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Face Recognition Based Automated Attendance Management system

Many discoveries and technology have occuried in the modern period to save manpower, improve
accuracy improve our lives Automated of attendance system has an advantage over the traditional
methods in that save time. Here the face is physical manifestation of one person. In this the problem is
with the method is that only catches an one image of student that he/she will entering the classroom.
The system is put test in a variety of lighting condition, facial expression ad presence or absence of
beard and specs. Here python is a dynamic. Python tracks types of all values. It has powerful capabilities
as lit calls through c, c++, java via python. Open cv is a large open-source library. It can analyses photos
and videos to recognise the items, faces and human hand writing. In the java library with the name of
ovg.opencv.imgproc. CSV (comma separated values) is simple file format. It is used to store data . such
as spead sheet or database. CSV file stores data in plain text. It has fairly simple structure. It is a list of
data separated b commas.

Here the Attendance marking in a class during a lecture is not only easy task and also an time
consuming. Automatic face Recognition has created revolution in the world. Raspherry pi and camera
module to take image and store them to database. This is the way that attendance will be automated.
Face recognition is most biological recognition technology. The system will work even it is not in work.
With the face recognition accurate and fast identification industry leading facial recognition algorithm
matches more then of a fingerprint. It is better than fingerprint technology.

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