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Presenter 1: Welcome, everyone! I’m ( ) and this is ( ), if you don’t already know. We’ve
made a presentation about “Our ideal school” and today we’re going to share it with you. A
school where students are judged by their learning and social skills and a place where
creativity is valued over test scores and numbers.

Presenter 2: Grades have long been the standard way of valuing student performance, but they
have many flaws. Grades are often subjective, and can be affected by factors outside of a
student's control. They also create a competitive, high-pressure environment that can be bad
for the student well-being.

Presenter 1: Most of the time, like it or not, grades are used as a measurement for intelligence
but often times they don’t give a complete picture. It can be bad for the student’s ability to learn
and use information. And for some reason teacher always say: “Don’t work in pairs etc.” but in
reality, that is not how the world works. If you surround yourself with a close circle of people
with similar ideas to yours it is way easier to accomplish them.

Presenter 2: In addition to that grades often discourage students and lower their self-esteem.
They stop them from taking risks and exploring new subjects because their minds are not
occupied by the thoughts about learning as they’re more concerned about getting good grades.

Presenter 1: Without grades, student learning would be evaluated using a variety of methods,
such as projects. The focus is on the student's growth and development, rather than their
performance on a single test.

Presenter 2: This approach can also help teachers to understand the student's progress and
what they need to focusing on.

Presenter 1: A school without grades would have many benefits. Students would be less
stressed and more motivated to learn. They would be encouraged to take risks, be creative,
and think critically.
Presenter 2: Teachers would be able to provide more personalized instruction and support, as
they would be able to focus on the student's individual learning needs, rather than on their


Presenter 1: Making a school without grades a reality takes effort and commitment. We need to
rethink our approach to education and prioritize student learning over test scores

Presenter 2: This change requires the support of everyone including teachers, parents, and
headteachers. Together, we can create an education system that values student’s growth and

Presenter 1: Thank you for your attention. We hope that this presentation has given you a
valuable information about how to change the education system.

Presenter 2: Let’s make it happen! Thank you again! We are open to any questions.

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