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Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the data that were shown in the tables and graphs. The

data were analyzed, interpreted, and supported by related literature or studies.

PROBLEM 1: What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

age, sex, civil status, monthly income, and educational attainment?

Table 1.

Age of the Respondents.

Age Frequency Percentage

20 - 30 years old 12
31 - 40 years old 16
41 - 50 years old 13
51 – 60 years old 2
Total 43 100%

Graph here

Insights/Explanation of Results with supports

Table 2.

Sex of the respondents.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 7

Female 36

Total 43 100%

Graph here

Insights/ Explanation of results.

Table 3.

Civil Status of the Respondents.

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single Parent 12

Married 25

Separated 5

Widow 1

Total 43 100%
Graph here

Insights/Explanation of results

Table 4.

Monthly Income of the Respondents

Monthly Income Frequency Percentage

2000-5000 25

6000-10000 13

11000-15000 5

Total 43 100%

Graph here

Insights/Explanation on the Results

Table 5.

Respondents’ Highest Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

Elementary Level/Graduate 20

High School Level/Graduate 20

College Level/Graduate 3

Total 43 100%

Graph here

Insights/Explanation here

PROBLEM 2: What are the challenges encountered by the respondents in facilitating the

reading ability skill development of the learners?

Table 6.

Challenges encountered by the respondents in facilitating the reading ability skill

development of the learners.

Securing Modules/ Weighted Mean Remarks

Digital Modules
SMDM1: Students access to 3.33 Often

SMDM2: Information Dissemination. 3.77 Always

SMDM3: Learning Facilitator at 3.00 Often


SMDM4: Downloading Learning 2.94 Often

Materials Online using repository.
SMDM5: Availability of Digital 3.20
Learning materials
Average 3.25 Often
Note: 1.00-1.79 Never 2.60 -3.39 Often
1.80-2.59 Sometimes 3.40 -4.00 Always

4.00 3.77
3.00 2.94

Weighted Mean


Figure 4. Level of challenges encountered by learners in Distance Learning in

terms of Securing the modules/Digital Modules shows that the weighted mean average of
3.25 signifies that… (Support)
Table 5.

Challenges encountered by learners in Distance Learning in terms of Learning

Space at home.

Learning Space at Home Weighted Mean Remarks

LSAH1: Availability of learning space( 1.76 Never

library, vacant room for studying).

LSAH2: Do you have your own room. 1.60 Never

LSAH3: I have a conducive learning 1.76 Never

space at home.
LSAH4: Are you satisfied with your 1.81 Sometimes
learning space.
LSAH5: I am motivated in answering 1.82
my activity at home.
Average 1.76 Never
Note: 1.00-1.79 Never 2.60 -3.39 Often
1.80-2.59 Sometimes 3.40 -4.00 Always



Weighted Mean
2.00 1.76 1.76 1.81 1.81


Figure 5. Level of challenges encountered by learners in Distance Learning in

terms of Learning Space at home shows that the weighted mean average of 1.76 signifies
that… (Support)

Table 6.

Challenges encountered by learners in Distance Learning in terms of Learning

Facilitator at home.

Learning Facilitator at Home Weighted Mean Remarks

LFAH1: My parents/guardian facilitate 2.87 Often

my learning by providing gadgets

LFAH2: My parents/guardian facilitate 2.07 Often

my learning by providing digital
learning materials acting as my tutor.

LFAH3: My elder brother/sister or any 1.97 Sometimes

of the family members facilitate my
learning by providing inputs about the

LFAH4: My teacher facilitate me in 3.34 Often

answering my concerns through
messenger, facebook page and
google classroom.

LFAH5: Do you enjoy learning 3.10 Often


Average 2.67 Often

Note: 1.00-1.79 Never 2.60 -3.39 Often
1.80-2.59 Sometimes 3.40 -4.00 Always

3.00 2.87

2.07 Weighted Mean



Figure 6. Level of challenges encountered by learners in Distance Learning in

terms of Learning Facilitator at home shows that the weighted mean average of 2.67
signifies that… (Support)
PROBLEM 3: What is the academic performance of the learners in Distance

Table 7.

Distribution of academic performance of the learners in Distance Learning.

Range Performance Performance of

Cate gory Learners in Distance Learning
F %
90-100 Outstanding 27 39.00%
85-89 Very Satisfactory 15 21.00%
80-84 Satisfactory 15 21.00%
75- 79 Fairly Satisfactory 13 19.00%
60-74 Did Not Meet 0 0.00%
TOTAL 70 100.00%
Performance of Learners in Distance Learning
30.00 27.00
20.00 13.00 15.00 15.00
Oustanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fairly Satisfactory
Did Not Met Expectation

Figure 7. Distribution of performance of the learners in Distance Learning.

As shown in Table 7, it revealed that there are 13 out of 70 or 19% have fairly

satisfactory performance , 15 out of 70 or 21% have a Satisfactory performance, 15 out of

70 or 21% have a Very Satisfactory performance and 27 out of 70 or 39% have

Outstanding Performance in their Distance learning this signifies that… (support)

PROBLEM 4: Is there a significant relationship between demographic profile
and the academic performance of the learners?

Table 8.

Correlation between the demographic profile in terms of age and the academic
performance of the learners.
Demographic Profile Challenges Remarks

Age Pearson Correlation -.109 Not

Sig. ( 2-tailed) .489 Significant
N 43
Pearson Correlation .183 Not
Sig. (2-tailed) .241 Significant
N 43

Civil Status Pearson Correlation -.280 Not

Sig. (2-tailed) .069 Significant
N 43

Monthly Income Pearson Correlation -.041

Sig. (2-tailed) .796 Not
N 43 Significant

Educational Pearson Correlation -.062 Not

attainment Sig. (2-tailed) .694 Significant
N 43

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level ( 2-tailed)

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level ( 2-tailed)

Table 8 shows the correlation between the demographic profile in terms of age,

gender and family income. It reveals that there is a no significant relationship between the

demographic profile in terms of the learners age and the academic performance at .569

level of significance which is higher than the 0.05 level thus the null hypothesis, is

accepted …..

It also reveals that there is no significant relationship between the gender and the

academic performance of the learners at .089 level of significance which is higher than the

0.05 level thus the null hypothesis, is accepted …..

It also reveals that there is no significant relationship between the family income

and the academic performance of the learners at .179 level of significance which is higher

than the 0.05 level thus the null hypothesis, is accepted …..

PROBLEM 5. Is there a significant relationship between the challenges

encountered in Distance Learning and the academic performance of the learners

Table 9.

Correlation between the academic performance of the learners and the challenges
encountered in distance learning
Demographic Profile Parental Remarks

Age Pearson Correlation -.119 Not

Sig. ( 2-tailed) .448 Significant
N 43
Pearson Correlation .338
Sig. (2-tailed) .027 Significant
N 43
Civil Status
Pearson Correlation -.091 Not
Sig. (2-tailed) .563 Significant
N 43

Monthly Income
Pearson Correlation .348 Significant
Sig. (2-tailed) .022

Educational Pearson Correlation .600 Significant

attainment Sig. (2-tailed) .000

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level ( 2-tailed)

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level ( 2-tailed)

Table 9 shows the correlation between the academic performance of the learners

and the challenges they encountered in distance learning. It reveals that there is a

significant relationship between the academic performance and the challenges

encountered in terms of securing the modules at .000 level of significance which is lower

than the 0.05 level thus the null hypothesis, is rejected …..

It also reveals there is a significant relationship between the academic performance

and the challenges encountered in terms of learning facilitator at home at .265 level of

significance which is higher than the 0.05 level thus the null hypothesis, is accepted
Problem 7. Is there a significant relationship between socio-demographic profile in facilitating reading and reading

ability skills of the learners?

Reading Ability Skills Parental Remarks


Word Recognition Pearson Correlation .427

Sig. ( 2-tailed) .004 Significant
N 43
Pearson Correlation .312
Sig. (2-tailed) .042 Significant
N 43

Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
.599 Significant

PROBLEM 6: What action plan on Distance Learning Enhancement can

be formulated based on the findings of the study?

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