A Sample List of Questions That Can

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A SAMPLE LIST OF QUESTIONS THAT CAN BE FOUND IN THE DJVU FILE A butterfly is flying with velocity 10 i + 12 } mls and

wind is blowing along x axis with velocity u. Ifbutterfly starts motion from A and after some time reaches point B, find the value of u. y kx Find the change in velocity of the tip of the minute hand (radius = 10 cm) of a c10ck in45 minutes. A, B & C are three objects each moving with constant velocity. A's speed is 10 mlsec in a direction PQ . The velocity ofB relative to A is 6 mlsec at an angle of, cos- I (15/24) to PQ . The velocity orc relative to B is 12 mlsec in a direction QP , then find the magnitude of the velocity ofC. Rain is falling vertically with a speedof20 ms.] relative to air. A person isrunning in the rain with a velocity of 5 ms-] and a wind is also blowing with a speed of 15 ms- 1 (both towards east). Find the angle with the vertical at which the person should hold his umbrella so that he may not get drenched. The velocity-time graph of the particle moving along a straight line is shown. The _ rate of acceleation d decelertio is constant and it is equal to 5 ms- 2 . If the . r average velocIty dunng the motIOn IS 20 ms- 1 , then find the value oft. o t 25 see The fig. shows the v-t graph of a particle moving in straight line, Find the time when particle returns to the starting point. v 20 10

Q.7 A particle is projected in the X- Y plane. 2 sec after projection the velocity of the particle makes an angle 45 with the X - axis. 4 sec afterprojection, it moves horizontally. Findthe velocity of projection (use g = 10 ms- 2 ). Q.8 A small ball rolls off the top landing of a staircase. It strikes the mid point of the first step and then mid point of the second step. The steps are smooth & identical in height & width.Find the coefficient of restitution between the ball & the first step. Q.9 A stone is dropped from a height h . Simultaneously another stone is thrown up from the ground with such a velocity that it can reach a height of 4h. Find the time when two stones cross each other, . I , Q.10 A particle is projected upwards with a velocity of 1 00 mlsec at an angle of 60 with the vertical, Find the time when the particle will move perpendicular to its initial direction, taking g = 10 mlsec 2 . A large number of bullets are fIred in all direction with the same speed v. What is the maximum area on ground on which these bullets can spread? Q .13 A boat starts from rest from one end of a bank of a river of width d flowing with velocity u. The boat is steered with constant acceleration a in a direction perpendicular to the bank. If point of start is origin,

direction of bank is x axis and perpendicular to bank is y axis. Find the equation of trajectory of the boat. Q .14 A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff such that it strikes ground after 5 sec. The line of sight from the point of proj ection to the point ofhirting makes an angle on 7 with the horizontal. What is the initial velocity of projection. Q .15 A ball is proj ected on smooth inclined plane in direction perpendicular to line of greatest slope with velocity of8m1s. Find it's speed after 1 sec. Q .16 A glass wind screenwhose inclination with thevertical can be changed, is mounted on a cart as shown in fIgure. The cart moves uniformly along

the horizontal path with a speed of 6 mls. At what maximum angle a to the vertical can the wind screen be placed so that the rain drops falling vertically downwards with velocity 2 mis, do not enter the cart? Q.17 A particle is projected from point P with velocity 5.fi mls perpendicular

to the surface of a hollow right angle cone whose axis is vertical. It collides at Q normally. Find the time of the flight of the particle. Q .18 Find range of projectile on the inclined plane which is proj ected perpendicular to the incline plane with velocity 20mls as shown in fIgure. Q .19 AB and CD are two smooth parallel walls. A child rolls a ball along ground from A towards point P fInd PD so that ball reaches point B after striking the wall CD. Given coefficient ofrestitutione = 0.5 L 'k37 , , y x 'Sr" C P4i-X D J z A __l.5m_B Q .20 Initial acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line is a o and initial velocity is zero. The acceleration reduces continuously to half in every to seconds as a =. Find the terminal velocity of the particle. 2to Q.21 Find the acceleration of movable pulley P and block B if accelerationofblockA= 1 mls 2 A weightless inextensible ropeon a stationary wedge formingangle a with the

horizontal. One end of therope is fixed to the wall atpoint A. A small load is attached to the rope at point B. The wedge starts moving to the right with a constant acceleration. Determine the acceleration a] of the load when it is still on the wedge. Q.26 The horizontal range of a projectiles is R and the maximum height attained by it is H. A strong wind now begins to blow in the direction of motion of the projectile, giving it a constant horizontal acceleration = g/2. Under the same conditions of proj ection, find the horizontal range of the proj ectile. Q.27 COllSiderthe acceleration of a particle for a given time 't' at 'a' mls 2 followed immediately by retardation at the same rate of , a' rn/s 2 for time 't/2', as one cycle. If the particle started from rest, find the distance travelled by it after 'n' such cycles in succession. Q .28 A particle is thrown horizontally with relative velocity 10 mls from an inclined

plane, which is also moving with acceleration 10 mls 2 vertically upward. Find the time after which it lands on the plane (g = 10 mls 2 ) Block A of mass m and block B of mass 2m are placed on a fixed triangular wedge by means of a massless inextensible string and a fuctionless pulley as shown in the figure. The wedge is inclined at 45 to the horizontal on both sides. The eoetticient of friction between block A and the wedge is 2/3 and that between block B and the wedge is 1/3. Ifthe system of A and B

is released from rest, fmd (i) the acceleration of A, (ii) tension in the string, (iii) the magnitude and the direction of fuction acting on A. [JEE 1997] Q.3 A spring offorce constant k is cut into two pieces such that one piece such that one piece is double the length of the other. Then the long piece will have a force constant of (A) (2/3) k (B) (3/2) k (C) 3k (D) 6k [JEE 1999] Q.4 In the figure masses mp m 2

and Mare 20 kg,S kg and 50 kg respectively. The co-efficient of friction between M and ground is zero. The co-efficient of friction between m] and M and that between m 2 and ground is 0.3. The pulleys and the string are massless. The string is perfectly horizontalbetween p] and m] and alsobetween P 2 and m 2 ' The string is perfectly vertical between p] and P 2.An external horizontal force F is applied tothe mass M. Take g = 10 m/s 2 . Draw a free-body diagram for mass M, clearly showing all the forces. Let the magnitude of the force of friction between m] and M be f] and that between m 2 and ground be f 2 . For a particular F it is found that f] = 2 f 2 ; Find f] and f 2 . Write down equations of motion of all the masses. Find F, tension in the string and accelerations of the masses. [lEE 2000] The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and of negligible mass. For the system to remain in equilibrium, the angle 8 should be [JEE (Scr)


(A) 0 (B) 30

(C) 45 (D) 60 (a) (b) Q.5 Q Q.6 A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown in the figure. The foree on the pulley by the clamp is given [JEE (Scr) 2001] . (A) .fi Mg (B) .fi mg (C)(M+m)2 +m 2 g (D) (M+m)2 +M 2 g Q.7 A block of mass .J3 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface whose coefficient of fuction is 1/2.J3 minimum value of force F (shown in figure) for which the block starts to slide on the

surface. (g=l Omls 2 )

(A) 20 N (B) 20.J3 N

(C) 1O.J3 N (D) None of these

Two blocks A and B of equal masses are released from an inclined plane of inclination 45 at t = O. Both the blocks are initially at rest. The

coefficient of kinetic fuction between the block A and the inclined plane is 0.2 while it is 0.3 for block B. Initially, the block A is .fi m behind the block B. When and where their front faces will come in a line. The bob of a simple pendulum oflength I is released frompoint P. What is the angle made by the netacceleration of the bob withthe string at point Q. Q.2 A ball of mass 1 kg is released from position A inside a wedge with a hemispherical A SAMPLE LIST OF QUESTIONS THAT CAN BE FOUND IN THE DJVU FILE A butterfly is flying with velocity 10 i + 12 } mls and wind is blowing along x axis with velocity u. Ifbutterfly starts motion from A and after some time reaches point B, find the value of u. y kx Find the change in velocity of the tip of the minute hand (radius = 10 cm) of a c10ck in45 minutes. A, B & C are three objects each moving with constant velocity. A's speed is 10 mlsec in a direction PQ . The velocity ofB relative to A is 6 mlsec at an angle of, cos- I (15/24) to PQ . The velocity orc relative to B is 12 mlsec in a direction QP , then find the magnitude of the velocity ofC. Rain is falling vertically with a speedof20 ms.] relative to air. A person isrunning in the rain with a

velocity of 5 ms-] and a wind is also blowing with a speed of 15 ms- 1 (both towards east). Find the angle with the vertical at which the person should hold his umbrella so that he may not get drenched. The velocity-time graph of the particle moving along a straight line is shown. The _ rate of acceleation d decelertio is constant and it is equal to 5 ms- 2 . If the . r average velocIty dunng the motIOn IS 20 ms- 1 , then find the value oft. o t 25 see The fig. shows the v-t graph of a particle moving in straight line, Find the time when particle returns to the starting point. v 20 10 Q.7 A particle is projected in the X- Y plane. 2 sec after projection the velocity of the particle makes an angle 45 with the X - axis. 4 sec afterprojection, it moves horizontally. Findthe velocity of projection (use g = 10 ms- 2 ). Q.8 A small ball rolls off the top landing of a staircase. It strikes the mid point of the first step and then mid point of the second step. The steps are smooth & identical in height & width.Find the coefficient of restitution between the ball & the first step. Q.9 A stone is dropped from a height h . Simultaneously another stone is thrown up from the ground with such a velocity that it can reach a height of 4h. Find the time when two stones cross each other, . I ,

Q.10 A particle is projected upwards with a velocity of 1 00 mlsec at an angle of 60 with the vertical, Find the time when the particle will move perpendicular to its initial direction, taking g = 10 mlsec 2 . A large number of bullets are fIred in all direction with the same speed v. What is the maximum area on ground on which these bullets can spread? Q .13 A boat starts from rest from one end of a bank of a river of width d flowing with velocity u. The boat is steered with constant acceleration a in a direction perpendicular to the bank. If point of start is origin, direction of bank is x axis and perpendicular to bank is y axis. Find the equation of trajectory of the boat. Q .14 A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff such that it strikes ground after 5 sec. The line of sight from the point of proj ection to the point ofhirting makes an angle on 7 with the horizontal. What is the initial velocity of projection. Q .15 A ball is proj ected on smooth inclined plane in direction perpendicular

to line of greatest slope with velocity of8m1s. Find it's speed after 1 sec. Q .16 A glass wind screenwhose inclination with thevertical can be changed, is mounted on a cart as shown in fIgure. The cart moves uniformly along

the horizontal path with a speed of 6 mls. At what maximum angle a to the vertical can the wind screen be placed so that the rain drops falling vertically downwards with velocity 2 mis, do not enter the cart? Q.17 A particle is projected from point P with velocity 5.fi mls perpendicular to the surface of a hollow right angle cone whose axis is vertical. It collides at Q normally. Find the time of the flight of the particle. Q .18 Find range of projectile on the inclined plane which is proj ected perpendicular to the incline plane with velocity 20mls as shown in fIgure. Q .19 AB and CD are two smooth parallel walls. A child rolls a ball along ground from A towards point P fInd PD so that ball reaches point B after striking the wall CD. Given coefficient ofrestitutione = 0.5

L 'k37 , , y x 'Sr" C P4i-X D J z A __l.5m_B Q .20 Initial acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line is a o and initial velocity is zero. The acceleration reduces continuously to half in every to seconds as a =. Find the terminal velocity of the particle. 2to Q.21 Find the acceleration of movable pulley P and block B if accelerationofblockA= 1 mls 2 A weightless inextensible ropeon a stationary wedge formingangle a with the horizontal. One end of therope is fixed to the wall atpoint A. A small load is attached to the rope at point B. The wedge starts moving to the right with a constant acceleration. Determine the acceleration a] of the load when it is still on the wedge. Q.26 The horizontal range of a projectiles is R and the maximum height attained by it is H. A strong wind now begins to blow in the direction of motion of the projectile, giving it a constant horizontal acceleration = g/2. Under the same conditions of proj ection,

find the horizontal range of the proj ectile. Q.27 COllSiderthe acceleration of a particle for a given time 't' at 'a' mls 2 followed immediately by retardation at the same rate of , a' rn/s 2 for time 't/2', as one cycle. If the particle started from rest, find the distance travelled by it after 'n' such cycles in succession. Q .28 A particle is thrown horizontally with relative velocity 10 mls from an inclined plane, which is also moving with acceleration 10 mls 2 vertically upward. Find the time after which it lands on the plane (g = 10 mls 2 ) Block A of mass m and block B of mass 2m are placed on a fixed triangular wedge by means of a massless inextensible string and a fuctionless pulley as shown in the figure. The wedge is inclined at 45 to the horizontal on both sides. The eoetticient of friction between block A and the wedge is 2/3 and that between block B and the wedge is 1/3. Ifthe system of A and B

is released from rest, fmd (i) the acceleration of A, (ii) tension in the string, (iii) the magnitude and the direction of fuction acting on A. [JEE 1997] Q.3 A spring offorce constant k is cut into two pieces such that one piece such that one piece is double the length of the other. Then the long piece will have a force constant of (A) (2/3) k (B) (3/2) k (C) 3k (D) 6k [JEE 1999] Q.4 In the figure masses mp m 2 and Mare 20 kg,S kg and 50 kg respectively. The co-efficient of friction between M and ground is zero. The co-efficient of friction between m] and M and that between m 2 and ground is 0.3. The pulleys and the string are massless. The string is perfectly horizontalbetween p] and m] and alsobetween P 2 and m 2 ' The string is perfectly vertical between p] and P 2.An external horizontal force F is applied tothe mass M. Take g = 10 m/s 2 . Draw a free-body diagram for mass M, clearly showing all the forces. Let the magnitude of the force of friction between m] and M be f] and that between m 2 and ground

be f 2 . For a particular F it is found that f] = 2 f 2 ; Find f] and f 2 . Write down equations of motion of all the masses. Find F, tension in the string and accelerations of the masses. [lEE 2000] The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and of negligible mass. For the system to remain in equilibrium, the angle 8 should be [JEE (Scr)


(A) 0 (B) 30

(C) 45 (D) 60 (a) (b) Q.5 Q Q.6 A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown in the figure. The foree on the pulley by the clamp is given [JEE (Scr) 2001] . (A) .fi Mg (B) .fi mg (C)(M+m)2 +m 2 g (D) (M+m)2 +M 2 g Q.7 A block of mass .J3 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface whose coefficient

of fuction is 1/2.J3 minimum value of force F (shown in figure) for which the block starts to slide on the

surface. (g=l Omls 2 )

(A) 20 N (B) 20.J3 N

(C) 1O.J3 N (D) None of these

Two blocks A and B of equal masses are released from an inclined plane of inclination 45 at t = O. Both the blocks are initially at rest. The coefficient of kinetic fuction between the block A and the inclined plane is 0.2 while it is 0.3 for block B. Initially, the block A is .fi m behind the block B. When and where their front faces will come in a line. The bob of a simple pendulum oflength I is released frompoint P. What is the angle made by the netacceleration of the bob withthe string at point Q. Q.2 A ball of mass 1 kg is released from position A inside a wedge with a hemispherical

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