboration between departments and units in
2016; Kelly & Goldrick-Rab, 2014); clearly stating supporting these students.
the funding source and stipulations in financial
aid packages (Goldrick-Rab, 2016; Scott-Clayton, Declaration of Interest Statement
2015; U.S. FLEC, 2019); and developing strong We have no known conflict of interest to dis-
partnerships between financial aid offices and close.
academic advising offices (Scott-Clayton, 2015). For researchers interested in using the data
We add to this literature a call to proactively sup- that support the findings of this study, please con-
port first-generation applicants during recruit- tact the corresponding author.
ment and orientation, particularly in navigating
Financial Wellness of First-Generation Students 100

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