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Software Manual
Copyright © 2012 ADB Broadband S.p.A. All rights reserved. This document contains ADB proprietary and confidential
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whether wholly or in part, and no information contained herein may be used or disclosed to third parties unless under a
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All terms used in this document that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been noted as such. ADB cannot
attest to the accuracy of this information. Other product and corporate names used in this document that may be trade-
marks or service marks of other companies are used only for explanation and to the owner’s benefit, without intent to in-
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This publication is subject to change without notice. ADB reserves the right to make changes to equipment design and
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This publication is intended solely for informational and instructional purposes. Refer to the above as to its possible uses. It
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Manual Code HBK 123391

Epicentro Software Manual

WELCOME ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

ABOUT THIS GUIDE.............................................................................................................................................................. 1

CONVENTIONS.................................................................................................................................................................... 1
SETTING UP YOUR COMPUTER....................................................................................................................................................... 3

ETHERNET CONNECTION....................................................................................................................................................... 3
TCP/IP CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
ETHERNET CONNECTION >> TCP/IP PROTOCOL INSTALLATION.................................................................................................... 4
ETHERNET CONNECTION >> MS WINDOWS 98SE, ME, 2000 ................................................................................................... 5
ETHERNET CONNECTION >> MS WINDOWS XP ........................................................................................................................ 6
ETHERNET CONNECTION >> MS WINDOWS VISTA / WINDOWS 7 ........................................................................................... 8
DISABLE HTTP PROXY ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
OBTAIN IP SETTINGS FROM YOUR GATEWAY >> MS WINDOWS 98SE, ME, 2000 ......................................................................... 8
OBTAIN IP SETTINGS FROM YOUR GATEWAY >> MS WINDOWS XP / VISTA / 7 ............................................................................ 10
ETHERNET CONNECTION >> MAC OS 10.X .......................................................................................................................... 10
WI-FI CONNECTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
GATEWAY CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................. 15
CONFIGURATION WIZARD SECTION ............................................................................................................................................. 21
WIZARD PHASES ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
PHASE 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
PHASE 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
SETTINGS SECTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29
PHYSICAL INTERFACES ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
NETWORK CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 32
NETWORK CONNECTIONS >> IP INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................... 40
NETWORK CONNECTIONS >> ETHERNET LINK ........................................................................................................................ 43
NETWORK CONNECTIONS >> BRIDGE ................................................................................................................................... 44
NETWORK CONNECTIONS >> ETHERNET PORT ....................................................................................................................... 45
NETWORK CONNECTIONS >> ACCESS POINT.......................................................................................................................... 49
NETWORK CONNECTIONS >> WI-FI RADIO ........................................................................................................................... 54
NETWORK CONNECTIONS >> VLAN TERMINATION ................................................................................................................ 58
DHCP SERVER AND RELAY.................................................................................................................................................. 60
DNS CLIENT, RELAY AND HOSTNAMES .................................................................................................................................. 63
ROUTING & QOS .............................................................................................................................................................. 66
ALG ............................................................................................................................................................................... 75
PORT MAPPING ................................................................................................................................................................ 77
PROXIES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 79
VPN .............................................................................................................................................................................. 82
DATE/TIME ..................................................................................................................................................................... 86
MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................. 86

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HBK 123391 i
Epicentro Software Manual

VOIP LINES...................................................................................................................................................................... 94
STORAGE SECTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 99
SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 100
STORAGE DEVICES........................................................................................................................................................... 100
NETWORK FILE SHARING .................................................................................................................................................. 104
FTP SERVER................................................................................................................................................................. 104
DLNA MEDIA SHARING ................................................................................................................................................... 105
HOME NETWORK SECTION......................................................................................................................................................... 107
NETWORK VIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 107
THE WAN LEVEL ............................................................................................................................................................ 108
THE FIREWALL LEVEL........................................................................................................................................................ 108
THE PORTS, WIRELESS AND WIRED LAN INTERFACES LEVEL .................................................................................................... 109
THE DEVICE LEVEL ........................................................................................................................................................... 109
SECURITY SECTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 111

FIREWALL ................................................................................................................................................................... 113

DMZ............................................................................................................................................................................ 114
PARENTAL CONTROL .................................................................................................................................................. 115
CAPTIVE PORTAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 116
SYSTEM SECTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 117
LOGGING....................................................................................................................................................................... 118
REBOOT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 120
FACTORY RESET .............................................................................................................................................................. 120
BACKUP CONF. FILE......................................................................................................................................................... 121
LOAD CONF. FILE ............................................................................................................................................................ 122
FIRMWARE UPGRADE ...................................................................................................................................................... 122
PRINTERS SECTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 125

SETTINGS....................................................................................................................................................................... 126
SETTINGS >> PRINT SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................... 127
SETTINGS >> PRINT SERVERS............................................................................................................................................. 128
DIAGNOSTICS SECTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 129

PING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 131

TRACEROUTE.................................................................................................................................................................. 132
WI-FI SECTION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 135

WI-FI PANEL.................................................................................................................................................................. 135

APPLICATIONS SECTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 137

LINUX ........................................................................................................................................................................... 138

OSGI............................................................................................................................................................................ 139
G LO SS ARY ............................................................................................................................................................................ 141

© (2012) ADB Broadband S.p.A. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary Use Pursuant to Cover Page Instructions.

ii HBK 123391


This guide describes how to configure and manage the Epicentro Software.
This guide is intended for use by those responsible for installing and setting up
the LAN and WAN network configuration; consequently, it assumes a basic
working knowledge of LANs (Local Area Networks) and Internet Routers.
As the software is accessed according to different user’s profile, menu’s availa-
bility depends on configured access level. Additionally since this Software Man-
ual is meant to provide guidance for different ADB’s Gateways please note that
some of the features described could not be available on your specific gateway

Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.

TABLE 1. Notice Icons

Icon Notice Type Description

Information note Information that describes important features or in-

Caution Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or

potential damage to an application, system, or device.

© (2012) ADB Broadband S.p.A. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary Use Pursuant to Cover Page Instructions.

Welcome HBK 123391 1

Epicentro Software Manual

TABLE 1. Notice Icons

Icon Notice Type Description

Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal injury.

TABLE 2. Text Conventions

Convention Description

The words “enter” and “type” When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press Return
or Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”

Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key
names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del

Words in italics Italics are used to:

 Emphasize a point.
 Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the
 Identify menu names, menu commands, and software but-
ton names. Examples: “From the Help menu, select Con-
tents. Click OK.”

© (2012) ADB Broadband S.p.A. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary Use Pursuant to Cover Page Instructions.

2 HBK 123391 Welcome

Setting Up Your

Setting Up Your Computer

This chapter will guide you through a step by step configuration of your

The Gateway has the ability to dynamically allocate network addresses to the
computers on your network using DHCP. However, your computers need to be
configured correctly for this to take place. To change the configuration of your
computers to allow this, follow the instructions in this chapter.

You have to verify the existence of a TCP/IP protocol stack and, then, according
to your Operating System, to establish an Ethernet connection to the Gateway.
This connection will require you to enable your computer to receive from the
Gateway its own IP Address automatically: in such a case, the Gateway acts
like the DHCP server in your local network.

To access the Internet through the Gateway, you must configure the network
settings of the computers on your LAN to use the same IP subnet as Gateway.
The default IP settings for the Gateway are:



These settings can be changed to fit your network requirements, but you must
first configure at least one computer to access the Gateway's web configuration
interface in order to make the required changes.

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Setting Up Your Computer HBK 123391 3

Epicentro Software Manual

This procedure requires the TCP/IP protocol installed on your computer. Refer
to the following paragraph and to your Windows and MacOS operating systems

Microsoft Windows 98SE, ME, 2000

1. Insert your Windows installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive

2. Starting from Start -> Settings -> Control Panel or Start -> Control Panel de-
pending on the configuration of your computer.
3. Make a double click on the Network and Dial-up Connections icon.
4. Select the interested Network Adapter icon and from the contextual menu, do
select the Properties item.
5. If the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component is not checked you must enable
it by checking the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item; otherwise, if it is not listed,
you must install it by selecting the Install... button.
6. Choose the Protocol Network component and click on the Add.. button.
7. In the Select Network Protocol panel, do choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
and the OK button.
8. After rebooting, you're ready to configure the TCP/IP setting, as described in
the following paragraphs.

Microsoft Windows XP

TCP/IP stack is considered a core component of the operating system, so it

cannot be installed or uninstalled. You must check in this case that Internet Pro-
tocol (TCP/IP) is enabled. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Starting from Start -> Settings -> Control Panel or Start -> Control Panel de-
pending on the configuration of your computer.
2. Make a double click on the Network Connections icon.
3. Select the Network Adapter icon and from the contextual menu, do select the
Properties item.
4. In the General TAB panel, verify that Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item is
checked; if not, do check it and click on the OK button.

Microsoft Windows Vista / Windows 7

TCP/IP stack is considered a core component of the operating system, so it
cannot be installed or uninstalled. You must check in this case that Internet Pro-
tocol (TCP/IP) is enabled. To do so, follow these steps:

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4 HBK 123391 Setting Up Your Computer

Epicentro Software Manual

1. Starting from Start -> Control Panel -> Network & Internet -> Network Con-
nections depending on the configuration of your computer.
2. Select the Network Adapter icon and from the contextual menu, do select the
Properties item.
3. In the General TAB panel, verify that Internet Protocol v4 (TCP/IPv4) item is
checked; if not, do check it and click on the OK button.

Apple MacOS 10.x

TCP/IP is installed on a MacOS system as part of Open Transport.

To configure TCP/IP on these Operating Systems follow these steps:

1. Select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel and make a double click on the Net-
work and Dial-up Connection icon.
2. Select the adapter card interested by TCP/IP configuration and then select
the Properties item from its contextual menu.
3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item then click on Properties button.

FIGURE 2. Local Area Connection Properties

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Setting Up Your Computer HBK 123391 5

Epicentro Software Manual

4. Select the General TAB panel, then check the Obtain an IP address auto-
matically and Obtain DNS server address automatically radio buttons. Click
on OK button.

FIGURE 3. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

5. A system reboot will be required to make the changes real.


To configure TCP/IP on MS Windows XP Operating System follow these steps:

1. Select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel and make a double click on the Net-
work Connections icon.
2. Select the adapter card interested by TCP/IP configuration.
3. Select the Properties item from the contextual Adapter Card menu.
4. Select in the General TAB panel, the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item and then
click on Properties button.

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6 HBK 123391 Setting Up Your Computer

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 4. Local Area Connection Properties

5. In the General TAB panel, check the Obtain an IP address automatically radio
button and the Obtain DNS server address automatically radio button. Click
on OK button.

FIGURE 5. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

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Setting Up Your Computer HBK 123391 7

Epicentro Software Manual

To configure TCP/IP on MS Windows Vista / Windows 7 Operating Systems fol-
low these steps:

1. Select Start -> Control Panel -> Network & Internet and make a double click
on the Network Connections icon.
2. Select the adapter card interested by TCP/IP configuration.
3. Select the Properties item from the contextual Adapter Card menu.
4. Select in the General TAB panel, the Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4) item and
then click on Properties button.
5. In the General TAB panel, check the Obtain an IP address automatically radio
button and the Obtain DNS server address automatically radio button. Click
on OK button.


You need to verify that the “HTTP proxy” feature of your web browser is disa-
bled. This is required in order that your browser can view the Gateway’s HTML
configuration pages.


Now that you’ve configured your computer to connect to your Gateway, it needs
to obtain new network settings. By releasing old DHCP IP settings and renew-
ing them with settings from your Gateway, you can verify that you’ve configured
your computer correctly.
1. On the Windows desktop, select the Start > Programs > Accessories >
Command Prompt menu item
2. In the Command prompt window, type “ipconfig/release” and press the EN-
TER key

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8 HBK 123391 Setting Up Your Computer

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FIGURE 6. Command Prompt (IPCONFIG command)

3. Type “ipconfig/renew” and press the ENTER key. Verify that your IP Address
is now, your Subnet Mask is and your Default
Gateway is These values confirm that your ADSL Gateway is

FIGURE 7. Command Prompt (IPCONFIG command)

4. Close the Command Prompt window

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Setting Up Your Computer HBK 123391 9

Epicentro Software Manual


Now that you’ve configured your computer to connect to your Gateway, it needs
to obtain new network settings. By releasing old DHCP IP settings and renew-
ing them with settings from your Gateway, you can verify that you’ve configured
your computer correctly.
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command
Prompt menu item
2. In the Command prompt window, type “ipconfig/release” and press the EN-
TER key
3. Type “ipconfig/renew” and press the ENTER key. Verify that your IP Address
is now, your Subnet Mask is and your Default
Gateway is These values confirm that your ADSL Gateway is
4. Close the Command Prompt window

>> MAC OS 10.X
To configure TCP/IP on MAC OS 10.x follow these steps:
1. Open the Apple Menu > System Preferences and select Network.
2. From the Show drop down list, according to the type of connection used, se-
lect Built-in Ethernet.
3. Select the TCP/IP tab.
4. Select DHCP from the Configure pop-up menu to have a dynamic IP ad-
dress. Click Apply Now.
5. Click on the Register button to save the changes in the Control Panel.
6. Enter in the address bar of your browser to open the
Gateway Home Page.

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10 HBK 123391 Setting Up Your Computer

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 8. Network panel on MAC OS 10.x


It requires a computer with 802.11b/g/n (Wi-Fi Certified) wireless adapter installed.

1. Install your wireless adapter according to the manufacturer’s instructions and

verify that your computer is set to obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP
2. Upon wireless adapter installation and driver setup, please check in the
Network Connections panel – accessible through your OS Control Panel –
that the Wireless Network Connection is enabled. If not, enable it by right
clicking on the Wireless Network Connection item and by selecting “Enable”.
3. In case of an hardware wireless switch, please check that it is set to ON.
Usually a steady lighted or flashing led will notify you the wireless connection
up. Please consult your PC or notebook manual to get information on proper
hardware switching and related led behavior.

You will need to properly configure your adapter to communicate with the Gateway according to the
configuration rules.

4. An icon will be shown in the quick tray icon bar at the bottom of your screen
to notify you the current wireless connection state (see Figure 9).

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Setting Up Your Computer HBK 123391 11

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 9. Wireless connection icon (Windows XP)

5. By double clicking on the wireless icon, a panel will appear showing you all
available wireless network

FIGURE 10. Wireless network connection panel (Windows XP)

6. Double click on the SSID of the Gateway in the Access Points list
7. A panel (see Figure 11) will appear asking you to insert the wireless key.

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12 HBK 123391 Setting Up Your Computer

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 11. Wireless network connection key input (Windows XP)

FIGURE 12. Epicentro® Software Home Page

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14 HBK 123391 Setting Up Your Computer


The Epicentro Software is web based, which means that it is accessed
through your web browser.

Gateway Configuration
To access to Gateway’s web server:
1. Launch your web browser on the computer
2. Enter the following URL in the location or address field of your browser:
The Gateway comes with a default IP address ( If you change it, please take note of the
new Gateway’s IP address, otherwise a “Reset” operation should be done to be able to access again
to the Gateway.

Access to Epicentro Software configuration pages is controlled through ac-
counts being the administrator the profile with unrestricted access to change
and view configuration of the Gateway.

The username (ID) and password are set to “admin“ for the administrator account. It is recommended
to change this default value. Make sure you remember your user name and password, since this is the
only way you will be able to manage your Gateway.

You will be asked to insert a User Name (namely one of the above User values)
and a Password: insert them to access to Gateway’s configuration panels.

At the login, the Home page will be opened as shown in Figure 1.

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Gateway Configuration HBK 123391 15

Epicentro Software Manual

The Home page contains a Device Summary on the left - available while brows-
ing the Home Page – and a Services’ items area in the Dashboard body.

FIGURE 1. Gateway’s Home Page

The Services’ area has the following main items:

1. Configuration Wizard: to quickly perform the first configuration steps
2. Settings: to set up all basic and advanced parameters:
a. Physical Interfaces
b. Network Connections
c. DHCP Server and Relay
d. DNS Client and Relay
e. Routing QoS
f. ALG
g. Port Mapping
h. Proxies
i. VPN Servers (optional)
j. Date / Time
k. Management
l. VoIP Lines
m. IPv6

3. Storage: to configure and manage available Storage Services settings

a. Network File Sharing
b. DLNA Media Sharing (optional)

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16 HBK 123391 Gateway Configuration

Epicentro Software Manual

4. Home Network: to have a quick LAN & WAN overview with shortcut buttons
to related network objects’ settings

5. Applications: [optional] this add-on package to install/delete and configure

Linux and OSGi applications can be optionally included in SW distributions
providing OSGi support.

6. System: to manage software and firmware update, to access to logs details,

to execute backup and restore jobs
a. Logging
b. Reboot
c. Factory Reset
d. Backup Configuration File
e. Load Configuration File
f. Firmware Upgrade

7. Printers: to add/remove compatible printers and related spoolers

a. Settings

8. Diagnostics: to launch basic diagnostic tools

a. Ping
b. Traceroute
9. Security: to set Security features and captive portal
a. Firewall
b. DMZ
c. Parental Control
d. Captive Portal
10. Wi-Fi: to configure Wi-Fi settings

Services’ GUI navigation is reached through an icon based technique: in case

of inner icon menus, a “(+)” symbol is shown in the right bottom side of the
main icon and – with a tooltip style behavior – when the mouse rolls on them
a graphical icon sub menu is shown.
A Close button (shown as a “X” symbol) at the top right of the sub menu allows
you to close the icons’ tooltip panel.

Navigation functionality is always available by means of the navigation bar that

allows users, with the “seed” method, to move through the menu items.

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Gateway Configuration HBK 123391 17

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 2. Navigation Bar

In the right side of the navigation bar the logged user profile and a Logout but-
ton are always available.

Two more buttons are available in the top right of the Dashboard: “Basic Mode”
and “Advanced Mode”. GUI functionalities can be configured to belong to
the Basic or to the Advanced Modes. When a user is logged in, according to
its related rights, he will access to its own User Interface.

FIGURE 3. Basic and Advanced Mode Buttons

On the Dashboard, the Device Summary area sums up all needed information
on the Gateway state and Services:

1. Firmware Version
2. Platform Version
3. Hardware Version
4. Uptime
5. Internet Connection
a. Type
6. DSL Line
a. Upstream
b. Downstream
7. Wi-Fi
a. Name (SSID)
b. Security
8. LAN IP Address
a. DHCP Server
b. Min address
c. Max Address
9. Ethernet Ports
10. Voice Lines

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18 HBK 123391 Gateway Configuration

Epicentro Software Manual

All above information is shortly shown to get immediate information. For in-
stance, in the Ethernet Ports field the four Fast Ethernet ports on LAN side
and one GbE port on WAN side are shown: in case of a present connection,
its related port number is lighted green, otherwise they are grey colored.
DSL line information, if active, shows both Upstream and Downstream data,
otherwise a red “Down” string is displayed.

FIGURE 4. Device Summary Area

In the Device Summary Area, all sections whose contents can be directly modi-
fied (namely these items are shortcuts to the related Settings sections), are rep-
resented with a symbol.

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Gateway Configuration HBK 123391 19

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20 HBK 123391 Gateway Configuration

Wizard Section

Configuration Wizard Section

This chapter will describe the Configuration Wizard Section accessible from
the Home of the Epicentro Software Web main page upon user authentica-
tion to the Gateway.
Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

The Configuration wizard, if no existing configuration is already present, in two
simple phases allows you to configure the basic settings of the Access Gateway
from WAN and LAN Wireless side.

The first panel (see Figure 1) summarize the phases with a short description:
Phase 1 – WAN connection Configuration
Phase 2 – Wi-Fi access point parameters Configuration

Press Next to Start the Phase 1 (see Figure 2).

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Configuration Wizard Section HBK 123391 21

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 1. Configuration Wizard – Start

Phase 1 starts configuring the default WAN connection.

Please consider that if a WAN connection is already present in the Internet Ser-
vice Configuration the wizard will delete the default route WAN connection.
In this case it will appear this warning message:

WARNING! A default route WAN connection is already present in the current

Internet Service configuration.
If you click "Next", the "Configuration Wizard" will delete the current default
route WAN connection before start the wizard "New WAN Connection".

Please press the Next button to create a new default WAN connection (thus de-
leting existing ones) or Cancel to abort this wizard step.
The Skip button allows you to skip this Phase for a later configuration.

FIGURE 2. Configuration Wizard – Phase 1 - WAN

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22 HBK 123391 Configuration Wizard Section

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FIGURE 3. Configuration Wizard – New WAN - Step #1

The first step allows you to choose the physical WAN interface where you want
to add a new internet connection.

In case of DSL link type (see Figure 4), you will be asked to choose:
- DSL Link type
- DSL channel

In case of WAN Ethernet Link type (see Figure 6), you will be asked to choose:
- IP Encapsulation
- VLAN Termination

FIGURE 4. Configuration Wizard – New WAN - Step #2

In case of DSL Link type selection (see Figure 5), it will be asked to insert:
- a new ATM link (or to choose between existing ones)
- ATM link settings (link type, VPI/VCI, Connection Encapsulation)

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Configuration Wizard Section HBK 123391 23

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 5. Configuration Wizard – Step #3

Ethernet layer settings parameters will be asked (see Figure 6) in DSL link
case. Please proceed by defining IP encapsulation and VLAN termination.

FIGURE 6. Configuration Wizard – Step #4

IP Interface settings for the new Internet connection are to be set (see Figure
7). Please select the following radio buttons to enable/disable:
- IPv4 automatic address
- Default route setup
- Static DNS Servers

Please press the Next button to proceed.

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24 HBK 123391 Configuration Wizard Section

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FIGURE 7. Configuration Wizard – Step #5

A summary page (see Figure 8) is shown allowing you to set the new WAN
Connection friendly name and to enable/disable it.
Please press the Apply button to close this first phase and to begin the second

FIGURE 8. Configuration Wizard – Step #6

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Configuration Wizard Section HBK 123391 25

Epicentro Software Manual

The second phase wizard screen (see Figure 9) allows you to configure the Wi-
Fi connection parameters.
Please press the Next button to start this phase.

FIGURE 9. Configuration Wizard – Phase 2 - WiFi

If an existing Wi-Fi Access Point is already configured and enabled a warning

message will inform you: you should keep the existing configuration by choos-
ing the Skip button or to proceed creating a new replacing Wi-Fi configuration
by means of the Next button.

Wi-Fi connection can be setup (see Figure 10) by specifying the following pa-
- Enable/Disable AP
- SSID name
- Enable/Disable SSID broadcast
- Enable/Disable WPS
- Security mode
- Encryption mode
- WPA passphrase

Press the Apply button to confirm and apply these data settings.

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26 HBK 123391 Configuration Wizard Section

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 10. Configuration Wizard – WiFi Parameters

Once upon the completion of the second phase, Figure 11 will summarize the
successful configuration wizard ending. Please press the Close button to exit

FIGURE 11. Local Area Connection Properties

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28 HBK 123391 Configuration Wizard Section

Settings Section

This chapter will describe the Settings Section accessible from the Home of
the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user authentication to
the Gateway.

Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

This Section allows you to setup all LAN and WAN interfaces as well as to de-

Settings Section
fine all your Gateway’s settings.

By rolling your mouse on the Settings icon, a tooltip style panel will be pop up
showing a preview of the sub menu’s (see Figure 1). It is possible to access the
Settings functionality by pressing the icons shown in the tooltip. The Settings
functionality can also be accessed by clicking directly on the Settings icon from
the Home menu.

Each icon shown in the panel will be described in a dedicated paragraph.

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FIGURE 1. Sub menu icons’ Panel

A more schematic representation of the tree menu’s dependencies is shown in

Figure 2.

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30 HBK 123391 Settings Section

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FIGURE 2. Settings’ menu icons’ Tree




















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The Physical Interfaces panel (see Figure 3), accessible through Settings
item selection, is a shortcut to the Network Connections item (see next para-
graph) listing all configurable physical interfaces between DSL line, Ethernet
ports and Wi-Fi interface.

All active physical interfaces are pointed out with a green font.

By clicking on a selected interface you will quickly access to the related Network
Connection settings’ page.
FIGURE 3. Physical Interfaces Panel


The Network Connections panel (see Figure 4), accessible through Settings
item selection, lists all configured IP connections with a set of information and
configuration fields:
 Label (static)
 Detailed View of IP Interface Layers (button)
 IP connection Description
 Status (Up/Down/Not Connected)
 Physical Interface in use
 Remove (button)

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FIGURE 4. Network Connections Panel

On the same panel it will be possible to create a New WAN Connection, a

New LAN Interface or a New VPN Client by clicking on their related buttons.

For the New WAN Connection please see the Phase 1 steps described in the
Configuration Wizard chapter.

The New LAN Connection will allow you to add a new connection by choos-
ing the physical interface between 5 Ethernet and 4 Wi-Fi interfaces and by
choosing to bridge the selected one with other interfaces (see Figure 5).

FIGURE 5. New LAN Panel – step #1

By choosing the IPv4 connection settings (see Figure 6).

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FIGURE 6. New LAN Panel – step #2

By enabling/disabling IPv6 feature settings (see Figure 7).

FIGURE 7. New LAN Panel – step #3

And by giving to the newly created interface a friendly name (see Figure 8).

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FIGURE 8. New LAN Panel – step #4

The New VPN Client will allow you to add a new VPN connection on an exist-
ing WAN connection (see Figure 9). Please choose VPN Client type and ap-
plicable WAN Interface and press the Next button to proceed to the second

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FIGURE 9. New VPN Panel – step #1

The second step (see Figure 10) is to set IP Address, PPTP authentication
parameters (Protocol, Username and Password) and connection (auto dis-
connect) settings. Press the Next button to proceed to the third step.

FIGURE 10. New VPN Panel – step #2

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The third step (see Figure 11) is to set a friendly name for the new VPN con-
Please press the Apply button to confirm the VPN creation.

FIGURE 11. New VPN Panel – step #3

Each existing IP Interface can be set by clicking on its description field. Ac-
cording to the IP interface type, several panels can be available for proper in-
terface settings modification.

Figure 12a displays a hierarchical map of all available sub menu items and re-
lated configuration folders under the IP Interface menu item for a more easy
menu navigation.

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FIGURE 12a. IP Interface hierarchy map Panel



DHCPv4 Client















The IP Interface settings’ browsing is made starting from higher network lay-
ers in a top-down approach.

For each Network Layer one or more configuration panels may be available,
according to the top IP interface to be configured and to the services to be set.

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FIGURE 12b. IP Interface hierarchy map Panel

As example Figure 12b highlights a hierarchical menu submap related to the

navigation in case of DSL configuration in the WAN side.

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The IP Interface panel description can be reached by choosing a Network Con-

nection in the Network Connection Panel in the description column.

IP Interface Settings panel (see Figure 13) allows you:

 To assign an interface label
 To enable/disable the LAN Bridge functionality. LAN Bridge only re-
transmits packets that need passing from a LAN to another one, sepa-
rating local traffic from LANs that are being interconnected.
 To check its current status (Up/Down)
 To Enable or disable NAT. The network address translation (NAT)
functionality provided by the Routing and Remote Access service en-
ables computers on a private network to access computers on a pub-
lic network, such as the Internet.
 To set MTU value (automatic or user defined).
MTU is the Maximum Transmission Unit. It specifies the largest
packet size permitted for Internet transmission. In the default setting,
Automatic, the gateway selects the best MTU for your Internet con-
nection. Select "Automatic by DHCP" to have the DHCP determine
the MTU. In case you select "Manual", it is recommended to enter a
value in the 1200 to 1500 range.
 To enable/disable IPv6

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

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FIGURE 13. IP Interface – Settings Panel

The IPv4 panel (see Figure 14) lists existing IPv4 static addresses and allows
to configure or delete them or to create new ones, by means of the “Add Static
IPv4 Address” button.

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 14. IP Interface – IPv4 Panel

On some IP Interfaces (such as WAN Internet), the DHCPv4 Client settings

are available (see Figure 15) as well as information coming from the DHCPv4

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Through this panel it will be possible to request and to enable/disable all

DHCPv4 Client options between the 25 available ones, by selecting the “Add
Option” button.
Each option can be enabled/disabled, modified or deleted by using its related
check boxes and buttons.

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 15. IP Interface – DHCPv4 Client Panel

In case of IPv6 enablement, the IPv6 panel will be available (see Figure 16):
by means of this panel it will be possible to:
- enable/disable Unique Local Address (ULA)
- enable/disable Router Advertisement (RA)
- manage and configure IPv6 addresses
- manage and configure IPv6 Prefixes

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For adding Static IPv6 Addresses or Static IPv6 Prefixes, please select re-
spectively the “Add Static IPv6 Address” or “Add Static IPv6 Prefix” but-

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 16. IP Interface – IPv6 Panel


The Ethernet Link panel (see Figure 17), allows you to show the Ethernet inter-
face details, as:
- interface details
- enable/disable state
- status (up/down)

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Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 17. Ethernet Link Panel


The Bridge panel (see Figure 18), shown while configuring LAN - Ethernet or
Wi-Fi - interfaces, allows you to access to a short description of the Network
Bridge setting, as:
- Bridge Name
- Enabled/disabled Bridge state
- LAN Routing allowed (yes/no)
- Status (up/down)

The LAN bridge connection is used to combine several LAN devices under
one virtual network. For example, creating a network for Ethernet LAN and
Wireless LAN devices.
Please note, that when a bridge is removed, its formerly underlying devices
inherit the bridge's DHCP settings. For example, the removal of a bridge that
is configured as DHCP client automatically configures the LAN devices for-
merly constituting the bridge as DHCP clients, with the exact DHCP client con-

A summary of Bridged ports and of ports not belonging to shown bridge is dis-
played. Each of these ports can be accessed for addition/deletion purposes.
Please use the delete/create button near to the port icon, to perform a dele-
tion/creation task.

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FIGURE 18. Bridge – Settings Panel

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-


The Ethernet Port panel allows you to access to all configuration settings and
statistics related to a defined Ethernet Interface, In detail it will be possible to
access to the Settings page (see Figure 19) where it is possible to retrieve in-
formation on this interface and to set:
- Ethernet port state (enabled/disabled)
- Max Bit rate and Duplex Mode (10Mbps Half/Full Duplex, 100 Mbps Half/Full
Duplex, Auto )
- STP (Disabled, Forwarding, Blocking), Spanning Tree protocol’s (STP)
states can be:

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 Blocking – In case a port would cause a switching loop, no user data

is sent or received. It may go into forwarding mode if the other links in
use fail and the spanning tree algorithm determines that the port may
pass to the forwarding state.
 Forwarding – While a port is receiving and sending data, STP moni-
tors incoming Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) to prevent a loop.
 Disabled - Not strictly part of STP, a network administrator can
manually disable a port

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 19. Ethernet Port - Settings Panel

QoS rules can be applied to the Device with Traffic Shaping techniques,
namely defining Ingress and Egress parameters. In the Ingress Shaping
Panel (see Figure 20), please define:
- Its enable state (yes/no)
- Its rate (in bps)
- Shaping burst size (in bytes) – if needed

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FIGURE 20. Ethernet Port – Ingress shaping Panel

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

In the Egress Shaping Panel (see Figure 21), please define:

- Its enable state (yes/no)

- Shaping type (Percentage on available bandwidth / Fixed Rate)
- Percentage
- Shaping burst size (in bytes) – if needed

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FIGURE 21. Ethernet Port – Egress shaping Panel

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

In the Statistics Panel (see Figure 22), you’ll access to the Ethernet statistics

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FIGURE 22. Ethernet Port –Statistics Panel

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-


The Access Point panel allows you to to define the wireless access point set-

In detail in the Access Point panel (see Figure 23), it will be possible to set:
- Access Point State (enabled/disabled)
- SSID name: The SSID is the network name shared among all points in a
wireless network. The SSID must be identical for all points in the wireless net-
work. It is case-sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters (use any of the
characters on the keyboard). Make sure this setting is the same for all points
in your wireless network. For added security, you should change the default
SSID to a unique name.
- Short retry limit
- Long retry limit
- Maximum number of Clients (simultaneously accessing to the access point)
- Wi-Fi Multimedia (Enabled/Disabled)
- Wi-Fi Multicast to Unicast (Enabled/Disabled)

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Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 23. Access Point Panel

The Security panel (see Figure 24), allows you to define the wireless security
settings. It will be possible to set:
- SSID Broadcast (enabled/disabled): SSID broadcast is used in order to hide
the name of the AP (SSID) from clients that should not be aware to its exist-
- Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) / (Enabled/Disabled)
- Security Mode (No encryption, WEP-40, WEP-104, WPA, WPA2, WPA-
- Encryption Mode (AES, TKIP-AES)
- Passphrase (if needed by security choice)
- Access Control List (None, Accept, Deny)

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Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is the standard method to simplify the security
setup and management of the Wi-Fi networks. You now can easily setup and
connect to a WPA-enabled 802.11 network with WPS-certificated devices using
either Personal Information Number (PIN) – Station PIN or Access Point PIN -
or Push Button Configuration (PBC) method.

Legacy devices without WPS can be added to the network using the traditional
Manual Configuration method.

For the PIN method, enter the PIN from the Gateway side and click the Enroll
button. Then start WPS on the client device from its wireless utility or WPS ap-
plication within 2 minutes. If an external registrar is available, you can also enter
Gateway's PIN at the external registrar.

For PBC method, push and hold the WLAN button on the Gateway front panel
for 3 seconds or click the Start PBC button. Then start PBC on the device you
want to connect to the Gateway within 2 minutes.

For the Manual Configuration method, manually setup the displayed values of
the devices.

If you want to use WEP to protect your wireless network, you need to set the
same parameters for the VoIP Gateway and all your wireless clients. You may
automatically generate encryption keys or manually enter the keys.


Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) combines temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP)
and 802.1x mechanisms. It provides dynamic key encryption and AES authen-
tication service.

Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is a product certification that is available

through the Wi-Fi Alliance. WPA2 certifies that wireless equipment is compati-
ble with the IEEE 802.11i standard. The WPA2 product certification formally re-
places Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and the other security features of the
original IEEE 802.11 standard. The goal of WPA2 certification is to support the
additional mandatory security features of the IEEE 802.11i standard that are not
already included for products that support WPA.

WPA2 Only

WPA2 is a product certification that is available through the Wi-Fi Alliance.

WPA2 certifies that wireless equipment is compatible with the IEEE 802.11i
standard. The WPA2 product certification formally replaces Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) and the other security features of the original IEEE 802.11
standard. The goal of WPA2 certification is to support the additional mandatory

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security features of the IEEE 802.11i standard that are not already included for
products that support WPA.

WPA Only

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) combines temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP)
and AES mechanisms. It provides dynamic key encryption..

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been prop-
erly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 24. Access point - Security Panel

The Wireless Clients panel (see Figure 25) allows you to access to the logged
Clients’ list through the device’s wireless interface.

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FIGURE 25. Access point – Wireless Clients Panel

In the Egress Shaping Panel (see Figure 26), please define:

- Its Enable state (yes/no)

- Shaping type (Percentage on available bandwidth / Fixed Rate)
- Percentage
- Shaping burst size (in bytes) – if needed

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 26. Access point – Egress Shaping Panel

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In the Statistics Panel (see Figure 27), you’ll access to the Wireless AP sta-
tistics information.

FIGURE 27. Access point – Statistics Panel


The Wi-Fi Radio panel allows you to to define the wireless Radio settings.

In detail in the Settings panel (see Figure 28), it will be possible to set:
- Wi-Fi State (enabled/disabled)
- Channel (auto / 0-13)
- Transmit Power
- Wireless 802.11 Modes (b/g/n)

Global WMM Settings

- Enable WMM (Y/N): Enable the Wireless MultiMedia, it is a QoS on Wireless
communication which enable the Video transmission over Wireless with higher
- No Acknowledgment (Y/N): It affects the behavior of clients toward the AP in
WMM context
- Unscheduled APSD (Y/N): Once WMM is enabled it manages the “Automatic
Power Save Delivering”, enabling in that way the power save on the client

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- g-Mode Protection (Y/N): It affect back compatibility with 802.11b clients.
Choosing YES, the AP manages communication in such a way that all devices
can works together at the same time.

- n-Mode Protection (Y/N): It affect back compatibility with 802.11b/g clients.
Choosing YES, the AP manage communication in such a way that all devices
can works together at the same time.
- Operating Bandwidth (20 MHz / 40 MHz): 802.11 n standard gives the possi-
bility to use 2 channels bandwidth (1 channel = 20MHz, 2 channel = 40 MHz).
Choosing 40MHz Operating bandwidth, it results in an increase of data speed
over Wireless connection.
- Modulation Coding Scheme Index (MCS) – (Auto / 0-15): By default, the Auto
is set; that gives the possibility to the AP to change the Modulation according
to environment conditions. Values MCS (0-7) correspond to data rates availa-
ble by one stream and can be up to 150 Mbps. Values MCS (8-15) correspond
to data rates available by 2 streams and can go up to theoretical 300Mbps.

- A-MPDU (Y/N): Aggregation of multiple MPDUs in one PSDU. It may impro-

ve data speed in certain real conditions
- STBC Rx (Y/N): Space Time Block Coding. May improve Wi-Fi coverage in
certain real conditions.
- STBC Tx (Y/N): Space Time Block Coding. May improve Wi-Fi coverage in
certain real conditions.
- OBSS Coexistence (Y/N): Enabling Overlapping Basic Service Set, the
802.11n AP gives the possibility to legacy (b/g devices) to transmit over the
same channel. It affects the data speed in case of other legacy AP are trans-

The radio channel is used by the Gateway and its clients to communicate with
each other. This channel must be the same on the Gateway and all of its wire-
less clients.

The Gateway will automatically assign itself a radio channel, or you may select
one manually.

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 28. Wireless Radio - Settings Panel

The Access Points panel (see Figure 29), allows you to see the SSID list and
related status, as well as to define and enable till a maximum of 4 SSID, by
acting on their related configuration icon buttons.

Please press the Close button at the end of the configuration tasks.

FIGURE 29. Wireless Radio – Access Points Panel

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In the Statistics Panel (see Figure 30), you’ll access to the Wireless Radio
statistics information.

FIGURE 30. Wireless Radio - Statistics Panel

In the Regulatory Panel (see Figure 31), you’ll access to the Country Regula-
tory settings. Please select your Country from the Country list box.

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

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FIGURE 31. Wireless Radio - Regulatory Panel


The VLAN Termination in its Status panel (see Figure 32), allows you to set:
- VLAN Termination state (enabled/disabled)
- 802.1p priority (0-7)

VLAN termination refers to the following packet processing procedure:

 A port receives a VLAN-tagged packet, removes its VLAN tag(s) and
then forwards it via Layer 3 or processes it in other ways. Whether the
packet is tagged before being sent out depends on the port configura-
 Before sending a packet, the port adds related VLAN information to it.

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

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FIGURE 32. VLAN Termination - Status Panel

In the Statistics Panel (see Figure 33), you’ll access to the VLAN Termina-
tion statistics information.

FIGURE 33. VLAN Termination – Statistics Panel

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The DHCP Server and Relay panel (see Figure 34), accessible through Set-
tings item selection, allows you to enable/disable the DHCP server by making
the proper choice on the Enable Server button choice.

It will be then possible to renew clients’ lease by forcing it (namely pressing the
Force Clients to renew lease now button).

Besides, it is possible to manage the Serving Pools and the Relaying Pools by
acting on their related buttons.

FIGURE 34. DHCP Server and Relay Panel

By clicking on Modify this serving Pool icon (see Figures 35-36-37), you will
access respectively to the Pool, Options and Static Addresses panels to con-
figure all pool and option settings.

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The DHCP server manages a pool of IP addresses and information on client

configuration parameters. On receiving a valid request, the server assigns the
computer an IP address, a lease (length of time the allocation is valid), and
other IP configuration parameters, such as the subnet mask and the default

The Pool page allows you to:

 enable/disable current pool
 define the pool name
 Select the pool interface
 define IP address start, end and subnet mask
 define reserved addresses belonging to this pool
 set the lease time

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 35. DHCP Server and Relay Panel – Pool Settings

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FIGURE 36. DHCP Server and Relay Panel - Options

Static Addresses panel (see Figure 37) allows you to define the static ad-
dresses list and their related enabled/disabled state.

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

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FIGURE 37. DHCP Server and Relay Panel – Static addresses



The DNS Client, Relay and Hostnames Panel (see Figure 38), accessible
through Settings item selection, allows you to define the DNS Server settings.

Domain Name System (DNS) provides a service that translates domain names
into IP addresses and vice versa. The gateway's DNS server is a self learning
DNS, which means that when a new computer is connected to the network the
DNS server learns its name and automatically adds it to the DNS table. Other
network users may immediately communicate with this computer using either its
name or its IP address.

In addition your gateway's DNS:

 Shares a common database of domain names and IP addresses with
the DHCP server.
 Supports multiple sub-nets within the LAN simultaneously.
 Automatically appends a domain name to unqualified names.
 Allows new domain names to be added to the database using Gate-
way's WBM.
 Permits a computer to have multiple host names.
 Permits a host name to have multiple IPs (needed if a host has multi-
ple network cards).

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The DNS server does not require configuration. However, you may wish to
view the list of computers known by the DNS, edit the host name or IP ad-
dress of a computer on the list, or manually add a new computer to the list.

Please choose Add DNS Server button to Add a Server (see Figure 39) and
- server address
- proper Interface between available ones
Enable it and press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has
been properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and

FIGURE 38. DHCP Client, Relay and Hostnames Panel

FIGURE 39. DHCP Client, Relay and Hostnames Panel – Add Server

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In the DNS Relay panels (see Figure 40, 41 and 42), it will be possible to ac-
cess to the DNS Relay Servers list, to modify them or to create a new server
by inserting its IP address and by selecting its interface.
Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 40. DHCP Client, Relay and Hostnames Panel – DNS Relay

FIGURE 41. DHCP Client, Relay and Hostnames Panel – Add DNS Relay Server

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FIGURE 42. DHCP Client, Relay and Hostnames Panel – Hostnames Settings


The Routing & QoS panel (see Figure 42), accessible through Settings item
selection, offers multiple icons to define routing and QoS policies.

FIGURE 43. Routing and QoS Panel

By selecting the Routing Policy icon, you will access to the IPv4 and IPv6
Forwarding (see Figures 44 and 45). By selecting the Add New Route button
in this panel, it will be possible to edit the rule (see Figure 44) by inserting:
 rule type
 applicable interface
 destination IP address
 destination subnet mask
 Gateway IP address
 Metric

Please press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

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FIGURE 44. Routing and QoS Panel – IPv4 Forwarding

FIGURE 45. Routing and QoS Panel – IPv6 Forwarding

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By selecting the Traffic Classification icon, you will access to the Traffic
Classes’ list (see Figure 46). Each row represents an existing traffic classes
(in enabled/disabled state) and it can be modified or deleted by pressing
their related buttons.
When modifying this traffic class it will be possible to act both on Classifica-
tion data (see Figure 47) and on Criteria ones (see Figure 48).
By selecting the Add New Class button in this panel, it will be possible to add
a dummy traffic class to be edited with its related Modify Traffic Class button.
Once all needed settings will have been done on Classification and Criteria
panels, press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been
properly done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

By using the up/down button it will be then possible to move the traffic class
priority in the rows’ list.

FIGURE 46. Routing and QoS Panel – Traffic Classification

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FIGURE 47. Routing and QoS Panel - Classification

FIGURE 48. Routing and QoS Panel - Criteria

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By selecting the ALG Flows icon, you will access to the ALG list (see Figure
49). Each row represents an existing Flow (in enabled/disabled state) and it
can be modified or deleted by pressing its related buttons.
When modifying this flow it will be possible to modify Flow data and results
(see Figure 50).

The Application Layer Gateway (ALG) is a protocol specific mechanism im-

plemented for each of those protocols which carry addressing information
in the application layer.
By selecting the Add New Flow button in this panel, it will be possible to add
a dummy Flow to be edited with its related Modify Flow Settings button.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 49. Routing and QoS Panel – ALG Flows

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FIGURE 50. Routing and QoS Panel – ALG Settings

By selecting the Policers icon, you will access to the QoS Policers list (see
Figure 51). Each row represents an existing Policer and it can be modified or
deleted by pressing its related buttons.

When modifying this QoS Policer it will be possible to modify QoS Policer
Settings (see Figure 52) and Statistics (see Figure 53).

By selecting the Add QoS Policer button in this panel, it will be possible to
add a dummy Policer to be edited with its related Edit QoS Policer button.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 51. Routing and QoS Panel – QoS Policers

FIGURE 52. Routing and QoS Panel – QoS Policers Settings

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FIGURE 53. Routing and QoS Panel – QoS Policers Statistics

By selecting the Queues icon, you will access to the QoS Queues list (see
Figure 54). Each row represents an existing QoS Queue and it can be modi-
fied or deleted by pressing its related buttons.

When modifying this QoS Queue it will be possible to modify QoS Queue
Settings (see Figure 55) and Statistics (see Figure 56).

By selecting the Add QoS Queue button in this panel, it will be possible to
add a dummy QoS Queue to be edited with its related Edit QoS Queue but-

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 54. Routing and QoS Panel – QoS Queues

FIGURE 55. Routing and QoS Panel – QoS queues Settings

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FIGURE 56. Routing and QoS Panel – QoS queues Statistics


The ALG panel (see Figure 57), accessible through Settings item selection,
sums up the list of protocols for which ALG is needed to have them working

By pressing the Modify button at the end of each related protocol’s row, it is
possible to access to the ALG Settings panel (see Figure 58) where the ALG
protocol’s related policy can be set.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 57. ALG Panel

FIGURE 58. ALG Panel - Settings

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The Port Mapping panel (see Figure 59), accessible through Settings item se-
lection, allows you to explore current NAT Port Mapping list.

FIGURE 59. Port Mapping Panel

By clicking on the Port Mapping for Known Application button, it will be pos-
sible to setup application port mapping (see Figure 59) choosing for each se-
lected interface the traffic source and destination.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 60. Port Mapping Panel – Add Application

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By clicking on the New Custom Port Mapping button, it will be possible to

add a row to the NAT port mapping list (see Figure 61).
FIGURE 61. Port Mapping Panel – New Custom Port Mapping

By clicking on the Modify button related to a selected Port Mapping item, it

will be possible to setup application port mapping (see Figure 62) choosing
for each selected protocol and interface the traffic source and destination.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 62. Port Mapping Panel – Modify Port Mapping


The Proxies panel (see Figure 65), accessible through Settings item selection,
shows a second level choice between IGMP Proxy, RTSP Proxy and PPPoE
Proxy setups. Please select proper Network Application Proxies to perform
Proxies’ settings.

FIGURE 63. Proxies Panel

IGMP proxy enables the system to issue IGMP host messages on behalf of
hosts that the system discovered through standard IGMP interfaces. The
system acts as a proxy for its hosts.

By clicking on the IGMP Proxy button, it will be possible to choose a proper

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WAN Interface and to enable/disable it (see Figure 64).

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 64. Proxies Panel – IGMP Configuration

RTSP Proxy is a proxy server for multimedia streaming services based on

the RTSP protocol.

By clicking on the RTSP Proxy button, it will be possible to choose a proper

port and to enable/disable it (see Figure 65).

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 65. Proxies Panel - RTSP

By clicking on the PPPoE Proxy button, it will be possible to choose a proper

port and to enable/disable it (see Figure 65) and to select proper LAN and
WAN interfaces.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 66. Proxies Panel - PPPoE

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The VPN panel (see Figure 67), accessible through Settings item selection, al-
lows you to define VPN Clients’ and Server’s settings.

FIGURE 67. VPN Panel - Clients

Please choose the VPN Client button to define Clients’ settings.

Please select the Add Server button to select in the first panel the VPN Server
(see Figure 68).

After VPN Server selection, press the Next button or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 68. VPN Panel – Add Server #1

In the second panel, please select:

 enable/disable state
 WAN Interface
 Start/End Remote IP Address
 Authentication protocol
 Idle Wait Time (seconds)

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 69. VPN Panel – Add Server #2

Please select the Users button to create a new user for already existing
VPNs (see Figures 70 and 71).

For each user it will be needed to define:

 Host Name
 Authentication Protocol
 Username
 Password

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 70. VPN Panel - Users

FIGURE 71. VPN Panel – Edit User

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The Date/Time panel (see Figure 72), accessible through Settings item selec-
tion, allows you to define Date and Time settings.

Please proceed by:

 enabling/disabling NTP service
 defining applicable Time Zone
 inserting one or more NTP Server (max 5)

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 72. NTP Panel


The Management panel (see Figure 73), accessible through Settings item se-
lection, shows a second level choice between TR069 Agent, UPnP Agent, Tel-
net Server, SSH Server, WEB GUI and Users setup settings. Please select
proper icon to perform proper Management Settings.

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FIGURE 73. Management Panel

By clicking on the TR069 Agent button, it will be possible to define all Basic
and Advanced settings (see Figures 74, 75 and 76 to establish a working
communication with the ISP ACS server.

In the Basic Panel it will be possible to:

 enable/disable TR069 protocol
 define ACS Server settings (URL, Username and Password)
 CPE interface and associated port
 CPE Connection path, Username and Password

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 74. Management Panel – TR-069 Basic

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In the Inform Panel it will be possible to:

 enable/disable periodic update between the ACS Server and the De-
 define polling time interval and retry policy (in seconds)

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 75. Management Panel – TR-069 Inform

In the SSL Certificate Panel it will be possible to select the SSL Certificate to
load on the device to establish a secured communication with the ACS

Please consider that the SSL Certificate is to be supplied by your ISP. Use
the Browse button to select it from your local PC folders and press the
Upload button or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and ap-

FIGURE 76. Management Panel – TR-069 SSL Certificate

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By clicking on the UPnP Agent button, it will be possible to enable or disable

the UPnP feature (see Figure 77).

Press the Apply button, once your configuration editing has been properly
done or the Close button if no modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 77. Management Panel - UPnP

By clicking on the Telnet Server button, it will be possible to enable/disable

both Local Access and Remote Access (see Figure 78) to your device work-
ing as Telnet server.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 78. Management Panel – Telnet Server

By clicking on the SSH Server button, it will be possible to enable/disable

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Both Local Access and Remote Access (see Figure 79) to your device work-
ing as SSH server. For local access it will be needed to define the LAN Inter-
face and the applicable port, too.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

FIGURE 79. Management Panel – SSH Server

By clicking on the WEB GUI button, it will be possible to define all Basic and
advanced settings (see Figures 80 and 81) to define the WEB GUI access

In the Basic Settings panel it will be possible to:

 enable/disable local and remote access
 for local access, define LAN Interface, port and session life time

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 80. Management Panel – WEB GUI Settings

In the Access Control panel it will be possible to define for each user role
(Normal, Admin and Power) the read/write policy and their related Level ac-
cess profile (Basic or Advanced) for each dashboard main panel.
In detail, according to the user level and rights, it will be possible to inhibit or
grant the Basic and/or User Access available in the top right GUI corner.

To make an example, if you set for your current user profile the “No access”
value for a page path (i.e. Home Network for instance) associated to a Level
(i.e. Basic for instance), you will no more access to the Home Network while
browsing the Basic interface.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 81. Management Panel – WEB GUI User Access

By clicking on the Users button, it will be possible to define Users’ role rights
settings (see Figures 82 and 83) and in detail:

 enable/disable user role

 enable/disable remote access
 edit the username
 allow the user to change its Password autonomously

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 82. Management Panel - Users

FIGURE 83. Management Panel – Edit User

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The VoIP Lines panel (see Figure 84), accessible through Settings item selec-
tion, allows you to manage VoIP lines.

Please consider that every VoIP configuration depends on your VoIP provider
data, to be received on VoIP service activation.

FIGURE 84. VoIP Lines Panel

By clicking on the New Line button (see Figure 85 and 86), it will be possible
in two steps to define a new VoIP line, by specifying in the first panel:
 line number
 line state (enabled/disabled)
 physical interface
 profile

And in the second panel:

 assigning it a friendly name
 signalling protocol to be used
 proxy, registrar servers, outbound proxy and domain settings

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 85. VoIP Lines Panel – New Line #1

FIGURE 86. VoIP Lines Panel – New Line #2

By clicking on the VoIP Service Settings button (see Figures 87 and 88) it
will be possible to define Profile and Protocols data.

By clicking on the VoIP Service Settings button (see Figures 89 and 90), it
will be possible to define Service and Codecs data.

Once all needed settings will have been done, press the Apply button, once
your configuration editing has been properly done or the Close button if no
modification is to be saved and applied.

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FIGURE 87. VoIP Service – Voice Profile

FIGURE 88. VoIP Service - Protocols

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FIGURE 89. VoIP Lines Panel - Service

FIGURE 90. VoIP Lines Panel - Codecs

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98 HBK 123391 Settings Section

Storage Section

This chapter will describe the Storage Section accessible from the Home of
the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user authentication
to the Gateway.

Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

This Section allows you to have a quick overview on the storage devices’
status and settings between local USB devices, Network File Sharing, FTP
servers and DLNA Media Sharings.

Storage Section
This Section allows you to setup all LAN and WAN interfaces as well as to de-
fine all your Gateway’s settings.

By rolling your mouse on the Storage icon, a tooltip style panel will be pop up
showing a preview of the sub menu’s (see Figure 1). It is possible to access
the Storage Service functionality by pressing the icons shown in the tooltip.
The Storage Service can also be accessed by clicking directly on the Storage
icon from the Home menu.
Each icon shown in the panel will be described in a dedicated paragraph.

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FIGURE 1. Storage preview tooltip

The Storage Service (see Figure 2) is a summary page and contains details
of the attached local storages and of available Storage Settings.

FIGURE 2. Storage Summary Panel


The Storage Devices frame shows all available Storage Devices

– both online and offline – that has been already configured and that can be
managed (if online):
 If offline, the storage device can be only removed from the Storage
Devices frame.

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 If online (see figure 3), the storage device can be configured by clicking on the
Settings button. Volumes on the Storage device can be enabled or disabled
by clicking respectively on the blue/red symbols near to the Settings button.
In the Settings panel, the list of Device volumes is shown.
For the whole storage device, information on Device Label (modifiable), name,
status and capacity are shown.
 For each volume it is then possible to retrieve some information (name, ca-
pacity, File System and Status) and to execute three actions: to modify Vol-
ume settings, to enable/disable volumes or to delete the volume.
New volume scan be added by clicking on the “Add Volume” button and, by
specifying in the following screen, the Volume Capacity and its formatting op-

FIGURE 3. Storage Devices Settings Panel

Figure 4 shows the Volume settings panel, where it will be possible to choose
volume mounting and to retrieve some more info on volume’s data.
Please press on the Apply button, to save and apply your changes.

FIGURE 4. Volume Settings Panel

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To format selected Volume, please choose the Format tab and selected
proper File System type (see Figure 5).
Please press on the Apply button, to save and apply your changes.

FIGURE 5. Storage Devices Settings Panel

By clicking on the Device, when the volume is enabled, it will be possible to

access to the storage Volumes.
Then, by clicking again the selected Volumes (in the format “/dev/sda<n>”), it
will be possible to access to the Storage Volume Folders (see Figure 6).

FIGURE 6. Volume Folders Panel

From this user interface, it will be possible to create or delete new folders and
to share them as network folders (see Figure 7).

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To have one of these folders as a shared one, please select a new or existing
folder, click on the related settings button and select “Yes” on the “Share this
folder” option.
Please press on the Apply button, to save and apply your changes.

FIGURE 7. Volume shared Folders Panel

Please press on the Apply button, to save and apply your changes.

The shared Folder will be available to your operating system under Network.
In our case the unit “YAPSIE” (see Figure 8) gathers all shared folders avail-
able to the Gateway.

FIGURE 8. Shared Folder (Windows 7)

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The Network File Sharing icon allows to enable and/or disable and to define
all network interfaces’ Settings.
As shown in Figure 9, please insert:
 Domain Name
 Enable/Disable Windows File Sharing
 Select between available interfaces (or all)

Please press on the Apply button, to save and apply your changes.

FIGURE 9. Network File Sharing Panel

The FTP Server allows the user to enable or disable this functionality together
with other settings as:
 Folder name
 Disable FTP server when idle
 If the service is enabled on LAN and/or WAN side
 If the service is accessible also by anonymous user

Please press on the Apply button, to save and apply your changes.

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FIGURE 10. FTP Server


DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance®) is a group of Worldwide Companies
that guarantee a cross compatibility to simplify media exchange, by enabling
the sharing of HD video and other multimedia content across the home
with mature and proven standards and an extensive technological ecosystem.

The DNLA Media Sharing panel (see Figure 11) allows to:
 Enable/Disable DNLA Media Sharing
 If enabled – to select between available local interfaces
 Select between available media sharing volumes

FIGURE 11. DNLA Media Sharing Panel

Please press on the Apply button, to save and apply your changes.

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106 HBK 123391 Storage Section

Home Network

This chapter will describe the Home Network Section accessible from the
Home of the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user au-

Home Network Section

thentication to the Gateway.

Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

This Section allows you to have a quick overview on the connection map both
from WAN and LAN sides.
Every object shown on the map is a quick shortcut link to its related object as
described in the Settings chapter.


The Home Network View (see Figure 1), accessible Home >> Home Network
item selection, is a page containing details of the Gateway LAN and WAN con-
nections with its related link status.

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FIGURE 1. Home Network View Panel

The map shows on four levels the Home Network:

 The WAN level
 The Firewall level
 The Ports, Wireless and Wired LAN Interfaces level
 Device level

A coloured (red/green) point on the logical wire will immediately identify the
connection status (down/up).


Clicking on the related object you access a mask of settings described in

chapter 5 (Settings Section)


Clicking on the related object you access a mask of settings described in

chapter 13 (Security Section)

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Clicking on the related object you access a mask of settings described

in chapter 5 (Settings Section)


Clicking on the “Storage” object you access a mask of settings described in

chapter 6 (Storage Section).

Clicking on the “Host” object you access a mask with a Host Details de-
scription (see Figure 2).

FIGURE 2. LAN Host Details Panel

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110 HBK 123391 Home Network Section

Security Section

This chapter will describe the Security Section accessible from the Home of
the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user authentication
to the Gateway.
Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

Security Section
This Section allows you to set Security features and captive portal.

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By rolling your mouse on the Printers icon, a tooltip style panel will be pop up
showing a preview of the sub menu’s (see Figure 1). It is possible to access
the Security functionality by pressing the icons shown in the tooltip. The Secu-
rity functionality can also be accessed by clicking directly on the Storage icon
from the Home menu.
Each icon shown in the panel will be described in a dedicated paragraph.

FIGURE 1. Security preview tooltip

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112 HBK 123391 Security Section

Epicentro Software Manual


The Firewall panel (see Figure 2 and Figure 3), accessible through Security
item selection, is a page allowing you to set Firewall security levels together
with advanced options.

FIGURE 2. Firewall Panel

Press the Apply button to confirm the settings.

FIGURE 3. Firewall Panel – Advanced Settings

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Security Section HBK 123391 113

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The DMZ panel (see Figure 4), accessible through Security item selection, is a
page allowing you to enable and set DMZ parameters


Please specify the following parameters:

1. DMZ enabling
2. Select the External Interface
3. Specify the Internal IP Address

Press the Apply button to confirm the settings.

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114 HBK 123391 Security Section

Epicentro Software Manual


The Parental Control panel (see Figure 5), accessible through Security item
selection, is a page allowing you to configure the Parental Control parameters.

FIGURE 5. Parental Control Panel

In this panel you can enable Parental Control functionality

In List Type menu it is possible to block specified WEB Addresses by choosing

Black List item or enabling specified WEB Addresses by choosing White List

Use List Entries to specify the WEB address to block or to enable

Press the Apply button to confirm the settings.


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Security Section HBK 123391 115

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The Captive Portal panel (see Figure 6), accessible through Security item se-
lection, is a page allowing you to configure the Captive Portal parameters.

FIGURE 6. Captive Portal

By means of this page it will be possible to allow access to the WEB through the
user IP address authentication. To take advantage of this feature it will be
needed to enable the Captive Portal functionality, to insert allowed IP addresses
in the “Allowed IP Addresses” field

Press the Apply button to confirm the settings.

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116 HBK 123391 Security Section

System Section

This chapter will describe the System Section accessible from the Home of
the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user authentication
to the Gateway.

Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

This Section allows you to manage firmware and software updates, backup
and restore tasks as well as to access to System logs, by means of six menu
items, as hereby described.

System Section
By rolling your mouse on the Storage icon, a tooltip style panel will be pop up
showing a preview of the sub menu’s (see Figure 1). It is possible to access
the System functionality by pressing the icons shown in the tooltip. The Stor-
age System can also be accessed by clicking directly on the Storage icon
from the Home menu.
Each icon shown in the panel will be described in a dedicated paragraph.

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System Section HBK 123391 117

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FIGURE 1. System preview tooltip


The Logging (see Figure 2), accessible through Home >> System item selec-
tion, is a page that allows you:
- to enable/disable log tracing
- to filter log results according to Service type and Level with an Auto-refresh
checkbox functionality
Please press the Apply button to save and apply changes.

The Settings panel (see Figure 3) allow you to specify:

- the maximum size in kilobytes of the log file before it will be overwritten
- the number of log backup file that the system will store automatically (5 is the
maximum number of log backups)
- to specify (or not) and external log server where to store log files. If enabled,
it will be necessary to insert the server IP address and its dedicated port for
log backup services.
Please press the Apply button to save and apply changes.

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118 HBK 123391 System Section

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FIGURE 2. Logging Panel (Logs)

FIGURE 3. Logging Panel (Settings)

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System Section HBK 123391 119

Epicentro Software Manual


The Reboot (see Figure 4), accessible through Home>> System item selection,
is a page that allow you, upon confirmation, to reboot the Gateway by pressing
the Reboot button.

FIGURE 4. Reboot Panel


The Factory Reset (see Figure 5), accessible through Home>> System item
selection, is a page that allow you, upon confirmation, to reset the Gateway
configuration by pressing the Reset Configuration button.

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120 HBK 123391 System Section

Epicentro Software Manual

FIGURE 5. Factory Reset Panel


The Backup Configuration File (see Figure 6), accessible through Home>>
System item selection, is a page allowing you to save current active configura-
tion parameters to the Data.xml file locally on your PC.

To backup the configuration file, please press the Save Configuration button.

FIGURE 6. Backup Configuration File Panel

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System Section HBK 123391 121

Epicentro Software Manual


The Load Configuration File (see Figure 7), accessible through Home>> Sys-
tem item selection, is a page allowing you to restore a previously saved config-
uration file, by selecting the desired Data.xml file locally from your PC.

To upload the configuration file, please press the Browse button and, upon file
selection, press the Upload Button.

FIGURE 7. Load Configuration File Panel


The Firmware Upgrade (see Figure 8), accessible through Home>> System
item selection, is a page allowing you to upload and apply a new Firmware im-
age file, by selecting the new firmware file locally from your PC.

To apply the new firmware file, please press the Browse button and, upon file
selection, press the Upload Button. A device will reboot automatically after
firmware upgrade successfully completed.

This process may require several minutes to be completed. Please do not

switch off the modem.

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122 HBK 123391 System Section

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FIGURE 8. Firmware Upgrade Panel

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System Section HBK 123391 123

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This Page Intentionally Left Blank

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124 HBK 123391 System Section

Printers Section

This chapter will describe the Printers Section accessible from the Home of
the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user authentication
to the Gateway.
Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

By rolling your mouse on the Printers icon, a tooltip style panel will be pop up
showing a preview of the sub menu’s (see Figure 1). It is possible to access
the Printers functionality by pressing the icons shown in the tooltip. The Print-
ers functionality can also be accessed by clicking directly on the Storage icon

Printers Section
from the Home menu.
Each icon shown in the panel will be described in a dedicated paragraph.

© (2012) ADB Broadband S.p.A. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary Use Pursuant to Cover Page Instructions.

Printers Section HBK 123391 125

Epicentro Software Manual


The Settings panel (see Figure 2), is a page allowing you to manage already
configured printers or to execute creation/deletion tasks on printer objects.

FIGURE 1. Printer preview tooltip

FIGURE 2. Printers Panel

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126 HBK 123391 Printers Section

Epicentro Software Manual



The Print Settings panel (see Figure 3), accessible through Home>> Printers
>> Settings item selection, is a page allowing you to enable/disable the Print
Service and the Print Spooling.

Please remember that - to enable the Print Spooling - Storage must already be
configured and available.

To save and apply the new configurations, please press the Apply button.

FIGURE 3. Printers >> Settings Panel (Print Settings)

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Printers Section HBK 123391 127

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The Print Servers panel (see Figure 4), accessible through Home>> Printers>>
Settings item selection, is a page allowing you to enable/disable Printers shar-
ing, Direct Printing Protocol and Internet Printing Protocol Server.

To save and apply the new configurations, please press the Apply button.

FIGURE 4. Printers >> Settings Panel (Print Servers)

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128 HBK 123391 Printers Section


This chapter will describe the Diagnostics Section accessible from the Home
of the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user authentica-
tion to the Gateway.
Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

Diagnostics Section
This Section allows you:
 to launch a ping to an IP address to be specified
 to launch a diagnostic tool

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Diagnostics Section HBK 123391 129

Epicentro Software Manual

By rolling your mouse on the Printers icon, a tooltip style panel will be pop up
showing a preview of the sub menu’s (see Figure 1). It is possible to access
the Diagnostic functionality by pressing the icons shown in the tooltip. The Di-
agnostic functionality can also be accessed by clicking directly on the Storage
icon from the Home menu.
Each icon shown in the panel will be described in a dedicated para-

FIGURE 1. Diagnostic Sub menu icons’ Panel

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130 HBK 123391 Diagnostics Section

Epicentro Software Manual


The Ping panel (see Figure 2), accessible through Diagnostics item selection,
is a page allowing you to define a set of parameters to launch a ping to an IP
address to be specified.

FIGURE 2. Ping Panel

Please specify the following parameters:

1. Hostname or IP Address
2. Number of Repetitions
3. Timeout [seconds]: to wait for each reply
4. Data Block Size [Bytes]
5. Interfaces: to be chosen between a specific configured interface or
Any for a command execution throughout all interfaces

And press the Apply button. The Ping Results panel will be shown.
From the Ping Result Panel it will be possible:
 To Request Another Ping
 To Clear Ping Results
 To Run it Again

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Diagnostics Section HBK 123391 131

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The Traceroute panel (see Figure 3), accessible through Home>> Network
Diagnostics item selection, is a page allowing you to launch a diagnostic tool
for displaying the path and measuring transit delays of packets across an Inter-
net Protocol (IP) network.

FIGURE 3. Traceroute Panel

Please specify the following parameters:

1. Hostname or IP Address
2. Maximum Hop Count: it specifies the maximum number of hops to
search for a target
3. Number of Tries
4. Timeout [Seconds]: it waits the number of seconds specified by the
timeout for each reply
5. Data Block Size [Bytes]
6. Interfaces: to be chosen between a specific configured interface or
Any for a command execution throughout all interfaces

And press the Apply button. The Traceroute Results panel will be shown,
showing the hops’ number, traced IP host address and Round Trip Time [in mil-

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132 HBK 123391 Diagnostics Section

Epicentro Software Manual

From the Traceroute Result Panel it will be possible:

 To Request Another Traceroute
 To Clear Traceroute Results
 To Run it Again

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Diagnostics Section HBK 123391 133

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This Page Intentionally Left Blank

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134 HBK 123391 Diagnostics Section

Wi-Fi Section

This chapter will describe the Wi-Fi Section accessible from the Home of the
Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user authentication to the

Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.


The Wi-Fi panel (see Figure 1), accessible through Home>> Wi-Fi item selec-
tion, is a page that permits a basic configuration of the Wi-Fi functionalities.

In the lower part of the panel it is also present a link for Advanced configuration,
see the relevant description in the Wi-Fi Radio paragraph inside the chapter 5
(Settings Section).
Wi-Fi Section

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FIGURE 1. Wi-Fi Basic Configuration Panel

In this panel it is possible to see or to set the following parameters:

- Status, for status information
- Enabling or disabling the Access port
- SSID identification name

It is also possible to set Security Settings parameters:

- Enable or disable the SSID Broadcasting
- Enable or disable the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
- Set the security mode
- Set the Encription Mode
- Set the WPA Passphrase

In the lower part of the panel there are also present to links:
- “Advanced configuration”, for a more detailed configuration, see the rele-
vant description in chapter 5 (Settings Section).
- “Start WPS” to set the Wi-Fi Protected Setup”, for a more detailed configu-
ration, see the relevant description in chapter 5 (Settings Section).

At the end of the settings press Apply to save the configuration.

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136 HBK 123391 Wi-Fi Section


This section is optional and could not be present in the menu of your SW
firmware version.

This chapter will describe the Applications Section accessible from the
Home of the Epicentro Software Graphical User Interface upon user au-
thentication to the Gateway.

Applications Section
Be aware that any configuration change could compromise your connectivity.

This Section allows you to manage (install, uninstall and update) applications
on Linux environment or on OSGi environment.
Linux environment must be enabled and in the Up state, to have the Epicen-
tro® Software properly running. OSGi environment must be enabled to have
OSGi compliant software modules running.

By accessing to the Applications Section, the user will access to the Linux
and/or OSGi Software Modules and Applications.

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Applications Section HBK 123391 137

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The Linux (see Figure 1), accessible through Dashboard>> Applications

item selection, is a page and contains details of the Linux environment status
and of its Software Modules.

FIGURE 1. Linux Panel

Through this panel, it will be possible:

 To Enable/Disable the Linux software Modules, by clicking on the
Disable/Enable button

Be aware that by clicking on the Disable button, you’ll compromise your device User Interface and device

 To see currently installed software modules and related information

(name, version, description) and status
 To update – if available – a selected software component by clicking
on the icon. A confirm to update message will be shown to ask for
your update confirmation: press OK to proceed or Cancel to abort

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138 HBK 123391 Applications Section

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 To install a new software module by clicking on the Install Software

Module button. Figure 2 will show the Install new software module
panel, allowing you to choose the source folder where the new soft-
ware module is to be taken from (software repository, web URL or lo-
cal file).

FIGURE 2. Linux Panel – Install new software module

Please make the proper choice and press the Apply button.


The OSGi (see Figure 3), accessible through Dashboard>> Applications

item selection, is a page and contains details of the OSGi environment status
and of its Software Modules.

Please click on the OSGi button to access to OSGi functionalities.

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Applications Section HBK 123391 139

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FIGURE 3. OSGi Panel

Through this panel, it will be possible:

 To Enable/Disable the OSGi software Modules, by clicking on the
Disable/Enable button

Be aware that by clicking on the Disable button, you’ll deactivate software service modules thus compro-
mising your Gateway behaviour.

 To see currently installed software modules and related information

(name, version, description) and status
 To update – if available – a selected software component by clicking
on the icon. A confirm to update message will be shown to ask for
your update confirmation: press OK to proceed or Cancel to abort
 To install a new software module by clicking on the Install Software
Module button. Figure 2 will show the Install new software module
panel, allowing you to choose the source folder where the new soft-
ware module is to be taken from (software repository, web URL or lo-
cal file).

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140 HBK 123391 Applications Section


The IEEE specification for wireless interface which allows speeds of up to 11 Mbps. The standard provides
for 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps data rates. The rates will switch automatically depending on range and environ-


The IEEE specification for wireless interface which allows speeds of up to 54 Mbps. The standard provides
for 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps data rates. The rates will switch automatically depending on range and en-


The IEEE specification for wireless interface which allows speeds of up to 300 Mbps. The rates will switch
automatically depending on range and environment.


The IEEE specification for 10 Mbps Ethernet over Category 3, 4 or 5 twisted pair cable.

100/1000 BASE-T/TX

The IEEE specification for 100/1000 Mbps Fast/Gigabit Ethernet over Category 5 twisted-pair cable.

Access Point

An Access Point is a device through which wireless clients connect to other wireless clients and which acts
as a bridge between wireless clients and a wired network, such as Ethernet. Wireless clients can be moved
anywhere within the coverage area of the access point and still connect with each other. If connected to an
Ethernet network, the access point monitors Ethernet traffic and forwards appropriate Ethernet messages to
the wireless network, while also monitoring wireless client radio traffic and forwarding wireless client mes-
sages to the Ethernet LAN.

Ad Hoc mode

Ad Hoc mode is a configuration supported by most wireless clients. It is used to connect a peer to peer net-
work together without the use of an access point. It offers lower performance than infrastructure mode, which
is the mode the router uses. (see also Infrastructure mode.

HBK 123391 141


Some devices in the range support auto-negotiation. Auto-negotiation is where two devices sharing a link,
automatically configure to use the best common speed. The order of preference (best first) is: 100BASE-TX
full duplex, 100BASE-TX half duplex, 10BASE-T full duplex, and 10BASE-T half duplex. Auto-negotiation is
defined in the IEEE 802.3 standard for Ethernet and is an operation that takes place in a few milliseconds.


The information capacity, measured in bits per second, that a channel can transmit. The bandwidth of Ether-
net is 10 Mbps, the bandwidth of Fast Ethernet is 100 Mbps. The bandwidth for 802.11b wireless is 11Mbps.

Category 5 Cables

One of five grades of Twisted Pair (TP) cabling defined by the EIA/TIA-586 standard. Category 5 can be
used in Ethernet (10BASE-T) and Fast Ethernet networks (100BASE-TX) and can transmit data up to
speeds of 100 Mbps. Category 5 cabling is better to use for network cabling than Category 3, because it
supports both Ethernet (10 Mbps) and Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) speeds.


Similar to any radio device, the Wireless Cable/DSL router allows you to choose different radio channels in
the wireless spectrum. A channel is a particular frequency within the 2.4GHz spectrum within which the
Router operates.


The term used to described the desktop PC that is connected to your network.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This protocol automatically assigns an IP address for every computer
on your network. Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 contain software that assigns IP addresses
to workstations on a network. These assignments are made by the DHCP server software that runs on Win-
dows NT Server, and Windows 95 and Windows 98 will call the server to obtain the address. Windows 98
will allocate itself an address if no DHCP server can be found.


DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) is an area outside the firewall, to let remote users to have access to items on your
network (Web site, FTP download and upload area, etc.).

DNS Server Address

DNS stands for Domain Name System, which allows Internet host computers to have a domain name (such
as and one or more IP addresses (such as A DNS server keeps a database
of host computers and their respective domain names and IP addresses, so that when a domain name is re-
quested (as in typing “” into your Internet browser), the user is sent to the proper IP address.
The DNS server address used by the computers on your home network is the location of the DNS server
your ISP has assigned.

142 HBK 123391


Short for digital subscriber line, but is commonly used in reference to the asymmetric version of this technol-
ogy (ADSL) that allows data to be sent over existing copper telephone lines at data rates of from 1.5 to 9
Mbps when receiving data (known as the downstream rate) and from 16 to 640 Kbps when sending data
(known as the upstream rate). ADSL requires a special ADSL modem. ADSL is growing in popularity as
more areas around the world gain access.

DSL modem

DSL stands for digital subscriber line. A DSL modem uses your existing phone lines to send and receive da-
ta at high speeds.


A method for providing a level of security to wireless data transmissions. The Router uses two levels of en-
cryption; 40/64 bit and 128 bit. 128 bit is a more powerful level of encryption than 40/64 bit.


A LAN specification developed jointly by Xerox, Intel and Digital Equipment Corporation. Ethernet networks
use CSMA/CD to transmit packets at a rate of 10 Mbps over a variety of cables.

Ethernet Address

See MAC address.

Fast Ethernet

An Ethernet system that is designed to operate at 100 Mbps.


Electronic protection that prevents anyone outside of your network from seeing your files or damaging your

Full Duplex

A system that allows packets to be transmitted and received at the same time and, in effect, doubles the po-
tential throughput of a link.

Gigabit Ethernet

An Ethernet system that is designed to operate at 1000 Mbps.

HBK 123391 143


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This American organization was founded in 1963 and sets
standards for computers and communications.


Internet Engineering Task Force. An organization responsible for providing engineering solutions for TCP/IP
networks. In the network management area, this group is responsible for the development of the SNMP pro-


The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is an Internet protocol that provides a way for an Internet
computer to report its multicast group membership to adjacent routers. Multicasting allows one computer on
the Internet to send content to multiple other computers that have identified themselves as interested in re-
ceiving the originating computer's content. Multicasting can be used for such applications as updating the
address books of mobile computer users in the field, sending out company newsletters to a distribution list,
and "broadcasting" high-bandwidth programs of streaming media to an audience that has "tuned in" by set-
ting up a multicast group membership.

Infrastructure mode

Infrastructure mode is the wireless configuration supported by the Router. You will need to ensure all of your
clients are set up to use infrastructure mode in order for them to communicate with the Access Point built into
your Router. (see also Ad Hoc mode)


Internet Protocol. IP is a layer 3 network protocol that is the standard for sending data through a network. IP
is part of the TCP/IP set of protocols that describe the routing of packets to addressed devices. An IP ad-
dress consists of 32 bits divided into two or three fields: a network number and a host number or a network
number, a subnet number, and a host number.

IP Address

Internet Protocol Address. A unique identifier for a device attached to a network using TCP/IP. The address
is written as four octets separated with periods (full-stops), and is made up of a network section, an optional
subnet section and a host section.

IPv4 and IPv6

IPv6, also called IPng (or IP Next Generation), is the next planned version of the IP address system. While
IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses, IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses.


Internet Service Provider. An ISP is a business that provides connectivity to the Internet for individuals and
other businesses or organizations.

144 HBK 123391


Local Area Network. A network of end stations (such as PCs, printers, servers) and network devices (hubs
and switches) that cover a relatively small geographic area (usually not larger than a floor or building). LANs
are characterized by high transmission speeds over short distances (up to 1000 metres).


Media Access Control. A protocol specified by the IEEE for determining which devices have access to a
network at any one time.

MAC Address

Media Access Control Address. Also called the hardware or physical address. A layer 2 address associated
with a particular network device. Most devices that connect to a LAN have a MAC address assigned to them
as they are used to identify other devices in a network. MAC addresses are 6 bytes long.


Megabits per second.


In cable wiring, the concept of transmit and receive are from the perspective of the PC, which is wired as a
Media Dependant Interface (MDI). In MDI wiring, a PC transmits on pins 1 and 2. At the hub, switch, router,
or access point, the perspective is reversed, and the hub receives on pins 1 and 2. This wiring is referred to
as Media Dependant Interface - Crossover (MDI-X).


Network Address Translation. NAT enables all the computers on your network to share one IP address. The
NAT capability of the Router allows you to access the Internet from any computer on your home network
without having to purchase more IP addresses from your ISP.


A Network is a collection of computers and other computer equipment that are connected for the purpose of
exchanging information or sharing resources. Networks vary in size, some are within a single room, others
span continents.

Network Interface Card (NIC)

A circuit board installed into a piece of computing equipment, for example, a computer, that enables you to
connect it to the network. A NIC is also known as an adapter or adapter card.


A set of rules for communication between devices on a network. The rules dictate format, timing, sequencing
and error control.

HBK 123391 145


Public Switched Telephone Network.


Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM. PPP over ATM is a protocol for connecting remote hosts to the Internet
over an always-on connection by simulating a dial-up connection.


Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. Point-to-Point Protocol is a method of data transmission originally cre-
ated for dial-up connections; PPPoE is for Ethernet connections.


A standard connector used to connect Ethernet networks. The “RJ” stands for “registered jack”.


A device that acts as a central hub by connecting to each computer's network interface card and managing
the data traffic between the local network and the Internet.


A computer in a network that is shared by multiple end stations. Servers provide end stations with access to
shared network services such as computer files and printer queues.


Service Set Identifier. Some vendors of wireless products use SSID interchangeably with ESSID.

Subnet Address

An extension of the IP addressing scheme that allows a site to use a single IP network address for multiple
physical networks.

Subnet mask

A subnet mask, which may be a part of the TCP/IP information provided by your ISP, is a set of four numbers
configured like an IP address. It is used to create IP address numbers used only within a particular network
(as opposed to valid IP address numbers recognized by the Internet, which must assigned by InterNIC).


A network that is a component of a larger network.

146 HBK 123391


A device that interconnects several LANs to form a single logical LAN that comprises of several LAN seg-
ments. Switches are similar to bridges, in that they connect LANs of a different type; however they connect
more LANs than a bridge and are generally more sophisticated.


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This is the name for two of the most well-known protocols
developed for the interconnection of networks. Originally a UNIX standard, TCP/IP is now supported on al-
most all platforms, and is the protocol of the Internet.


It relates to the content of the data travelling through a network — ensuring that the information sent arrives
in one piece when it reaches its destination. IP relates to the address of the end station to which data is be-
ing sent, as well as the address of the destination network.


The movement of data packets on a network.

Universal plug and play

Universal plug and play is a system which allows compatible applications to read some of their settings from
the Router. This allows them to automatically configure some, or all, of their settings and need less user con-

URL Filter

A URL Filter is a feature of a firewall that allows it to stop its clients form browsing inappropriate Web sites.


Unshielded twisted pair is the cable used by 10BASE-T and 100BASE-Tx Ethernet networks.


VCI - Virtual Channel Identifier. The identifier in the ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) cell header that
identifies to which virtual channel the cell belongs.


VPI - Virtual Path Identifier. The field in the ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) cell header that identifies to
which VP (Virtual Path) the cell belongs.

HBK 123391 147


Wide Area Network. A network that connects computers located in geographically separate areas (for exam-
ple, different buildings, cities, or countries). The Internet is an example of a wide area network.


Wired Equivalent Privacy. A shared key encryption mechanism for wireless networking. Encryption strength
is 40/64 bit or 128 bit.


Wireless Fidelity. This is the certification granted by WECA to products that meet their inter operability crite-
ria. (see also 802.11n, WECA)

Wireless Client

The term used to describe a desktop or mobile PC that is wirelessly connected to your wireless network

Wireless LAN Service Area

Another term for ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier)


A Windows application that automates a procedure such as installation or configuration.


Wireless Local Area Network. A WLAN is a group of computers and devices connected together by wireless
in a relatively small area (such as a house or office).


Wi-Fi Protected Access. A dynamically changing encryption mechanism for wireless networking. Encryption
strength is 256 bit.

148 HBK 123391

ADB Broadband S.p.A
Viale Sarca 222
20126 Milano

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