TCIB2 Deploy R14

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The TCIB Deployment learning unit deals with the initial set up to be done with various

parameter files.

R14 1
This course deals with the files involved in TCIB deployment

R14 2
The learning Objectives of this course is as follows:
• Understanding the System Requirements
• The war files involved in TCIB Deployment
• edgeConnect IDE usage in TCIB
• Understanding Deployment Definition file
• Understanding T24 files involved in deployment

R14 3
System Requirements

R14 4
• 4 GB of RAM (Recommended: 8 GB of RAM for better performance)
• 1 GB of Java heap size (Recommended: 2 GB)
• Compatible Operating Systems:
• 32 or 64 bit OS from Windows family, MacOSX, Linux
• 64 bit OS from AIX
• A browser that supports SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to ensure a secure connection.
• TCIB is more user-friendly on browsers that support Java Script.

R14 5
Following are the prerequisites to deploy the TCIB - Retail pack:
• The required Model Bank version is 201403 or a later release.
• TCIB war Files
1) Retail.war - The TCIB Retail web application war file.
2) Corporate.war – The TCIB Corporate web application war file.
3) TCIBRetailWS.war – Web Services specific to Retail TCIB Model Bank.
4) TCIBCorporateWS.war – Web Services specific to Corporate TCIB Model Bank
5) TCIBCommonWS.war – Web Services shared among all TCIB products.
Note: All these war files must be copied into the Web server (JBoss) directory. (In the
model bank area the war files can be seen inside the <JBoss\server\default\all> ).
• Following are the T24 modules that are required for TCIB:
AA - Arrangement Architecture core module
AI - ARC Internet module
AP - ARC Proxy module
AD - Arrangement Deposits
AL - Arrangement Loans
EB - contains browser components
FT - Funds Transfer
DD - Direct Debits
AC - Account
BE - Business Events
OF - OFS Source
DE - Delivery
ST - Standard Tables

R14 6
NS – Non-stop Processing
T2 - contains all the common data records and routines for TCIB products
T3 - contains data records and routines pertaining to TCIB Retail
T4 - contains data records and routines pertaining to TCIB Corporate

R14 6
• Modules required for User Management
• AI – T24 Module for TCIB to get the product Line Internet Services
• AP – T24 module for Proxy Arrangements (Corporate / Intermediary) only
required if T24 is bought or a third party access will be required for Retail.
• The User Management as of now for TCIB uses the same mechanism as ARC-
IB i.e the number of users are being controlled through a setting in SPF
• Pre-requisites
• AA - Arrangement Architecture core for Internet Services & Intermediary to
create E-Banking access
• WS - T24 module for WebServices
• NS - NonStop processing will be required to allow 24h access to T24 even
when COB is running.
• Developer Version
• PW - Process Workflow. When the TCIB developer version is being sold we will
also need to license the PW module which is required to create new
WebServices from T24 PW.ACTIVITY & EB.SERVICE. Note: PW is not needed as
part of the TCIB functionality as such – It is purely used as a tool to export the
WebServices into the Eclipse plugin.
• Clients not using AA Loans and Deposits (AL / AD)
• LD - Loans and Deposits. The clients would further need to get a dedicated
version of TCIB which needs to be requested upfront.
• T2 - T24 module for TCIB Common components used across TCIB products
• T3 - T24 module for TCIB Retail

R14 7
• T4 – T24 module for TCIB Corporate
• Supporting Modules - AA-Arrangement Architecture, AC-Accounts, AD-
Arrangement Deposits, AL-Arrangement Lending, AR-Arrangement Accounts,
BE-Business Events, FT- Funds Transfer, DD-Direct Debits

R14 7
TCIB War files

R14 8
 The TCIB deployment comprises of two sets of war files in Retail and Corporate
and a common war file for both.
 TCIB Retail comprises of Retail.war, TCIBRetailWS.war, TCIBCommonWS.war.
 TCIB Corporate comprises of Corporate.war, TCIBCorporateWS.war,
 Retail / Corporate – contains the UI designing of Retail and Corporate Internet
Banking designed using edgeConnect IDE.
 TCIBRetailWS / TCIBCorporateWS – contains the T24 web services for Retail and
Corporate module.
 TCIBCommonWS contains the common T24 Web services for Retail and Corporate
module like Beneficiary, Customer Profile, secure message, alerts etc.

R14 9
edgeConnect Deployer

R14 10
• The Developer maintains the design of the TCIB application in a ‘Project File’. This is a
hierarchically structured file, stored using XML, which is maintained using various
Editors in the Developer IDE. No knowledge of XML is required. Some basic
knowledge of web technology such as HTML and CSS is useful. In practice, a web
application is usually divided into multiple modules known as ‘Components’ in
edgeConnect. Not all of the web application is stored in the Project File. There are
separate files for the style sheet and images. Template Files and other web resources
may also be used. The Developer IDE allows the user to do local testing without the
need to deploy the project to a server environment. Local testing uses the Jetty
servlet container which is embedded with the Developer program. The Developer
supports run-time analysis so that the dynamic behaviour of the application can be
• The Developer IDE works together with the “Enterprise Server” to support shared
development – i.e. many developers working on the same project. The Enterprise
Server runs as a NT service and ‘knows’ the structure of the project file. This allows
check-out and check-in of different elements within the project structure. In addition
to the project file, the ‘theme’ file may also be maintained in the enterprise server.
Other project files must be maintained using a standard source code control system.
• The Connect development environment also includes an ‘Administrator’ program
which allows an administrator user to add projects to the shared development
environment, branch and merge project variants, and authorise users with roles to
maintain appropriate aspects of the project.
• The Deployer program takes the project file(s) together with the other web resources
and combine them all into a WAR file (Web Archive) ready to be deployed into a

R14 11
servlet container such as Tomcat, WebSphere or JBoss.

R14 11
• The edgeConnect Developer is responsible for providing a single development
environment for developing the TCIB application’s forms and processes.
• It comprises of the process editor to add individual elements, data store editor for
data capture, presentation editor for look and feel, rules editor for dynamic behavior,
integration editor for integration with existing systems or third party solutions.

R14 12
• The Language Map Editor is a tool which is installed separately to the edgeConnect
• It is used to add or amend the required values in edgeConnect XML language maps.

R14 13
• The edgeConnect Deployer is responsible for deploying the components and
generating the war file for the solution project.
• The Library editor contains the collection of components involved in the solution
P.S. In order to get the components in the Library Editor of the solution project the dsf
files should have been created for each library project. Please refer to the edgeConnect
Deployment User Guide.

R14 14
• If any changes have been made to the ifp file like branding, new war files could be
generated by refreshing the components in the library editor of the Deployer of the
solution project.

R14 15
• The Global variables used across the project are defined inside the Deployer using the
Variable Editor.
• On generating the war files the dsf inside the WEB-INF folder of the war file contains
the information on global variables.

R14 16
• The edgeConnect Server stores the current version(s) of a Project or Theme and it’s
• The Administrator IDE is used purely for management of users and projects within an
Enterprise environment.
• The Enterprise Editor is only available within the Develper IDE when working on an
Enterprise project.

R14 17
Configure T24 applications for TCIB

R14 18
• TCIB Presentation Layer – WAR file built using edgeConnect
• TWS – Temenos Web Services
• T24 RA – JCA Resource Adapter
• T24 – Banking transaction server

R14 19
• The OFS.SOURCE record for Retail and Corporate module is displayed here.
• Both the OFS.SOURCE record should have the attributes TWS and
PREAUTHENTICATED set since TCIB communicates with T24 using TWS and the
attribute PREAUTHENTICATED allows the TCIB system to login using the static
password provided in dsf.
• The TCIB corporate OFS source enables Field level validation and the same is not set
in the TCIB Retail since SMS and AA services available in TCIB Common war file would
throw error if field level validation is enabled.

R14 20
• The t24-ds.xml holds the connection factory details for TCIB Retail and TCIB Corporate
war files. The JNDI specified here should be available in the jboss-web.xml file of the
TCIBRetailWS , TCIBCorporateWS and TCIBCommonWs files (services).
• The agents for the Retail and Corporate modules should be started in the port
specified in the t24-ds.xml file.

R14 21
The jboss-web.xml inside the WEB-INF folder of the services war file should reflect the
respective connection factory set in the t24-ds.xml file.

R14 22
The following configurations are required at JBoss level to support the deployment of
Retail and Corporate war files:
• The jboss-classloading.xml file has to be configured as shown in the screenshot for
Retail and Corporate war files.
• activation.jar, mail.jar, serialiser.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar has to be
removed from Retail and Corporate war files and servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar has to
be removed only from Corporate war file.
• The jvm argument –DelementAttribute Limit=100000 has to be set in run.conf.bat file
of JBoss.

R14 23
• The agent for TCIB Retail and Corporate should be started in the port number
specified in the t24-ds.xml file.
• The Retail.war, Corporate.war (GUI) as well as the TCIBRetailWS.war,
TCIBCorporateWS.war, TCIBCommonWS.war (services) files should have been
deployed in the JBoss server.

R14 24
• Once the required setup has been made the TCIB Retail and TCIB Corporate Banking
could be accessed as shown in the screenshot.

R14 25
1. Retail.war, TCIBRetailWS.war, TCIBCommonWS.war
2. dsf inside the WEB-INF folder of war file
3. False
4. b) Deployer

R14 26
R14 27

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