What Is GPS

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What is GPS and how

does it work?
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite constellation supporting highly
accurate positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) measurements worldwide. As one of
the first satellite positioning systems, GPS has become integral to work done worldwide,
including precision agriculture, autonomous vehicles, marine or aerial surveying and
defense applications.

In this article, we explain what GPS is, how it works, what the differences are between
GPS and other satellite systems like Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), as
well as the equipment and applications GPS supports. You can find further information
on GPS and satellite technologies in our book, An Introduction to GNSS.

What is GPS?
GPS is one of many GNSS that provides positioning, navigation and timing (PNT)
measurements. While operated by the U.S. Space Force, a branch of the U.S. Armed
Forces, GPS is available for use by anyone worldwide.

GPS was started in 1973, launching its first satellite in 1978. Satellites are developed
and launched in series known as blocks. In total, 10 Block I GPS satellites were
launched between 1978 and 1981. The Block II series satellites were launched
beginning in 1989 and were capable of broadcasting on two L-Band radio frequencies.
GPS’ Block II had several developmental series, including Block IIA, IIR, IIR-M and IIF.
Each set of satellites built upon the previous designs and capabilities, culminating in
Block III. This third generation of GPS satellites begins with Block IIIA series’ new
signals and higher broadcasting power. The first IIIA satellite of 10 was launched in

What does GPS stand for?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It’s also often used to describe the
positioning system itself, for example, your vehicle’s built-in GPS.
How does GPS work?
Like many other GNSS constellations, GPS includes three main segments: the space
segment, control segment and user segment.

The GPS space segment includes over 30 satellites in orbit operated and maintained by
the U.S. Space Force. These satellites broadcast radio signals to control and monitoring
stations on Earth and directly to users requiring highly precise satellite positioning.

The U.S. Space Force also oversees the GPS control segment. It includes master
control and backup control stations, dedicated ground antennas and several monitor
stations located worldwide. These stations work to ensure GPS satellites are healthy,
orbiting in the correct locations and have accurate atomic clocks on board. These
stations are integral to the overall health and accuracy of the GPS constellation.

The user segment includes everyone relying upon GPS satellites for PNT
measurements. From a mobile phone providing directions to autonomous vehicles
requiring lane-level positioning accuracy; from a farmer tracking planting and harvesting
routes year-over-year to a UAV mapping a rainforest, many applications use GPS for
high precision positioning and accuracy around the world.

What are GPS satellite signals?

Satellites are continually broadcasting their orbital position and exact time at that
position on radio frequencies. That signal is received by antennas, along with at least
three other satellite signals, then processed in a GPS receiver to compute a user’s

GPS broadcasts on L1 (1575.42 MHz), L2 (1227.60 MHz) and L5 (1176.45 MHz)

civilian frequencies; GPS also broadcasts on L3 (1381.05 MHz) and L4 (1379.913 MHz)
for governmental and regional satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS). Several
satellites also broadcast M-code, a military code carried on the L1 and L2 frequencies
designed for exclusive use by the U.S. military.
What is M-code?
M-code is a GPS-specific signal broadcast to support the United States Department of
Defense. This signal was first broadcast with the launch of the Block IIR-M satellite in
2005. M-code provides a layer of defense against jamming interference through 21 M-
code-capable GPS satellites.

M-code broadcasts on the existing GPS L1 and L2 L-Band frequencies but is modulated
to not interfere with L1/L2 signals. Military receivers can compute PNT through M-code
alone. Further, military applications use M-code to increase power to L1 and L2 signals
to build resilience against interference, jamming and spoofing incidents. GPS signals
are still susceptible to jamming, but M-code provides a layer of defense against such
interference. There are many additional layers of anti-jamming defenses critical to
establishing assured PNT on GPS systems.

GPS accuracy
A positioning system is only as good as its processor. A high-precision GPS
receiver will be far more accurate than a mobile phone, for example. Potential sources
of errors are identified and modeled at monitoring and control stations to optimize

Most errors come from clock errors, orbital drift, atmospheric and multipath delays and
radio frequency interference. These sources constantly threaten positioning, navigation
and timing accuracy by contributing to geometric dilution of precision.

Some technologies help mitigate dilution of precision and these errors,

including subscriptions to GNSS/GPS correction services, SBAS and the fusion of
additional sensors like inertial navigation systems or radar. More precise GPS receivers
also help mitigate errors through different algorithms by computing a position through
pseudorange or carrier wave calculations.

We explain more about how to mitigate errors in both episode three and episode four of
our Introduction to GNSS webinar series.
GPS vs. GNSS: What is the difference?
GNSS is a way of describing every satellite constellation in orbit; GPS is one of several
constellations making up GNSS. From GPS to GLONASS (operated by Roscosmos
State Corporation for Space Activities in Russia), many constellations make up GNSS.
Positioning technology relies on many different constellations to provide accurate and
reliable PNT. Instead of GNSS vs. GPS, a better way to consider these technologies is
how GPS compares to other GNSS constellations.

We compare GPS to other constellations like GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo in our
article, What is GNSS.

Applications of GPS
GPS supports applications around the world relying on satellite technology for assured
positioning, navigation and timing measurements. These applications differ by industry,
but the use of GPS is based on their need for a precise position, reliable and safe
navigation, tracking and monitoring an object’s movement, surveying and mapping of an
area, or timing within a billionth of a second.

For example, mining applications rely on GPS to survey an area before beginning

operations. Companies track potential mineral deposits, identify which areas to avoid to
lessen their environmental impact and enable autonomous machinery transporting
minerals across the site.

Applications requiring high-precision positioning use GPS alongside other

constellations. However, because of its encrypted M-code signal, the U.S. military relies
on GPS in a unique way. M-code enables the military to secure continual access to
positioning and build resiliency to potential jamming and interference sources.

GPS equipment & solutions

GPS equipment enables the accurate PNT measurements necessary in solutions and
applications across many industries. From defense to mining, agriculture to commercial
marine, GPS is required for reliable positioning, safe navigation and highly precise
timing. Chapter eight of our Introduction to GNSS book details the specialized
equipment and solutions that GPS technology supports and we’ll list a few examples

In addition to the GPS receiver that computes your PNT, the next most important piece
of technology is your antenna. A GPS/GNSS antenna acts as a gatekeeper to ensure
only high-quality satellite signals are received for accurate calculations. These
calculations are supplemented with GNSS/GPS correction services that can correct
multipath, timing and atmospheric errors. Both antennas and correction services are key
GPS technologies that support GPS applications around the world.

GPS Anti-Jam Technology (GAJT) includes a portfolio of anti-jam antennas protecting

GPS and other satellite signals from interference, jamming and spoofing. M-code
signals only provide the minimum protection against jamming, while GAJT and other
anti-jamming solutions build a system’s resilience and robustness even further for
assured PNT.

Disclaimer: details above Is not my property.

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