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Midterm Activity for the 2nd Semester Block 2:

Choose one Midterm activity that you will do and submit next Tuesday, March 6, 2022.


1. Formulate an evaluation tool for the recently concluded Psychology Days.

2. Conduct the evaluation to at least 5 Psychology students among the 1st year
and second year students.
3. Document their responses. Summarize their responses. 
4. What Psych concept or theory could back up their experience/s?
5. What Christian and/or Benedictine values was evident in their experience?


As a practicumer in the GIYA Wellness Center, the GIYA Personnel instructed you
to formulate a group dynamics activity for the Senior High School and/ or for the
College fourth year students. The topic is on Career Awareness activity. 


As a practicumer in a Guidance Center, the Guidance Advocate requested you to

formulate a one-week proposed program on Mental Health Awareness for students and
employees of the educational institution. Create the proposed program including the
letters, content of the activities on mental health, budget and evaluation tool.

God bless you all in choosing and working on your chosen Midterm activity. Again, submission will

be before or on March 6,  2023. Additional points will be given to those who will be able to submit
the Midterm activity before the  deadline. Thank you. That in all things God may be glorified.

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