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Control account book system.

1.0) The topic which has been selected, depending on the research,
will be introduced in this chapter. There was written a background on
the subject. The difficulty will come after the background. A
discussion that includes the main goal and research questions. An
overview of the whole study.
1.2 ) BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The purpose of implementing account book
controls in a firm is to make sure that all areas in an organization avoid scams
and other issues, and improve efficiency, accuracy, and compliance.
A control account book system is a bookkeeping ledger in which
accounting information is entered from journals and combined from
sub-ledgers like projects, fixed assets, accounts payable, and
accounts receivable. It's crucial to create a ledger since it acts as the
central record of all your financial transactions. You can manage your
budget better because it provides real-time reporting of income and
expenses. As early as 7000 BC, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Sumer, and
Assyria all had evidence of keeping financial records. The recording
of records for agricultural output in both the Roman Empire and
ancient Greece has been shown in archives. The origins of
contemporary bookkeeping, however, can be traced back to the 15th
century. For those who recorded the double-entry system, it is
appropriate that there are two entries in the history books. Some
people give Benedetto Cotrugli's work Of Commerce and the Perfect
Merchant, published in 1458, credit. However, many consider Luca
Pacioli, who published the Review of Arithmetic, Geometry, Ratio and
Proportion in 1494, to be the inventor of accounting. However, the
foundation of contemporary bookkeeping can be traced back to the
fifteenth century. And it's only fitting that the person who first
documented the double-entry method had two entries in history
books. A source often cited is Benedetto Cotrugli's work Of
Commerce and the Perfect Merchant from 1458. However, due to his
1494 book Review of Arithmetic, Geometry, Ratio, and Proportion,
Luca Pacioli is widely regarded as the founder of bookkeeping.
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.3.1 General objective

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1.3. 2. Specific Objective.
A. Detective Controls - designed to detect mistakes or issues after
the transaction has taken place.
B. Preventive Controls desire to reduce the risk of mistakes and
cheating before participants happen.
C. Corrective Controls- Examples of corrective controls include
fund flow reports and efficient group organizations.

1.2.3. Statement of the study:

What is known?
An account book is a bookkeeping ledger where accounting data are
aggregated from sub-ledgers like accounts payable, accounts
receivable, cash management, fixed assets, purchasing, and projects
and posted from journals.

What is unknown?
Some expenses are not recorded all through the accounting period
because they pass away over time as compared to being a result of
regular transactions. These expenses are once more reported at the
conclusion of the books of accounts. Asset value, rent, and
How and Why? The technology is used to generate financial
statements that display the outcomes of the period's commercial
1.4 Research questions
Introduction to Control account book system.
Q. 1: What exactly does bookkeeping involve? What will be the result? How
does it change from accounting, too? We look at it.
Q. 2: Understanding double-entry bookkeeping?
To use double bookkeeping, you enter two accounting transactions for
each kind of decision. Find out why.
Q. 3: What categories of bookkeepers exist?
Bookkeepers come in all shapes and sizes due to the diverse responsibilities
and skills they perform. You might not even be one of them.

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