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Name : John Lee G.



Sub.-sect: RPHIST _BAF

TASK: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Who is Ambrosio Rianzares-Bautista? Give three significant facts about him.

- Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista, also known as Don Bosyong, was a lawyer and
author of the Declaration of Philippine

a. - In 1898 Bautista became the first vice president to President Emillio Aguinaldo and
subsequently wrote the Declaration Of Philippine Independence.

b. - He was also the one who read the declaration during the June 12, 1898 Independence
proclamation by General Aguinaldo in Kawit, Cavite.

c. - Bautista was born in Biñan, Laguna to Gregorio Enriquez Bautista and Silvestra

2. What does the document want to convey? (10 points)

- In my understanding, thedocument mainly tells the independency of the
Philippines. The Philippines is free from being under the control of other
country through the issuance of the document by Emilio Aguinaldo. It also
explained the symbol of the Philippine flag and how Filipinos are grateful for
America. In short or most important message it want to convey is that it
certifies the declaration of independence.

3. How did the Filipinos regard the United States of America based on the Document? (5 points)
What is your stand on this? Do you agree with the Filipinos the way they looked At the
Americans? (15 points)
- The colors of Blue, Red, and White, commemorating the flag of the United
States of America, as a manifestation of our profound gratitude towards this
Great Nation for its disinterested protection which it lent us and continues
lending us. I agree with this because they help Filipinos to set from the hands
of Spain. In that day. What important is we are free and it happened with the
help of Americans.
4. What is the importance of this document in the history of our country? (10 points)

- this document is very important because it is the This is what reminds us Filipinos of our independence
day from the hands of the conquering Spaniards. It also remind us the freedom we seek in a very long
time and many of Filipino lives was sacrificed just to fight and reclaimed our beloved land And with our
long sacrifices we became free, Free from the hands of the enslaving Spaniards.

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