GA37 API518000 2009г.

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Atlas Copco

Oil-injected rotary screw air compressors

GA 37+, GA 45+, GA 55, GA 75

Parts list
Atlas Copco
Oil-injected rotary screw air compressors

GA 37+, GA 45+, GA 55, GA 75

From following serial No. onwards :

API 518 000

Parts list

• Copyright 2009, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.

Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.

• Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use
of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.

2009 - 03

No. 2930 7085 50
Always specify the part number, the name and quantity of the required items, as well as the type and serial number of the machine.
Pages marked with Service symbol - “ ” contain parts of Service kit(s). For complete contents of the kit see chapter “1 - Service kits”.

Ref. - Reference number: links a specific listed part to the drawing. Only parts with a reference number are shown in the drawing. Parts in the drawing without a reference number
are simply there to illustrate the assembly.
Part number - Part number: if no part number is specified, the component is not available as a spare part. A line shown in bold is an assembly. A part of which the number is fol-
lowed by a black dot is comprised in the bold printed assembly right above.
“<<< >>>” Directs to another list with the same title as the “Name”.
When the part number of the specific parts is placed below the “Ref.”/”Name” line a choice must be made upon the type/version of the machine.
Qty - Quantity: indicates the number of parts in connection with the corresponding reference number. „AR“ means „As required“: quantity or number to be determined.
Name - Part name: translations of the English names can be found in document “Glossary of part names”.
Remarks - Extra information about the part.
A series of letters can indicate that a particular part has been certified by the specified authorized body, in accordance with the codes or rules of the list.
Measurements are given in millimeters.



Винаги указвайте номера на частта, наименованието и необходимото количество от артикула, както и модела и серийния номер на машината.
Страниците, маркирани със символ за сервиз - “ “ , съдържат части от Сервизен комплект(и). За пълното съдържание на комплекта вж. глава “1 - Service kits “ (1
- Сервизни комплекти).

Ref. - Цифрово обозначение: връзка с чертежа за определена част от спецификацията. На чертежа са показани само детайли с цифрово обозначение. Детайлите без
цифрово обозначение в чертежа са показани само за прегледност на сглобената единица.
Part number - Номер на частта: ако не е указан такъв, детайлът не се предлага като резервна част. Удебелена линия означава сглобена единица. Част, чийто номер е
последван от черна точка, се съдържа в сглобената единица, отпечатана точно отгоре с получер шрифт.
“<<< >>>” е указател към друга спецификация със същото наименование като “Name”.
Когато номерът на частта на указания детайл е разположен под реда “Ref.”/”Name”, трябва да се направи избор съобразно модела/версията на машината.
Qty - Количество: указва броя детайли, свързани със съответното цифрово обозначение. “Заявка” означава “По заявка”: количество или бройка за доуточняване.
Name - Наименование на частта: преводите на английските наименования могат да бъдат намерени в документа “Речник на наименованията на частите”.
Remarks - Допълнителна информация за частта.
Поредица от букви може да указва, че определен детайл е сертифициран от посочения упълномощен орган за съответствие с параметрите или правилата в
Всички стойности са дадени в милиметри.


Sempre especifique o número da peça, o nome e a quantidade dos itens necessários, assim como o tipo e o número de série da máquina.
Páginas marcadas com o símbolo Serviço - “ “ contêm peças do(s) Kit(s) de serviço. Para conhecer o conteúdo completo do kit, consulte o capítulo “1 - Service kits” (1 - Kits de


Ref. - Número de referência: indica onde está uma peça específica listada no desenho. Somente peças com número de referência são mostradas no desenho. As peças no desenho que
não têm um número de referência destinam-se simplesmente a ilustrar o conjunto.
Part number - Número da peça: se nenhum número de peça estiver especificado, o componente não está disponível como peça sobressalente. Uma linha mostrada em negrito é um
conjunto. Uma peça cujo número seja seguido por um ponto preto faz parte do conjunto impresso em negrito imediatamente acima dela.
O símbolo “<<< >>>” direciona para outra lista com o mesmo título, como “Name” (Nome).
Quando o número de peça específico é colocado abaixo da linha “Ref.”/”Name” (Ref. / Nome), é preciso escolher o tipo/versão da máquina.
Qty - Quantidade: indica o número de peças e os números de referência correspondentes. “AR” significa “As required” (Conforme solicitado): a quantidade ou o número a ser
Name - Nome da peça: as traduções dos nomes em inglês podem ser encontradas no documento “Glossary of part names” (Glossário de nomes de peças).
Remarks - Observações - Informações extras sobre a peça.
Uma série de letras pode indicar que uma determinada peça é certificada pelo órgão autorizado específico, de acordo com os códigos ou as regras da lista.
As medidas são fornecidas em milímetros.

Vždy uveďte přesné číslo dílu, název a množství požadovaných položek, a také typ a sériové číslo stroje.
Stránky označené symbolem servisu - “ “ obsahují součásti servisní sady (servisních sad). Kompletní obsah sady naleznete v kapitole “1 - Service kits “ (1, Servisní sady).

Ref. - Referenční číslo: odkazuje díl uvedený v seznamu k místu ve výkresu. Ve výkresu jsou uvedeny pouze díly s referenčním číslem. Díly bez referenčního čísla, které jsou ve
výkresu uvedeny, slouží pouze jako ilustrace.
Part number. - Číslo dílu: pokud není uvedeno číslo dílu, komponent se jako náhradní díl nedodává. Řádek tučně je sestava. Díl, jehož číslo je následováno černou tečkou, je
součástí sestavy, jejíž název je vytištěn tučně výše.
„<<< >>>“ vede na další seznam se stejným názvem, jaký je uveden v poli „Name“ (Název dílu).
Pokud je pod řádkem „Ref.“/„Name“ umístěno číslo dílu konkrétního dílu, musí být proveden výběr typu/verze stroje.
Qty - Množství: uvádí počet dílů spojených s příslušným referenčním číslem. „AR“ znamená „As required“ (podle požadavků): množství nebo číslo, které má být určeno.
Name - Název dílu: překlad anglického názvu lze najít v dokumentu „Rejstřík názvů dílů“.
Remarks - Doplňkové informace k dílu.
Série písmen může označovat, že určitý díl byl certifikován autorizovanou osobou v souladu s kódy a pravidly seznamu.
Rozměry jsou uvedeny v milimetrech.

II 2930 7052 02
Angiv altid reservedelsnummer, navn og antal for de dele, du ønsker, samt maskinens typebetegnelse og serienummer.
Sider markeret med servicesymbolet - “ “ indeholder dele af service-kittet(ene). For et samlet overblik over kittets indhold, se kapitel “1 - Service kits”(1 - Service kits).


Ref. - Referencenummer: knytter en specifik del på listen til tegningen. På tegningen vises kun reservedele, som har et referencenummer. Reservedele på tegningen, som ikke har et
referencenummer, er medtaget for illustrationens skyld.
Part number. - Reservedelsnummer: hvis der ikke er angivet noget reservedelsnummer, fås den pågældende komponent ikke som reservedel. En linje, som vises med fed skrift, er
en samling af dele. En reservedel, hvor nummeret er efterfulgt af en sort prik, er en af de dele, der indgår i samlingen af dele, som vises med fed skrift ovenover.
“<<< >>>” henviser til en anden liste med samme titel som “Name”.
Når den specifikke reservedels nummer placeres under linjen “Ref.”/”Name”, skal du vælge type/version for maskinen.
Qty - Antal: angiver antallet af reservedele, der indgår i det tilsvarende referencenummer. “AR” betyder “As required” (som krævet): mængde eller antal skal bestemmes.
Name - Reservedelsnavn: oversættelse af de engelske navne kan findes i dokumentet “Liste over reservedelsnavne”.
Remarks - Ekstra information om reservedelen.
En bogstavrække kan angive, at en bestemt reservedel er blevet certificeret af det pågældende godkendende organ, i henhold til standarderne på listen.
Alle mål er angivet i millimeter.

Immer Teilenummer, Bezeichnung und Anzahl der erforderlichen Teile sowie Typ und Seriennummer der Maschine angeben.
Seiten mit dem Servicesymbol - “ “ enthalten Teile von Service-Kit(s). Informationen zum vollständigen Inhalt des Kits finden Sie im Kapitel „1 - Service kits“ (1 - Service-Kits).


Ref. – Referenznummer: Querverweis zwischen einem aufgeführten Teil und der Zeichnung. In der Zeichnung sind nur Teile mit einer Referenznummer abgebildet. Abgebildete
Teile ohne Referenznummer dienen lediglich der Darstellung der Baugruppe.
Part number – Teilenummer: Falls keine Teilenummer angegeben ist, ist das Bauteil nicht als Ersatzteil lieferbar. Baugruppen sind fett hervorgehoben. Wenn sich hinter einer
Teilenummer ein schwarzer Punkt befindet, gehört dieses Teil zur darüber stehenden Baugruppe.
“<<< >>>” bedeutet, daß Sie eine andere Liste nachschlagen müssen.
Steht die Teilnummer unter der Ref./Name Zeile, so muß eine Wahl gemacht werden je nach Typ/Ausführung der Maschine.
Qty – Anzahl: Gibt die Anzahl der Teile in Bezug auf die entsprechende Referenznummer an. „AR“ steht für „As required“ (nach Bedarf), die gewünschte Anzahl muss angegeben
Name – Teilebezeichnung: Eine Übersetzung der englischen Bezeichnungen finden Sie im Dokument “Glossary of part names” (Glossar Teilebezeichnungen).
Remarks – Zusätzliche Information zu dem Teil.
Eine Buchstabenfolge weist darauf hin, dass ein bestimmtes Teil durch die angegebene zuständige Stelle gemäß den aufgeführten Normen und Richtlinien zertifiziert wurde.
Abmessungen sind in Millimetern angegeben.

Να προσδιορίζετε πάντοτε τον κωδικό είδους, την περιγραφή και την ποσότητα των αιτούμενων ειδών καθώς, επίσης, και τον τύπο και τον αριθμό σειράς του μηχανήματος.
Οι σελίδες που επισημαίνονται με το σύμβολο Σέρβις- “ “ περιέχουν μέρη από Πακέτα ανταλλακτικών συντήρησης. Για το πλήρες περιεχόμενο του πακέτου, ανατρέξτε στο
κεφάλαιο “1 - Service kits” (1 – Πακέτα ανταλλακτικών συντήρησης).


Ref. - Κωδικός αναφοράς: συνδέει ένα συγκεκριμένο λειτουργικό εξάρτημα του καταλόγου με το σχέδιο. Στο σχέδιο εμφανίζονται μόνο εξαρτήματα που διαθέτουν κωδικό
αναφοράς. Τα εξαρτήματα του σχεδίου που δε διαθέτουν κωδικό αναφοράς απλώς εμφανίζονται για την πληρέστερη περιγραφή του συγκροτήματος.
Part number - Κωδικός είδους: εάν δεν προσδιορίζεται κωδικός είδους, το εξάρτημα δεν είναι διαθέσιμο ως ανταλλακτικό. Γραμμές που εμφανίζονται με έντονη γραφή
αντιστοιχούν σε συγκροτήματα. Ένα εξάρτημα του οποίου ο κωδικός ακολουθείται από μαύρη τελεία περιλαμβάνεται στο αμέσως παραπάνω συγκρότημα που εμφανίζεται με
έντονη γραφή.
To “<<< >>>” αποτελεί αναφορά σε άλλο κατάλογο με τον τίλτο που αναγράφεται στην ένδειξη “Name”.
Όταν ο κωδικός είδους του προσδιοριζόμενου εξαρτήματος βρίκεται κάτω από τη γραμμή “Ref.”/”Name”, θα πρέπει να γίνει επιλογή του τύπου/έκδοσης του μηχανήματος.
Qty - Ποσότητα: υποδεικνύει το πλήθος των εξαρτημάτων που ζητούνται από τον αντίστοιχο κωδικό αναφοράς. “AR” σημαίνει “As required” (Σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις):
ποσότητα ή πλήθος προς προσδιορισμό.
Name - Περιγραφή είδους: μεταφράσεις των αγγλικών ονομασιών περιέχονται στο έντυπο “Γλωσσάριο εξαρτημάτων”.
Remarks - Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες σχετικά με ένα ανταλλακτικό.
Η ύπαρξη μιας σειράς γραμμάτων υποδεικνύει ότι ένα συγκεκριμένο ανταλλακτικό διαθέτει έγκριση από τον αναφερόμενο εξουσιοδοτημένο φορέα, σύμφωνα με τους κώδικες ή
τους κανονισμούς του καταλόγου.
Οι διαστάσεις αναφέρονται σε χιλιοστόμετρα.

Especifique siempre la designación, el nombre y la cantidad de las piezas deseadas, así como el tipo y el número de serie de la máquina.
Las páginas marcadas con el símbolo de Servicio - “ “ contienen piezas de kit(s) de servicio. Para el contenido completo del kit, vea el capítulo “1 - Service kits” (1 - Kits de


Ref. - Número de referencia: establece un vínculo entre una pieza específica de la lista y el dibujo. Sólo las piezas con número de referencia aparecen en el dibujo. Las piezas que
aparezcan sin número de referencia sólo se muestran en el dibujo para ilustrar el conjunto.
Part number - Designación: si no se indica ninguna designación, el componente no se encuentra disponible como pieza de repuesto. Los conjuntos aparecen con una línea en neg-
rita. Las piezas con números seguidos por un punto negro, indican que forman parte del conjunto que aparece en negrita anteriormente.
“<<< >>>” dirige a otra lista con el mismo título que el “Name”.
Cuando la designación de una pieza específica está situada debajo de la línea “Ref.”/”Name” se debe elegir el tipo/versión de la máquina.
Qty - Cantidad: indica la cantidad de piezas asociadas al número de referencia correspondiente. “AR” significa “As required” (según se requiera): debe determinarse la cantidad o el
Name - Nombre de la pieza: las traducciones de los nombres en inglés se encuentran en el documento “Glosario de nombres de piezas”.
Remarks - Observaciones: información adicional sobre las piezas.
Una serie de letras puede indicar que una pieza específica ha sido certificada por la entidad autorizada indicada, conforme a los códigos o reglas especificados.
Las dimensiones se expresan en milímetros.

2930 7052 02 III

Määrake alati osa number, vajalike osade nimed ja kogused, samuti masina tüüp ja seerianumber.
Hooldussümboliga tähistatud leheküljed - “ “ sisaldavad hoolduskomplketi(–de) osi. Komplekti täieliku sisu jaoks vt peatükki “1 - Service kits” (1- Hoolduskomplektid).

Ref. viitenumber seostab konkreetse nimistus oleva osa vastava joonisega. Joonisel on toodud ainult viitenumbriga osad. Joonisel olevad viitenumbrita osad on mõeldud ainult il-
Part number: osa number. Kui osa number pole määratud, siis pole see komponent varuosana saadaval. Rasvane joon tähistab seadet. Osa, millele järgneb must punkt, koosneb
paremal üleval rasvaselt trükitud koostisest.
„<<< >>>” viib teise loendini, millel on samasugune pealkiri kui „Nimi”.
Kui osa number või konkreetne osa on paigutatud „Viite”/„Nime” joone alla, tuleb valida seadme tüüp/versioon.
Qty: kogus näitab vastava viitenumbriga tähistatud osade arvu. „AR“ tähendab „As required“ (Vastavalt vajadusele): määratletakse kas kogus või number.
Name ehk osa nimi: ingliskeelsete nimede tõlked leiate dokumendist „Osa nimede sõnastik“.
Remarks – osa kohta käiv lisateave.
Tähtede seeria võib näidata, et mingi osa on vastavalt nimekirja koodidele või reeglitele volitatud organist sertifitseeritud.
Mõõtmed on millimeetrites.

Mainitse aina osan numero, haluttujen osien nimitykset ja määrät, sekä koneen malli ja valmistusnumero.
Huoltosymbolilla - “ “ merkityillä sivuilla on huoltotarvikesarjojen osia. Katso sarjan täydellinen sisältö luvusta “1 - Service kits” (1 - Huoltotarvikesarjat).

Ref. - Viitenumero: Viittaa osaan luettelossa ja piirustuksessa. Vain osat, joilla on viitenumero, näkyvät piirustuksessa. Ilman viitenumeroa piirustuksessa olevien osien tarkoituksena
on vain selkeyttää kokonaisuutta.
Part number - Osanumero: Jos osanumeroa ei ole ilmoitettu, osaa ei ole saatavana varaosana. Lihavoituna näkyvä rivi on kokonaisuus. Osa, jonka numeroa seuraa musta piste,
sisältyy lähinnä ylhäällä lihavoidulla painettuun tarvikesarjaan.
“<<< >>>” kehottaa katsomaan toista luetteloa, jonka “Name”-otsikko on sama.
Kun tietyn osan osanumero on “Ref.”/”Name”-viivan alapuolella, on valittava koneen tyyppi/versio.
Qty - Määrä: Ilmoittaa viitenumeroon liittyvien osien määrän. “AR” tarkoittaa “As required” (tarpeen mukaan): irtotavaraa tai määrä on selvitettävä.
Name - Osanimi: englanninkielisten osanimien käännökset löytyvät painotuotteesta Osien nimien sanasto.
Remarks - Lisätietoa osasta.
Kirjainyhdistelmä voi ilmoittaa, että mainittu valtuutettu elin on hyväksynyt osan luettelon koodien tai sääntöjen mukaisesti.
Mitat on annettu millimetreinä.

Précisez toujours le numéro de pièce, la désignation et la quantité de composants souhaitée, ainsi que le type et le numéro de série de la machine.
Les pages sur lesquelles figure le symbole d’entretien - “ “ traitent de pièces comprises dans un/des kit(s) d’entretien. Pour le contenu complet du kit, voir le chapitre “1 - Service
kits” (1 - Kits d’entretien)
Ref. - Numéro de référence : se réfère à une pièce particulière dans la liste et le schéma. Seules les pièces auxquelles un numéro de référence a été attribué sont représentées sur le
schéma. Les pièces sans numéro de référence sur le schéma sont simplement destinées à compléter l’illustration.
Part number - Numéro de pièce détachée : si aucun numéro de pièce n’est spécifié, le composant n’est pas disponible en tant que pièce détachée. Une ligne qui apparaît en gras
correspond à un ensemble. Une pièce dont le numéro est suivi d’un point noir est comprise dans l’ensemble apparaissant en gras juste au-dessus.
“<<< >>>” indique à consulter une autre liste.
Si le numéro de pièce d’une pièces spécifiques est placé au-dessous de la ligne de référence/nom, il faut choisir le type/version de la machine.
Qty - Quantité : indique le nombre de pièces avec le numéro de référence correspondant. « AR » signifie « As required » (comme requis) : il s’agit de la quantité ou du nombre à
Name - Désignation de la pièce : la traduction des désignations anglaises est disponible dans le document “Glossary of part names” (Glossaire des désignations des pièces).
Remarks - Remarques : informations supplémentaires concernant la pièce.
Une série de lettres peut indiquer qu’une pièce spécifique a été certifiée par l’organisme autorisé mentionné, conformément aux codes et règlements de la liste.
Les dimensions sont indiquées en millimètres.

Mindig adja meg a cikkszámot, a kért elemek nevét és mennyiségét, valamint a készülék típusát és gyári számát.
A Szerviz - “ “ szimbólummal jelölt oldalak a szervizkészlet(ek) egyes alkatrészeire vonatkoznak. A készlet teljes tartalmát lásd az “1 - Service kits” (1 - Szervizkészletek) fejezet-

Ref. - Hivatkozási szám: a felsorolt alkatrészt a megfelelő ábrához társítja. A rajzon csak hivatkozási számmal ellátott alkatrészek láthatók. Az ábra hivatkozási szám nélküli részei
csak az összeszerelés módját illusztrálják.
Part number. – ha nincs megadva cikkszám, az adott alkatrész nem kapható pótalkatrészként. A vastag vonal szerelvényt jelez. Ha a cikkszám után fekete pont áll, az alkatrész a
jobbra fent vastaggal jelölt szerelvény része.
A „<<< >>>” jel átirányít egy másik listához, amely a „Name” elemmel azonos nevű.
Ha egy adott alkatrész cikkszámát a „Ref.”/„Name” oszlopba helyezik, ki kell választani a készülék típusát/verziószámát.
Qty - Mennyiség: az adott hivatkozási számhoz kapcsolódó alkatrészek számát jelöli. Az „AR” jelentése „As required” (igény szerint): itt megadhatja a mennyiséget vagy a számot.
Name - Az alkatrész neve: az angol nyelvű elnevezések fordításai az „Alkatrésznevek listája” c. dokumentumban találhatók.
Remarks - Az alkatrésszel kapcsolatos többletinformáció.
Egy betűsor jelzi azt, hogy az adott alkatrészt az illetékes hatóság a lista kódjainak vagy szabályainak megfelelő tanúsítvánnyal látta el.
A mérési eredmények milliméterben értendők.

I 2930 7052 02
Indicare sempre il numero categorico, il nome e la quantità delle parti richieste, come pure il tipo e il numero di serie della macchina.
Le pagine contrassegnate dal simbolo di assistenza - “ “ descrivono componenti appartenenti ai kit di manutenzione. Per informazioni sul contenuto completo del kit, consultare il
capitolo “1 - Service kits” (1 - Kit di manutenzione).


Ref. - Numero di riferimento: indica un componente specifico elencato nel disegno. Nel disegno sono presenti solo i componenti con un numero di riferimento. I componenti senza
numero di riferimento sono presenti al solo scopo di illustrare il gruppo.
Part number - Numero categorico: se non è specificato nessun numero categorico, il componente non è disponibile come parte di ricambio. Una riga in grassetto indica un assem-
blaggio. Una parte il cui numero è seguito da un punto nero è compresa nell’assemblaggio stampato in grassetto in alto a destra.
“<<< >>>” indica di consultare un altro elenco di parti di ricambio.
Quando il numero di catalogo di una parte specifica è messo sotto la linea del riferimento/denominazione si deve fare una scelta in base al tipo/versione della macchina.
Qty - Quantità: indica il numero di componenti relativo al numero di riferimento. „AR“ significa „As required“ (Come richiesto): devono essere determinati la quantità o il numero.
Name - Nome parte: le traduzioni dei nomi inglesi dei componenti possono essere reperite nel “Glossary of part names” (Glossario dei nomi parti).
Remarks - Ulteriori informazioni sul componente.
Una serie di lettere possono indicare la certificazione di un componente da parte di un ente autorizzato specificato, in conformità alle normative riportate nell’elenco.
Le misure sono espresse in millimetri.

Visada nurodykite detalės numerį, pavadinimą ir reikiamą kiekį bei įrenginio tipą ir serijos numerį.
Puslapiuose, pažymėtuose techninio aptarnavimo simboliu - “ “, yra aptarnavimo reikmenų rinkinio (-ių) dalių. Norėdami gauti informacijos apie visą rinkinio turinį, žr. skyrių “1
- Service kits” (1 - Aptarnavimo reikmenų rinkiniai).

Ref. - Nuorodos numeris: susieja sąraše nurodytą detalę ir brėžinį. Brėžinyje pavaizduotos tik detalės, turinčios nuorodos numerį. Brėžinio detalės, neturinčios nuorodos numerio, tik
iliustruoja komplektinį bloką.
Part number - detalės numeris: jeigu detalės numeris nenurodytas, komponento kaip atsarginės detalės įsigyti negalima. Eilutėje, kuri parodyta paryškintu šriftu, yra agregatas.
Detalė, po kurios numerio eina juodas taškas, yra įmontuota paryškintu šriftu aukščiau išspausdintame agregate.
„<<< >>>“ nukreipia į kitą sąrašą, kurio pavadinimas toks pat, kaip „Name“ (detalės pavadinimas).
Kai specifinės detalės numeris yra nurodytas žemiau „Ref.“ (nuoroda) /„Name“ (detalės pavadinimas) eilutės, reikia apsispręsti dėl įrenginio tipo/versijos.
Qty - Kiekis: naudojamas su atitinkamu nuorodos numeriu ir nurodo detalių kiekį. “AR” reiškia „As required“ (prireikus): dar nežinomas kiekis ar skaičius.
Name - detalės pavadinimas: angliškų pavadinimų vertimus galima rasti dokumente “Įrangos dalių terminai”.
Remarks - Papildoma informacija apie detalę.
Raidžių derinys gali rodyti, kad konkrečiai detalei sertifikuotą išdavė įgaliota institucija pagal sąrašo nurodymus ir taisykles.
Matmenys pateikti milimetrais.


Vienmēr norādiet nepieciešamās iekārtas detaļas numuru, nosaukumu un daudzumu, kā arī tipu un mašīnas seriālo numuru.
Lappuses, kas apzīmētas ar apkopes simbolu - “ “ satur Apkopes komplekta(u) daļas. Pilnam komplekta satura pārskatam, skatiet nodaļu “1 - Service kits” (1 - Apkopes komple-

Ats. - Inventāra numurs: savieno atbilstošās saraksta daļas ar attēlu. Tikai detaļas ar inventāra numuru ir parādītas attēlā. Detaļas attēlā bez inventāra numura ir montāžai, vienkārši
paskaidrotas attēlā.
Part number – detaļas numurs: ja nav norādīts detaļas numurs, komponents nav pieejams kā rezerves detaļa. Treknrakstā parādītā līnija ir montāža. Detaļa, aiz kuras numura seko
melns punkts, ir ietverta tieši augšpusē treknrakstā drukātajā montāžā.
“<<< >>>” novirza uz citu sarakstu, kuram ir tāds pats nosaukums kā “Nosaukums”.
Kad kādas noteiktas detaļas numurs ir novietots zem līnijas “Ats.”/”Nosaukums” ir jāizvēlas iekārtas veids/versija.
Qty – daudzums: norāda detaļas daudzumu savienojumā ar attiecīgo inventāra numuru. “AR” nozīmē “As required” (pēc vajadzības): daudzums vai numurs, kuru jānosaka.
Name – detaļas nosaukums: angļu nosaukumu tulkojumus var atrast dokumentā “Detaļu nosaukumu vārdnīca“.
Remarks – speciāla informācija par detaļu.
Burtu rindiņa, saskaņā ar saraksta noteikumiem un kodiem, var norādīt, ka šo detaļu ir sertificējusi autorizēta organizācija.
Izmēri ir norādīti milimetros.



Vermeld altijd het onderdeelnummer, de benaming en de hoeveelheid van de gewenste onderdelen, alsmede het type en het serienummer van de machine.
Pagina’s gemarkeerd met het servicesymbool - “ “ bevatten onderdelen uit servicekits. Voor de complete inhoud van de kit, zie paragraaf “1 - Service kits” (1 - Servicekits).

Ref. - Referentienummer: koppelt een specifiek onderdeel in de lijst aan de desbetreffende tekening. Alleen onderdelen met een referentienummer zijn in de tekening afgebeeld.
Onderdelen zonder referentienummer die op de tekening voorkomen, worden slechts getoond om het samenstel te illustreren.
Part number - Onderdeelnummer: indien geen onderdeelnummer is aangegeven, is de betreffende component niet als reserveonderdeel verkrijgbaar. Een regel in een vet lettertype
is een samenstel. Een onderdeel waarvan het nummer gevolgd wordt door een zwart rondje, maakt deel uit van het vet afgedrukte samenstel direct erboven.
“<<< >>>” verwijst naar een andere lijst met dezelfde titel als de “Name” (benaming).
Als het onderdeelnummer van het desbetreffende onderdeel onder de regel “Ref.”/”Name” (Ref./Benaming) staat vermeld, moet er een keuze met betrekking tot het machinetype en
de machineversie worden gemaakt.
Qty - Aantal: geeft het aantal onderdelen aan in samenhang met het overeenkomstige referentienummer. “AR” betekent “As required” (benodigde hoeveelheid): de hoeveelheid of
het aantal moet nader worden bepaald.
Name - Naam van het onderdeel: vertalingen van de Engelse benamingen zijn te vinden in het document “Glossary of part names” (Woordenlijst van onderdelen).
Remarks - Extra informatie over het onderdeel.
Een reeks letters kan aangeven dat een bepaald onderdeel gecertificeerd is door het opgegeven bevoegde orgaan, in overeenstemming met de codes of voorschriften in de lijst.
Afmetingen zijn in millimeters vermeld.

2930 7052 02 

Angi alltid delenummeret, navnet og antallet deler samt type- og serienummeret for maskinen.
Sidene som er merket med Service-symbolet - “ “, omtaler deler av servicesettene. Du finner informasjon om hele innholdet i settet i kapittel “1 - Service kits” (1 - Servicesett).


Ref. – Referansenummer: knytter en bestemt del i listen til tegningen. Deler uten referansenummer vises ikke på tegningen. Delene på tegningen som ikke har referansenummer, er
tatt med for å illustrere monteringen.
Part number – Delenummer: Hvis det ikke er angitt noe delenummer, kan ikke delen bestilles som reservedel. En fet linje er en montering. En del som har et nummer som er et-
terfulgt av en svart prikk, er omfattet i monteringen med fet skrift ovenfor.
“<<< >>>” henviser til en annen liste som heter det samme som “Navn”.
Når delenummeret til en bestemt del plasseres under linjen “Ref.”/”Name” må man velge hva slags type/versjon maskinen er.
Qty – Antall: angir hvor mange deler som er knyttet til referansenummeret. “AR” står for “As required” (“etter behov”): Antall eller nummer må spesifiseres.
Name – Delenavn: Oversettelsene av de engelske navnene finner du i dokumentet Ordliste med delenavn.
Remarks – Anmerkninger: tilleggsinformasjon om delen.
Bokstaver kan indikere at en bestemt del er sertifisert i henhold til det autoriserte organet som er angitt, i samsvar med kodene eller reglene for listen.
Mål er angitt i millimeter.


Zawsze podawać numer części, nazwę i ilość potrzebnych elementów, a także typ i numer seryjny urządzenia.
Strony oznaczone symbolem - “ “ zawierają części zestawów serwisowych. Pełną zawartość zestawów można znaleźć w rozdziale “1 - Service kits” (1 - Zestawy serwisowe).

Ref. - Numer referencyjny: łączy konkretną część z listy ze schematem. Na schemacie prezentowane są wyłącznie części posiadające numer referencyjny. Części na schemacie nie
mające numeru referencyjnego umieszczono w celu zilustrowania montażu.
Part number - Numer części: jeśli nie podano numeru części, dany element nie jest dostępny jako część zapasowa. Tekst wytłuszczony oznacza zespół. Część, po numerze której
występuje czarna kropka, wchodzi w skład wytłuszczonego zespołu wskazanego powyżej po prawej stronie.
„<<< >>>” służą do przechodzenia do innej listy o tym samym tytule, co w kolumnie „Name” (Nazwa).
Jeśli numer dla konkretnej części jest umieszczony poniżej wiersza „Ref.”/„Name”, należy wybrać typ/wersję maszyny.
Qty - Ilość: oznacza liczbę części w odniesieniu do odpowiadającego im numeru referencyjnego. „AR” oznacza „As required” (Wg zapotrzebowania): ilość zostanie uzgodniona.
Name - Nazwa części: tłumaczenie nazw angielskich można znaleźć w dokumencie „Glossary of part names” (Słownik części).
Remarks - Informacje dodatkowe o danej części.
Ciąg liter może informować, że dana część uzyskała certyfikat określonej, upoważnionej organizacji, zgodnie z kodami lub zasadami z listy.
Wymiary zostały podane w milimetrach.


Especificar sempre a referência da peça, o nome e a quantidade de itens necessários, bem como o tipo e o número de série da máquina.
Páginas marcadas com o símbolo de assistência - “ “ contêm peças de kits de assistência. Para ver todos os conteúdos do kit consultar o capítulo “1 - Service kits” (1 - Kits de


Ref. - Número de referência: estabelece a ligação entre uma peça específica listada e o desenho. No desenho, apenas são mostradas peças com um número de referência. As peças
mostradas no desenho que não apresentem um número de referência servem apenas para ilustrar o conjunto.
Part number - Referência da peça: se não for indicada a referência da peça, o componente não está disponível como peça sobresselente. Uma linha em negrito representa um con-
junto. Uma peça cujo número esteja seguido de um ponto preto está incluída no conjunto impresso em negrito, imediatamente acima.
“<<< >>>” conduz a outra lista com o mesmo título de “Name”.
Quando a referência da peça específica se encontra por baixo da linha “Ref.”/”Name”, é preciso escolher o tipo/versão da máquina.
Qty - Quantidade: indica o número de peças relacionadas com o número de referência correspondente. “AR” significa “As required” (consoante requerido): quantidade ou número a
Name - Nome da peça: é possível encontrar traduções dos nomes ingleses das peças no documento “Glossário de designações de peças”.
Remarks - Informação extra sobre a peça.
Uma série de letras pode indicar que uma determinada peça foi certificada pela entidade autorizada referida, de acordo com os códigos ou as normas da lista.
As medidas são indicadas em milímetros.


Specificaţi întotdeauna numărul de reper, numele şi cantitatea articolelor necesare şi tipul şi numărul de serie ale maşinii.
Paginile marcate cu simbolul Service - “ “ conţin componente din kituri de service. Pentru conţinutul complet al acestui kit consultaţi capitolul “1 - Service kits” (1 - Kituri de


Ref. - Numărul de referinţă: corelează piesa respectivă din listă cu desenul. În desen sunt prezentate numai piesele care au numere de referinţă. Piesele din desen care nu au niciun
număr de referinţă se află acolo numai pentru a ilustra ansamblul.
Part number - Număr de reper: dacă nu este specificat niciun număr de reper, componenta nu este disponibilă ca piesă de schimb. O linie îngroşată reprezintă un ansamblu. Un
reper al cărui număr este urmat de un punct negru este cuprins în ansamblul tipărit îngroşat de deasupra sa.
“<<< >>>” direcţionează către o altă listă care are titlul identic cu “Nume”.
Când numărul de reper al piesei respective este plasat sub linia “Referinţă”/”Nume”, este obligatorie selectarea unui tip sau a unei versiuni a maşinii.
Qty - cantitate: indică numărul de piese corespunzătoare numărului de referinţă respectiv. “AR” înseamnă “Conform necesar”: cantitate sau număr care urmează a fi determinat.
Name - Nume reper: traducerile numelor englezeşti pot fi găsite în documentul “Glosar de nume de repere”.
Remarks - Informaţii suplimentare despre piese.
O serie de litere poate indica faptul că o anumită piesă a fost certificată de organismul de autorizare specificat, în conformitate cu regulile sau codurile listei.
Dimensiunile sunt date în milimetri.

V 2930 7052 02
RU - Правила пользования

Всегда указывайте номер по каталогу, наименование и количество требуемых позиций, а также тип и серийный номер машины. Страницы, помеченные символом
Service - “ “ , содержат информацию о сервисном(ых) наборе(ах). Полное содержание сервисного набора приведено в главе “1 - Service kits” (1 - Сервисные наборы ).

Ref. - Справочный номер: связывает деталь, указанную в списке, с чертежом. На чертеже показаны только детали, имеющие справочные номера. Детали на чертеже без
справочных номеров показаны только для иллюстрации сборки.
Partnumber - Каталожный номер: если каталожный номер не указан, то данный компонент нельзя заказать как запчасть. Жирным шрифтом показаны сборочные
единицы. Деталь, после номера которой следует черная точка, входит в состав сборочной единицы, набранной жирным шрифтом непосредственно над ней. Кавычки
“<<< >>>” ссылаются на другой список того же наименования, что и “Name” (Наименование детали).
Если каталожный номер находится под линией “Ref.”/”Name”, это означает, что необходимо сделать выбор в соответствии с типом/исполнением машины.
Qty - Количество: указывает количество деталей в соответствии с их справочным номером. “AR” означает “ As required” (По требованию): количество или номер
необходимо определить.
Name - Наименование детали: перевод английских наименований находится в “Glossary of Part Names” (Словаре наименований деталей).
Remarks - Примечания - дополнительная информация о детали. Ряд букв может означать, что конкретная деталь сертифицирована указанным уполномоченным лицом, в
соответствии с кодами или правилами в перечне. Размеры даны в миллиметрах.

Vždy zadajte číslo súčasti, názov a množstvo požadovaných položiek a takisto typ a výrobné číslo zariadenia.
Strany označené servisným symbolom - “ “ obsahujú časti servisnej súpravy/servisných súprav. Úplný zoznam príslušnej súpravy nájdete v kapitole “1 - Service kits” (1 - Servisné
súpravy) .

Ref. - Referenčné číslo: slúži na prepojenie konkrétnej uvedenej súčasti k príslušnému výkresu. Na výkrese sú zobrazené len súčasti s referenčným číslom. Súčasti bez referenčného
čísla na výkrese slúžia len na ilustráciu montážnej skupiny.
Part number - Číslo súčasti: ak nie je určené žiadne číslo súčasti, daný komponent nie je k dispozícii ako náhradná súčiastka. Riadok uvedený tučným písmom predstavuje
montážnu skupinu. Súčasť, za ktorej číslom nasleduje čierna bodka, je zahrnutá vo vyššie uvedenej hrubo vytlačenej zostave vpravo.
„<<< >>>“ smeruje na ďalší zoznam s rovnakým názvom ako v položke „Name“.
Keď sa číslo určitej súčasti nachádza pod riadkom „Ref.“/„Name“, je potrebné vybrať typ/verziu zariadenia.
Qty - Množstvo: označuje počet súčastí vzhľadom na príslušné referenčné číslo. Skratka „AR“ znamená „As required“ (podľa potreby): množstvo alebo číslo bude stanovené.
Name - Názov súčiastky: preklady anglických názvov môžete nájsť v dokumente „Register názvov súčastí“.
Remarks - Ďalšie informácie o danej súčasti.
Postupnosť písmen môže určovať, že určitá súčasť bola certifikovaná stanovenou oprávnenou inštitúciou podľa kódov alebo pravidiel v danom zozname.
Rozmery sú uvedené v milimetroch.


Vedno navedite številko dela, ime in količino zahtevanih predmetov ter tip in serijsko številko stroja.
Strani, označene s simbolom za servis “ “, vsebujejo dele servisnih kompletov. Za celotno vsebino kompleta si oglejte poglavje “1 - Service kits”(1 - Servisni kompleti).

Ref. - Referenčna številka: povezuje določen navedeni del z risbo. Na risbi so prikazani samo deli z referenčno številko. Deli na risbi, ki nimajo referenčne številke, so namenjeni
samo prikazu sklopa.
Part number - Številka dela: če številka dela ni navedena, komponenta ni na voljo kot rezervni del. Vrstica z odebeljenim tiskom predstavlja sklop. Del, katerega številki sledi črna
pika, spada v sklop, natisnjen z odebeljenim tiskom neposredno nad njim.
“<<< >>>” vas usmeri na drug seznam z enakim nazivom kot “Name (Ime)”.
Če je pod vrstico “Ref.”/”Name” navedena številka dela za določeni del, mora izbira temeljiti na tipu/različici stroja.
Qty - Količina: določa število delov v povezavi z ustrezno referenčno številko. “AR” pomeni “As required” (kot je zahtevano): količina ali število za določitev.
Name - Ime dela: prevodi angleških imen se nahajajo v dokumentu “Pojmovnik z imeni delov”.
Remarks - Dodatne informacije o delu.
Zaporedje črk lahko pomeni, da je bil določen del certificiran s strani navedenega pooblaščenega organa, v skladu z zakoni ali pravili seznama.
Mere so podane v milimetrih.


Ange alltid reservdelsnummer, namn och antal delar som önskas, samt typbeteckning och tillverkningsnummer på maskinen.
Sidor markerade med servicesymbolen - “ “ innehåller delar av servicesatser. Hela innehållet i satsen redovisas i kapitlet “1 - Service kits” (1 - Servicesatser).

Ref. - Referensnummer: kopplar ihop en viss reservdel i förteckningen med ritningen. Endast reservdelar med referensnummer visas i ritningen. Reservdelar som saknar referens-
nummer i ritningen finns med för att illustrera själva monteringen.
Part number - Reservdelsnummer: om reservdelsnummer saknas finns komponenten inte som reservdel. Monteringsanvisningar visas med fet stil. En reservdel vars nummer följs
av en svart punkt finns med i den fetstilta monteringsanvisningen direkt ovanför.
”<<< >>>” hänvisar till en annan lista med samma titel som ”namnet”.
När reservdelsnumret för den specifika delen är placerad nedanför ”Ref.”/”Namn”-raden måste ett val göras utifrån maskinens typ/version.
Qty - Antal: anger hur många delar som är kopplade till motsvarande referensnummer. “AR” betyder “As required” (som erfordras): antal eller nummer bestäms senare.
Name - Reservdelsbeteckningar: översättningar av de engelska beteckningarna återfinns i dokumentet “Glossary of part names” (Ordlista med reservdelsbeteckningar).
Remarks - Extrainformation om reservdelen.
En uppsättning bokstäver kan ange att en viss reservdel har certifierats av det befullmäktigade organet, enligt koderna eller reglerna i förteckningen.
Mått anges i millimeter.

2930 7052 02 VII


Gerekli öğelerin parça numaraları, ad ve miktarının yanı sıra makinenin tip ve seri numarasını da mutlaka belirtin.
Servis simgesi - “ “ taşıyan sayfalarda Servis kiti (kitleri) parçaları bulunmaktadır. Kitle ilgili tüm bilgilere ulaşmak için “1 - Service kits” (1 - Servis kitleri) bölümüne başvurun.

Ref. - Referans numarası: özel olarak listelenmiş bir parça için çizimden bağlantı sağlar. Sadece referans numarası olan parçalar çizimde gösterilir. Çizimde referans numarası bulun-
mayan parçalar sadece montaj işlemlerini göstermek için verilmiştir.
Part number - Parça numarası: parça numarası belirtilmemişse, bileşen yedek parça olarak bulunmamaktadır. Koyu harflerle gösterilen satır montajdır. Numarasından sonra siyah
bir nokta gelen parça, yukarıda koyu harflerle basılmış montaja dahildir.
“<<< >>>”, “Name” (Ad) ile aynı başlıkta bir başka listeye yönlendirir.
Belirli bir parçanın parça numarası “Ref.”/”Name” (Ref./Ad) satırının altına yerleştirildiğinde, makine tipi/modeli konusunda seçim yapılmalıdır.
Qty - Miktar: uygun referans numarasıyla bağlantılı olarak parça sayısını gösterir. “AR”, “As required” (Gerektiği gibi) anlamına gelmektedir: belirlenecek olan miktar veya sayı.
Name - Parça adı: İngilizce adların çevirileri, “Parça adları sözlüğü”nde bulunabilir.
Remarks - Açıklamalar: Parça hakkında ek bilgiler.
Bir dizi harf, belirli bir parçanın yasalara veya liste kurallarına uygun olarak özel yetkili bir makam tarafından sertifikalandırıldığını gösterebilir.
Ölçümler milimetre cinsinden verilmiştir.

ZH - 使用说明

在标有维修标记 “ ” 的页上有维修组件的部分内容。该组件的完整内容请参见章节“1 - 维修组件” “1 - Service kits” 。

2 每列内容的说明
Ref. - 图示编号:将零件清单中列出的零件与示意图中的该零件相关联。零件清单中仅显示有图示编号的零件。示意图中没有标注
Part number - 零件号:如果某项没有零件号,则该项不可作为零备件供应。以粗体印刷的零件号表示这是一个装置。编号后面有一
“<<< >>>” 表示该装置的零件清单在手册中以同一名称另外分章单列。
如果指定的零件号位于“Ref.”(图示编号)”Name”(零件名称)列上,则订购零件时必须指明机器的类型/版本 。
Qty - 数量:显示相应的图示编号的零件个数。“AR”表示“As required”: 即根据需要确定数量。
Name - 零件名称:在文件“零件名称对照表”中可以找到对应的英文名称。
Remarks - 零件的附注。

VIII 2930 7052 02

2930 7052 02 I
Parts list

Table of contents

1 Service kits ....................................................................................................... 5

2 Drive arrangement............................................................................................ 9

3 Air system - Air inlet........................................................................................15

4 Air system - Unloader assembly .....................................................................21

5 Air system - Air receiver - GA 37+, GA 45+, GA 55 ........................................ 23

6 Air system - Air receiver - GA 75 .................................................................... 27

7 Air flow and cooling system - Air-cooled ......................................................... 31

8 Air flow and cooling system - Water-cooled ................................................... 35

9 Oil system ......................................................................................................37

10 Air outlet - Pack - Air-cooled ...........................................................................39

11 Air outlet - Pack - Water-cooled .....................................................................41

12 Air outlet - Full Feature - Air-cooled ................................................................ 43

13 Air outlet - Full Feature - Water-cooled .......................................................... 45

14a/b Air outlet - Full Feature - Air dryer (Design A - 14a / Design B - 14b) ........ 47/63

15 Drain system - Pack - Air-cooled ....................................................................71

16 Drain system - Pack -Water-cooled ................................................................ 73

17 Drain system - Full Feature - Air-cooled ......................................................... 75

18 Drain system - Full Feature - Water-cooled ................................................... 77

19 Cubicle - IEC ..................................................................................................71

20 Cubicle - UL-cUL ............................................................................................79

21 Bodywork......................................................................................................101

22 Standard option - Energy recovery system - GA 37+, GA 45+ ..................... 105

23 Standard option - Energy recovery system - GA 55, GA 75 ......................... 107

24 Standard option - Energy recovery system - Connections ........................... 109

25 Standard option - Lifting device .................................................................... 111

26 Standard option - Rain protection ................................................................. 113

27 Standard option - Full feature - Air dryer bypass .......................................... 115

28 Standard option - Full feature - DD Filter ...................................................... 117

2 2930 7085 50
Parts list

29 Standard option - Full feature - DD/PD Filter ............................................... 119

30 Standard option - Modulating control ............................................................ 121

31 Standard option - Water shut-off valve ......................................................... 125

2930 7085 50 3
Parts list




































4 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Service kits 1

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Oil
2901 0245 01 ROTO-INJECTFLUID - 5 litres
2901 0522 00 ROTO-INJECTFLUID - 20 litres
2901 0045 01 ROTO-INJECTFLUID - 209 litres

2901 1453 00 1 Minimum Pressure Valve kit

0663 7139 00 • 1 O-ring
1613 3223 01 • 1 Washer
1622 3662 00 • 1 Spring
0663 2101 01 • 1 O-ring
1622 3664 00 • 1 Spring
0335 3111 00 • 1 Retaining ring
0663 3120 00 • 1 O-ring

2901 0570 00 1 Element mounting kit

0663 7150 00 • 1 O-ring
0663 7138 00 • 1 O-ring
0663 2107 77 • 1 O-ring
0663 7135 00 • 1 O-ring
0663 3120 00 • 1 O-ring
0663 7136 00 • 1 O-ring
1613 8377 00 • 2 Joint
0653 1100 00 • 2 Flat gasket
1613 8451 01 • 2 Antivibration pad
0653 1062 00 • 2 Flat gasket
0661 1000 43 • 1 Seal washer
0337 6068 00 • 1 Parallel key
2903 1015 01 • 1 Coupling
2904 0061 00 • 1 Lipseal kit
0337 0009 35 • 1 Parallel key
0147 1409 03 • 1 Hexagon bolt
0504 0200 13 • 1 Bearing
0663 2103 22 • 1 O-ring
0508 1100 50 • 1 Roller bearing
0335 2169 00 • 1 Int.circlip
0663 2109 30 • 1 O-ring

2901 0503 01 1 Check valve kit

0661 1000 40 • 1 Seal washer
0663 2107 77 • 1 O-ring
0663 7136 00 • 2 O-ring
0663 7138 00 • 1 O-ring
1613 8906 00 • 1 Check valve
1613 5165 00 • 1 Spring

2901 0217 01 1 Oil stop valve kit

0663 7135 00 • 1 O-ring
0663 3120 00 • 1 O-ring
0661 1000 39 • 1 Washer
1622 5662 00 • 1 Spring
0661 1000 60 • 1 Seal
0661 1000 43 • 1 Seal washer
0663 2101 97 • 2 O-ring
0663 2100 24 • 1 O-ring

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Parts list




































6 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Service kits 1

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

0663 2101 80 • 2 O-ring

1613 8907 00 • 1 Valve body

2901 1619 00 1 Motor overhaul kit GA 37+, GA 45+

0335 2173 00 • 1 Circlip
0508 1100 97 • 1 Roller bearing
1622 4628 00 • 1 Seal
1622 3106 00 • 1 Bushing
1622 3740 00 • 1 Drain nipple
0663 2107 89 • 1 O-ring
0502 1092 56 • 1 Bearing
1089 0679 03 • 1 Fan

2901 1910 01 1 Motor overhaul kit GA 55, GA 75

0335 2178 00 • 1 Int.circlip
0508 1100 98 • 1 Bearing
1616 5517 00 • 1 Lip seal
1622 6623 00 • 1 Bushing
0663 2107 89 • 1 O-ring
1622 3740 00 • 1 Drain nipple
0663 2113 59 • 2 O-ring
0502 1092 55 • 1 Ball bearing
1622 3793 00 • 1 Oil nozzle
1089 0679 09 • 1 Fan

2901 1622 00 1 Unloader valve kit

1613 6818 01 • 1 Valve
1622 3173 00 • 1 Tape
1622 3170 05 • 1 Bushing
1622 3168 00 • 1 Ring
0663 7149 00 • 1 O-ring
0160 0996 86 • 2 Cross rec screw
0301 2318 00 • 2 Washer
1622 3694 80 • 1 Blow off valve
0663 2111 55 • 1 O-ring
1622 3182 00 • 1 Guide
1622 3183 00 • 1 Seal
1622 3184 00 • 1 Bushing
1622 3185 00 • 1 Spring
0661 1000 40 • 1 Seal washer
0663 7150 00 • 1 O-ring
0211 1957 64 • 2 Hex socket screw

2930 7085 50 7
Parts list

9820 9629 00-01ed00

8 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drive arrangement 2
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1616 7281 80 1 Service stage

1020 1622 6600 00 1 Spacer
1030 0337 6051 00 1 Parallel key
1040 1622 5593 00 1 Spacer
1050 0147 1409 03 1 Hexagon bolt
1060 0101 1951 40 2 Pin
1070 0147 1364 03 12 Hexagon bolt
1080 0663 2103 22 1 O-ring
1090 1619 6032 00 2 Nipple (SPM)
1100 0663 2107 84 1 O-ring
1110 1622 8704 00 1 Nozzle oil
1120 0147 1320 03 1 Hexagon bolt
1160 0686 3718 15 1 Plug
1170 0147 1402 03 1 Hexagon bolt
1180 0301 2358 00 1 Washer
2010 1622 3740 00 1 Drain nipple
2020 1 Circlip
0335 2173 00 GA 37+
0335 2173 00 GA 45+
0335 2178 00 GA 55
0335 2178 00 GA 75
2030 1 Bearing
0508 1100 97 GA 37+
0508 1100 97 GA 45+
0508 1100 98 GA 55
0508 1100 98 GA 75
2040 1 Seal
1622 4628 00 GA 37+
1622 4628 00 GA 45+
1616 5517 00 GA 55
1616 5517 00 GA 75
2050 1 Gearbox
1622 4618 00 GA 37+
1622 4618 00 GA 45+
1622 4619 00 GA 55
1622 4619 00 GA 75
2060 0147 1477 03 4 Hexagon bolt
2070 1619 6032 00 1 Nipple (SPM)
2080 1 Bushing
1622 3106 00 GA 37+
1622 3106 00 GA 45+
1622 6623 00 GA 55
1622 6623 00 GA 75
2090 1622 8789 00 1 Key
2100 1 Motor
1080 4214 02 GA 37+ 230V/50Hz IEC
1080 4214 04 GA 37+ 400V/50Hz IEC
1080 4214 06 GA 37+ 500V/50Hz IEC
1080 4214 11 GA 37+ 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4214 12 GA 37+ 220-230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4214 13 GA 37+ 380V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4214 17 GA 37+ 440-460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4214 14 GA 37+ 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4247 02 GA 45+ 230V/50Hz IEC

2930 7085 50 9
Parts list

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10 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drive arrangement 2

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1080 4247 04 GA 45+ 400V/50Hz IEC

1080 4247 06 GA 45+ 500V/50Hz IEC
1080 4247 11 GA 45+ 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4247 12 GA 45+ 220-230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4247 13 GA 45+ 380V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4247 17 GA 45+ 440-460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4247 14 GA 45+ 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4241 52 GA 55 230V/50Hz IEC
1080 4241 54 GA 55 400V/50Hz IEC
1080 4241 56 GA 55 500V/50Hz IEC
1080 4241 61 GA 55 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4241 62 GA 55 220-230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4241 63 GA 55 380V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4241 67 GA 55 440-460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4241 64 GA 55 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4242 52 GA 75 230V/50Hz IEC
1080 4242 54 GA 75 400V/50Hz IEC
1080 4242 56 GA 75 500V/50Hz IEC
1080 4242 61 GA 75 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4242 62 GA 75 220-230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4242 63 GA 75 380V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4242 67 GA 75 440-460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1080 4242 64 GA 75 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
2110 1088 1001 03 1 Warning mark
3010 1 Spacer
1622 3108 00 GA 37+
1622 3108 00 GA 45+
1622 3120 00 GA 55
1622 3120 00 GA 75
3020 1622 3105 00 1 Spacer
3030 0101 2313 00 2 Pin
3040 0147 1963 02 1 Hexagon bolt
3045 3315 0195 08 1 Lock washer
3050 1 Spacer
1622 3152 02 GA 37+
1622 3152 02 GA 45+
1622 3152 01 GA 55
1622 3152 01 GA 75
3055 1 Antivibr.pad
1613 6752 13 GA 37+
1613 6752 13 GA 45+
1613 6752 19 GA 55
1613 6752 19 GA 75
3060 1 Hexagon bolt
0147 1492 03 GA 37+
0147 1492 03 GA 45+
0147 1485 03 GA 55
0147 1485 03 GA 75
3070 0301 2378 00 1 Washer
3080 0147 1401 03 2 Hexagon bolt
3090 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
3100 1622 3150 00 1 Support
3110 2 Hexagon bolt
0147 1106 11 GA 37+

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Parts list

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12 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drive arrangement 2
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

0147 1106 11 GA 45+

0147 1964 17 GA 55
0147 1964 17 GA 75
3115 0333 3237 00 2 Lock washer
3120 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
3130 1622 3135 00 1 Support
3140 0147 1402 03 5 Hexagon bolt
3150 0301 2358 00 5 Washer
3160 1613 6752 12 2 Antivibr.pad
3170 0147 1401 03 4 Hexagon bolt
3180 0301 2358 00 4 Washer
3190 0147 1479 03 2 Hexagon bolt
3250 1622 5501 80 1 Plug assembly
1622 5501 00 • 1 Plug
1622 3699 00 • 1 Magnet
0663 2107 89 • 1 O-ring
4010 1 Gear drive
1622 3110 35 GA 37+ 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 33 GA 37+ 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 27 GA 37+ 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 17 GA 37+ 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 25 GA 37+ 100 psig
1622 3110 69 GA 37+ 125 psig
1622 3110 15 GA 37+ 150 psig
1622 3110 13 GA 37+ 175 psig
1622 3110 43 GA 45+ 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 41 GA 45+ 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 37 GA 45+ 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 29 GA 45+ 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 35 GA 45+ 100 psig
1622 3110 71 GA 45+ 125 psig
1622 3110 25 GA 45+ 150 psig
1622 3110 19 GA 45+ 175 psig
1622 3110 49 GA 55 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 45 GA 55 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 63 GA 55 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 39 GA 55 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 43 GA 55 100 psig
1622 3110 39 GA 55 125 psig
1622 3110 33 GA 55 150 psig
1622 3110 71 GA 55 175 psig
1622 3110 83 GA 75 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 55 GA 75 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 53 GA 75 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 49 GA 75 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 51 GA 75 100 psig
1622 3110 47 GA 75 125 psig
1622 3110 63 GA 75 150 psig
1622 3110 43 GA 75 175 psig
4020 1 Gear driven
1622 3110 36 GA 37+ 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 34 GA 37+ 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 28 GA 37+ 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 18 GA 37+ 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 26 GA 37+ 100 psig

2930 7085 50 13
Parts list

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14 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drive arrangement 2

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1622 3110 70 GA 37+ 125 psig

1622 3110 16 GA 37+ 150 psig
1622 3110 14 GA 37+ 175 psig
1622 3110 44 GA 45+ 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 42 GA 45+ 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 38 GA 45+ 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 30 GA 45+ 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 36 GA 45+ 100 psig
1622 3110 72 GA 45+ 125 psig
1622 3110 26 GA 45+ 150 psig
1622 3110 20 GA 45+ 175 psig
1622 3110 50 GA 55 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 46 GA 55 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 64 GA 55 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 40 GA 55 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 44 GA 55 100 psig
1622 3110 40 GA 55 125 psig
1622 3110 34 GA 55 150 psig
1622 3110 72 GA 55 175 psig
1622 3110 84 GA 75 7.5 bar(e)
1622 3110 56 GA 75 8 bar(e)
1622 3110 54 GA 75 10 bar(e)
1622 3110 50 GA 75 13 bar(e)
1622 3110 52 GA 75 100 psig
1622 3110 48 GA 75 125 psig
1622 3110 64 GA 75 150 psig
1622 3110 44 GA 75 175 psig

2930 7085 50 15
Parts list

9820 9629 10-01ed00

16 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air system - Air inlet 3

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1 Valve housing

1622 4639 00 GA 37+
1622 4639 00 GA 45+
1622 4639 00 GA 55
1622 4639 01 GA 75
1020 1613 2359 00 1 Piston
1030 0686 3718 19 1 Plug
1050 1613 8907 00 1 Valve body
1060 1622 5662 00 1 Spring
1070 1 Nipple
1622 5565 00 GA 37+
1622 5565 00 GA 45+
1622 5565 00 GA 55
1622 6613 01 GA 75
1080 0663 3130 00 1 O-ring
1090 0571 0036 07 1 Nipple
1130 0147 1377 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1170 1622 9639 00 1 Check valve
1180 1622 0796 00 1 Spring
1190 1622 4664 00 1 Gasket
1220 0686 3718 15 1 Plug
1230 1089 0574 70 1 Temp. sensor
2010 <<< >>> 1 Unloader assembly
2020 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
2030 1079 5840 03 1 Nipple
2040 0574 9914 18 1 Hose assembly
2045 1079 5840 03 1 Nipple
2050 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
2060 0663 7150 00 1 O-ring
2070 0147 1363 03 4 Hexagon bolt
2080 0301 2344 00 4 Washer
2090 1089 0574 12 1 Temp.sensor
2100 0989 4220 15 1 Grommet
3010 1 Air filter assembly
1622 5073 80 GA 37+
1622 5073 80 GA 45+
1622 1854 01 GA 55
1622 1854 01 GA 75
• 1 Filter element
1613 7408 00 GA 37+
1613 7408 00 GA 45+
1622 1855 01 GA 55
1622 1855 01 GA 75
3030 0347 6115 00 1 Hose clip
3040 0347 6115 00 1 Hose clip
3050 1622 3146 00 1 Plate filter
3060 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
3070 0147 1327 03 2 Hexagon bolt
3080 2 Washer
0301 2344 00 GA 37+
0301 2344 00 GA 45+
0301 2335 00 GA 55
0301 2335 00 GA 75
1 Air hose assembly

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Parts list

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18 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air system - Air inlet 3

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1622 3129 81 GA 37+

1622 3129 81 GA 45+
1622 3199 81 GA 55
1622 3199 81 GA 75
4010 • 1 Air hose
4020 1613 7912 01 • 1 Indicator
5010 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
5020 0211 1363 03 2 Screw
5025 0300 0274 55 2 Washer
5030 1622 3154 00 1 Pipe
5040 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
5050 0211 1363 03 2 Screw
5060 0300 0274 55 2 Washer

2930 7085 50 19
Parts list

9820 9629 05-01ed00

20 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air system - Unloader assembly 4

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1622 3162 82 1 Unloader assy

1010 1622 3162 00 • 1 Housing
1015 1622 3164 00 • 1 Rod
1020 1622 3163 00 • 1 Cover
1025 1613 6818 01 • 1 Valve
1030 1622 3168 00 • 1 Ring
1035 1622 3169 00 • 1 Piston
1040 1622 3173 00 • 1 Tape
1045 0663 7149 00 • 1 O-ring
1050 0663 2111 55 • 1 O-ring
1055 0261 1090 99 • 1 Nut
1060 0335 2179 00 • 1 Circlip
1065 1622 3170 05 • 1 Bushing
1070 0160 0996 86 • 2 Screw
1075 0301 2318 00 • 2 Washer
1085 1622 3182 00 • 1 Guide
1090 1622 3183 00 • 1 Seal
1095 1622 3184 00 • 1 Bushing
1100 1622 3185 00 • 1 Spring
1622 3694 80 • 1 Blow-off valve
2005 1622 3694 00 •• 1 Housing
2010 1622 3694 01 •• 1 Cover
2015 1622 3694 02 •• 1 Piston
2020 1513 0477 00 •• 1 Piston ring
2025 1622 3694 03 •• 1 Seal
2030 1622 3694 04 •• 1 Seal
2035 1622 3694 05 •• 1 Rivet
2040 1622 3694 06 •• 2 Insert
2045 1622 3694 07 •• 1 Glide seal
2050 0226 3300 18 •• 4 Bolt
2055 0663 2112 69 •• 1 O-ring

2930 7085 50 21
Parts list

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22 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air system - Air receiver - GA 37+, GA 45+, GA 55 5

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1 Safety valve

0832 1000 78 7.5 bar(e)
0832 1000 78 8 bar(e)
0832 1000 78 10 bar(e)
0832 1000 79 13 bar(e)
0830 1008 39 100 psig
0830 1008 39 125 psig
0830 1008 40 150 psig
0830 1008 40 175 psig
Vessel assy
1622 5089 99 CE/ASME
1622 5089 82 LL/DIR
1622 5089 85 MOL
1622 5089 95 MOM
1622 5089 86 SQL
2002 0301 2321 00 • 4 Washer
2005 0147 1249 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2008 0663 2113 24 • 1 O-ring
2010 1622 3659 00 • 1 Oil level gauge
2020 1622 3140 00 • 1 Oil separator
2030 1622 3157 00 • 1 Scavenge line pipe
2040 1622 3138 00 • 1 Shield
2060 0663 3120 00 • 1 O-ring
2070 0663 7139 00 • 1 O-ring
2080 1622 3661 00 • 1 Cover
2090 0147 1365 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2095 0301 2344 00 • 4 Washer
2100 1613 3221 00 • 1 Piston valve
2110 1613 3222 00 • 1 Washer
2120 0147 1244 03 • 1 Hexagon bolt
2130 1613 3223 01 • 1 Washer
2140 1622 3662 00 • 1 Spring
2150 1622 3663 00 • 1 Piston
2160 0663 2101 01 • 1 O-ring
2170 0663 2108 11 • 1 O-ring
2180 1613 9005 01 • 1 Non return valve
2190 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2210 1622 3664 00 • 1 Spring
2230 0335 3111 00 • 1 Retaining ring
2240 0101 2465 00 • 3 Parallel pin
2270 1622 5078 00 • 1 Nipple
2360 1622 3693 00 • 1 Nipple
• 1 Vessel
1622 3100 99 CE/ASME
1622 3100 82 LL/DIR
1622 3100 85 MOL
1622 3100 95 MOM
1622 3100 86 SQL
3010 1622 3101 00 •• 1 Housing
3020 0147 1962 99 •• 11 Hexagon bolt
3030 0663 2113 20 •• 2 O-ring
3040 0686 4206 00 •• 1 Plug
3050 0661 1000 43 •• 1 Seal washer
3060 1622 3100 00 •• 1 Vessel

2930 7085 50 23
Parts list

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24 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air system - Air receiver - GA 37+, GA 45+, GA 55 5

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

3070 0244 4184 00 •• 4 Screw

3080 1202 8992 00 •• 1 Plug
3090 0663 2102 15 •• 1 O-ring
3100 1622 3660 00 •• 1 Plug
3110 0663 2111 17 •• 1 O-ring
3120 •• 1 Dataplate
1622 6560 00 CE/ASME
1622 6562 00 LL/DIR
1622 6562 00 MOL
1622 6562 00 MOM
1622 6561 00 SQL
1622 3125 80 1 Oil filter assy
4010 1622 3143 00 • 1 By pass valve
4020 1622 3125 00 • 1 Filter housing
4030 0661 1000 43 • 1 Seal washer
4040 0686 6446 00 • 1 Plug
4050 0335 2126 00 • 1 Circlip
4060 1622 4614 00 • 1 Cover
4070 0663 2113 16 • 1 O-ring
4080 0147 1325 03 • 3 Hexagon bolt
4090 0301 2335 00 • 3 Washer
5010 0392 1100 28 4 Vibration damper
5020 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
5030 0291 1110 00 4 Lock nut
5040 1613 8967 12 1 Grounding of vessel
5050 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
5090 0852 0010 22 1 Ball valve
5100 0686 3718 16 1 Plug

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Parts list

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Parts list

Air system - Air receiver - GA 75 6

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1 Safety valve

0832 1000 78 7.5 bar(e)
0832 1000 78 8 bar(e)
0832 1000 78 10 bar(e)
0832 1000 79 13 bar(e)
0830 1008 39 100 psig
0830 1008 39 125 psig
0830 1008 39 150 psig
0830 1008 40 175 psig
Vessel assy
1622 5695 99 CE/ASME
1622 5695 82 LL/DIR
1622 5695 95 MOM
1622 5695 86 SQL
2010 1622 3659 00 • 1 Oil level gauge
2020 1622 5696 00 • 1 Pipe
2030 1622 5693 00 • 1 Oil separator
2060 0147 1249 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2130 0663 3120 00 • 1 O-ring
2140 0663 7139 00 • 1 O-ring
2150 1622 3661 00 • 1 Cover
2160 1613 3221 00 • 1 Piston valve
2170 1613 3222 00 • 1 Washer
2180 0147 1244 03 • 1 Hexagon bolt
2190 1613 3223 01 • 1 Washer
2200 1622 3662 00 • 1 Spring
2210 1622 3663 00 • 1 Piston
2220 0663 2101 01 • 1 O-ring
2230 0663 2108 11 • 1 O-ring
2240 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2250 1622 3664 00 • 1 Spring
2260 0301 2321 00 • 4 Washer
2270 0335 3111 00 • 1 Retaining ring
2280 1622 5078 00 • 1 Nipple
2310 0101 2465 00 • 2 Parallel pin
2320 1622 3693 00 • 1 Nipple
2330 0147 1365 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2340 0663 2113 24 • 1 O-ring
2350 1613 9005 01 • 1 Non return valve
2360 1622 5694 00 • 1 Shield
2390 1622 5699 00 • 1 Housing
2400 1622 4614 00 • 1 Cover
2410 0663 2106 16 • 1 O-ring
2420 0301 2335 00 • 3 Washer
2430 0147 1325 03 • 3 Hexagon bolt
2440 1622 3143 00 • 1 By pass valve
2450 0335 2126 00 • 1 Circlip
2460 0686 6446 00 • 1 Plug
2470 0663 7137 00 • 1 O-ring
2480 0147 1363 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2490 2253 8063 00 • 3 Nipple
• 1 Vessel
1622 3100 99 CE/ASME
1622 3100 82 LL/DIR

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Parts list

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28 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air system - Air receiver - GA 75 6

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1622 3100 95 MOM

1622 3100 86 SQL
3010 1622 3101 00 •• 1 Housing
3020 0147 1962 99 •• 11 Hexagon bolt
3030 0663 2113 20 •• 2 O-ring
3040 0686 4206 00 •• 1 Plug
3050 0661 1000 43 •• 1 Seal washer
3060 1622 3100 00 •• 1 Vessel
3070 0244 4184 00 •• 4 Drive screw
3080 1202 8992 00 •• 1 Plug
3090 0663 2102 15 •• 1 O-ring
3100 1622 3660 00 •• 1 Plug
3110 0663 2111 17 •• 1 O-ring
3120 •• 1 Data plate
1622 6560 00 CE/ASME
1622 6562 00 LL/DIR
1622 6562 00 MOM
1622 6561 00 SQL
4010 0392 1100 28 4 Vibration damper
4020 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
4030 0291 1110 00 4 Lock nut
4040 1613 8967 12 1 Grounding of vessel
4050 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
4090 0852 0010 22 1 Ball valve
4100 0686 3718 16 1 Plug

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Parts list

9820 9629 20-01ed01

30 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air flow and cooling system - Air-cooled 7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1 Fan assembly

1622 3197 08 GA 37+ 200V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 14 GA 37+ 200V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 15 GA 37+ 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 01 GA 37+ 230V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 11 GA 37+ 230V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 11 GA 37+ 230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 11 GA 37+ 380V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 01 GA 37+ 400V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 03 GA 37+ 500V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 11 GA 37+ 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 12 GA 37+ 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 08 GA 45+ 200V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 14 GA 45+ 200V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 15 GA 45+ 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 01 GA 45+ 230V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 11 GA 45+ 230V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 11 GA 45+ 230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 11 GA 45+ 460V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 11 GA 45+ 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 11 GA 45+ 380V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 01 GA 45+ 400V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 03 GA 45+ 500V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 12 GA 45+ 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 8587 64 GA 55 200-220V/50Hz IEC
1622 8587 64 GA 55 200-220V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 8587 60 GA 55 230V/50Hz IEC
1622 8587 60 GA 55 230V/60Hz IEC
1622 8587 60 GA 55 380V/60Hz IEC
1622 8587 60 GA 55 400V/50Hz IEC
1622 8587 61 GA 55 500V/50Hz IEC
1622 8587 60 GA 55 230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 8587 60 GA 55 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 8587 61 GA 55 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 71 GA 75 200V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 72 GA 75 230V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 74 GA 75 500V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 83 GA 75 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 72 GA 75 400V/50Hz IEC
1622 3197 81 GA 75 380V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 81 GA 75 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1622 3197 81 GA 75 230V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 81 GA 75 380V/60Hz IEC
1622 3197 82 GA 75 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
2010 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
2020 1622 3147 80 2 Fan protection 1)
1079 9901 18 • 1 Label
2030 0147 1963 08 8 Hexagon bolt
3010 1 Cooler plate
1622 3193 00 GA 37+
1622 3194 00 GA 45+
1622 3195 00 GA 55
1622 3196 00 GA 75
3015 0348 0102 11 6 Cable tie

2930 7085 50 31
Parts list

9820 9629 20-01ed01

32 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air flow and cooling system - Air-cooled 7

3020 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
3030 1 Cooler
1622 3188 00 GA 37+
1622 3189 00 GA 45+
1622 3190 00 GA 55
1622 3191 00 GA 75
3040 0147 1323 03 4 Hexagon bolt
3045 0300 0274 34 4 Washer
3050 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
3060 0211 1363 03 2 Cap screw
3070 0300 0274 55 2 Plain washer
3080 1622 3155 00 1 Pipe
3090 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
3100 0211 1363 03 2 Cap screw
3110 0300 0274 55 2 Washer
3120 1 Hose assembly
0574 9918 18 GA 37+
0574 9918 18 GA 45+
0574 9918 18 GA 55
0574 9918 22 GA 75
3140 1 Hose assembly
0574 9918 23 GA 37+
0574 9918 23 GA 45+
0574 9918 23 GA 55
0574 9914 21 GA 75

1) Lined with

Foam: 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 33
Parts list

9820 9629 21-01ed01

34 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air flow and cooling system - Water-cooled 8

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1622 5079 80 1 Plate

1015 0348 0102 11 6 Cable tie
1020 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
1030 1622 5075 80 1 After cooler
1040 1622 4642 02 1 Support
1050 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
1060 1622 5077 80 1 Oil cooler
1070 1622 4642 01 1 Support
1080 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
1090 1622 5080 00 1 Fan duct
1100 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
1110 0574 9918 18 1 Hose assembly
1115 0574 9918 23 1 Hose assembly
1120 1619 5509 00 2 Nipple
1140 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
1150 0301 2335 00 1 Washer
1170 0147 1322 03 1 Hexagon bolt
1200 0663 9868 00 1 O-ring
1210 0211 1363 03 2 Screw
1220 0300 0274 55 2 Washer
1230 1613 9357 82 1 WSD 80
0663 2111 27 • O-ring
0663 2111 80 • O-ring
4090 0309 00 • O-ring
1240 0147 1360 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1250 0301 2344 00 4 Washer
1260 0663 9868 00 2 O-ring
1280 0211 1363 03 2 Screw
1290 0300 0274 55 2 Washer
1310 0211 1363 03 2 Screw
1320 0300 0274 55 2 Washer
2005 1622 5081 00 1 Pipe
2010 1622 5082 00 1 Flexible
2015 1622 5083 00 1 Pipe
2020 1622 5084 00 1 Pipe
2025 1622 5085 00 1 Pipe
2030 1622 5086 00 1 Pipe
3020 1089 9556 28 1 Fan
3030 0160 6039 00 4 Screw
3040 0301 2315 00 4 Washer
3050 0261 2106 00 4 Nut
3070 1089 0574 70 2 Temp. sensor
3080 1622 0661 01 1 Cable
3090 1088 0031 04 1 Connector
3100 1622 0663 03 2 Cable temp.sensor
4040 0698 5140 71 1 Cable gland
4050 0697 9809 20 1 Lock nut

2930 7085 50 35
Parts list

9827 9629 55-01ed01

36 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Oil system 9
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1 Hose assembly

0574 9914 19 GA 37+
0574 9914 19 GA 45+
0574 9914 19 GA 55
0574 9914 22 GA 75
1020 0574 9917 06 1 Hose assembly
2010 1 Oil filter element
1622 3142 80 4000hrs
1622 5072 80 8000hrs
2020 0663 2113 23 • 1 O-ring
2030 1 Label
1079 9909 57 Roto Inject Fluid
1079 9920 99 Food Grade Oil
1079 9925 87 Roto Xtend Duty Fluid
3010 1 Thermostatic valve
1622 7064 01 7.5 bar(e)
1622 7064 01 8 bar(e)
1622 7064 01 10 bar(e)
1622 7064 04 13 bar(e)
1622 7064 01 100 psig
1622 7064 01 125 psig
1622 7064 01 150 psig
1622 7064 04 175 psig
4300 2 Nipple
0571 0036 19 GA 75 7.5 bar(e)
4310 2 O-ring
0663 3119 00 GA 75 7.5 bar(e)
4320 1 Flexible
0574 9911 44 GA 75 7.5 bar(e)

2930 7085 50 37
Parts list


9827 9629 30-01ed01

38 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air outlet - Pack - Air-cooled 10

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1622 3198 00 1 Pipe

1020 0211 1363 03 2 Screw
1025 0300 0274 55 2 Plain washer
1035 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
1040 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 1089 0575 54 1 Press.transducer
2010 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2020 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2030 0852 0010 19 1 Ball valve
2040 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
2050 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
2060 1 Bushing
0605 8350 26 UL-cUL
2080 0852 0010 45 1 Ball valve
3010 1622 3149 80 1 Plate 1)
1088 0801 53 • 1 Grommet
3020 0147 1963 08 6 Hexagon bolt
3030 1622 3148 81 1 Separation plate 1)
3040 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
3050 1622 5576 00 1 Connector
3060 1622 3796 00 1 Cover
3070 0160 6040 00 4 Screw
3080 0301 2315 00 4 Washer
3090 1622 3795 00 1 Seal

1) Lined with:
Foam: 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 39
Parts list


9820 9428 31-01ed00

40 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air outlet - Pack - Water-cooled 11

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1622 3198 00 1 Pipe

1020 0211 1363 03 2 Screw
1025 0300 0274 55 2 Plain washer
1035 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
1040 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 1089 0575 54 1 Press.transducer
2010 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2020 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2030 0852 0010 19 1 Ball valve
2040 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
2050 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
2060 1 Bushing
0605 8350 26 UL-cUL
2080 0852 0010 45 1 Ball valve
3010 1622 3149 80 1 Plate 1)
1088 0801 53 • 1 Grommet
3020 0147 1963 08 6 Hexagon bolt
3030 1622 3148 81 1 Separation plate 1)
3040 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
3050 1622 5576 00 1 Connector
3060 1622 3796 00 1 Cover
3070 0160 6040 00 4 Screw
3080 0301 2315 00 4 Washer
3090 1622 3795 00 1 Seal

1) Lined with:
Foam: 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 41
Parts list


9820 9629 35-01ed00

42 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air outlet - Full Feature - Air-cooled 12

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1622 3156 00 1 Pipe

1020 0211 1363 03 4 Screw
1035 0300 0274 55 4 Plain washer
1040 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
1045 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
2010 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2020 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2030 0852 0010 19 1 Ball valve
2040 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
2050 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
2060 1 Bushing
0605 8350 26 UL-cUL
2070 0852 0010 45 1 Ball valve
3010 1622 3148 80 1 Separation plate 1)
3020 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
4010 1622 4627 01 1 Outlet pipe
4020 0663 2104 75 1 O-ring
4030 0147 1326 03 2 Hexagon bolt
4040 0301 2335 00 2 Washer

1) Lined with:
Foam: 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 43
Parts list


9820 9629 36-01ed00

44 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air outlet - Full Feature - Water-cooled 13

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1622 3156 00 1 Pipe

1020 0211 1363 03 4 Screw
1035 0300 0274 55 4 Plain washer
1040 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
1045 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
2010 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2020 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2030 0852 0010 19 1 Ball valve
2040 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
2050 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
2060 1 Bushing
0605 8350 26 CUL/cUL
2070 0852 0010 45 1 Ball valve
3010 1622 3148 80 1 Separation plate 1)
3020 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
4010 1622 4627 01 1 Outlet pipe
4020 0663 2104 75 1 O-ring
4030 0147 1326 03 2 Hexagon bolt
4040 0301 2335 00 2 Washer

1) Lined with:
Foam: 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 45
Parts list



46 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Air dryer
8092 2901 40 GA 37+ ID 95 400V/50Hz
8092 2652 41 GA 37+ ID 95 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 68 GA 37+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
9092 2650 76 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
8092 2651 00 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
8092 2651 34 GA 37+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
8092 2650 84 GA 37+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
8092 2650 92 GA 37+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
8092 2651 26 GA 37+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
8092 2650 50 GA 45+ ID 120 400V/50Hz
8292 2650 68 GA 45+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 76 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
8092 2651 00 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
8092 2651 34 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
8092 2650 84 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
8092 2651 18 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 92 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
8092 2651 26 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
8092 2650 50 GA 55 ID 120 400V/50Hz
8092 2650 68 GA 55 ID 120 460V/60Hz
9082 2650 76 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
8092 2651 00 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
8092 2651 34 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
8092 2650 84 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
8092 2651 18 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 92 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
8092 2651 26 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
8092 2650 68 GA 55 ID 120 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 76 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
8092 2651 00 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
8092 2651 34 GA 55 ID 170 380V/60Hz
8092 2650 84 GA 55 ID 170 400V/50Hz
8092 2651 18 GA 55 ID 170 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 92 GA 55 ID 170 500V/50Hz
8092 2651 26 GA 55 ID 170 575V/60Hz
8092 2650 50 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
8092 2650 68 GA 75 ID 120 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 76 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
8092 2651 00 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
8092 2651 34 GA 75 ID 170 380V/60Hz
8092 2650 84 GA 75 ID 170 400V/50Hz
8092 2651 18 GA 75 ID 170 460V/60Hz
8092 2650 92 GA 75 ID 170 500V/50Hz
8092 2651 26 GA 75 ID 170 575V/60Hz
1120 1624 2374 00 • 2 Plate
1160 0111 1686 12 • 8 Plug
1500 1624 2368 80 • 1 Frame assy
1088 0803 08 • 1 Grommet
1510 1624 2370 00 • 1 Support
1520 1624 2371 00 • 1 Support
1540 624 2372 80 • 1 Plate assy
1560 1624 2309 80 • 1 Support assy
1580 0129 3270 40 • 5 Rivet

2930 7085 50 47
Parts list



48 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1590 0147 1247 03 • 4 Hex. Bolt

1600 0333 3220 00 • 4 Washer
1610 0300 0274 64 • 4 Washer
1620 0147 1323 03 • 4 Hex. bolt
1630 0300 0276 47 • 4 Washer
1640 1079 2263 02 • 2 Screw
2020 1624 2451 00 • 2 Insulation
2030 1617 0092 03 • 1 Ring
2040 1617 0315 00 • 1 Ring
3040 • 1 Label
1624 2390 05 1 ID 95
1624 2390 04 1 ID 120
1624 2390 03 1 ID 170
3050 1089 0575 54 • 1 Press. transducer
3060 0581 0000 71 • 1 Pipe coupling
3070 0661 1000 39 • 1 Seal washer
4010 • 1 Heat exchanger
1624 2284 80 ID 95
1624 2289 80 ID 120
1624 2274 80 ID 170
•• 1 Heat exchanger
•• 1 Label
1624 2315 00 ID 95
1624 2412 00 ID 120
1624 2411 00 ID 170
5010 1624 2671 00 • 1 Insulation
5020 1624 2677 00 • 1 Insulation
5030 • 1 Insulation
1624 2687 00 ID 95
1624 2680 00 ID 120
1624 2676 00 ID 170
5040 • 1 Insulation
1624 2681 00 ID 95
1624 2675 00 ID 120
1624 2675 00 ID 170
5050 • 1 Insulation
1624 2682 00 ID 95
1624 2679 00 ID 120
1624 2678 00 ID 170
6010 1617 1269 00 • AR Freon gas
6030 0147 1247 0 • 1 Hex. bolt
6040 • Pipe clamp
0346 1000 41 2 GA 37+ ID 95 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 1 GA 37+ ID 95 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 37+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 37+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 37+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 1 GA 37+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 37+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 120 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz

2930 7085 50 49
Parts list



50 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz

0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 1 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 120 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 120 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 170 380V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 170 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 170 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 1 GA 55 ID 170 500V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 55 ID 170 575V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 120 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 170 380V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 170 400V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 170 460V/60Hz
0346 1000 41 1 GA 75 ID 170 500V/50Hz
0346 1000 41 2 GA 75 ID 170 575V/60Hz
6050 1079 2263 01 • 2 Screw
6060 0346 1000 37 • 1 Pipe clamp
6070 0301 2327 00 • 1 Washer
6080 0333 3220 00 • 7 Washer
6090 • 1 Condensor
1624 2278 00 GA 37+ ID 95 400V/50Hz
1624 2683 00 GA 37+ ID 95 460V/60Hz
1624 2278 00 GA 37+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 37+ ID 170200-230V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 37+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 37+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 37+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 37+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2278 00 GA 45+ ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2278 00 GA 45+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2278 00 GA 55 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2278 00 GA 55 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 55 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 55 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 55 ID 170 460V/60Hz

2930 7085 50 51
Parts list



52 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1624 2290 00 GA 55 ID 170 500V/50Hz

1624 2290 00 GA 55 ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2290 00 GA 75 ID 170 575V/60Hz
6100 0147 1247 03 • 6 Hex. bolt
6110 0300 0274 64 • 6 Washer
6130 1624 2293 00 • 1 Filter dryer
6140 0226 3343 07 • 1 Screw
6150 0348 0101 13 • 3 Cable tie
6160 1617 1625 00 • 1 Liquid separator
6170 0697 9809 10 • 1 Lock nut
6180 0301 2335 00 • 1 Washer
6190 0348 0110 03 • 1 Anchor
6200 1079 9903 48 • 1 Warning label
6210 0333 3227 00 • 1 Washer
6220 0291 1110 00 • 1 Lock nut
6250 0395 6005 95 • 1 Foam
7010 • 1 Pipe assy
•• 1 Nut
1617 0314 00 ID 170
•• 1 Sleeve
1617 0386 00 ID 170
7020 • 1 Pipe assy
•• 1 Valve
1624 2297 07 ID 95
1624 2297 07 ID 120
1624 2297 08 ID 170
7030 • 1 Pipe assy
1617 1524 04 •• 1 HGB valve
1617 0314 00 •• 1 Nut
1617 0107 00 •• 1 Sleeve
1619 5563 02 •• 2 Schräder Valve
•• 1 Schräder Valve
1619 5563 02 ID 170
•• Non return valve
1617 2750 00 ID 170
•• Nut
1617 0058 00 ID 170
•• Sleeve
1617 0082 00 ID 170
8010 • 1 Insulation hose
1617 2499 15 ID 95/50Hz
1617 2499 13 ID 95/60Hz
1617 2499 14 ID 120
1617 2499 07 ID 170
8020 1617 1641 80 • 1 Insulation assy

2930 7085 50 53
Parts list



54 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1617 1641 01 •• 1 Insulation

1617 1642 00 •• 1 Insulation
8030 1617 2361 00 1 Insulation
8040 Insulation
1624 2589 00 1 ID 95/50Hz
1624 2455 00 1 ID 95/50Hz
1624 2452 00 1 ID 95/60Hz
1624 2455 00 1 ID 120
1624 2452 00 1 ID 120
1624 2455 00 1 ID 170
1624 2452 00 1 ID 170
8060 • 1 Insulation
9010 • Refr. compressor
1624 2295 02 GA 37+ ID 95 400V/50Hz
1624 2294 04 GA 37+ ID 95 460V/60Hz
1624 2294 05 GA 37+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2295 05 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2295 03 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2295 04 GA 37+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2295 06 GA 37+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1619 7767 33 GA 37+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1619 7767 30 GA 37+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2295 02 GA 45+ ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2294 05 GA 45+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2295 05 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2295 03 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2295 04 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2295 06 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2295 04 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
1619 7767 33 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1619 7767 30 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2295 02 GA 55 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2294 05 GA 55 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2295 05 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2295 03 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2295 04 GA 55 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2295 06 GA 55 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2295 04 GA 55 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1619 7767 33 GA 55 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1619 7767 30 GA 55 ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2295 02 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2294 05 GA 75 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2295 05 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2295 03 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2295 04 GA 75 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2295 06 GA 75 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2295 04 GA 75 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1619 7767 33 GA 75 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1619 7767 30 GA 75 ID 170 575V/60Hz
9011 0333 3227 00 • 4 Washer
9020 • Hex. bolt
1619 5337 03 3 ID 170 575V/60Hz
0147 1331 03 4 Others
9025 0033 3214 00 • 2 Washer

2930 7085 50 55
Parts list



56 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

9030 0300 8019 00 • 4 Washer

9040 0333 3214 00 • 1 Washer
9050 0301 2315 00 • 1 Washer
9060 1088 1001 01 • 3 Warning mark
9070 • 1 Fan assy
1624 2390 80 GA 37+ ID 95 400V/50Hz
1624 2037 80 GA 37+ ID 95 460V/60Hz
1624 2037 80 GA 37+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1617 2581 80 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 37+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 37+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 37+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 37+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2390 80 GA 45+ ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2037 80 GA 45+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1617 2581 80 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1617 2581 80 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2390 80 GA 55 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2037 80 GA 55 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1617 2581 80 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 55 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 55 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1617 2581 80 GA 55 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 55 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 55 ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2390 80 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2037 80 GA 75 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2037 80 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1617 2581 80 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 75 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1617 2057 80 GA 75 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1617 2581 80 GA 75 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 75 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1617 2582 80 GA 75 ID 170 575V/60Hz
9080 1503 0786 00 • 1 Rotation arrow
9090 0147 1326 03 • 4 Hex. bolt
9100 0300 8019 00 • 4 Washer
9123 0348 0101 13 • 10 Cable tie
9130 1617 3077 85 • 1 Temp. sensor
9165 0226 3256 00 • 2 Screw
9200 1089 9139 04 • 1 Fan switch
9210 0348 0111 06 • 1 Connector
9230 0226 3343 07 • 2 Screw
9231 0348 0111 06 • 1 Connector
9250 1619 5703 00 • 1 High press. switch
9280 0301 2315 00 • 2 Washer
10021 • 1 Wiring

2930 7085 50 57
Parts list



58 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1624 2360 80 GA 37+ ID 95 400V/50Hz

1624 2364 80 GA 37+ ID 95 460V/60Hz
1624 2364 80 GA 37+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 37+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 37+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 37+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 37+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 45+ ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2364 80 GA 45+ ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 55 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2364 80 GA 55 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 55 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 55 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 55 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 55 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 55 ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2364 80 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 75 ID 120 460V/60Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 75 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 75 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2360 80 GA 75 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2362 80 GA 75 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2361 00 GA 75 ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2361 00 •• 1 Plate
11005 • 1 Crankcase heater
1624 2313 80 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 37+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 37+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 37+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 37+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 37+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 45+ ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 45+ ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 45+ ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 45+ ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 45+ ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 45+ ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 45+ ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 55 ID 120 400V/50Hz

2930 7085 50 59
Parts list



60 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design A 14a

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1624 2313 80 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz

1624 2313 80 GA 55 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 55 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 55 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 55 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 55 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 55 ID 170 575V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 75 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 75 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 75 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 75 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2313 80 GA 75 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 75 ID 170 500V/50Hz
1624 2365 80 GA 75 ID 170 575V/60Hz
•• 1 Crankcase heater
1088 0015 02 •• 1 Connector
•• 1 Clamp
1624 2389 00 ID 95 400V/50Hz
1624 2389 00 ID 120 400V/50Hz
1624 2389 00 ID 170 200-230V/50Hz
1624 2389 00 ID 170 200-230V/60Hz
1624 2389 00 ID 170 380V/60Hz
1624 2389 00 ID 170 400V/50Hz
1624 2389 00 ID 170 460V/60Hz
1088 0015 14 •• 2 Pin contact

2930 7085 50 61
Parts list


9820 9629 37-01ed00

62 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design B 14b

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Air dryer
8092 2657 46 ID 95 400V/50Hz 3ph IEC
8092 2657 53 ID 95 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
8092 2657 87 ID 120 400V/50Hz 3ph IEC
8092 2657 95 ID 120 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
8092 2658 03 ID 170 200V/50Hz 3ph IEC
8092 2658 45 ID 170 200V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
8092 2658 11 ID 170 230V/50Hz 3ph IEC
8092 2658 52 ID 170 230V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
8092 2658 86 ID 170 380V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
8092 2658 29 ID 170 400V/50Hz 3ph IEC
8092 2658 60 ID 170 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
8092 2658 37 ID 170 500V/50Hz 3ph IEC
8092 2658 78 ID 170 575V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1010 1624 9143 80 • 1 Frame ass’y
0348 0111 06 •• 1 Anchor pad
1088 0803 08 •• 1 Grommet
1020 1624 2374 00 • 2 Plate
1030 0111 1686 12 • 8 Plug
1060 1624 2372 80 • 1 Plate assy
1624 2372 00 1 Plate
1070 0129 3270 40 • 5 Blind rivet
1100 0147 1247 03 • 4 Bolt
1110 0300 0274 64 • 4 Washer
1120 0333 3220 00 • 4 Washer
2020 1624 2451 00 • 2 Insulation
2030 1617 0315 00 • 1 Ring
2040 1617 0092 03 • 1 Ring
3010 • 1 Heat exchanger
1624 2284 80 ID 95
1624 2289 80 ID 120
1624 2274 80 ID 170
•• 1 Label
1624 2315 00 ID 95
1624 2412 00 ID 120
1624 2411 00 ID 170
3030 1089 0575 54 • 1 Press.transducer
3040 0583 8100 71 • 1 Pipe coupling
3050 0583 8120 74 • 1 Pipe elbow
3060 • 1 Label
1624 2390 05 ID 95
1624 2390 04 ID 120
1624 2390 03 ID 170
3070 1624 2370 00 • 1 Support
3080 1624 2371 00 • 1 Support
3090 0147 1323 03 • 4 Bolt
3100 0300 0276 47 • 4 Washer
4010 1624 2671 00 • 1 Insulation
4020 • 1 Insulation
1624 2675 00 ID 95
1624 2675 00 ID 120
1624 2677 00 ID 170
4030 • 1 Insulation
1624 2676 00 ID 95

2930 7085 50 63
Parts list


9820 9629 37-01ed00

64 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design B 14b

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1624 2677 00 ID 120

1624 2687 00 ID 170
4040 • 1 Insulation
1624 2677 00 ID 95
1624 2679 00 ID 120
1624 2681 00 ID 170
4050 • 1 Insulation
1624 2678 00 ID 95
1624 2680 00 ID 120
1624 2682 00 ID 170
5030 0346 1000 41 • 1 Pipe clamp
5035 1079 2263 01 • 1 Screw
5040 • 1 Condenser
1624 9138 00 ID 95
1624 9138 00 ID 120
1624 9139 00 ID 170
5050 1624 2293 00 • 1 Filter
5060 0226 3343 07 • 1 Screw
5070 0348 0110 03 • 1 Anchor plate
5080 1079 9903 48 • 1 Warning label
5090 0395 6005 95 • 1 Foam
5100 0129 3270 38 • 6 Rivet
5110 0348 0101 13 • 7 Cable tie
5115 0348 0101 20 • 6 Cable tie
6010 1624 9152 00 • 1 Pipe
6040 1624 9335 00 • 1 Insulation thermal
6050 1624 9336 00 • 1 Insulation thermal
6060 1624 9334 00 • 1 Insulation thermal
• 1 Pipe
1624 9153 00 ID 95
1624 9154 00 ID 120
1624 9155 00 ID 170
7010 •• 1 Valve
1624 2488 02 ID 95
1624 2488 02 ID 120
1624 2488 03 ID 170
7020 1617 0674 00 •• 1 Sleeve
7030 1617 0092 01 •• 1 Nut
• 1 Pipe assy
1624 9159 00 ID 95
1624 9160 00 ID 120
1624 9158 00 ID 170
8010 •• 1 Valve
1624 2486 01 ID 95
1624 2486 01 ID 120
1624 2486 02 ID 170
8020 1617 0107 00 •• 1 Sleeve
8030 1617 0314 00 •• 1 Nut
9010 • 1 Compressor
1624 2615 06 ID 95 400V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 2615 06 ID 95 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 2615 06 ID 120 400V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 2615 06 ID 120 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL

2930 7085 50 65
Parts list


9820 9629 37-01ed00

66 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design B 14b

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1624 2615 08 ID 170 200V/50Hz 3ph IEC

1624 2615 08 ID 170 200V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 2615 08 ID 170 230V-400V-500V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 2615 08 ID 170 460V-575V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
9020 1624 2698 00 • 4 Bushing
9030 0147 1331 03 • 4 Bolt
9040 0300 8019 00 • 8 Washer
9050 • 1 Wiring
1624 9164 00 ID 95 400V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9164 00 ID 120 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 9364 00 ID 170 200V-230V-500V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9364 00 ID 170 200V-575V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 9164 00 ID 170 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
9060 1088 1001 01 • 2 Warning mark
9070 1617 3077 85 • 1 Temp. sensor
9080 1617 0128 00 • AR Heat conducting
9090 1089 9139 16 • 1 Switch
9100 1089 9139 13 • 1 Fan switch
9110 0348 0111 06 • 1 Connector
9120 0226 3343 07 • 2 Screw
9130 • 1 Fan assy
1624 2390 80 ID 95 400V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 2037 80 ID 95 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 2390 80 ID 120 400V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 2037 80 ID 120 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 9262 01 ID 170 200V-230V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9262 02 ID 170 500V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9262 01 ID 170 200V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 2617 02 ID 170 400V-575V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 2617 04 ID 170 460V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
9140 1503 0786 00 • 1 Rotation arrow
9150 0147 1326 03 • 4 Bolt
9160 0333 3227 00 • 4 Washer
9170 0226 3256 00 • 1 Screw
9180 0301 2315 00 • 2 Washer
9190 0333 3214 00 • 1 Washer
• 1 Transformer assy
1624 9365 00 ID 170 200V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9375 00 ID 170 230V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9366 00 ID 170 500V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9367 00 ID 170 200V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 9368 00 ID 170 575V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
10010 •• 1 Autotransformer
1624 9338 00 ID 170 200V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9338 00 ID 170 230V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9339 00 ID 170 500V/50Hz 3ph IEC
1624 9221 00 ID 170 200V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
1624 9261 00 ID 170 575V/60Hz 3ph UL-cUL
10020 1624 9264 00 •• 1 Wiring
10030 1624 9231 80 •• 1 Box
10040 1624 9229 80 •• 1 Support
10050 1089 9594 03 •• 1 Fuseholder
10060 1089 0612 25 •• 1 Fuse
10070 1089 9416 66 •• 3 Circuit breaker

2930 7085 50 67
Parts list


9820 9629 37-01ed00

68 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Air dryer - Full Feature - Design B 14b

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

10080 • 4 Hex.bolt
0147 1326 03 ID 170
10090 • 4 Rivet
0129 3270 38 ID 170

2930 7085 50 69
Parts list


9820 9629 63-01ed00

70 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drain system - Pack - Air-cooled 15

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 0581 0000 53 1 Coupling

1030 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube
1040 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
1050 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
1060 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1070 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1080 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
1090 0661 1000 39 1 Washer
1100 1079 9926 02 1 Label
1110 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1120 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1130 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1140 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling
1150 0581 1200 29 1 Elbow coupling
1622 8551 81 1 EWD 330M
2010 • 1 Drain
2020 0605 8700 39 • 1 Bushing
2030 1622 8550 01 • 1 Bushing
2040 1622 8553 00 • 1 Support
2050 0607 1151 08 • 1 Red. socket
2060 1622 1799 01 • 1 Cable
2080 1079 9927 97 • 1 Label
2090 1079 9927 89 • 1 Label
2100 1088 1001 01 • 1 Warning mark

2930 7085 50 71
Parts list


9820 9629 64-01ed00

72 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drain system - Pack - Water-cooled 16

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1015 0581 1200 29 1 Elbow coupling

1020 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1030 1613 8084 00 1 Pipe coupling
1040 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
1050 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
1090 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube
1120 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
1130 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
1140 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1150 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1160 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1170 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1180 1079 9926 02 1 Label
1200 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1210 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1220 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1230 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling
1622 8551 81 1 EWD 330M
2010 • 1 Drain
2020 0605 8700 39 • 1 Bushing
2030 1622 8550 01 • 1 Bushing
2040 1622 8553 00 • 1 Support
2050 0607 1151 08 • 1 Red. Socket
2060 1622 1799 01 • 1 Cable
2080 1079 9927 97 • 1 Label
2090 1079 9927 89 • 1 Label
2100 1088 1001 01 • 1 Warning mark

2930 7085 50 73
Parts list


9820 9629 65-01ed00

74 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drain system - Full Feature - Air-cooled 17

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 0581 0000 53 1 Coupling

1030 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube
1040 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
1050 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
1060 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1070 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1080 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
1090 0661 1000 39 1 Washer
1100 1079 9926 02 1 Label
1110 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1120 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1130 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1140 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling
1150 0581 1200 29 1 Elbow coupling
2020 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube
2030 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
2040 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
2050 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
2060 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
2080 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
2090 1079 9926 02 1 Label
2100 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
2110 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
2120 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
2130 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling
2150 0581 1200 29 1 Elbow coupling
1622 8551 81 2 EWD 330M
3010 • 1 Drain
3020 0605 8700 39 • 1 Bushing
3030 1622 8550 01 • 1 Bushing
3040 1622 8553 00 • 1 Support
3050 0607 1151 08 • 1 Red. socket
3060 1622 1799 01 • 1 Cable
3080 1079 9927 97 • 1 Label
3090 1079 9927 89 • 1 Label
3100 1088 1001 01 • 1 Warning mark

2930 7085 50 75
Parts list


9820 6929 66-01ed00

76 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Drain system - Full Feature - Water-cooled 18

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1015 0581 1200 29 1 Elbow coupling

1020 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1030 1613 8084 00 1 Pipe coupling
1040 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
1050 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
1090 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube
1120 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
1130 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
1140 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1150 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1160 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1170 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1180 1079 9926 02 1 Label
1200 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1210 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1220 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
1230 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling
2020 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube
2030 0070 6002 03 AR Tube
2040 0581 0000 35 2 Coupling
2050 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
2060 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
2080 0147 1963 08 1 Hexagon bolt
2090 1079 9926 02 1 Label
2100 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
2110 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
2120 0581 0000 87 1 Pipe coupling
2130 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling
2150 0581 1200 29 1 Elbow coupling
1622 8551 81 2 EWD 330M
3010 • 1 Drain
3020 0605 8700 39 • 1 Bushing
3030 1622 8550 01 • 1 Bushing
3040 1622 8553 00 • 1 Support
3050 0607 1151 08 • 1 Red. Socket
3060 1622 1799 01 • 1 Cable
3080 1079 9927 97 • 1 Label
3090 1079 9927 89 • 1 Label
3100 1088 1001 01 • 1 Warning mark

2930 7085 50 77
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

78 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC 19
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Cubicle
1900 2506 10 GA 37+ 200-230V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 01 GA 37+ 400V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 05 GA 37+ 500V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 10 GA 37+ 200-230V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 07 GA 37+ 380V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 06 GA 37+ 460V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 11 GA 45+ 200-230V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 02 GA 45+ 400V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 07 GA 45+ 500V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 11 GA 45+ 200-230V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 07 GA 45+ 380V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 07 GA 45+ 460V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 12 GA 55 200-230V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 03 GA 55 400V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 08 GA 55 500V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 12 GA 55 200-230V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 09 GA 55 380V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 09 GA 55 460V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 13 GA 75 200-230V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 04 GA 75 400V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 09 GA 75 500V/50Hz IEC
1900 2506 13 GA 75 200-230V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 09 GA 75 380V/60Hz IEC
1900 2506 09 GA 75 460V/60Hz IEC
• 1 Fan Module
1900 2811 04 1900 2506 01
1900 2811 04 1900 2506 02
1900 2811 07 1900 2506 03
1900 2811 09 1900 2506 04
1900 2811 04 1900 2506 05
1900 2811 04 1900 2506 06
1900 2811 04 1900 2506 07
1900 2811 16 1900 2506 08
1900 2811 18 1900 2506 09
1900 2811 07 1900 2506 10
1900 2811 07 1900 2506 11
1900 2811 10 1900 2506 12
1900 2811 21 1900 2506 13
K22 0694 5285 25 •• 3 Cable lug
X107 1088 0031 82 •• 1 Connector
1X1:Y 1089 0506 75 •• 1 Terminal
Q15 1089 9416 01 •• 1 Contact block
Q15 •• 1 Circuit breaker
1089 9416 24 1900 2811 04
1089 9616 27 1900 2811 07
1089 9616 29 1900 2811 09
1089 9616 30 1900 2811 10
1089 9616 66 1900 2811 16
1089 9616 68 1900 2811 18
1089 9616 71 1900 2811 21
Q15 •• 1 Connection block
1089 9616 75 1900 2811 16
1089 9616 75 1900 2811 18
1089 9616 75 1900 2811 21

2930 7085 50 79
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

80 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC 19
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1900 2813 08 • 1 Module

1079 9925 69 •• 1 Label
1622 7302 00 •• 1 Data label
1900 2815 13 • 1 Basis module
L1-L2 0694 5285 25 •• 2 Cable lug
For fan hole
0697 9809 21 •• 1 Nut
WH/- 0697 9809 24 •• 2 Nut
- 0697 9810 29 •• 1 Plug
For fan hole
0698 5140 72 •• 1 Cable gland
X101 1088 0015 02 •• 1 Connector
X101 1088 0015 36 •• 2 Connector socket
2X31 1088 0031 26 •• 1 Connector
2X30 1088 0031 32 •• 1 Connector
X132 1088 0031 43 •• 1 Connector
X106 1088 0031 82 •• 1 Connector
X103 1088 0031 84 •• 1 Connector
X117 1088 0031 86 •• 1 Connector
X134 1088 0037 02 •• 1 Connector
1088 0037 03 •• 2 Connector
X103 1088 0037 04 •• 1 Connector
X117 1088 0037 06 •• 1 Connector
X104 1088 0037 31 •• 1 Connector
X109 1088 0037 32 •• 1 Connector
2X28 1088 0037 80 •• 1 Connector
1088 0851 16 •• 2 Raceway
1088 0851 19 •• 1 Raceway
S3 1089 0362 51 •• 1 Emergency stop button
- 1089 0577 58 •• 2 End retainer
X102 1089 0700 02 •• 1 Connector
X102 1089 0700 04 •• 8 Connector socket
S3 1089 9337 13 •• 2 Contact block
0 1089 9556 05 •• 1 Air inlet
1088 0031 18 •• 8 Adaptor
1088 0031 22 •• 3 Connector
X109 1088 0031 54 •• 1 Connector
1088 0031 83 •• 2 Connector
1088 0037 30 •• 3 Connector
• 1 Starter module
1900 2823 13 1900 2506 01
1900 2824 02 1900 2506 02
1900 2824 03 1900 2506 03
1900 2824 16 1900 2506 04
1900 2823 09 1900 2506 05
1900 2823 12 1900 2506 06
1900 2824 06 1900 2506 07

2930 7085 50 81
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

82 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC 19

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1900 2824 02 1900 2506 08

1900 2824 14 1900 2506 09
1900 2824 16 1900 2506 10
1900 2825 02 1900 2506 11
1900 2825 02 1900 2506 12
1900 2826 01 1900 2506 13
L=320mm & 75mm
0090 1400 02 •• 1 Mounting rail
K22-K23 •• Isolator cap
0694 5285 12 9 1900 2823 09
0694 5285 12 9 1900 2823 12
0694 5285 12 9 1900 2823 13
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 02
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 03
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 06
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 14
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 16
K22-K23 •• 6 Faston flat
0694 5900 06 1900 2823 09
0694 5900 06 1900 2823 12
0694 5900 06 1900 2823 13
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 02
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 03
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 06
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 14
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 16
K22 •• 3 Faston flat
0694 5900 06 1900 2825 02
K23 •• 3 Double faston
1088 0004 20 1900 2823 09
1088 0004 20 1900 2823 12
1088 0004 20 1900 2823 13
K21 •• 3 Angled faston
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 02
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 03
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 06
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 14
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 16
K21-K23 •• 6 Rings faston
0694 5900 08 1900 2825 02
0694 5900 09 1900 2826 01
K22 •• 3 Rings faston
0694 5900 08 1900 2826 01
Starter rail ends
1089 0577 58 •• 2 End retainer
X102 1089 0700 01 •• 1 Connector
X102 1089 0700 03 •• 8 Connector pin
K22 •• 1 Contact block
1089 9415 09 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 09 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 09 1900 2823 13
1089 9415 09 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 09 1900 2824 03

2930 7085 50 83
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

84 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC 19

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9415 09 1900 2824 06

1089 9415 09 1900 2824 14
1089 9415 09 1900 2824 16
1089 9415 09 1900 2825 02
K22 •• 1 Contactor
1089 9415 34 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 34 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 34 1900 2823 13
1089 9415 34 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 34 1900 2824 03
1089 9415 35 1900 2824 06
1089 9415 44 1900 2824 14
1089 9415 44 1900 2824 16
1089 9415 45 1900 2825 02
1089 9415 61 1900 2826 01
K21-K23 •• 2 Contactor
1089 9415 35 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 36 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 36 1900 2823 13
1089 9415 44 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 44 1900 2824 03
1089 9415 44 1900 2824 06
1089 9415 45 1900 2824 14
1089 9415 45 1900 2824 16
1089 9415 61 1900 2825 02
1089 9415 81 1900 2826 01
K21 •• 1 Contact block
1089 9415 55 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 55 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 55 1900 2823 13
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 03
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 06
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 14
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 16
K23 •• 1 Contact block
1089 9415 56 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 56 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 56 1900 2823 13
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 03
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 06
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 14
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 16
F21 •• 1 Over load relay
1089 9424 39 1900 2823 09
1089 9424 40 1900 2823 12
1089 9424 41 1900 2823 13
1089 9424 46 1900 2824 02
1089 9424 47 1900 2824 03
1089 9424 46 1900 2824 06
1089 9424 66 1900 2824 14
1089 9424 49 1900 2824 16

2930 7085 50 85
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

86 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC 19

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9424 71 1900 2825 02

1089 9424 72 1900 2826 01
1X0:L123onK21 •• 1 Terminal block
1089 9416 93 1900 2823 09
1089 9416 93 1900 2823 12
1089 9416 93 1900 2823 13
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 02
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 03
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 06
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 14
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 16
1X0:L123onK21 •• Connection element
1622 1692 00 3 1900 2824 02
1622 1692 00 3 1900 2824 03
1622 1692 00 3 1900 2824 06
1622 1692 00 3 1900 2824 14
1622 1692 00 3 1900 2824 16
1622 3042 00 6 1900 2825 02
K23-Motor •• 3 Connection element
1622 3042 10 1900 2826 01
1 •• 1 Plate
1622 3399 01 1900 2825 02
1622 3399 01 1900 2826 01
set of 3 in plastic bag •• 3 Cable lug
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 02
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 03
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 06
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 14
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 16
• 1 Transfo module
1900 2830 03 1900 2506 01
1900 2830 04 1900 2506 02
1900 2830 04 1900 2506 03
1900 2830 04 1900 2506 04
1900 2830 09 1900 2506 05
1900 2830 09 1900 2506 06
1900 2830 10 1900 2506 07
1900 2830 10 1900 2506 08
1900 2830 10 1900 2506 09
1900 2830 10 1900 2506 10
1900 2830 10 1900 2506 11
1900 2830 10 1900 2506 12
1900 2830 12 1900 2506 13
F1-F2 1089 0612 01 •• 2 Fuse holder
F1-F2 •• 2 Fuse
1089 0612 24 1900 2830 03
1089 0612 24 1900 2830 04
1089 0612 24 1900 2830 09
1089 0612 24 1900 2830 10
1089 0612 25 1900 2830 12
T1 •• 1 Transformer
1089 9436 39 1900 2830 03
1089 9436 40 1900 2830 04

2930 7085 50 87
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

88 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC 19

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9436 44 1900 2830 09

1089 9436 45 1900 2830 10
1089 9436 47 1900 2830 12
- •• 1 End retainer
1089 0577 58 1900 2830 10
1089 0577 58 1900 2830 12
WH 1622 3124 70 • 1 Wire harness
MSA 1622 6673 80 • 1 Cubicle 1)
1005 1622 3115 51 •• 1 Bolt
1010 1622 3115 50 •• 1 Bolt
1020 •• 1 Cubicle
1025 0333 3120 00 •• 2 Washer
1030 0160 0996 83 •• 2 Screw
1035 1202 6584 01 •• AR Seal
1040 1202 6584 01 •• AR Seal
1045 1202 6584 01 •• AR Seal
1055 1622 8586 00 •• 1 Decal
2010 1900 5200 11 1 Elektronikon® MkV
2020 0147 1169 03 4 Bolt
2030 0301 2315 00 4 Washer
1900 2600 71 1 Dryer rail
0090 1400 02 • 1 Mounting rail
onK11 0694 5285 12 • 3 Isolator cap
0694 5285 26 • 3 Fast-on
onK11 0694 5900 10 • 3 Fork faston
X210 1088 0015 41 • 1 Connector
X104 1088 0037 63 • 1 Connector
1089 0612 01 • 6 Fuse holder
1089 0612 24 • 3 Fuse
1089 0612 28 • 3 Fuse
K12 1089 9415 14 • 1 Contactor
K11 1089 9415 24 • 1 Contactor
100 9820 3549 04 • 1 Label
X210 1088 0015 34 • 6 Connector socket
X210 1088 0015 36 • 5 Connector socket
- 1089 0577 58 • 2 End retainer

1) Lined with:
Foam: 0395 6001 64 (AR) 20 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 89
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

90 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 20
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Cubicle
1900 2506 56 GA 37+ 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 56 GA 37+ 230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 52 GA 37+ 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 51 GA 37+ 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 56 GA 45+ 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 56 GA 45+ 230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 53 GA 45+ 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 52 GA 45+ 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 57 GA 55 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 57 GA 55 230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 54 GA 55 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 54 GA 55 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 58 GA 75 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 57 GA 75 230V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 55 GA 75 460V/60Hz UL-cUL
1900 2506 54 GA 75 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
• 1 Fan module
1900 2811 13 1900 2506 51
1900 2811 13 1900 2506 52
1900 2811 13 1900 2506 53
1900 2811 17 1900 2506 54
1900 2811 18 1900 2506 55
1900 2811 17 1900 2506 56
1900 2811 21 1900 2506 57
1900 2811 21 1900 2506 58
K22 0694 5285 25 •• 3 Cable lug
X107 1088 0031 82 •• 1 Connector
1X1:Y 1089 0506 75 •• 1 Terminal
Q15 1089 9416 01 •• 1 Contact block
Q15 •• 1 Circuit breaker
1089 9416 63 1900 2811 13
1089 9416 67 1900 2811 17
1089 9416 68 1900 2811 18
1089 9416 71 1900 2811 21
Q15 1089 9416 75 •• 1 Connection block
1900 2815 50 • 1 Basis module
L1-L2 0694 5285 25 •• 2 Cable lug
- 0697 9809 06 •• 1 Nut
0697 9809 21 •• 1 Nut
WH 0697 9809 24 •• 1 Nut
- 0697 9810 38 •• 1 Plug
0698 5140 72 •• 1 Cable gland
X101 1088 0015 02 •• 1 Connector
X101 1088 0015 36 •• 2 Connector socket
2X31 1088 0031 26 •• 1 Connector
2X30 1088 0031 32 •• 1 Connector
X132 1088 0031 43 •• 1 Connector
X106 1088 0031 82 •• 1 Connector
X103 1088 0031 84 •• 1 Connector
X117 1088 0031 86 •• 1 Connector
X134 1088 0037 02 •• 1 Connector

2930 7085 50 91
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

92 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 20

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1088 0037 03 •• 2 Connector
X103 1088 0037 04 •• 1 Connector
X117 1088 0037 06 •• 1 Connector
X104 1088 0037 31 •• 1 Connector
X109 1088 0037 32 •• 1 Connector
2X28 1088 0037 80 •• 1 Connector
1088 0851 16 •• 2 Raceway
1088 0851 19 •• 1 Raceway
S3 1089 0362 51 •• 1 Emergency stop button
- 1089 0577 58 •• 2 End retainer
X102 1089 0700 02 •• 1 Connector
X102 1089 0700 04 •• 8 Connector socket
S3 1089 9337 13 •• 2 Contact block
0 1089 9556 05 •• 1 Air inlet
1088 0031 18 •• 8 Adaptor
1088 0031 22 •• 3 Connector
X109 1088 0031 54 •• 1 Connector
1088 0031 83 •• 2 Connector
1088 0037 30 •• 3 Connector
• 1 Starter module
1900 2823 09 1900 2506 51
1900 2823 12 1900 2506 52
1900 2824 02 1900 2506 53
1900 2824 10 1900 2506 54
1900 2824 18 1900 2506 55
1900 2825 01 1900 2506 56
1900 2826 01 1900 2506 57
1900 2826 02 1900 2506 58
L=320mm & 75mm
0090 1400 02 •• 1 Mounting rail
K22-K23 •• Isolator cap
0694 5285 12 9 1900 2823 09
0694 5285 12 9 1900 2823 12
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 02
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 10
0694 5285 12 6 1900 2824 18
K22-K23 •• 6 Faston flat
0694 5900 06 1900 2823 09
0694 5900 06 1900 2823 12
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 02
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 10
0694 5900 06 1900 2824 18
K22 •• 3 Faston flat
0694 5900 06 1900 2825 01
0694 5900 08 1900 2826 01
0694 5900 08 1900 2826 02

2930 7085 50 93
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

94 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 20

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

K23 •• 3 Double faston

1088 0004 20 1900 2823 09
1088 0004 20 1900 2823 12
K21 •• 3 Angled faston
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 02
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 10
0694 5900 07 1900 2824 18
K21-K23 •• 3 Rings faston
0694 5900 08 1900 2825 01
0694 5900 09 1900 2826 01
0694 5900 09 1900 2826 02
Starter rail ends
1089 0577 58 •• 2 End retainer
X102 1089 0700 01 •• 1 Connector
X102 1089 0700 03 •• 8 Connector pin
K22 •• 1 Contact block
1089 9415 09 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 09 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 09 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 09 1900 2824 10
1089 9415 09 1900 2824 18
1089 9415 09 1900 2825 01
K22 •• 1 Contactor
1089 9415 34 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 34 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 34 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 35 1900 2824 10
1089 9415 44 1900 2824 18
1089 9415 44 1900 2825 01
1089 9415 61 1900 2826 01
1089 9415 62 1900 2826 02
K21-K23 •• 2 Contactor
1089 9415 35 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 36 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 44 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 45 1900 2824 10
1089 9415 46 1900 2824 18
1089 9415 61 1900 2825 01
1089 9415 81 1900 2826 01
1089 9415 83 1900 2826 02
K21 •• 1 Contact block
1089 9415 55 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 55 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 10
1089 9415 55 1900 2824 18
K23 •• 1 Contact block
1089 9415 56 1900 2823 09
1089 9415 56 1900 2823 12
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 02
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 10
1089 9415 56 1900 2824 18
1X0:L123onK21 •• 1 Terminal block

2930 7085 50 95
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

96 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 20

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9416 93 1900 2823 09

1089 9416 93 1900 2823 12
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 02
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 10
1089 9362 04 1900 2824 18
1X0:L123onK21 •• 3 Connection element
1622 1692 00 1900 2824 02
1622 1692 00 1900 2824 10
1622 3042 00 1900 2825 01
1622 1692 00 1900 2824 18
K23-motor •• 3 Connection element
1622 3042 00 1900 2826 01
1622 1692 00 1900 2826 02
1 •• 1 Plate
1622 3399 01 1900 2826 01
1622 3399 01 1900 2826 02
set of 3 in plastic bag •• 3 Cable lug
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 02
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 10
0694 5281 34 1900 2824 18
F21 •• 1 Overload relay
1089 9424 39 1900 2823 09
1089 9424 40 1900 2823 12
1089 9424 46 1900 2824 02
1089 9424 46 1900 2824 10
1089 9424 48 1900 2824 18
1089 9446 71 1900 2825 01
1089 9446 72 1900 2826 01
1089 9446 72 1900 2826 02
• 1 Transfo module
1900 2830 15 1900 2506 51
1900 2830 15 1900 2506 52
1900 2830 16 1900 2506 53
1900 2830 16 1900 2506 54
1900 2830 16 1900 2506 55
1900 2830 16 1900 2506 56
1900 2830 18 1900 2506 57
1900 2830 18 1900 2506 58
180 •• 1 Label
1079 9924 26 1900 2830 15
1079 9924 26 1900 2830 16
1079 9924 28 1900 2830 18
F1-F2 •• 2 Fuse link
1089 9168 26 1900 2830 15
1089 9168 26 1900 2830 16
1089 9168 34 1900 2830 18
T1 •• 1 Transformer
1089 9436 44 1900 2830 15
1089 9436 45 1900 2830 16
1089 9436 47 1900 2830 18
F1-F2 1089 0612 01 •• 2 Fuse holder
- •• 1 End retainer
1089 0577 58 1900 2830 16

2930 7085 50 97
Parts list


9820 9629 39-01ed00

98 2930 7085 50
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 20

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 0577 58 1900 2830 18

WH 1622 3124 70 • 1 Wire harness
1900 2813 37 • 1 Module
1079 9925 69 •• 1 Label
1613 3431 00 •• 1 Label
1622 7302 00 •• 1 Data-label
MSA 1622 6673 80 • 1 Cubicle 1)
1005 1622 3115 51 •• 1 Bolt
1010 1622 3115 50 •• 1 Bolt
1020 •• 1 Cubicle
1025 0333 3120 00 •• 2 Washer
1030 0160 0996 83 •• 2 Screw
1035 1202 6584 01 •• AR Seal
1040 1202 6584 01 •• AR Seal
1045 1202 6584 01 •• AR Seal
1055 1622 8586 00 •• 1 Decal
2010 1900 5200 11 • 1 Elektronikon® MkV
2020 0147 1169 03 • 4 Bolt
2030 0301 2315 00 • 4 Washer
1900 2600 72 1 Dryer rail
0090 1400 02 • 1 Mounting rail
onK11 0694 5285 12 • 3 Isolator cap
0694 5285 26 • 3 Fast-on
onK11 0694 5900 10 • 3 Fork faston
X210 1088 0015 41 • 1 Connector
X104 1088 0037 63 • 1 Connector
1089 0612 01 • 6 Fuse holder
1089 9168 26 • 3 Fuse link
1089 9168 62 • 3 Fuse link
K12 1089 9415 14 • 1 Contactor
K11 1089 9415 25 • 1 Contactor
100 9820 3549 04 • 1 Label
X210 1088 0015 34 • 6 Connector socket
X210 1088 0015 36 • 5 Connector socket
- 1089 0577 58 • 2 End retainer

1) Lined with:
Foam: 0395 6001 64 (AR) 20 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 99
Parts list


9820 9629 41-01ed00

100 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Bodywork 21
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1622 5587 80 1 Beam 1)3)

1030 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
1040 1622 5585 80 1 Beam 1)3)
1050 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon bolt
1060 1622 5588 80 2 Beam 2)
1070 0147 1963 08 8 Hexagon bolt
1080 1622 3134 00 1 Z-plate
1090 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
1100 1622 3128 00 1 Panel inlet
1110 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
1120 1622 4617 80 1 Inlet baffle 4)
1130 0266 2110 00 6 Nut
1140 0301 2335 00 6 Washer
1150 1622 6605 00 1 Drain plate
1160 0226 3343 59 2 Screw
1180 0266 2110 00 1 Nut
1185 0301 2335 00 1 Washer
1190 0211 1965 60 2 Screw
1195 0333 3220 00 2 Lock washer
1200 1622 3122 00 1 Panel cubicle
1210 0291 1110 00 1 Lock nut
1230 1622 6671 80 1 Cubicle door
1619 7705 00 • 2 Lock
1235 1622 3880 80 1 Document holder assembly
1240 1622 3133 80 1 Door 3)
1622 6655 00 • 1 Lock
1250 1622 3133 81 1 Door 3)
1622 6655 00 • 1 Lock
1260 1622 3131 80 1 Door 3)
1622 6655 00 • 1 Lock
1270 1622 3132 80 1 Door 3)
1622 6655 00 • 1 Lock
0690 1132 01 • 1 Decal
1280 1622 3121 80 1 Roof ass’y 3)
1290 0147 1963 08 10 Hexagon bolt
2010 1622 8559 00 1 Frame
2020 1079 9903 48 4 Decal
2030 1079 9922 39 2 Label
3010 1622 3153 80 1 Plate 3)
1503 1056 00 • AR Seal
3015 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt
3020 1621 0606 00 4 Hinge
3030 1621 0607 00 4 Pin
3040 0211 1965 60 1 Screw
3045 0333 3220 00 1 Lock washer
3050 1622 4616 00 1 Bracket
3060 0211 1965 60 2 Screw
3065 0333 3220 00 2 Lock washer
3070 1622 6658 00 1 Plate
3075 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon bolt
3080 1622 6658 10 1 Plate
3085 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon bolt
4010 1 Label
1622 4631 25 GA37+
1622 4631 26 GA37+ FF

2930 7085 50 101

Parts list


9820 9629 41-01ed00

102 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Bodywork 21
1622 4631 27 GA45+
1622 4631 28 GA45+ FF
1622 4631 29 GA55
1622 4631 30 GA55 FF
1622 4631 31 GA75
1622 4631 32 GA75 FF
4020 1622 8581 80 1 Panel
1613 9846 01 • 1 Decal
4050 1622 8500 00 1 Bracket

1-4) Lined with:

1) Foam: 0395 6001 64 (AR) 20 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)
2) Foam: 0395 6001 66 (AR) 25 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)
3) Foam: 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)
4) Foam: 0395 6006 69 (AR) 50 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 103

Parts list


9820 9421 02-01ed00

104 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Energy recovery system - GA 37+, GA 45+ 22

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
Energy recovery
8092 2888 62 7.5 bar(e)
8092 2888 62 8 bar(e)
8092 2888 62 10 bar(e)
8092 2888 70 13 bar(e)
8092 2888 62 100 psig
8092 2888 62 125 psig
8092 2888 62 150 psig
8092 2888 70 175 psig
1010 1622 5513 00 • 1 Pipe
1020 0661 1000 60 • 2 Seal
1025 0663 3130 00 • 6 O-ring
1030 0571 0036 01 • 6 Nipple
1040 0147 1326 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 0301 2335 00 • 8 Washer
1060 • 1 Thermostat
1622 5507 81 40°C
1622 5507 82 60°C
1070 1622 5519 00 • 1 Heat exchanger
1080 1622 5508 00 • 1 Frame
1090 1622 5529 00 • 1 Label
1100 0266 2110 00 • 2 Nut
1110 1622 5514 80 • 1 Pipe
1120 0564 0000 29 • 1 Tee
1130 0551 0000 67 • 1 Pipe
1140 0147 1344 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
1150 1089 0574 70 • 2 Temp. sensor
1160 0605 8700 51 • 2 Bushing
1170 0564 0000 64 • 1 Tee
2010 1622 5509 00 • 1 Support
2020 0298 1000 43 • 2 Blind riven nut
2030 0147 1963 08 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2040 1622 5510 00 • 1 Plate
2050 0147 1963 08 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2060 0551 0002 69 • 2 Pipe
2070 0560 0200 24 • 2 Elbow
2100 0574 9871 03 • 2 Hose assembly
2130 1079 9913 79 • 1 Inform.label
2140 1079 9913 69 • 1 Inform.label
2150 1622 0663 03 • 2 Cable Temp.sensor

2930 7085 50 105

Parts list


9820 9518 90-01ed00

106 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Energy recovery system - GA 55, GA 75 23

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
Energy recovery
8092 2888 88 7.5 bar(e)
8092 2888 88 8 bar(e)
8092 2888 88 10 bar(e)
8092 2888 96 13 bar(e)
8092 2888 88 100 psig
8092 2888 88 125 psig
8092 2888 88 150 psig
8092 2888 96 175 psig
1010 1622 5513 00 • 1 Pipe
1020 0661 1000 60 • 2 Seal
1025 0663 3130 00 • 6 O-ring
1030 0571 0036 01 • 6 Nipple
1040 0147 1326 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 0301 2335 00 • 8 Washer
1060 • 1 Thermostat
1622 5507 81 40°C
1622 5507 82 60°C
1070 1622 5520 00 • 1 Heat exchanger
1080 1622 5508 00 • 1 Frame
1090 1622 5529 00 • 1 Label
1100 0266 2110 00 • 2 Nut
1110 1622 5692 80 • 1 Pipe
1120 0147 1344 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
1130 1089 0574 70 • 2 Temp. sensor
1140 0605 8700 51 • 2 Bushing
1150 0564 0000 64 • 2 Tee
2010 1622 5509 00 • 1 Support
2020 0298 1000 43 • 2 Blind riven nut
2030 0147 1963 08 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2040 1622 5510 00 • 1 Plate
2050 0147 1963 08 • 4 Hexagon bolt
2060 0551 0002 69 • 2 Pipe
2070 0560 0200 24 • 2 Elbow
2100 0574 9871 03 • 2 Hose assembly
2130 1079 9913 79 • 1 Inform.label
2140 1079 9913 69 • 1 Inform.label
2150 1622 0663 03 • 2 Cable Temp.sensor

2930 7085 50 107

Parts list


9820 9421 02-01ed00

108 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Energy recovery system - Connections 24

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option 1)2)

Energy recovery
1020 0663 7137 00 • 2 O-ring
1050 1622 5938 00 • 1 Flange
1070 0211 1964 74 • 4 Cap screw
1080 1622 5506 00 • 2 Spacer
1090 0603 4100 42 • 1 Nipple
2010 0663 2113 37 • 1 O-ring
2020 0571 0036 15 • 1 Nipple
2030 0663 3130 00 • 1 O-ring
2040 0571 0036 01 • 1 Nipple

1-2) Part of
1) Energy recovery system - GA 37+, GA 45+
2) Energy recovery system - GA 55, GA 75

2930 7085 50 109

Parts list


9820 9589 00-01ed00

110 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Lifting device 25

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1 Frame assy

1079 9922 39 • 2 Label
1079 9903 48 • 4 Decal
1622 8560 00 • 1 Frame
1070 0211 1402 03 8 Cap screw
1280 1622 5574 80 1 Roof ass’y 3)
1290 0147 1963 08 10 Hexagon bolt
1510 0147 1632 03 6 Hex bolt
1520 1613 7394 03 1 Data plate
1530 0244 4184 00 4 Drive screw
1560 0371 1100 15 1 Lifting eye
2005 1622 5568 80 1 Beam 1)3)
2010 1622 5569 80 1 Beam 1)3)
2020 1622 5570 00 2 Beam
2025 1622 5571 00 1 Beam
2060 1622 5567 80 2 Beam 2)

1-3) Lined with

1) Foam: 0395 6001 64 (AR) 20 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)
2) Foam: 0395 6001 66 (AR) 25 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)
3) Foam: 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7085 50 111

Parts list


9820 9594 10-01ed01

112 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Rain protection 26

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 2829 56 Rain protection
1280 1622 5574 80 • 1 Roof ass’y
1290 0147 1963 08 • 10 Hexagon bolt
1300 1622 5069 00 • 1 Roof
1310 1619 2765 00 • 11 Screw
1320 1619 5188 00 • AR Seal
1330 1622 5070 00 • 1 Roof
1340 1619 2765 00 • 11 Screw
1350 1619 5188 00 • AR Seal
1360 1622 5068 00 • 1 Baffle
1370 1619 2765 00 • 10 Screw
1380 1619 5188 00 • AR Seal
1390 1622 6685 00 • 1 Baffle
1400 1619 2765 00 • 10 Screw
1410 1619 5188 00 • AR Seal
1420 1622 8582 80 • 1 Baffle
1430 0226 3256 00 • 3 Screw
1440 1619 5188 00 • AR Seal
1450 0697 9810 27 • 2 Plug
1460 0697 9809 22 • 2 Lock nut

2930 7085 50 113

Parts list


9820 9592 10-01ed00

114 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Full Feature - Air dryer bypass 27

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 2889 95 Dryer bypass
1010 1622 8592 00 • 1 Pipe
1020 0298 1000 43 • 2 Blind rivet nut
1030 0147 1325 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1040 0301 2335 00 • 2 Washer
1050 0852 0010 32 • 1 Ball valve
1060 0852 0010 19 • 1 Ball valve
1070 1089 0575 54 • 1 Press.transducer
1080 0663 7136 00 • 2 O-ring
1090 0663 7138 00 • 1 O-ring
1100 1622 8591 00 • 1 Pipe
1110 1622 8593 00 • 1 Pipe
1120 0571 0035 41 • 2 Fitting
1130 0661 1000 61 • 2 Seal
1140 0147 1366 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1150 0301 2344 00 • 4 Washer
1160 0266 2111 00 • 2 Nut

2930 7085 50 115

Parts list


9820 9539 10-01ed00

116 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Full Feature - DD Filter 28

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 2888 47 DD 120 Filter - ID 95
8092 2888 47 DD 120 Filter - ID 120
8092 2888 54 DD 175 Filter - ID 170
1010 • 1 Filter
1617 7203 00 DD 120
1617 7254 00 DD 175
1020 • - Not used
1030 • 1 Outlet pipe
1040 • - Not used
1050 0663 2104 75 • 2 O-ring
1060 0261 2110 00 • 2 Nut
1070 0215 0003 74 • 2 Screw
1080 • - Not used
1090 0147 1326 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1100 0301 2335 00 • 2 Washer
1110 1088 0031 54 • 1 Connector
2010 1617 7082 02 • 1 Coupling
2020 • - Not used
2030 0070 6002 03 • AR Tube
2040 • - Not used
2050 1622 4660 80 • 1 Wire assembly
2070 0581 0000 35 • 1 Coupling
2075 0581 1200 23 • 1 Elbow
2080 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2090 0581 0000 87 • 1 Pipe coupling
2110 1079 9912 28 • 1 Decal
2120 0698 5140 75 • 1 Cable gland
2130 0698 5148 09 • 1 Insert
2141 0698 5148 08 • 3 Blind plug
2150 0694 5285 13 • 4 Cable lug
3010 0070 6002 06 • AR Plastic tube
3020 0581 0000 53 • 1 Coupling
3030 0661 1000 39 • 1 Washer
3040 0564 0005 04 • 1 Tee
3050 0661 1000 39 • 1 Washer
3060 0581 0000 53 • 1 Coupling
3100 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer

2930 7085 50 117

Parts list


9820 9539 10-01ed00

118 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Full Feature - DD/PD Filter 29

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 2888 21 DD/PD 120 Filter - ID 95
8092 2888 21 DD/PD 120 Filter - ID 120
8092 2888 39 DD/PD 175 Filter - ID 170
1010 • 1 Filter
1617 7203 00 DD 120
1617 7254 00 DD 175
1020 • 1 Filter
1617 7162 00 PD 120
1617 7252 00 PD 175
1030 1622 4627 03 • 1 Outlet pipe
1040 0215 0003 74 • 2 Screw
1050 0663 2104 75 • 2 O-ring
1060 0261 2110 00 • 2 Nut
1070 0215 0003 74 • 2 Screw
1080 0663 2104 75 • 1 O-ring
1090 0147 1326 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1100 0301 2335 00 • 2 Washer
1110 1088 0031 54 • 2 Connector
2010 1617 7082 02 • 2 Coupling
2020 0581 1200 23 • 2 Elbow
2030 0070 6002 03 • AR Tube
2040 0581 2000 18 • 1 Tee
2050 1622 4660 80 • 2 Wire assembly
2070 0581 0000 35 • 1 Coupling
2075 0581 1200 23 • 1 Elbow
2080 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2090 0581 0000 87 • 1 Pipe coupling
2110 1079 9912 28 • 1 Decal
2120 0698 5140 75 • 1 Cable gland
2130 0698 5148 09 • 1 Insert
2141 0698 5148 08 • 3 Blind plug
2150 0694 5285 13 • 4 Cable lug
3010 0070 6002 06 • AR Plastic tube
3020 0581 0000 53 • 1 Coupling
3030 0661 1000 39 • 1 Washer
3040 0564 0005 04 • 1 Tee
3050 0661 1000 39 • 1 Washer
3060 0581 0000 53 • 1 Coupling
3100 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer

2930 7085 50 119

Parts list


9820 9629 42-01ed00

120 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Modulating control 30

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
Modulating control
8092 2837 98 7.5 bar(e)
8092 2837 98 10 bar(e)
8092 2837 98 13 bar(e)
8092 2838 06 100 psig
8092 2838 06 150 psig
8092 2838 06 175 psig
1010 1613 9583 00 • 1 Plate
1020 0147 1323 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1030 0301 2335 00 • 2 Washer
1040 0266 2110 00 • 2 Nut
1050 1513 0480 00 • 1 Pressure gauge
1055 0580 8402 00 • 1 Pipe coupling
1060 0070 6002 04 • AR Plastic tube
1070 0581 1200 16 • 1 Coupling
1080 0560 4400 85 • 1 Cross
1090 1503 2564 10 • 1 Nipple
1100 1613 6961 00 • 1 Regulator
1110 1619 5205 00 • 1 Nipple
1115 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
1120 0574 9911 01 • 1 Hose assembly
1130 1619 5205 00 • 1 Nipple
1135 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
1140 1613 7367 00 • 1 Connection
1145 0653 1100 00 • 1 Flat gasket
1150 0581 1200 26 • 1 Elbow
1160 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
1170 0581 2000 27 • 1 Tee
1190 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
1200 0581 1200 23 • 1 Elbow
1210 1503 2564 01 • 1 Nipple
1220 1079 5840 25 • 2 Nipple
1230 0574 9911 01 • 1 Hose assembly
1240 1088 0031 53 • 1 Connector
2010 • 1 Nozzle
1613 6968 05 7.5 bar(e)
1613 6968 05 10 bar(e)
1613 6968 06 13 bar(e)
1613 6968 05 100 psig
1613 6968 05 150 psig
1613 6968 06 175 psig
2020 • 1 Solenoid valve
1089 0621 09 7.5 bar(e)
1089 0621 09 10 bar(e)
1089 0621 09 13 bar(e)
1089 0621 02 100 psig
1089 0621 02 150 psig
1089 0621 02 175 psig
2030 1622 1295 01 • 1 Cable
2040 • 1 Solenoid valve
1089 0621 20 7.5 bar(e)
1089 0621 20 10 bar(e)

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Parts list


9820 9629 42-01ed00

122 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Modulating control 30

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 0621 20 13 bar(e)

1089 0621 19 100 psig
1089 0621 19 150 psig
1089 0621 19 175 psig
2050 1088 0150 53 • 1 Connector
2060 1088 1001 01 • 2 Warning mark
3020 0661 1000 40 • 1 Seal washer
3030 1079 5840 03 • 1 Nipple
3040 0574 9914 18 • 1 Hose assembly
3050 1079 5840 03 • 1 Nipple
3060 0661 1000 40 • 1 Seal washer
3070 0663 7150 00 • 1 O-ring
3080 0147 1363 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
3090 0301 2344 00 • 4 Washer
3100 1089 0574 12 • 1 Temp.sensor
3110 0989 4220 15 • 1 Grommet
4010 1613814485 • 1 Unloader
4020 0661 1000 40 • 1 Seal washer
4030 1079 5840 03 • 1 Nipple
4040 0574 9914 01 • 1 Hose assembly
4050 1079 5840 20 • 1 Nipple
4060 0661 1000 40 • 1 Seal washer
4070 0581 1200 23 • 1 Elbow coupling
4080 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
4090 0581 1200 23 • 1 Elbow coupling
4100 1613 6949 00 • 1 Adaptor
4110 1079 9903 83 • 1 Warning label

2930 7085 50 123

Parts list


9820 9629 45-01ed00

124 2930 7085 50

Parts list

Standard option - Water shut-off valve 31

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 2889 38 Water shut-off valve
1010 0017 2317 07 • AR Cable
1015 0694 5807 00 • 5 End socket
1020 0694 5285 13 • 1 Cable lug
1025 1900 2323 11 • 1 Module
1030 1089 0624 04 • 1 Solenoid valve
1035 0607 2900 17 • 2 Reducing socket

2930 7085 50 125

Parts list




































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Parts list




































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Parts list




































128 2930 7085 50

In order to be First in Mind-First in Choice® for all your quality

compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products

and services that help to increase your business’ efficiency

and profitability.

Atlas Copco's pursuit of innovation never ceases,

driven by our need for reliability and effeciency.

Always working with you, we are committed to providing

you the customized quality air solution that is the driving

force behind your business.

No. 2930 7085 50 / 2009 - 03 Printed in Belgium

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