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February 2015

Infrastructure Top “3”

Body Mechanics (Hand Injury Prevention)

The hands and fingers are the most o en injured parts of the body. There are few work ac vi es
which do not involve the hands. The poten al for injury is always there and we must be con-
stantly aware to avoid hazards and injury. The primary way to avoid injury is to ensure that
Educate hands are kept out of the “danger zone” while a work task is performed. Your responsibili es in
keeping your hands out of the “danger zone” include:
Maintain good hand posi on to avoid hazards. You must be constantly alert to where your hands
are posi oned. Pay special a en on to the placement of your non-dominant hand.
Do not posi on your hands where:

Hand Injury Preven on Success a. They can be cut, punctured, burned, or pinched between objects
b. Where they can be struck by objects that move and can be released unexpectedly if not
 Choosing the correct Tool for maintained under control (for example, energy stored in compressed springs, hydraulic fluids
the task.
under pressure, arm energy, etc.)
 Choosing the correct PPE for c. Follow direc ons on how to perform a work task. If you do not know for sure how to do the
the task.
task, ask your supervisor for instruc on and/or assistance.
 Adhere to safe work Behaviors d. Use the correct tools for the job and ensure those tools are in good condi on.
while performing the task
e. Make sure machine guards are in place for all moving machinery. Never remove machine
At-Risk Behaviors Contribu ng to
Hand Injuries
f. Check materials and equipment for rough or sharp edges before handling.
 Failure to pay a en on to the
task at hand g. Maintain an effec ve barrier between hands and hazards by using tools or other aids.

 Failure to keep one’s eyes on h. Maintain good housekeeping in the work area.
i. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry around moving machinery.
 Failure to keep body parts out
of the line of fire j. Keep hands from under suspended loads.

When applying force (push or pull) be prepared for an unexpected slip or release.

The secondary way to avoid injury is to wear gloves that are specific to the job that is being per-
formed. Each specific hazard will have gloves that are designed to protect against that hazard.
Ensure that your gloves are sized properly and are in good condi on. Most importantly, wear
your gloves on a regular basis as you perform your work tasks.

© 2015 Bechtel Infrastructure Americas. Contains informa on which is confiden al and proprietary to Bechtel. All rights reserved.

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