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Implementation of authentic assessment

in the project based learning to improve

student’s concept mastering
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1848, 060012 (2017);
Published Online: 30 May 2017

Yana Sambeka, Nahadi and Siti Sriyati


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1848, 060012 (2017); 1848, 060012

© 2017 Author(s).
Implementation of Authentic Assessment in The Project
Based Learning to Improve Student’s Concept Mastering
Yana Sambeka1,a), Nahadi2, and Siti Sriyati3
1, 2, 3
Science Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University of Education,
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The study aimed to obtain the scientific information about increase of student’s concept mastering in project
based learning that used authentic assessment. The research was conducted in May 2016 at one of junior high school in
Bandung in the academic year of 2015/2016. The research method was weak experiment with the one-group pretest-
posttest design. The sample was taken by random cluster sampling technique and the sample was 24 students. Data
collected through instruments, i.e. written test, observation sheet, and questionnaire sheet. Student’s concept mastering
test obtained N-Gain of 0.236 with the low category. Based on the result of paired sample t-test showed that
implementation of authentic assessment in the project based learning increased student’s concept mastering significantly,

One of the key elements of 21st century learning is learning and innovation skills, namely 4C, critical thinking,
communication, collaboration, and creativity. These abilities focus on the ability to face the increasingly complex
life and work environments in the 21st century. One of these elements indicates that critical thinking, creativity in
innovation, communication and collaboration; be a demand of the students in preparation to face the challenges of
life. One of the key elements of 21st century learning is identical to higher order thinking skills. The hierarchy of
higher order thinking skills is skills that involve higher cognitive levels of thinking skills in Bloom's Taxonomy [1].
So before students achieve the higher order thinking skills, students have to master the lower order thinking skills
According to Bloom, concept mastering is the ability to capture notions such as capable disclose a matter that is
presented in more understandable form, is able to provide interpretation and able to apply.Based on Bloom's
Taxonomy Revisions on the cognitive domain, mastery of concepts is measured in dimensions of cognitive
processes that include cognitive domain of C1 through C6, namely: C1-remember, C2-understand, C3-apply, C4-
analyze, C5-evaluate, and C6-create.To teach students optimize the skills of thinking that is owned, basic thinking
skills and complex thinking skills, teachers have to change the paradigm of learning from the teacher-centered to
student-centered. Student-centered learning provides space for students to develop their skills and abilities.
Project Based Learning is a learning model that is based on the paradigm of student-centered learning. In project-
based learning, students work in groups to solve challenging problems that are authentic, curriculum-based, and
often interdisciplinary. Learners decide how to approach a problem and what activities to pursue. They gather
information from a variety of sources and synthesize, analyze, and derive knowledge from it. Their learning is
inherently valuable because it's connected to something real and involves adult skills such as collaboration and
reflection. At the end, students demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge and are judged by how much they've
learned and how well they communicate it. Throughout this process, the teacher's role is to guide and advise, rather
than to direct and manage, student work [2]. This learning model trains students to find or create a new concept, new
to the students.

Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS 2016)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1848, 060012-1–060012-6; doi: 10.1063/1.4983980
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1520-1/$30.00

Research conducted by Oktavia & Sudargo [3] on the application of project-based learning approach STEM
concluded that there is no difference between a project-based learning approach STEM to project-based learning
without STEM approach in improving students' concept mastering. That is, there is an increasing in the learning
process even without the project-based learning approach STEM.
One of the concepts that learned in science is about global warming. Global warming is an indication of
increasing earth temperature globally (extends in a radius of thousands kilometers) to the normal/ average record
during the period of the standard (the standard of the World Meteorological Organization/WMO: a minimum of 30
years). Matter of global warming is a matter for deep and wide, although already quite familiar in the ears of
students. How widespread the students able to understand the matter of global warming will depend on how the
students explore the concepts of global warming. Project-based learning helps teachers determine how many
concepts are mastered by students; so that students are able to create a product that is new, original, and useful.
Implementation of learning activities is inseparablefrom the assessment. The success of a lesson can be
determined by the assessment. However, traditional assessments such as paper and pencil tests are not able to give a
real description of what the students mastered and owned. Traditional assessments tend focus on the assessment at
the end of the course.
Likewise with project-based learning, to assess any activities performed by the students, the teachers have to
implement an authentic assessment. Because project learning is authentic learning, it involves tangible, visible, and
personally tailored projects for students [4]. Authentic assessment is a form of assessment in which students are
asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills [5].
According to Permendikbud No. 66 Tahun 2013 [14] states that authentic assessment is a comprehensive assessment
to assess the input, process, and output of learning. Through authentic assessment all activities that performed by
students in project-based learning, can be assessed thoroughly.

The research method is weak experiment. The research design is one-group pretest-posttest design. In this
design, a single group is measured or observed not only after being exposed to a treatment of some sort, but also
before [6]. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Bandung. The population is all students of 7 thgrade of SMP
Negeri 2 Bandung. The sample is taken by random cluster sampling technique and the sample is 24 students.
In this study there is implementation of authentic assessment, so that there are instruments such as task and
rubric consist of task 1, task 2 and task 3. There is also a sheet of peer assessment and self-assessment. There are
responses questionnaire of students and teachers to learning, responses questionnaire of students and teachers to
implementation of authentic assessment and observation sheet. The core instrument that used in this study is concept
masteringinstruments,i.e. written test. Before using the instrument was first test-piloted to one of 8th grade of SMPN
2 Bandung. To determine the feasibility of the test data, first tested the validity, reliability, distinguishing test items,
and level of difficulty of items.
After all the research data collected, to obtain information about the differences between pretest and posttest
scores, the scores are calculated gain (posttest scores minus pretest scores). Meanwhile, to obtain information about
the significance of increasing student’s concept mastering, the data were analyzed using average normalized gain
test (N-gain), calculated by the following equation.

N-Gain = (1)
ୗౣ౗౮ ିୗ౦౨౛౪౛౩౪

Where Sposttest is the final (post) class average, Spretest is the initial (pre) class average, and Smax is the
maximum score. Category of N-gain score is shown in the following table.
Table 1. Category of N-gain score
N-gain score Category
N-gain < 0,30 Low
0,30 ≤ N-gain < 0,70 Medium
N-gain ≥ 0,70 High
(Hake, [13])

Normality test analyzed using SPSS software v. 22. If the data distribution is normal, the hypothesis test can be
analyzed using parametric tests, namely by paired sample t-test. Hypothesis test analyzed using SPSS software v. 22


Authentic Assessment for Assessing Mastery of Concepts

Authentic assessment usually involves a task, where task contains about everything that should be done and
performed by students and which will be assessed based on the assessment criteria or rubric. In this study, there are
three tasks that must be done and performed by the students. There is also peer assessment and self-assessment,
where the implementation of peer assessment and self-assessment in learning can be an alternative solution in
helping authentic assessment; because Britton & Wissing [7] state that in the authentic assessment, processes and
ways of thinking are assessed by students and instructors/teachers.


Task 1 for each group of students is to design the mock-up (about how to solve the global warming problems)
and activities list. Based on the data analysis shows the group II is the group that obtained the lowest average score
of 44.44 with the adequate category. Group I, III, and IV have average score of 66.67 with the high category. Most
of ideas of the products design are new design ideas.
Task 2 of each group of students is to create and present their work in the form of proposal.
Performanceassessment in task 2 already integrated in the peer assessment. Based on the analysis of the peer
assessment sheets showed that the average activity of students from initial planning to produce a mock-up of
72.53% with the high category. After that, the assessment was continuing for the presentation. Overall based on the
assessment sheet, all components, i.e. concept mastering, systematics of Presentation, the use of the language, the
use of the time, response ability and answering questions; show very high category. This indicates that each group of
students were able to present their works in the form of mock-up very well.
Task 3 is about a report of making mock-up, and this task is an individual task. Based on the data analysis shows
the aspect of the tools and materials used in making mock-up and sketches have a highest average score, and the
aspect of literature review has a lowest average score.

Peer Assessment

Peer assessment is to assess the advantages, the disadvantages, and the contributions of his colleagues in the
group. Peer assessment implies that students evaluate the performance of his colleagues at the end of the lesson and
give constructive feedback [8]. Based on the analysis of the peer assessment sheets showed that the average activity
of students from initial planning to produce a product has an average percentage of 72.53% with the high category.


Self-assessment can be used as a reflection for the student activities that have been done. Once students can
assess their own work and their current knowledge base, they will be able to identify the gap in their own learning;
this will aid learning and promote progress and contribute to the self-management oflearning [9]. The self-
assessment analysis results show that most students assess themselves have understood the concepts of global

Concept Mastering per Cognitive Domain

Concept mastering assessment only include the cognitive domain of C1 through C5. Here is a graph of the
increase concept mastering per cognitive domain.


Average Percentage
80 63,5465,63 67,71
61,46 57,03 60,4262,50
60 44,01

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Cognitif Domain

Pretest Posttest

Figure 1. Graph of the increase concept mastering per cognitive domain

Based on the Fig. 1, it is shown that the cognitive domain of C4 showed the highest increase, i.e. 18.49%. The
cognitive domain C3-apply and C5-evaluate showed the lowest increase, i.e. 2.08%. Based on the Fig. 1, it is shown
that after the implementation of authentic assessment in project-based learning, student’s concept mastering per
cognitive domains has increased.

Concept Mastering based Products

Assessment of concept mastering based productsis an assessment of the mock-up produced by a group of
students and assessed in terms of some of the cognitive domain. They are the C5-evaluate and C6-create. Here is a
diagram of assessment of concept mastering based products.

80 69,44
Average Score

66,67 66,67 66,67

61,11 61,11
60 44,44
C5 C6
Cognitif Domain

Group I Group II Group III Group IV

Figure 2. Diagram of assessment of concept mastering based products

Based on the Fig. 2 in the cognitive domain C5-evaluate; group III shows the highest score, i.e. 77.78; and group
I and II show the lowest score, i.e. 61.11. Evaluate in this study is a decision based on the criteria or standards. Then,
in the cognitive domain C6-create; group I, III, and IV show the highest score, i.e. 66.67; and group II shows the
lowest score, i.e. 44.44. Create is the highest cognitive domain in the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. Create is to
integrate the parts to create something new and coherent or to make a product that is original.

Data of Pretest, Posttest, and N-Gain

Here is result of the data analysis of the pretest score, posttest score, and N-Gain score.

Table 2. Pretest, posttest, and N-gain data

Aspect Pretest Posttest N-Gain
Average 48.542 61.111 0.236
SD 18.979 16.715 0.226

Based on Table 2 shows that the average N-gain of student’s concept mastering of 0.236 with the low category.
This means that the implementation of authentic assessment in project-based learning in the matter of global
warming is increasing the average score of students, although the increase is low. The research conducted by Husni
[10] concluded that the project-based learning model can improve student’s concept mastering compared to
conventional learning.

Data of Normality Test and Hypothesis Test

Before testing the hypothesis, it must conduct the prerequisite test, the normality test. Data of normality test
using SPSS v. 22. Based on data from the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, the pretest Sig. > 0.05, which means the data
pretest is distributed normally. The same thing is shown in the posttest data and N-Gain data that show the Sig. >
0.05, which means the posttest data and N-Gain data are distributed normally. Homogeneitytest is a prerequisite test,
but because the data in this study consists of only one distribution, the homogeneitytest was not done. Based on the
normality test, the hypothesis test can use parametric tests.
Hypothesis test using SPSS v. 22, the test used is the paired sample t-test. Based on the paired sample t-test
showed the Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, this means that there are difference of student’s concept mastering significantly
between before and after implementation of authentic assessment in project-based learning. The research conducted
by Siregar [11] showed that the project-based learning affects student’s concept mastering. In addition, research
conducted by the Tenth [12] also concluded that the student’s concept mastering acquire project-based learning with
an assessment authentic significantly higher than students acquire project-based learning with the practicum.

Students and Teacher Responses to the Implementation of Authentic Assessment

One of the key components in project-based learning model is the authentic tasks. Form of assessment to assess
the performance or the work of students in project-based learning significantly is the authentic assessment. Based on
the average percentage of all indicators; the questionnaire responses of students on the implementation of authentic
assessment in science learning categorized as high with an average percentage of 67.60%; and the questionnaire
responses of teacher on the implementation of authentic assessment in science learning categorized as very high
with an average percentage of 81.25%.

Students and Teacher Responses to the Use Project-Based Learning Model

The questionnaire responses of students and teachers are a response to science learning that use project-based
learning model; where students who take the project-based learning, and teachers that observed the project-based
learning. Overall based on the average percentage of all indicators; the questionnaire responses of students and
teachers on project-based learning model, both categorized as high with an average percentage of 70.83% for the
student questionnaire responses and 75.89% for teachers' questionnaire responses.

The implementation of authentic assessment in project-based learning increased student’s concept mastering on
the matter of global warming in the low category (N-Gain = 0.236). Hypothesis test showed there are difference of

student’s concept mastering significantly between before and after implementation of authentic assessment in
project-based learning.
Students' responses to the implementation of authentic assessment in science learning have an average
percentage of 67.60% with the high category. Teacher's response to the implementation of authentic assessment in
science learning has an average percentage of 81.25% with the very high category.
Students' responses to project-based learning model have an average percentage of 70.83% with the high
category. The response of teachers to project-based learning model has an average percentage of 75.89% with the
high category.

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