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MODULE 1 – DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF HRM compensation and benefits administration,

Human Resource Management (HRM) – the employee health and safety, and separation.
organizational function of managing and handling
one of the most valuable assets of the organization IMPORTANCE OF STUDYING HRM
– its employees. • HRM embraces a wide range of basic business
• It tackles various undertakings performed by a ideas that include recruitment, selection, training
business firm to make certain that workers are and development, performance appraisal,
handled and managed as human beings worthy compensation, safety and health, and other
respect and compassion throughout their productivity improvement programs. It is important
employment life (i.e., from entry to separation). even to non-HR personnel such as employees,
• is composed of human resource (HR) practices supervisors, and leaders. Entrepreneurs -
that aid the firm in leading its people Entrepreneurs have to meet a lot of challenges in
successfully and reasonably throughout their handling and managing their workers, especially in
journey during the three stages of the training, designing a compensation structure or
employment cycle: the pre-hiring, hiring, and building a friendly company culture. Thus, the study
post-hiring. of human resource management will give these
enterprising individuals useful insights and a
Pre-hiring Stage - Organizations determine the right thorough understanding of the employment cycle,
number and type of people needed to fill up and a broader idea about various human resource
positions in the organization along with their practices in order to meet present and future
required qualifications. It includes activities challenges head on.
performed prior to hiring, such as human resource Employees - It is important to know the people will
planning and job analysis. Hiring Stage - Companies always be one of the company’s valuable assets.
establish policies that will help managers fulfill the Hence, it is essential for employees to understand
staffing needs of the company, eventually leading to HR management so they may gain a better
recruiting and selecting. understanding of their rights and privileges as
Post-hiring Stage - Companies carry out certain HRM thinking, feeling, and doing individuals in an
practices and other productivity programs that organization.
enhance employees’ performance level, such as Supervisors and Leaders - HRM involves designing
training and development, performance appraisal, various productivity improvement programs that
could provide learning and enhancement in the
quality of life and level of performance of employee by seeing to it that they are
employees. Hence, a good boss should always bear continually offered the opportunity to be
in mind that every HR decision they make and equipped with new skills through training,
policies they formulate should be anchored to what development, and other productivity
the job requires and not on certain biases. Thus, improvement schemes. In effect, both intrinsic
studying HR management can provide supervisors and extrinsic motivation is increased.
and leaders a competitive edge, especially in the 4. It is employee-oriented. Employees are the
aspect of recruitment. doing individuals of an organization. Rewarding
them for their contributions to organizational
BEST FEATURES OF HRM success is a strong reinforcement to increase the
• HRM is a continuing process of managing people level of job performance. A firm’s HRM strategy
and their activities at work while squeezing out that empowers employees makes them feel
the best potential from them so they become appreciated for the job they do.
productive individuals. 5. It is forward-looking. For an organization’s HRM
1. It is prevalent in nature. It means that HRM is function to be successful, it should effectively
present and performed in all operational and envision and assess labor needs for a given
functional areas of management within an period of time. Doing so will assure the
organization on a continuous basis. In other managers that only the competent, motivated
words, it is not an “on-off” function that is people with the right match of qualifications are
performed only when needed. joining the company.
2. It is dynamic. HRM moves! HRM acts! It does not 6. It is growth oriented. For an organization’s HRM
depend on written rules and policies to solve process is to yield success, it should constantly
problems; rather, it focuses on what can be enhance the conceptual and analytical skills of
done through logical and well-grounded its employees. A carefully planned design for
solutions and decisions. It constantly finds ways employee development is almost compulsory if
to change situations and events for the the organization aims for excellence. Job
betterment of the organization and its rotation is one way for employees to learn
employees. various skills.
3. It is individually-oriented. In HRM, each
employee is considered a human being that is
worthy of respect and compassion. In this sense,
HRM works toward getting the best out of each
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PERSONNEL employment practices while others cover
MANAGEMENT (PM) AND HRM extensive HR concerns such as employment
discrimination in the areas of age, sex, race,
and other factors.

Employment discrimination is the unjust or

prejudicial treatment of different categories of
people or thing specifically on the basis of their age,
race, gender, and religious beliefs.
• During recruitment, firms should be cautious not
to infringe anti-discrimination laws.
• The goal of these laws is to make certain that an
individual who seeks employment is equal
chances to vie for it.
• These situations are clear-cut, but many other
are not. Uncertainties over whether there is
discrimination may be avoided by applying the
concept of “bona fide occupational
requirement,” which means that the company
must be able to prove that the requirement is
indeed essential.


MODULE 2 – EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 1. Protected Classifications - categories of people
(EEO) AND THE LAW who are lawfully protected against employment
• Legal issues pervade almost all aspects of discrimination based on their age, gender, skin
employment from the recruitment and selection color, ethnicity, and physical or mental ability.
of applicants to their separation from 2. Protected Groups - sub-categories of people
employment. within each protected classification. Ex. white,
Several HRM laws tackle a variety of legal black, and brown are protected groups under
issues. Some may be related to specific the protected classification skin color.
To determine non-compliance or violation to EEO EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY LEGISLATION –
law, a person should know how the court defines IN THE PHILIPPINES
1. Intentional Discrimination or Disparate 1. Republic Act No. 7277 - An Act Providing For The
Discrimination - This is a kind of an unlawful Rehabilitation, Self-development And Self-
discrimination wherein the employer makes a Reliance Of Disabled Persons And Their
gesture that intentionally treats an individual Integration Into The Mainstream Of Society And
differently on the basis of some form of criteria. For Other Purposes.
2. Unintentional Discrimination or Disparate TITLE II - RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF DISABLED
Impact - This is an indirect type of discrimination PERSONS CHAPTER I EMPLOYMENT
whereby a policy or standard that is work- 2. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7877 - An Act Declaring Sexual
related gives unequal chances to individuals Harassment Unlawful In The Employment,
from various protected groups. Education
Or Training Environment, And For Other
EEO - Seeks to guarantee that anyone, despite his
age, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or TWO TYPES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT
race has an equal chance of employment based on QUID PRO QUO SEXUAL HARASSMENT – Happens
his or her qualifications inventory. when a manager demands sexual intimacy from a
Affirmative Action - It goes beyond equal subordinate or a possible hire in exchange for
employment opportunity by compelling employers employment. A manager or supervisor who has the
to take certain steps to provide those in the power to employ or terminate can carry out quid
protected group fair chances for employment. This pro quo sexual harassment, and that behavior is
is done to eliminate the adverse effects of past completely illegal.
discriminatory practices on the current workplace HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT - Can take place when
practices in terms of recruitment and selection. unsolicited criticisms and actions interfere with the
employee’s performance and well-being or has
created a disrespectful or insulting work
environment for the harassed employee. Other than
the employee who is the target of the harassment,
the rest of the workers who have witnessed or
heard about the harassment, are also considered
victims, and may likewise view the workplace as very Their Families And Overseas Filipinos In Distress,
unfriendly, which could negatively impact their And For Other Purposes (Migrant Workers And
productivity. Thus, vulgar words, nude pictures, Overseas Filipinos Act Of 1995)
swearing, and other offensive statements constitute 7. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7305 – The Magna Carta For
a hostile environment. Public Health Workers
8. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7169 – The Local
3. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6727 - An Act To Rationalize Government Code Of The Philippines
Wage Policy Determination By Establishing The 9. EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 117 – Equality Of Access
Mechanism And Proper Standards Therefor, To Education
Amending For The Purpose Article 99 Of, And 10. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7845 – An Act Appropriating
Incorporating Articles 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Funds For The Operation Of The Government Of
126 And 127 Into, Presidential Decree No. 442, The Republic Of The Philippines From January
As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Labor One To December Thirty One, Nineteen
Code Of The Philippines, Fixing New Wage Rates, Hundred Ninety Five, And For Other Purposes
Providing Wage Incentives For Industrial (General Appropriations Act Of 1995)
Dispersal To The Countryside, And For Other 11. PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 442 - A Decree
Purposes (Wage Rationalization Act, 1989) Instituting A Labor Code Thereby Revising And
4. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7192 - An Act Promoting The Consolidating Labor And Social Laws To Afford
Integration Of Women As Full And Equal Protection To Labor, Promote Employment And
Partners Of Men In Development And Nation Human Resources Development And Insure
Building And For Industrial Peace Based On Social Justice (Labor
Other Purposes (Women In Development And Code Of The Philippines) Title III - Working
Nation Building Act, 1992) Conditions For Special Groups Of Employees
5. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 679 - An Act To Regulate The Chapter I - Employment Of Women
Employment Of Women And Children, To 12. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7655 (Act Increasing the
Provide Minimum Wage of House Helpers)
Penalties For Violation Hereof, And For Other 13. Book Four Title I of the Code
6. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8042 - An Act To Institute
The Policies Of Overseas Employment And SUMMARY OF LAWS
Establish A Higher Standard Of Protection And
Promotion Of The Welfare Of Migrant Workers,
Republic Act No. 7169 Section 41 deals with should have the same privileges, equal respect, and
the manner of the election as it aims to strengthen opportunity as men.
the local government's representation of
marginalized sectors by ensuring that they have a The Republic Act No. 7277 or the Magna
representative to speak for them at the national Carta for Disabled Person ensures rehabilitation for
level. The importance of this law to EEO is it seeks to people with disabilities in empowering, improving
eliminate all forms of discrimination in the their skills and abilities, and allows disabled people
workplace, including protection from dismissal solely to have the opportunity and potential to work like
based on prejudice, as well as being denied regular people. It is valuable to the EEO because it
employment opportunities despite being qualified offers disabled workers an opportunity and a voice
for such work. to lift their complaints to management, and the
right to equal access to employment opportunities.
The Republic Act No. 7305 generally known
as Magna Carta on Public Health Workers ensures Republic Act no. 7877 is an Act Declaring
that the rights of health and other public workers, Sexual Harassment Unlawful In The Employment,
especially the rights of couple health workers, are Education Or Training Environment And For Other
not infringed upon by anyone. It is important to EEO Purposes Title II - Rights and Privileges of Disabled
because it prohibits discrimination against in respect Persons Chapter I – Employment, prohibits all types
of gender, civil status, creed, religion, political of sexual assault in the workplace, education, or
beliefs, or ethnicity in the exercise of employees' training environment and it gives the head of the
profession. office the responsibility of promulgating laws and
guidelines for consulting workers that encounter
Presidential Decree No. 442 Title III - sexual abuse. It is important for the EEO as this law
Working Conditions for Special Group of Employees guarantees that every worker has the right to feel
Chapter I - Employment of Women includes statutes comfortable, secure, and conscious at the same
that give women employees advantages in the time in the workplace that the employee belongs.
workplace and protection from employment
discrimination, such as marriage status Republic Act No. 6727 also known as Wage
discrimination, maternity status, and decisions Rationalization Act focuses on setting the minimum
based on the sex of the employees. This law is wage rate fairly and equitably in compliance with
important in the context of Equal Employment the agreed contract of employment of both
Opportunity as it ensures that women employees employer and employee that is performed by the
regional living costs. It is essential to the EEO legislation in the sense of Equal Employment
because this legislation guarantees that workers Opportunities is to promote gender equality and
earn satisfactory compensation, protects them from expand the provision of adequate protection to
unacceptable low wages, and sets a minimum those female and male employees who work beyond
standard that is essential for the well-being of every sovereignty.
Republic Act No. 7655 is an act of increasing
Republic Act No. 7845, otherwise known as the Minimum Wage of House Helpers focuses on
the General Appropriations Act, 1995. Section 27 of giving these workers that receive income of at least
this Act focuses on the appropriate allocation of 1,000 pesos, the entitlement of all benefits offered
government funds for its activities explicitly in by the Social Security System (SSS). In the sense of
gender-responsive projects and its development. Equal Employment Opportunity, this law is relevant,
This law is important in the EEO because it helps to because it seeks to protect, offer security, various
eradicate gender differences for both men and advantages and provide for the well-being not only
women and give Filipino women workers the right to of the minimum wage workers but also to their
equal opportunities in employment to accentuate families and beneficiaries.
their expertise, experience, talents, and skills.
Title I of Book Four of the Code deals with
Regulation of the Republic No. 679 Section 7 medical, dental, and occupational safety and that
Employment of Women states that no woman every employee is protected by the State Insurance
employee shall be engaged in any place of work that Fund the same way regardless of their gender. It is
needs a great deal of power and shall not be vital for EEO as it prioritizes the safety of every
discriminated against based on sex. It is essential to employee and ensures their welfare and protection,
EEO because it provides women employees various despite gender differences, at the time of their work
advantages in the workplace and adequate by providing the rights in receiving accurate safety
consideration of their security in the organization. measures.

Republic No. 8042 Section 2 Declaration of Executive Order No. 117 Equality of Access
Policies emphasizes that the State shall grant full to Education Section 3. Declaration of Policy states
protection and timely assistance to workers, both that the education system shall do its best to sustain
locally and abroad, and promote equal job fair access in education for all people to strengthen
opportunities for all. The importance of this and advance the nation's goals as well as enrich
their involvement in unifying the Filipino nation. It is the work as well as the worker requirements
important to EEO because it allows the Filipinos who needed to perform the job. through the job
are willing to have and accept the offered education, analysis, managers will be able to
the opportunity to contribute to the development of understand the qualifications needed to do
the country's growth and enhancement. to the job, know the duties of the
incumbents, and describe the nature and
Republic Act No. 7192 generally known as Women in conditions of the work to be done.
Development and Nation Building Act focuses on
facilitating the inclusion of women as complete and THE HIRING STAGE
equal partners of men in development and nation- ● Recruitment serves as a tool to locate and
building and for other purposes. The importance of entice job seekers who are eligible for the
this law in terms of EEO is it eradicates gender job. Recruitment sources could be internal
discrimination and provides the fair treatment of or external.
women in our nation as discrimination based on ● Selection is choosing the best and the most
gender is evident, as well as raising the morale of qualified candidate from the pool of
women employees. applicants. Selection, to be effective, should
abide by legal laws and should rightfully
MODULE 3 – PRE-HIRING, HIRING, AND POST- match employees’ skills with the job
HIRING requirements.
● Human Resource Planning helps managers THE POST-HIRING STAGE
identify the right number and type of people ● Training and development are both learning
they need to successfully execute their experiences designed to enhance workers’
overall plan within a predetermined period capabilities. Training provides employees the
of time. This is done to make sure that there opportunity to learn and acquire additional
is a match between the qualification’s skills and abilities intended for the
potential hires and requirements of the job betterment of what they are currently doing.
to avoid workforce shortage or surplus. Development, on the other hand, is more
● Job Analysis is a methodical way of extensive because it prepares employees for
collecting, interpreting, and storing a possible upward step to the corporate
information about specific jobs. This leader via intensive management
information will help identify the content of development programs that will squeeze
their potentials and skill levels, this motivate and retain the most qualified and
improving the overall organizational competent workers before they are “taken
performance. away” by the competition.
● Appraising and managing performance ● Enforcing safety and health measures is not
involve assessing employee, past and only the responsibility of employers or of the
present performance levels relative to human resource department, but that of the
certain performance measures. The purpose entire workforce as well. It is a given fact
of an appraisal system is to determine that a staggering number of workplace
whether employee performance conforms accidents and injuries are common and
or deviates from organizational standards. unavoidable within an organization. Thus, to
Employees whose performance corresponds protect the organization and its employees
to prevailing standards should be from danger and illness, a company through
encouraged to continue with the the initiatives of its human resource
appropriate behavior, while those whose management office should create and
performance deviates from the standards strictly impose health and safety policies to
should be accorded with the proper guarantee that every employee is aware of
corrective measures in a respectful and his or her responsibilities in preventing (if
motivating manner. not totally eliminating) and fostering a safe
● Compensation consists of the pay and and healthy work environment.
benefits received by employees from their ● Terminating an employee in the Philippines
employers in return of their services. Pay is a sensitive and serous personnel issue. It
comes in the form of either a wage or a can be a complicated process, especially
salary. Benefits, on the other hand, could be after the employee gains a
either monetary or non-monetary form of regular/permanent employment status. The
compensation granted to employees over Philippine Constitution says, no involuntary
and above their pay. Benefits are classified servitude in any form shall exist except as
as those mandated by the law (such as paid punishment for a crime whereof the party
vacation and sick leaves, among others) and shall have been duly convicted (Philippine
those coming from the generosity of the Labor Code).
company (like clothing allowance, meal
subsidy, employee discounts, and others). CURRENT TRENDS IN HUMAN RESOURCE
The goal of a compensation scheme is to MANAGEMENT
Here are some factors that may have greater Cross-cultural Orientation
influence on HRM practices: Managed Health Care Programs
1. An increasing workplace cultural diversity. Diversity Management
2. An emphasis on work and family issues.
3. The tremendous growth of part-time and ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS
temporary employees. Workplace ethics are statements or rules that
4. The dynamic upgrading of technology. determine right or wrong conduct in the
workplace. It is at the core of every
HR GENERALIST VS SPECIALIST professional; hence, HR practitioners need
● HR Generalist to express strong belief of integrity in order
Its job is commonly found in small- or medium- to build a work environment characterized
sized organizations. They perform all HRM by confidence and credibility. Like many
activities such as human resource planning, other businesspeople, HR professionals
preparation of a job analysis including job must serve with ethical integrity. HR
description and specification, recruitment professionals and practitioners should be
and selection among others. the main players and models of ethical
● HR Specialist behavior. In today’s highly electronic world,
Its job is more focused on a specific HRM task. the job of the HR professional/practitioner;
This is especially true in larger companies. in matters of ethics has become even
For example, an individual may assume the tougher, especially because technology has
task of a training and development invaded the worldwide business
specialist, or a recruitment officer, a payroll organizations, and the chances are high that
head, or a job. ethical “red flags” be raised.


● Traditional Specialty Areas
Training and Development
Employee Compensation and Benefits
Employee's Well Being
Recruitment and Selection
● New Specialty Areas
Work and Family Life Programs
List of activities that serve as the link between
MODULE 4 — Human Resource Planning (HRP) human resource planning and the company’s
• is an HRM practice that helps managers in strategic plan:
predicting the various HR needs relating to
acquiring, positioning, and utilizing employees.

• also defined as an HR undertaking that ascertains

the company’s present and subsequent HR needs.

• serves as a link between human resource

management and the entire strategic plan of the

Strategic Planning
• is an organization’s process of formulating and
implementing its strategies and assessing their
effects on the internal and external environment of
the firm.

• the main objective of this relationship is to make

sure that Human Resource Management activities
are taken into consideration prior to formulating the

Step-by-step process of human resource planning

1. Understanding the organizational mission, goals, FACTORS THAT AFFECT HUMAN RESOURCE
objectives, and strategic requirements. PLANNING
2. Conduct a head count of present employees.
3. Know the future demand for employees. Conduct 1. Company’s goals, objectives, and strategies
a skill inventory each year to approximate the need 2. Time spent for planning HR needs
for manpower for existing positions. Investigate the 3. Uncertainties of business activities
sources of supply of human resources. The sources 4. Exactness of forecasting manpower needs
can come from academic institutions, and people 5. Structural design of the company
from other organizations seeking employment. 6. Internal and external availability of manpower
4. Determine the number of employees you 7. Preparation period of positioning talents
currently have and how many you actually need. FORECASTING
Study the gap between demand and supply.
5. Estimate the possible increase or decrease in
human resources. The increase may come from new
hires, contingent workers, transfers, re-instated • a key component to successful Human Resource
employees. Decreases may come from resignation, Planning
retirement, study leaves, dismissal, lay-off, job • managers need to regularly predict their HR needs
abandonment, death and other factors. and the core competencies of the firm as part of
6. Decide whether to hire or to downsize. If the their strategic planning activity.
number of employees is more than what is needed,
then there is an oversupply of personnel. The action They should focus on these three major
will be to downsize. If the number of employees is considerations:
less than what is needed, then there is an a. predicting demand for labor;
undersupply of manpower. The action will be to b. predicting supply for labor; and
recruit additional manpower. c. reconciling the gap between demand and supply
of labor.
• being deliberately mindful to each will help
mangers attain their HR needs, thus improving
organizational effectiveness and increasing

Predicting a Firm’s Demand for Employees

• Predicting the need for labor has been an essential
indicator of a company’s progress. then calculates regression line which goes through
• No matter the size, the company will need to the middle of the marks on the scatter diagram.
conduct a forecast of its labor needs. Proper interpretation of the regression line will
• A complete forecast should append recent data, enable the company to determine the number of
previous experiences, and other probabilities to be employees needed for each predictor or variable.
able to come up with a sensible and responsive HR 2. Qualitative Approaches
plan. • predict future HR needs based on the opinions or
gut feel of some selected members of the
TWO METHODS OF PRACTICING HR NEEDS organization outside experts or others concerned
1. Quantitative Approaches with the future labor needs of the company.
• The quantitative prediction method covers the use • this method is often seen as subjective and
of numerical information or mathematical judgmental hence, biases are most likely to occur.
procedures in analyzing data. - Delphi Technique is a type of qualitative forecasting
• most commonly used approaches are trend method that aims to minimize biases of forecast by
analysis, ratio analysis, and regression analysis. seeking expert opinions and summing up their
- Trend analysis is based on the concept that what decisions. This is done by presenting a certain
has happened in the past will give the HR officer an business scenario to experts. A set of questions will
idea what will take place in the future. Trend analysis be asked from these experts and the reasons behind
ties past employment flows to subsequent labor their opinions. The final forecast is obtained once
needs. the panel of experts
- Ratio analysis is the process of anticipating future have converged toward the right decision.
HR demands by calculating the precise ratio
between certain variables. This method is Predicting the Supply of Employees
considered more accurate than trend analysis. • Supply forecasting – decisions will be finalized on
- Regression analysis is identical to both trend and which positions will be filled on a certain future time.
ratio analyses in such a way that forecasts are based 1. The organization forms a cluster showing the line
upon the relation between certain predictors like of positions from which employees can anticipate
sales volume and number of employees. In this growth. The cluster may include job title, function,
method, the organization draws lines and marks and degree of autonomy.
called a scatter diagram. It 2. Within each work group, state which of the
incumbents will stay in their current positions, how
many are listed for possible transfer, promotion, and
retirement. Above all, the organization should also MODULE 5: JOB ANALYSIS AND JOB EVALUATION

pay attention to possible mergers, buy-outs, and

acquisitions. Writing a Good Job Description
- Job description is a document aimed at providing

Outcomes of the HR Planning Process job applicants with an outline of the main duties

• Once the HR planning activity is accomplished, the and responsibilities of the role for which they are

company should set and carry out HRM practices applying for.

that will aid the managers in handling the possibility - It is an overview of a certain job that should consist

of occurrence of either an undersupply or of about two to five pages in length.

oversupply of personnel. - it should be detailed and lengthy, because it would

not be interesting and valuable if the

Dealing with Workforce Oversupply information indicated it is limited. It must

• If there are more workers than jobs, the first action describe a job in enough detail that decisions

is to downsize, which typically refers to lay-off. about activities such as selection and training

However, due to some undesirable effects of lay- can be made. Also, duties and responsibilities

offs, managers may consider options such as: should be included.

suspend hiring, set limits to overtime, avoid

contingent workers, early retirement, reduce pay, In writing an efficient job description, the

job sharing, and offer career breaks like study leave. company should consider the eight sections for
them to find and recruit the best job applicants .

Dealing with Workforce Undersupply A job description should contain the following

• An undersupply of personnel indicates that there eight sections: job title, summary, work

are more jobs than workers. If this happens, the first activities, tools and equipment used, work

move of the company should be to hire additional context, performance standards, compensation

employees. However, the company may consider information, and personal requirements.

the following alternatives: encourage overtime,

create another work shift, job reassignment, and Job Title

strengthen retention program. A job title holds an important role in writing a job
description. An accurate title describes the
nature of the job and the perception of the
status or worth of a job. It is also a description of
the duties of the role and the level of the
position. For managerial roles, titles typically
include executive, director, manager, supervisor, Job Context
or chief. Individual contributors are usually staff, This category should clarify the environment in
representatives, experts, specialists. which the employee works and should mention
stress level, work schedule, physical demands,
level of responsibility, temperature, number of
Brief Summary coworkers, degree of danger, and any other
In this part, the summary needs to be only a relevant information. This information is
paragraph in length but should briefly describe especially important in providing applicants a
the nature and what is the purpose of a certain knowledge that they can utilize if they can
job. This summary can be used in help-wanted perform a specific job.
advertisements, internal job postings, and
company brochures. Work Performance
The job description should outline standards of
Work Activities performance. It contains a somewhat brief
The work-activities section lists the tasks and description of how an employee’s performance
activities in which the work is involved. These is evaluated and what work standards are
tasks and activities should have a category label expected of the employee. For example, Work
and be organized into meaningful categories to performance is how well an individual performs
make the job description easy to read and a job, role, task, or responsibility. And this
understand. performance will be evaluated concerning
documented responsibilities, objectives, goals,
Tools and Equipment Used and reasonable expectations associated with a
This section should include the lists of all the role, profession, and industry. (Spacey, 2017)
tools and equipment used to perform the work
activities in the previous section. Even though
tools and equipment may have been mentioned Compensation Information
in the activities section, placing them in a This part of the job description should contain
separate section makes their identification information on the salary grade, whether the
simpler. Information in this section is used position is exempt, and the compensable factors
primarily for employee selection and training. used to determine salary. But, the employee’s
actual salary or salary range should not be listed
on the job description.
Figure 1. Commonly used strategy for conducting a
Job Competencies job analysis.
This section contains what are the commonly
called job specifications or competencies. These
are the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other
characteristics (KSAOs) (such as interest,
Identify task
personality, and training) that are essential to be Performed
successful on the job. Job specifications are
determined by deciding what types of KSAOs are
needed to perform the tasks identified in the job
analysis. Write task

14. Conducting a Job Analysis

- Job analysis is the series of activities undertaken to Rate task Statement

systematically obtain, categorize, and document

all relevant information about a specific job to
know the nature and characteristics of the
people to be employed for each job. Determine Essential
- The goal of job analysis is to have work
simplification, the establishment of work
standards, and improving safety in
Selecting test to
tap KSAOs
In conducting a job analysis, the first step is to define the job analyst actually see the worker do his/her
the key job dimensions and the tasks performed for job and thus obtain information that the worker
each dimension, the resources and equipment used may have forgotten to mention during the
to perform the tasks, and the conditions under interview. This is important because many
which the tasks are performed. Typically, this data is employees have difficulty describing exactly
obtained by collecting previous work information, what they do; to them, performing their job is
interviewing work incumbents, analyzing results, or second nature and takes little thought.
actually performing the job itself.
Job Participation. An individual can analyze the job
Gathering Existing Information. Before interviewing by actually performing it. This technique, called
incumbents, it is always necessary to gather the job participation, is especially effective because
information that has already been obtained. it is easier to understand every aspect of a job
once you have done it yourself. The technique is
Interviewing Subject Matter Experts. The most easily used when the analyst has previously
common method of conducting a job analysis is performed the job.
to interview subject matter experts (SMEs).
SMEs are people who are Once the tasks have been defined, the
knowledgeable about the job and include job next step is to write the task statements which
incumbents, supervisors, customers, and upper- will be included in the task inventory and
level management. Job analysis interviews come included in the job description. There must be an
in two main forms: individual and group. In the action (what is done) and an entity (to which the
individual interview, the job analyst interviews action is done) in a properly written task
only one employee at a time. In the group description. Task statements contain elements
interview or SME conference, a larger number of such as where the work is performed, how it is
employees are interviewed together. performed, why it is done, and when it is done.

Observing Incumbents. Observations are useful job Once the task statements have been
analysis methods, especially when used in written (usually including some 200 tasks), the
conjunction with other methods such as next step is to conduct a task analysis—using a
interviews. During a job analysis observation, the group of SMEs to rate each task statement on
job analyst observes incumbents performing the frequency and the importance or criticality
their jobs in the work setting. This method lets of the task being performed. After a
representative sample of SMEs rates each task, redesign/documentation based on work
the ratings are organized into a format. specialization and improvement that will
determine the worth of the job: higher the
Once the task analysis is completed and worth, higher the salary. Additionally, it will
a job analyst has a list of tasks that are essential ensure the safety of the job by communicating
for the proper performance of a job, the next about employees' conditions and give actions/
step is to identify the KSAOs needed to perform solve it accordingly. (Dr. Amit Lal, 2020)
the tasks. Knowledge is a body of necessary data The utilization of j
for a task to be performed. Skill is the proficiency 15. Job Evaluation
to perform a learned task. Ability is a basic
capacity to perform a wide range of tasks, gain Job evaluation is a systematic process
information, or develop skills. Other way of evaluating and determining the value or
characteristics include such personal factors as worth of the job for an organization.
personality, willingness, interest, and evaluating a certain job against other jobs in one
motivation, and such tangible factors as licenses, organization to have a fair compensation system
degrees, and years of experience. against various bands or levels can be

If the significant KSAOs have been PURPOSE OF JOB EVALUATION

identified, the next task is to select the best • Designing new organization and job roles
methods required at the time of hire to utilize • Changing the organizational design or roles
the KSAOs. These methods will be used for the • Aligning roles and pay to organizational changes
selection of new employees and will include • Designing an effective organization
interviews, work descriptions, skill assessments, • Defining interdependent among different jobs
personality tests, reference reviews, integrity • Clarifying accountabilities of the job
tests, biodata, and evaluation centers. • Managing succession in the organization
• Renewing the existing pay structure
Overall, the utilization of job analysis will • Auditing legal compliance of pay policies
identify the right people at the right time in the • Implementing benchmark pay structure of
right place with the right skills. It will create • Setting value-based pay policies
efficient recruitment, selection, and placement.
The outcome of job analysis is job Non - Analytical
Ranking Method - This is the simplest and Job specification - Indicates preparation of a
inexpensive job evaluation method, wherein the specification statement that explains the
jobs are ranked from the highest to the lowest necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities
on the basis of their importance in the required to perform the job.
organization. Job rating - Includes the process of using the same
methods to study job descriptions and
Job Grading Method - Also known as Job specifications in order to assign a relative worth
Classification Method under this method the job for each job. Some of the job rating methods are
grades or classes are predetermined and then ranking, point rating factor comparison, and so
each job is assigned to these and is evaluated on.
accordingly. Money Allocation - After rating the worthiness of
each job, a pay structure is determined and the
Analytical money for each job is allocated. It means, it is the
Factor Comparison Method - Under this method, the arrangement of paying rewards/compensation
job is evaluated, and the ranks are given on the for each job according to its worth or value.
basis of a series of factors: mental effort, Job Classification - This is the last step of job
physical effort, skills required supervisory evaluation which is concerned with the
responsibilities, working conditions, and other categorization of jobs according to their pay
relevant factors. These factors are assumed to scale. For example, high paying jobs are
be constant for each set of jobs. represented at the top of the hierarchy.

Point Ranking Method - Under this method, each

job’s key factor is identified and then the 16. 2 Process of Determining Pay Equity in Job
subfactors are determined. These sub-factors Evaluation
are then assigned the points by its importance
Job Analysis - It is a process through which required Internal equity pay involves comparing jobs
information about various aspects of jobs can be within an organization to ensure that people in
obtained. jobs’ worth will be paid accordingly. To create
Job description - A profile of job information is fair pay, you compare employees who do similar
prepared to indicate the duties, responsibilities, jobs for your company. You should consider the
and working conditions of work. tasks your employees do. If two employees
perform similar tasks, they should earn similar 3. The number of points assigned to a factor is
wages. divided into each level.
4. The total number of points for a job is
Steps in evaluating job factor that affects the worth compared with the salary currently being paid
of job: for the job.


° Level of responsibility External equity pay refers to the relationship
° Physical demands between one company's pay level in comparison
° Mental demands to what other employers pay. Some employers
° Education requirements set their pay levels higher than their
° Training and Expensive requirements competition, hoping to attract the best
applicants in their company.


COMPENSABLE FACTOR Standardization is a process of determining the
° Education attainment salary differentials for different jobs to become

° Time Considerable standardized. Through job evaluation, this thing

helps in bringing uniformity into a salary
structure. The relevance of a new job through job

STEP 3: DETERMINING THE FACTORS WEIGHTS evaluation, one can understand the relative

Some factors are more important than others, value of new jobs to handle the different issues

but weight must be assigned to each factor and and concerns in an organization.

to each level of a factor. Here is the process for

doing this: Job analysis is the foundation for almost all human

1. An evaluation committee determines the activities. This provides information:

total number of points that will be distributed

among the factors. The greater the number of Writing Job Description: a brief, two- to a five-page

factors, the greater the number of points. summary of the tasks and job requirements

2. Each factor is weighted by assigning a number found in the job analysis or known as the written

of points. The more the factor, the greater the result of the job analysis.

number of points that will be assigned.

Employee Selection: identifying such requirements
and possible select tests or develop interview Job Evaluation: a systematic process way in
questions evaluating and determining the value or worth of
that will determine whether a particular applicant the job for an organization.
possesses the necessary knowledge, skills,
and abilities to carry out the requirements of the job. Job Design: Updated information that can be used to
determine the optimal way in which a job should
Training: Job activities that can be systematically be performed after conducting a job analysis.
used to have efficient employees.
Person power Planning: One important but seldom Compliance with Legal Guidelines: Any employment
employed use of job analysis is to determine decision must be based on job-related
worker mobility within an organization. Peter information. One legally acceptable way to
Principle: promoting employees until they directly determine job relatedness is by job
eventually reach their highest level of analysis. No law specifically requires job analysis,
incompetence (Peter & Hull, 1969). but several important guidelines and court cases
mandate job analysis
Performance Appraisal: As in employee selection, for all practical purposes.
the evaluation of employee performance must
be job-related. Employees are often evaluated
with forms that use such vague categories as Organizational Analysis: The discovery of such
“dependability,” “knowledge,” and “initiative.” lapses in organizational communication can
The use of specific, job-related categories leads then be used to correct problems and help an
to more accurate performance appraisals that organization function better.
are better accepted not only by employees but
also by the courts (Werner & Bolino, 1997). In MODULE 6 — RECRUITMENT
addition, when properly administered and
utilized, job-related performance appraisals can is the process of developing a pool of qualified
serve as an excellent source of employee applicants who are interested in working for the
training and counseling. organization might reasonably select the best
individual or individuals to hire for employment.
Job Classification: Useful for determining pay levels,
transfers, and promotions. Two types of recruitment
❖ Apply-in-person – when they don’t want
A. Internal Recruitment - promoting someone their phones tied up by applicants calling
within the organization. ❖ Send-resume ads – organization expects a
1. Promotions - promoted from one large response and does not have the
department to another in the same resources to speak with thousands of
organization with greater responsibility and applicants.
compensation. ❖ Blind box – organizations use for three main
2. Upgrading and Demotion - Not applicable in reasons.
the Philippines because it can harm the ➔ doesn’t want its name in public.
organization. Demote employees based on
➔ fear that people wouldn’t apply if
their performances.
they knew the name of the company.
3. Transfers - employees are transferred to
➔ the company needs to terminate an
another department with the same level of
employee but wants first to find a
responsibility and compensation.
4. Retired Employees - may also be recruited
B. Electronic Media - Radio and television
once again in case of a shortage of qualified
2. Walk-In - are people who do not apply in
response to any type of advertisements, but
5. Retrenched Employees - Those employees
rather come into a company, submit an
who lost their jobs due to bankruptcy, etc.
application and a curriculum vitae, then
may also be recruited again.
aspire to get the job.
6. Deceased Employees - The relatives of
3. Point of purchase method - job vacancy
deceased employees are also a source of
notices are posted in places where
internal recruitment.
customers or current employees are likely to
B. External Recruitment - hiring someone from
see them.
outside the organization
4. Recruiters
1. Media Advertisement (Responding in
a. Campus Recruiters - Where well-qualified
executives, engineers, medical staff are
A. Newspaper ads
recruited by the companies. For ex. AMA and
❖ Calling - when an organization wants to
either quickly screen applicants or hear an
b. Outside Recruiters - Organizations use such
applicant’s phone voice.
outside recruiting sources such as;
- Employment Agencies. They charge either hundreds of organizations and resumes for
the company or the applicant when the thousands of applicants. Ex. job street
applicant takes the job.
- Executive Search Firms. Known as “head 7. Job Fairs - are designed to provide information in
hunters”, differs from employment agencies a personal fashion to as many applicants as
in several ways. First, the jobs they represent possible. The organization will conduct a one-
tend to be higher-paying non-entry-level day interview.
positions. Second, reputable executive Types of Job Fairs
search firms always charge their fees to a. Many types of organizations have booths at
organizations rather than to applicants. the same location.
Third, fees charged by ES firms tend to be b. Many organizations in the same field in one
about 30% of the applicant’s first-year salary. location.
- Public Employment Agencies. These public c. Organizations hold their own.
employment agencies are designed primarily
to help the unemployed find work. For ex. Advantages and Limitations of Recruiting from
PESO Within
5. Employees referral - type of recruitment - Promoting from within could make perfect
approach used by organizations to find sense since the potential candidate is
applicants through the help of their existing already a member of the work team, and
employees. Need to refer a suitable candidate managers already know their performance
for the vacancy and be rewarded with level as well as their good and bad qualities.
incentives and bonuses. Above all, internal recruiting lessens
recruitment and hiring costs. The only
6. Internet (fast-growing source of recruitment) disadvantage is that there is no innovation or
a. Employer-Based Websites - An organization new information/idea that comes within.
lists available job openings and provides
information about itself and the minimum Steps in Recruitment
requirements needed to apply to a particular - Before hiring an applicant for a position, a
job that is visible on websites. company goes through the following step-
b. Internet Recruiters - A private company by-step
whose website lists job openings for 1. Determine Job Vacancy - A job vacancy within a
company may exist for a variety of reasons. It
could be due to retirement, resignation, and 5. Meet-up with Job Candidates - A cardinal role of
termination. or there is just an entirely new the recruitment and hiring team is to make sure
position to fill. that job candidates have sufficient knowledge
2. Plan How to Fill an Open Position - Once it has of why they are meeting up with them. During
been established that a job vacancy exists, this step, recruiters conduct an initial screening
managers should decide whether to take in to ensure that job seekers meet job
core personnel or temporary workers. specifications. This would help them in judging
Managers are expected to prepare a list of the overall background of job seekers before
worker requirements that job candidates must they render a hiring decision.
possess. Core employees are those who were
recruited and hired, and ultimately became
permanent employees. Contingent workers
assume temporary work status whose jobs are MODULE 7: SELECTION
dependent on some job circumstances.
Refers to the HRM process of selecting the right
3. Identify the Target Segment - At this point, firms person for the right job based on certain
should be able to pinpoint who they want to selection ruling out unqualified job seekers and
hire. A comprehensive plan is essential to help choosing only those possessing the relevant
companies and managers from perceptions qualifications inventory.
about their target segment. Print, radio,
television, and online advertising are It is done to maximize hiring effectiveness.
recruitment methods that will help the
company identify their target segment. Effective selection requires a careful study of
the applicant to the job.
4. Reaching Out to Target Segment - After
identifying the segment, companies must set a THE SELECTION PROCESS
preferred way to reach out to their target It comprises a set of steps prior to making a
talents. Some common recruitment techniques final hiring decision.
include posting jobs online, job fairs, campus
recruitment, etc. Having said, the series of steps may differ
among organizations as well as the kind and
extent of the vacancy to be filled.
history, academic background, and other
Thus, every step should be assessed or specifications.
evaluated as to its worth to the organization.
These information are the bases for asking
It should(must) adhere to the rules of ethics, questions during the job interview.
with reference to what is mandated by law.
NOTE! It is where the employer sees if the
Not all the applicants go to all the process, employee has experience to the field.
some may be turned down immediately. Thus, it is important to put greater emphasis to
what is just and must related to the company
NOTE! and job the employee is seeking.
Talent Acquisition is the general term for
recruitment. Falsifying information and data in the
application form could put the applicant in deep
STEP-BT-STEP PROCESS controversy with the interviewer.
NOTE! Likewise, to afore-mentioned, the
organization of process may differ depending Step 2. Initial Interview in the HR Department.
on the company. The first interview is preliminary and its purpose
Esp. Medical Exam, Job Offer, and Hiring is to eliminate applicants who are clearly
Decision. unqualified on the basis of their apparent
characteristics such as age, height, physical
Step 1. Completion of Application condition, years of experience, educational
It plays primary role in hiring decisions attainment, etc.

It is the application form submitted by the NOTE! It is the first disqualifying portion that
employee that will serve as preliminary facts will dictate if the employee will proceed to the
about the job. E.g., Bio-data, Curriculum Vitae, next step or early disqualification.
Resume, etc.
Step 3. Pre-employment Testing.
WHAT TO DISCUSS IN APPLICATION FORM? This will enable an objective evaluation of
When writing the application form, include applicants.
information that are job-related such as work
Pre-employment tests are necessary to predict information provided by the applicant in his or
the quality of the job candidate under certain her resume, or during the interview.
Step 5. Supervisor/Team Interview
careful study should be made to determine After preliminary screening has been
what tests are suitable for measuring the conducted, the job candidate is deemed to be
aptitudes and abilities required by the various most qualified is endorsed to the unit or
jobs in the firm. department that sent notice about the vacancy
and ultimately undergo a final interview with
NOTE! It will be further explained ↓ the unit or department manager.
It is the polygraph, honest and integrity tests,
and such. A final decision is made and communicated to
the HR Department.
The number of test and the test itself depends
on the position and field of work. NOTE! It is the final interview.
checking and ensuring the applicants is really
Step 4. Reference/Background Check. qualified to the position and department.
Organizations check the references of
employees in a numerous of ways.

The most common way is making a phone call.

Employers find this method very practical and
easy to do. It helps them identify unqualified Step 6. Medical Exam/Drug Test
applicants in a quick manner. The pre-employment medical tests are
administered to ensure the company that the
But other alternatives such as faxes, mail, and potential hire is physically able, with an overall
email are also used as long as they pertain to excellent health condition, and fit to perform
the job for which one is being hired. any designated task.

Background checking is going beyond reference employers want assurance that the applicant
checks. It is a process whereby employers check does not have any serious medical condition
the authenticity and accuracy of the that will put him or her, and other employees at
risk. This is normally one of the final steps in the conditions, compensation package, relationships,
selection process and done prior to a job offer. and even culture. Having it signed by the candidate
means the deal is closed.
NOTE. Even though you qualified to previous
stages if in case you have been tested using NOTE! This is where contract occurs, contracts
illegal drugs or have serious illness you still having signed by both parties means ethical and
won’t be able to get the job. legal agreement.

It is to ensure that the employee is physically

and mentally fit and able for the job. TYPES OF PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTS
Pre-employment tests are means of measuring and
Step 7. Hiring Decisions screening the most qualified applicants for the job in
It is the final hiring decision. a crucial part of hiring terms of attitude, behavior, personality, etc.
employment. companies may administer some or all of the
following pre-employment tests:
The hiring team should understand that the decision
should be based on the selection criteria and not 1. Polygraph Test.
who has emerged a frontrunner because of a To tell whether the applicant is telling the truth or
certain positive trait; otherwise, this could cause lying when responding to questions.
problems later.
It is also called the truth verification exam.
NOTE! To ensure the final decision the HRM must ex. Like detector test
double check the qualification, requirements, and
other factors administered to it. 2. Honesty and Integrity Test: To measure
applicant’s honesty, dependability, and even work
Step 8. Job Offer ethic.
Now that a final decision has been made and the
right match found, it is time to make a job offer. NOTE! It is usually given to applicant of critical
position in the company.
Although verbal job offers are acceptable, it is
smarter to have a written one on hand complete 3. Graphology.
with the provisions of the job such as working
Analysis of the handwriting of a person is now also NOTE! For Medical and Drug Test
used to interpret a person’s character, personality, focuses on physical and mental condition of a
and emotional and intellectual capacity. person. if the applicant uses illegal drugs and
incapable of load of work.

4. Physical Aptness. 7. Personality and Interest Inventories.

Assessment of an individual’s physical strength. To gauge the person’s overall personality and
behavioral traits.
Employers put more emphasis on stamina, vigor,
height, and weight as essential job requirements. NOTE! Organization, military and such who can
be prejudicial, engage an applicant to
NOTE! personality test like anger management and
It focuses on physical facet resilience.
By means you will see the aggressiveness of
This is a disadvantage for women and disabled employee in facing different circumstances in
persons, leading to lawsuits. the field of work.

5. Medical.
The Philippine law explicitly states that all pre-
employment examinations should be rightfully
relevant to the needs of the job. the medical test THE JOB INTERVIEW
should only be performed after the job offer has Unstructured Interview.
been made. In addition, the examinations must be This is a form of interview in which questions
required for all candidates offered the job. are not ascertained ahead of time.

6. Drug Test. it has a tendency to be a bit unrestrained and

free flowing, comparable to a regular chat.
Drug tests are randomly administered to applicants However, it can at times be viewed to be very
who belong to specific occupations like investigative in nature because it allows for
transportation, military defense, and in the aviation more questions to evolve during the interview,
industry. which are normally dependent on the answers
of the interviewees.
One interviewer interviewing the applicant.
NOTE! It has no pattern to follow. Employer Note! Just between interviewer and
have the right for follow up questions. interviewee
Serial interview.
It is commonly used by final interviewer, or in Series of singe interviews.
Supervisor/Team Interview Note! Numerous interviewers in different time
in one day.
Structured Interview. Return.
All questions are prepared beforehand. Interviews are similar to serial with the
Structured interviews have uniformity, which difference being a passing of time between the
means each person being interviewed is asked first and subsequent interview.
the same set of questions precisely the same Note! Resemble to Serial but in several
order and precisely the same way. interviews in various day.
Panel interview. Have multiple interviewers asking
Within the general category of structured questions and evaluating answers of the same
interviews is the situation interview wherein the applicant at the same time.
job seeker is asked to respond to a specific Note! Many interviewers asking at the same
situation he or she may face on the job. time.
Group interview. Multiple applicants answering
this type of question is designed to draw out questions during the same interview.
more of the analytical and problem-solving skills Note! It is commonly done in initial interviews
of the applicant. where multiple applicants are answering
questions randomly.
NOTE! It is planned series of question that are Computer and Virtual Interviews. Virtual interviews,
predetermined and with formality. also known as digital or video interview allows
people to conduct an interview in an automated
Commonly being used by HRM in initial manner by conducting it online.
STYLES OF INTERVIEW Job interview enables employer to gather additional
facts bour job candidates which may not be
One-on-one interview. disclosed.
Though it is not safe to rely on common questions,
these following questions are most commonly asked ADDITIONAL POINTERS
during job interview:
Find time to study about the company and the
employment interview, a job applicant can position you are applying for – the more information
anticipate and prepare his or her responses to some you have, the better armed and confident you will
of these most commonly asked questions during a be in answering the interview questions.
job interview:
1. How would you describe yourself? Make sure too that your attire has just as much
-Who are you? Your characteristics as an impact on your success. Keep mind that an
individual. interviewer’s first impression is often a lasting
2. What made you want to work with us? one. So, always dress in a way that is suitable
-Knowledge about the company and the the position you are applying for.
position you are seeking for.
3. If we hire you, how could you help in the The manner in which you carry and package
achievement of the company’s goals? yourself during a job interview is always
-It is the time to promote yourself in any ways important.
possible. The goods facet you have, and what
will you bring to the company if you get Above all, never allow your nerves to win over
qualified for the job. you on interview day.

4. What are your reasons for leaving your previous

job? Doing well at a job interview mean coming

-Must be answered in ethical way, don’t blame prepared.

the system of your previous company for they

may perceived that as your character.
5. What are your goals for the future? /What is your JOB INTERVIEW DOs and DONTs

personal vision in life?

- To check if your goals for the company is reachable JOB INTERVIEW DOs

in a short of long period of time. It will measure your Dress to advantage.

predetermined longevity to the company. Be on time.

As you are meeting with the interviewer, express Don’t mention anything negative about your
your greetings with a pleasant and a firm and former boss or colleagues.
full handshake. Don’t manifest restless movements because
Bring a copy of all pertinent papers including an you are having negative energy which
extra copy of your resume. could spoil your chance of getting the
During the interview, pay full attention to the job.
questions and always be ready to provide Don’t lie.
sensible and polite answers. Don’t make long “pauses” while thinking
Be certain that you completely understand the about the answer.
question and be sure to clarify points that you Don’t tell jokes or discuss family issues.
feel unsure about. Don’t inquire about compensation and
Maintain an eye contact. other company perks until you get a job
Emphasize your accomplishments without being offer.
too conceited. Don’t bring your parents or anybody else to
When answering to questions, support your the interview.
description about yourself with a detailed Don’t respond with a plain “yes” or “no”.
example, if the situation asks for it.
Be in-depth with your answers and precise with
your statements.
Ask questions about the job.
Convey a sincere thank you message to the ARE YOUR QUESTION LEGAL
interviewer to express your gratefulness for
the time he/she took to meet you. The entire subject of what is legal or illegal in an
employment is a serious manner.
Don’t munch something chewy while having Questions should only focus on the individual’s
an interview. qualifications.
Don’t arrive late.
Don’t drink alcohol and smoke a cigarette HR personnel must be mindful of what is
prior to the interview. permissible and not.
Don’t respond to mobile calls and messages.
During an interview, the applicant has all the
rights and privileges to refuse to respond to must decide whether the candidate will be
interview questions that are unrelated or has hired or not. Thus, hiring committee should
nothing to do with the job. meticulously look into the qualifications
inventory of the potential hire prior to making a
The following options to respond in job offer.
(a) answer the question briefly and switch to And as for the employee, it is the time to accept
another topic, or reject the job offer in accordance to their
(b) frankly tell the interviewer that the question preferences. Typically, the employee will pick
makes you uncomfortable, or one that gives him an attractive. compensation,
(c) directly tell the interviewer that the question a friendly atmosphere, accommodating co-
is unlawful. workers, and above all a job that he will love
NOTE! HRM must be aware on what are those
possible criteria or classification that your
questions are not discriminative.

If you are asking for behavioral question, focus on

behavioral aspect.

if there are questions that are discriminative or

illegal, if the questions are not good on your
sight, you can tell it to the employer.

And if you sense that the culture is not good, as

well as the interviewer, you may terminate the
process or interview.


After all the process are done, and

requirements had been submitted the HRM

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