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Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition

accomplish 5 C1 consequence* 1 B2

acknowledge* 2 C1 context* 3 B2

alien 10 - contradictory* 8 C2

annual* 7 B1 conversely* 8 -

apparel 4 - coordinate* 5 -

apparently* 2 B2 cover up 9 C1

assess* 2 B2 criteria* 1 C1

associate (v) 7 C1 crops 7 B1

atmosphere 1 B2 crucial* 3 B2

authority* 2 C2 cryptic 6 -

automatically* 9 B2 current 1 B2

balance (n) 3 B2 deceitful 9 -

base (n) 10 C2 deceptive 9 C2

beyond 8 B2 declare 5 B2

brand 4 B2 dedicated* 2 C1

capability* 5 C1 defense 5 -

capacity* 9 B2 definitively* 6 -

captivated 6 - deny* 7 B2

collectively 5 - depression* 3 B2

competitive 4 B2 destiny 10 C1

competitor 4 B1 devoted to* 1 B2

complementary* 5 - distinct* 7 C1

complex* (adj) 5 B2 dramatic* 1 B2

composition 3 C2 economic* 7 B2

concept* 1 B2 eliminate* 1 C1

252 VoCaBUlary index VoCaBUlary index 253
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Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition

emergence* 9 - innocence 9 C2

emergent* 5 - insight* 3 C1

erosion* 1 C1 intact 8 C2

essentially 1 B2 integral* 6 C1

ethics* 3 C2 intellectual 10 B2

evidently* 6 B2 investment* 7 B2

evolutionary* 7 - irresistible 6 -

exclude* 6 C1 lethal 2 C2

executive 4 C1 life span 8 C2

expose to* 3 B2 literally 10 B2

feasible 2 C1 livestock 7 -

fertilizer 1 - longevity 8 C2

flee 10 C1 manipulate* 5 -

found* 4 B2 marketing 4 B2

fundamental* 9 C2 mechanisms* 8 C1

gain insight* 8 C1 merchandise 4 -

geometric 3 - metaphor 6 C2

glimpse 10 C1 minority 7 B2

gullible 9 - mislead 9 C1

headquarters 4 B2 monotonous 6 C1

hypothetical* 2 - multiple 6 C1

imperfect 3 C1 nostalgic 6 C2

implication* 8 C1 notion* 3 C1

impostor* 9 - on the contrary* 6 C1

inferior 10 C1 orientation* 7 C2

254 VoCaBUlary index VoCaBUlary index 255

Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition
Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition Word Unit CeFr example sentence / definition
accomplish 5 C1 consequence* 1 B2
accomplish 5 C1 consequence* 1 B2
acknowledge* 2 C1 context* 3 B2
acknowledge* Word2 C1 Unit CeFr example sentence / definition
context* 3 B2
Word10 -
Unit CeFr example sentence / definition
contradictory* 8 C2
alien 10 - contradictory* 8 C2
annual* 7 B1 conversely* 8 -
annual* 7 B1 conversely* 8 -
outcome* 8 C1 apparel retail 4 - 4 C1 coordinate* 5 -
apparel 4 - coordinate* 5 -
apparently* 2 B2 cover up 9 C1
apparently* 2 B2 cover up 9 C1
outnumber 8 C1 assess* revenue*
2 B2 7 C1 criteria* 1 C1
assess* 2 B2 criteria* 1 C1
associate (v) 7 C1 crops 7 B1
associate (v) 7 C1 crops 7 B1
outsource 4 - atmosphere rival 1 B2 4 C1 crucial* 3 B2
atmosphere 1 B2 crucial* 3 B2
authority* 2 C2 cryptic 6 -
authority* 2 C2 cryptic 6 -
perspective* 1 C1 automatically* ruthless
9 B2 10 C2 current 1 B2
automatically* 9 B2 current 1 B2
balance (n) 3 B2 deceitful 9 -
balance (n) 3 B2 deceitful 9 -
poaching 2 - base (n) satisfy10 C2 1 B2 deceptive 9 C2
base (n) 10 C2 deceptive 9 C2
beyond 8 B2 declare 5 B2
beyond 8 B2 declare 5 B2
precisely* 5 B2 brand secretive
4 B2 2 - dedicated* 2 C1
brand 4 B2 dedicated* 2 C1
capability* 5 C1 defense 5 -
capability* 5 C1 defense 5 -
predator 2 C1 capacity* sequel9 B2 10 - definitively* 6 -
capacity* 9 B2 definitively* 6 -
captivated 6 - deny* 7 B2
captivated 6 - deny* 7 B2
prey 2 C2 collectively settle5 - 10 B2 depression* 3 B2
collectively 5 - depression* 3 B2
competitive 4 B2 destiny 10 C1
competitive 4 B2 destiny 10 C1
principle* 3 C1 competitor shortage
4 B1 4 B2 devoted to* 1 B2
competitor 4 B1 devoted to* 1 B2
complementary* 5 - distinct* 7 C1
complementary* 5 - distinct* 7 C1
priority* 2 B2 complex* (adj) simulation*
5 B2 5 C1 dramatic* 1 B2
complex* (adj) 5 B2 dramatic* 1 B2
composition 3 C2 economic* 7 B2
composition 3 C2 economic* 7 B2
profit 4 B2 concept* simultaneously
1 B2 6 B2 eliminate* 1 C1
concept* 1 B2 eliminate* 1 C1

profound 1 C2 straightforward* 6 B2
252 253
project* (v) 2 - stunned 10 C2
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252 VoCaBUlary index VoCaBUlary index 253

prominent 9 C1 substantial 6 B2

prone to 9 C2 supply chain 4 -

proportion* 3 C1 systematically 9 C2

prosper 7 C2 tensions* 7 B2

protagonist 10 C2 thereby* 7 C1

pursue* 3 C1 thrive 9 C1

ratio* 8 C1 touch down 10 -

realistically* 5 C1 transform* 1 B2

reconstruct* 8 C1 undermine 8 C2

relevant* 5 B2 unimaginable 10 C2

resolve* 2 C1 unpredictable* 5 B2

restriction* 8 C1 violate* 3 C2

*These words are on the Academic Word List (AWL). The AWL is a list of the 570 most frequent word families in
academic texts. It does not include the most frequent 2,000 words of English.

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