Buganda Kingdom

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The Buganda kingdom is a Bantu kingdom located in Uganda. Following Uganda’s independence in
1962, the kingdom was abolished by Ugandan’s first Prime Minister Milton Obote.

Following years of disturbance under Obote and their dictator Idi Amin, as well as several years of
internal divisions among Uganda's ruling NRM under Yoweri Museveni, the President of Uganda
since 1986. The Kingdom was officially restored in 1993.

Since the restoration of the Kingdom in 1993, the king of Buganda, known as the Kabaka, has
been Muwenda Mutebi ||. He is recognized as the 36th Kabaka of Buganda. The current queen,
known as the Nnabagereka or Kaddulubale is queen Sylvia Nagginda.

The head of government is the Katikkiro, Charles Mayiga, who was appointed by the Kabaka.
The Parliament of Buganda is the Lukiiko.

Under the Kabaka, there were three types of chief: bakungu chiefs, who were appointed directly
by the Kabaka; traditional bataka chieftains; and batangole chiefs, who served as representatives
of the Kabaka, charged with "maintaining internal security, supervising royal estates and military


The Nyamwezi, or Wanyamwezi, are one of the Bantu groups of East Africa. They are

the second-largest ethnic group in Tanzania. The word Nyamwezi means “people of the
moon” it also means “people of the west”.

 The Sukuma would refer to the Nyamwezi as the 'Dakama' meaning 'people of the south' while
the Dakama would refer to the 'Sukuma' as 'people of the north'. Their homeland is
called Unyamwezi, and they speak the language Kinyamwezi but some people also speak
Swahili or English.

The Nyamwezi’s religion is Christianity and Islam.

Kamita Gichuhi

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