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A couple of weeks ago I heard on the news that Vietnam Airlines made its

first direct flight between Vietnam and the US. It flew nonstop from HCM
City to San Francisco and back. I was very happy when I read the news
because I’ve always wanted to fly nonstop to Vietnam. Whenever I go to
Vietnam or anyone here who goes to Vietnam, we have to make a stop
before reaching HCMC or Hanoi. Usually I fly on China Airlines so my flight
transits in Taiwan. The wait there can be a couple of hours to 6 or 8
hours. It’s exhausting. One time I flew on Philippines Airlines and I had to
wait 10 hours for my next flight to HCMC. I was exhausted when I got off
the plane. That’s why I’m very excited to know I can fly directly to
Vietnam starting next year. All of my relatives in the US are happy when
they heard the news. However, I’m not sure how much the tickets will be.
I heard the tickets will be more expensive. I hope they wont be a lot more
expensive. If they’re too expensive I will have to continue to fly on other

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