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1. Tia : Hi Tina. The history project will be submitted tomorrow, isn’t it?

Tina : Yeah, sure. But I have a problem in finishing my part. I guess I need some help.
Tia : Can I give you a hand?
Tina : Is that okay? I’ll be very thankful if you help me.
Tia : Of course. Meet me after school at school library.
Tina : Nice, see you then.
Tia : See you too.

2. Dad : So, where would we go this holiday?

Mom : Should we go abroad?
Doni : That’s awesome!
Dad : We should think about the destination first.
Doni : But holiday is coming very soon. I’m afraid that we have no time to surf the
internet and find the best place and its best deal too.
Mom : What about find a tour agent to get that information?
Dad : That’s nice.
Doni : I’ll be glad to help you find a tour agent. I will ask them to arrange the vacation
for us too. How about that?
Dad : That’s great Doni!

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