Student Magazine 1st Ed 2022

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Editorial: Accountancy beyond the
6 Let’s Talk Financial Management

8 Career Development : Owning The Gap Vincent Lukonde

10 Co-Existing of Accountants
Moses Chitoshi
Strategic Capabilities – The Canon of Peggy Sikaale
13 Amon A Phiri
The Hybrid Accountant Yvonne Chapuswike
Sherlyn Musonda Hanene
16 Photo Focus Samuel Olaniyan
Ngosa Chikaka

Audit Procedures In An Audit Of Financial
18 Statements
Ngosa Chikaka

23 Notice For June 2022 Examination
Suzyo Tembo
Harriet C Antoine
25 Examination Time Table Pamela Yuku
James Kashalo
28 List Of Employers Peterson G Mumbuluma


elcome to the 1st edition of 2022 in the series of the ZICA
student magazine. As a student builds one’s career in Ac-
countancy it is important to focus on ensuring that var-
ious skills are developed in order to become the much sought after
business and finance leader. This entails having a mixture of essential
knowledge and skills. The Chartered Accountant Zambia qualification
enables one to be professionally qualified in finance and business with
the ability to think outside the box, be a Finance expert, game changer,
problem solver, thought leader and decision makers. This cannot be
overemphasized. Unfortunately attaining maximum effectiveness and
Mrs. Elizabeth Sondashi joining the leading network of business leaders of today and the future
Musukwa requires more than just a qualification.

Director Education and The next generation Accountant requires a perfect blend of arrays of both
Training hard and soft accounting skills. You may have acquired full knowledge to
practice as an Accountant and may have experience working in an account-
ing and finance Department but may still be limited in scope.

Accountancy as a profession has come a long way. Each era presents Ac-
countants with unique challenges and opportunities. To remain relevant as
Accountants in this era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly picking
up skills that were once exclusively reserved for Accountants, one has to
match this AI force by picking up skills that AI machines can only dream of.

This demands that one must evolve into a Hybrid Accountant, which is
beyond the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills. It is essential to be
up to date with changes in accounting standards because there are frequent
changes on how things are done. Hybrid Accountants must also embrace
ecommerce and must be street savvy because the requirements of the 21st
century necessitate that one must be resourceful enough to be able to navi-
gate the difficult and highly dynamic landscape. Additionally, a hybrid Ac-
countant must be able to clasp both traditional IT and Financial Technology
(FinTech) and always be on the lookout for any technological trend. You can
never know too much in IT as an Accountant. Furthermore, bankruptcy and
insolvency knowledge is highly important because of the enormous task Ac-
countants have during bankruptcy and insolvency processes and procedures.
All in all a hybrid Accountant is expected to harness people management
skills. A manager works with and through people to attain organizational
goals so people management skills is a must have.

Lastly, it is clear to see that for anyone to survive in the accountancy career,
reinvention is key. During practical training ZICA emphasizes that trainees
master the necessary technical and non-technical skills through the available
mentors. Reposition yourself to be able to network and co-exist with other
Trainees and Chartered Accountants as you set yourself up for a rewarding
career. Expand your horizon as wide as possible and ensure you read ahead
of what even your Mentors may not have emphasized on. The business envi-
ronment is full of dynamism and complexities – only the ready and informed
will survive!


By Suzyo Tembo long-term goals. that were made since that first entry.
Decision-making, or helping business You want to a system that will have
B.Sc. Accounting, MPA
leaders decide the best way to execute a second or even third tier validation

on plans by providing up-to-date fi- processes for any changes made to fi-
oney is the pulse of ev- nancial reports and data on relevant nancial data.
ery entity because without Key performance indicators (quanti- 2.) Record keeping – your financial
money it is impossible to fiable measures of performance over system must be able to record all
do any kind of economic transaction time for a specific objective). your financial transactions and also
for the entity. As such, it is very crit- Controlling, or ensuring each depart- be able to retain all historical data
ical that every organization, whether ment is contributing to the vision and and process your financial inputs into
it is for profit or not, puts in place a operating within budget and in align- meaningful data for the purpose of
solid financial management system. ment with strategy. generating reports for all stake-hold-
If you are running a for profit busi- ers.
ness, you want to see how your mon- WHAT ARE THE OPBJEC-
ey is coming in, how much of it is TIVES OF 3.) Effectivity – It should be effective
being spent and whether or not you FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT in that it should be easy to use, it can
are making a profit. Likewise if you Building on the above pillars, finan- process data quickly, its capacity can
are running a non-profit entity, you cial managers help their companies in be expanded, it is affordable to oper-
are still using stake-holders money to a variety of ways, including but not ate and it can protect the business.
run operations. You need to account limited to: A financial management system com-
for how that money is being spent, Maximizing profits by providing in- bines several financial functions,
account for how that money is being sights on, for example, rising costs such as accounting, fixed-asset man-
spent, account for how that money is of raw materials that might trigger an agement, revenue recognition and
being spent. increase in the cost of goods sold. payment processing. By integrating
Tracking liquidity and cash flow to these key components, a financial
WHAT IS FINANCIAL MAN- ensure the company has enough mon- management system ensures real-time
AGEMENT ey on hand to meet its obligations. visibility into the financial state of a
In business, financial management Ensuring compliance with govern- company while facilitating day-to-
is the practice that handles an enti- ment and industry-specific regula- day operations.
ty’s finances in a way that allows it tions.
to be successful and compliant with Developing financial scenarios based Sadly, many SME’s in Zambia do not
the regulations; it is the management on the current state of the business value the importance of investing in a
of all matters related to an entity’s and forecasts that assume a wide good accounting system. Investing in
finances. It is about planning an in- range of outcomes based on possible one will pay off in the long run.
vestment, funding it, monitoring ex- market conditions. Secondly every organization must in-
penses against budget and managing Dealing effectively with investors and vest in a good financial management
gains from the investment. Effective other stake-holders. officer who will be accountable not
Financial Management is vital for the only to the organization but to the
growth and success of an entity; fail- The first thing you may want to do code of ethics and conduct of the lo-
ing to plan for the financial manage- in the financial management of your cal finance and accounting regulatory
ment of your business entity is plan- entity is to invest in an accounting body. In Zambia it is highly recom-
ning to fail your business. system that will process all your fi- mended that your finance officer is a
nancial transactions. It must be able member of good standing with ZICA.
WHY IS FINANCIAL MAN- to perform the three basic steps of an Another aspect of good financial
AGEMENT IMPORTANT accounting system: input data, pro- management aspect is putting In-
Solid financial management is im- cess it and output in the form of vari- ternal Controls at every level of the
portant because it ous reports. It should be able to do the movement of your money in your
provides the foundation for three pil- following at minimum: entity. Internal controls are series of
lars of sound fiscal governance: policies and procedures or techni-
Strategizing, or identifying what 1.) Trackable data entry – you want cal protections that are put in place
needs to happen financially for the to be able to not only enter financial to prevent problems and protect the
company to achieve its short- and data but to also track any changes assets of your entity. If for example

you are running a hotel, what inter- e.) Increasing gross profit by setting regarding how the finance team will
nal controls have you put in place to the correct pricing for products and process and distribute financial data,
avert stealing in cash transactions? services like invoices, payments and reports,
It would be prudent to have an au- with security and accuracy. These
tomated hospitality industry system f.) Controlling levels of administra- written procedures also outline who
that integrates with your financial ac- tive and general expenses by finding is responsible for making financial
counting system. A good hospitality more cost efficient ways of running decisions at the company and who
industry system will track your guest the day-to-day business operations, signs off on those decisions.
from the time they contact your ho- and
tel to make a reservation. There are • Organizing and Directing – It is
three main types of Internal Con- g.) Tax planning that will minimize important to organize and have reg-
trols: the taxes the entity has to pay ular meetings where financial mat-
The scope of financial Manage- ters are addressed, and the financial
• Preventive – These include sep- ment includes decisions and con- decisions are made and were expert
aration of duties, pre-approval of siderations regarding the size of in- directions are given for the appropri-
actions and transactions, access con- vestments, funding sources and the ate allocation and utilization of the
trols and physical controls over as- range of capital use. To maintain its entity’s resources.
sets (i.e. locks on doors or a safe for profitability, liquidity, efficiency and
cash and checks) stability, an entity must consider the • Decision Making – Stake-holders
following elements of financial man- must make decisions on the direction
• Detective – These include weekly/ agement: of the entity’s funds. Once the finan-
monthly reconciliations of transac- cial decisions are finalized, they are
tions, review of organizational per- • Planning – The initial step which is circulated as financial documents,
formance (i.e. budget to actual com- required to be taken before further- and economic activities occur ac-
parison to look for any unexpected ing any other business procedures. cording to those decisions.
differences) and physical audits Many entities hire professional fi-
(such as hand-counting money and nancial planners to set up effective In summary, the importance of Fi-
physical inventory counts). financial plans for their target and nancial Management cannot be
objective achievement. Thereafter, over-emphasized. It is the key to
• Corrective – These controls are im- this planning aspect of financial the success of every business entity.
plemented after the internal detective management continues in making Without the proper management of
controls discover a problem. They projections on how much money your finances, your entity will never
could include disciplinary action, the company will need in order to reach its full potential of growth and
report filing, software modifications maintain positive cash flow, allocate success.
and implementation of new policies. funds to grow or add new products Money is to an entity, what oil is to
They are usually put into place af- or services and cope with unexpected an engine!
ter a root cause investigation. Im- events, and shares that information
plementing a quality improvement with the stake-holders. References:
team can be a great way to address Strutner, S., (October 2, 2020). Fi-
ongoing problems and to correct pro- • Controlling – Controlling and ad- nancial Management Explained. Re-
cesses. ministering how the entity’s resourc- trieved from
The best way to demonstrate the im- es are being utilized helps improve
portance of good financial manage- its business operations. Proper re- resource/articles/financial-manage-
ment is to describe some of the tasks cords for all financial transactions ment/financial-management.shtml
it involves: related to the entity should be well
maintained. Types of Internal Controls (July 31,
a.) Taking care not to over-invest in 2021) Retrieved from
fixed assets • Budgeting - allocating the entity’s
available funds to meet costs, such as types-of-internal-controls/
b.) Balancing cash outflow with cash mortgages or rents, salaries, raw ma- What are the 6 A’s of financial man-
in-flows terials and other obligations. Ideally agement. Retrieved from
there will be some left to put aside
c.) Ensuring sufficient levels of for emergencies and to fund new the-6-A%E2%80%99s-of-financial-
short-term working capital business opportunities. management
• Managing and assessing risk – as-
d.) Setting sales revenue targets that sessing risk and providing compen-
will deliver growth sating controls for a variety of risks.
• Procedures – setting procedures

By Harriet C Antoine career development and unem- in.

ployment – on-going vs break in Being unemployed, as tough as it
ne of the characteristics of continuity. may be financially and emotional-
career development is that From the onset, you need to identi- ly, still gives you a valuable asset
it is on-going; and one of fy career growth as having a series not to be overlooked. Not changing
the definitions of the word ‘Gap’ of activities which may include set- your attitude will help you identi-
given by the Oxford Dictionary is: ting goals, acquiring skills, gaining fy the asset on hand –time. This is
a break in continuity. The ‘gap’ experience, taking up higher job now an opportunity to invest this
referenced in this article is the responsibilities, changing jobs, time wisely. Alongside looking for
gap in the curriculum vitae where learning new skills or improving a job or other worthwhile activi-
someone is unemployed, hence ‘a skills etc. However, the human ties someone may be engaged in,
break’ so to speak in one’s career tendency is to seek an easier way self-development is key. Use this
path. Therefore, the article focuses out and being in employment cre- time for reskilling and recalibrat-
on how to bridge the gap between ates an easy avenue of mapping ing.
a career path. Most of the Normally, reskilling and upskilling
people in employment are attached to work environments
use the organograms where an organisation is expect-
or job descriptions ed to invest in its employees as a
as a support tool for talent management process. The
career growth. Off goal being creating better work
course, this is not a culture and efficiency, and also for
bad idea, howev- the purpose of setting employees
er, over-reliance up for job changes or promotions.
on this may put However, it is very much possible
a stop to career and doable on an individual basis
growth once for personal growth, after all it’s an
someone is out individual’s career path which you
of employment. yourself needs to take charge of.
The COVID-19
pandemic has An article by CompareHero.
brought with my entitled “#DigitalCareers: 10
it macroeco- Ways To Upskill and Reskill Amid
nomic pressure COVID-19”, suggests ways in
resulting in job which someone can take the initia-
losses and re- tive to upskill themselves. Below
dundancies. Re- are some of the ways relevant to
ality therefore the topic. The detail below each
is that someone segment provides a basic concept
is likely to be behind each suggestion:
impacted neg-
atively. Change Brush up your
is inevitable but technical skills
you should never Being a Chartered Accountant, a
change your at- number of hard skills are required.
titude. The goal Why not continue polishing up on
should be to devel- or being conversant with new pro-
op oneself regard- fessional terminologies, changes,
less of the circum- and happenings in your surround-
stances you may be ings and all across the globe, par-

ticularly the commercial realm? to be more visible, informed and build empowering beliefs to spur
Be aware of the factors that affect attuned to the latest trends within you on. It also helps take notice
businesses. one’s field. Building up the Linke- and challenge the stories in your
There are a number of free on-line dIn profile takes real skills, and it’s head which may be holding you
courses (e.g. Udemy) that can also these skills that you can acquire back – e.g. the thought that one’s
help someone to upskill in their that should be used often and stra- career path has come to a dead-end
area of expertise. tegically. You can also sharpen because of loss of employment.
your storytelling skills and pick up
Make time to improve soft social media management when All things considered, what you
skills planning your own content to pres- need is - CAREER COMMITMENT.
Soft skills are interpersonal attri- ent or write up on. Develop the power and desire to
butes required to succeed in every- With the foregoing in mind, once exert effort to enhance your career.
day life, be it at home or the work- you are confronted with an unex- Keep working on the career role
place, e.g. communication skills, pected change, like loss of em- that you have chosen and are un-
teamwork, problem solving, public ployment, this should not be the dertaking. Be career resilient, gain
speaking, professional writing, etc. time to lose your sense of purpose career insight and evolve your ca-
This can be an opportunity to im- and passion for your career path reer identity.
prove, for example, presentation but an opportunity to recalibrate
skills. Someone may pick on an your personal operating system. In conclusion, when you are asked
analysis of financial statements Bear in mind that recalibration is by be it an interviewer, a recruiter
and the comments attached, and not fixing something that is broken or a friend/acquaintance why you
practice presenting them fluently per se but it’s a focus on improv- have a gap/gaps in your CV, DO
and professionally. ing and realigning oneself. NOT look at it as a negative point
Note some of the ways that make of failure in your career growth but
Learn to be more recalibration useful as brought out as an opportunity to OWN THE
digitally-savvy in an article – “Recalibration for GAP. Showcase the knowledge
continued career success” by Vito- and skill you have acquired and
This goes beyond knowledge ria Walsh. The explanation below how you may have already imple-
about different applications and each category is tailored to fit the mented it and/or how you intend to
software that are utilised by most article. apply and harness the knowledge
organisations but being familiar and skill given an opportunity to.
with the technology. Activities Clarity on your career
like e-commerce, inventory man- path
agement, data accumulation and
interpretation, data analysis, credit When you recalibrate, you take The Author
risk management, etc. all depend time to explore exactly what ex- Harriet C An-
on technology. cites you, your skills, strengths toine (FZICA,
and passions. FCCA) is a
Pick up a new language Chartered Ac-
There are a number of languages Re-energize countant with
that have now become common- When you recalibrate, you connect 7+ years’ ex-
place as the world gets smaller with doing more of what you love, perience, serv-
technologically and commercially. aligning yourself once more with ing in various
Picking up languages like Manda- your values and start to focus on finance and related functions. Her
rin, Arabic and French can be an using more of the skills, strengths core strength is data analytics and
added advantage to career growth. and personal strategies that will insights, market intelligence, and
Free on-line language learning make things easier. You consumer insights.
applications are readily available, thus achieve a natural boost.
e.g. Duolingo.
Kill off negative whispers
Build your LinkedIn When you recalibrate, you take
network time to spot the helpful personal
LinkedIn can teach someone how stories, those that can help you

als, with their specialisation, help in orandum of Understanding with the
guiding accountants on how to ap- Zambia Institute of Human Resource
Co-Existing of ply certain accounting standards and Management (ZIHRM) which took
other aspects that are related to the place at the ZICA head office in Lusa-
Accountants standards in the industry, regardless ka on the 4th February 2022. This step
of whether one is in public, private also reinforces that need for co-exis-
sectors, government or a Non-Gov- tence among accountants in Zambia.
ernmental Organisation (NGO). Through ZIHRM, employers will be
sensitised about how accounting is
By Pamela Yuku On one hand the International Ac- the same regardless of the qualifica-
counting Standards Board (IASB) tion one has be it a degree, ACCA, CA
also depends on the information com- (Zambia) or CIMA.

ing from the industry to amend or
ccounting in Zambia has a formulate new standards. The world REFERENCES
calibre of accountants who is constantly changing and so is the
hold different accounting way of doing business. In the year dictionary/coexist
qualifications i.e. Degree in account- 2020, we saw how the world was hit
ing and finance, ACCA, CIMA and by the COVID-19 pandemic. We all
CA Zambia (formally ZICA). All of never saw it coming but it happened
these accountants are regulated by the and it brought about new ways of do-
ZICA which is the mother body of all ing things like no hand shaking and
accountants in Zambia. ZICA ensures sanitising. Similarly, new ways of do-
that all accountants, whether student ing business evolved and also new ac-
or professionals in industry, are in line counting standards in the accounting
with the code of conduct and are do- world like the COVID Rent Conces-
ing the correct things. sion Standard. Because of the constant
changes that are there in the business
Why Should Accountants in Zambia environment, it should be a solid
Co-Exist point for accountants to co-exist with
First of all let me define what co-exis- one another and also to leverage on
tence according to Merriam-Webster. each other’s experience and expertise.
com, to co-exist is to “1: to exist to- There is also need to pass on special-
gether or at the same time. Or: to live ism and knowledge to new entrants in
in peace with each other especially as accounting regardless of which qual-
a matter of policy.” ification one has in accounting, with-
out which it will be very difficult to
The work accountants do is also reg- grow and gain continuous profession-
ulated by Zambia Revenue Author- al development.
ity, the Bank of Zambia through the
Banking and Financial Services Act In conclusion, co-existing among ac-
and PACRA through the company’s countants in Zambia is very
Act which fosters co-existence be- important, regardless of their ac-
cause of the complexity and diversity counting qualifications because at the
of the industry. It is dis-heartening to end of the day all fall under the same
see certain accounting job adverts that accounting regulator - ZICA. No ac-
kind of divide accountants because of countant is less or better than the oth-
“certain preferred” qualifications. My er. We should learn to embrace and
observation is that such adverts have pull each other up. Accountants play a
brought about uncertainty, some in- very vital role in providing solutions
tellectual division and bashing yet we to improve companies, NGOs and
are all one and accounting is one and the Government, ultimately
the same thing regardless of which improving and pushing the
qualification one has. As the indus- economy forward.
try is diverse so is the accounting
profession and we are linked to each
other. A good example I can give are L a s t l y, I t h a n k
the accountants who are specialised ZICA for sign-
in International Financial Reporting ing a Mem-
Standards (IFRS). These profession-

By James Kashalo

he Bi-Dimensional Ap- deserved more than what they were lar branches, confusing as to whether
proach to a Successful earning. On the other hand, 70% of which one goes to the promised land,
Professional Accounting the student accountants that I had a such is the nature of the introductory
Career. privilege of engaging in conversation phase. This phase requires investment
were of the view that finding employ- by the professional both in time and
The evolution of the accountancy ment in the accounting money. This is the phase within which
profession over the past few decades environment was not an easy task. the professional accountant must be
has seen the generation of two Of course, that may be true, until one more confused with many anxious
major questions for today’s account- logged into some major job floatation questions, an open mind. The intro-
ing professionals. Although not sites and came alive to the fact that a ductory phase extends through to the
explicitly limited to providing new accounting job is floated every 48 end of the practical training period of
solutions to these two major ques- hours on average. the accountant’s lifecycle.
tions, the
enhancement of strategic capabilities The bi-dimensional approach seeks to The Growth and Maturity Phase
through this bi-dimensional approach provide suggested solutions to ques- This period normally begins as the ac-
can just be a starting point to a tions that appear at two different times countant begins to settle successfully
successful professional accounting of the accountant’s career. The within the competitive professional
career. The bi-dimensional approach question is how the professional space. However, in spite this settle-
seeks to evaluate the strategic rele- accountant proves strategically ment, the accountant should not cease
vance of the professional accountant relevant at: to grow. If we look at the example of
by considering two main phases of the a long path through the woods, during
lifecycle of the professional - The Introductory and Growth Phase this phase of the professional journey,
accountant, thereby projecting the of their career the accountant would have reduced
long-term stature of the accountant in - The growth and Maturity Phase of the number of normal accounting
practice. their career questions. The rate at which efficiency
The Introductory and Growth Phase is improved as more similar tasks are
I have had the opportunity to con-
verse with accountants working for If you have noticed, our approach performed slows down (See Learning
different organisations as well as stu- seeks to address the questions that Curve Theory) and the accountant is
dent accountants. Of all my effective combine a growth component with more than capable of superior perfor-
conversations, 70% of the working each phase. This highlights the fact mance in basic and routine tasks.
accountants had the view that the em- that growth is a critical component of
ployer must do more. Being experts in the accountant’s career. This phase is Strategic Capability
finance and very critical, and many young accoun- Strategic capability is an internal fea-
accounting, the employed tants today have found it difficult to ture; a quality that may be possessed
accountants could peep through the fi- walk past this phase. Just like a long by individuals, communities, corpora-
nancial figures, assess profitability and path through the woods, a path long tions or even nations. Well, to cement
conclude that they enough not to remember, with simi- our discussion, it will be critical to

understand the key components of and Hamel as they put forth their ar- long-term. It goes beyond threshold
strategic capability. These can be gument on resource-based strategies. capabilities that guarantee existence
termed ingredients or recipes of Stra- in the profession, but additional ca-
tegic capability and are: “Some professionals can simply be pabilities that guarantee competitive
more foresightful than others, these existence within a competitive pro-
Strategy are able to imagine solutions to un- fession.
seen problems, dynamic changes as
This is the course of action including well as develop questions aimed at Strategic Capability at the Growth
the specification of the resources re- addressing future problems. Such And Maturity Phase
quired to achieve a clear set of long- professionals will have few problems Well, what about the accountant that
term goals. in positioning themselves in the exist- knows the routine accounting work?
ing competitive professional space.” What about the accounting expert in
practice? Is there a climax within the
Capability There are several recommendations accounting profession?
available to the accountant at the
Capability depends on two critical
growth/introductory phase. Remem- Well having met Byrnes and Scapens
components - resources which sim-
ber, interviews are only successful if with their accounting Change project,
ply refer to the things you have and
you can distinguish yourself from the my outlook on the modern accounting
competences, which refer to how you
crowd. For me, it is critical for this space experienced a complete turn-
use the things you have.
accountant to: around. They enforced the need of not
Having a clear understanding of stra-
only an ordinary accountant, but also
tegic capability and investing in ac-
- Develop an extensive understanding a Hybrid Accountant - an accountant
tions aimed at strengthening the stra-
of Accounting and Financial Report- that is fully capable of retaining rele-
tegic position within the accountancy
ing Standards. Accountants are ever vance within this rigorously dynamic
profession will not only guarantee
learning professionals and hence business environment.
competitive advantage both during
every day without learning is a step Once the accountant reaches this
the Growth/Introductory and the
back within the competitive space. stage of their professional life, their
Growth/Maturity phases but also act
Knowledge of accounting standards focus needs to change, not that they
as the necessary gunpowder required
will position you way ahead of com- are abandoning the skills that they
to shoot the accountant through stra-
petition. have mastered throughout their pro-
tegic opportunities beyond account-
fessional life but in response to a
renewed call to providing extensive
Strategic Capability at The Introduc-
- Establish an understanding of the business solutions. They are no lon-
tory and Growth Phase
application of accounting standards. ger just providing information about
This can be done through reading of financial performance, but also pro-
“Distinguish yourself from the crowd.
published financial reports for all list- viding solutions aimed at improving
Not just an accountant, but a char-
ed entities, and these are available to performance.
tered accountant.” This became a
the general public.
phrase worth considering soon after
At the growth/maturity phase the ac-
the CA Zambia professional qualifi-
- Make networking the heart of your countant must consistently work on
cation was introduced. It looked like
social and professional life. This their leadership skills as their position
a longer path, with no certification all
helps you improve your confidence as grows within the profession. Their
the way until the completion of the
well as enhance your communication growth puts them in a position that re-
compulsory 3 years supervised prac-
skills in successfully convincing key quires them to not only be responsible
tical training (as that was the case
decision makers. for their actions but also the actions
when the programme was initially
of the organisation. One long-stand-
introduced). My motivation was that
- Practice your modelling through ing accounting professional told me
“If this journey appears too long, then
imagining and applying theoretical that:
it should also be true that one who in-
ideas in Microsoft or other relevant
tends to travel far must take such a
accounting tools. Therefore, IT com- “The most dispensable person within
long journey.”
prehension is a critical recipe. the organisation is the Finance Man-
ager or Chief Financial Officer. He is
Developing strategic capabilities at
- Keep learning generally. responsible for advising the organisa-
this phase requires an investment in
It is important to consistently remind tion as a whole and if things are not
knowledge. Of course, there will be
oneself of those strategic capabil- moving well consistently, this may
no experiences at the initial phases
ities that are not just aimed at pro- just be the first right person to dis-
due to the lack of exposure to prac-
viding current competitive strength, pose-of for not providing good advice
tical working life. However, allow
but competitive capabilities over the to the company.”
me to borrow the words of Prahalad
capabilities in the modern account-
If this statement is true then the ac- ing space. Take note of the critical
counting professional must be always component throughout our analysis
more foresightful through thinking of (i.e., Continuous Professional Devel-
possible problems that may arise and opment). However, it must be noted
finding long-term solutions aimed at that all these tools that are aimed at
ensuring that the strategic capabilities developing strategic capabilities are
of their organisation is enhanced. of no effect without strict adherence
and compliance with ethical consider-
ations. Ethical issues have led to the
The Accountants Value collapse of some of the largest firms;
Chain the same can happen to the profes- James Kashalo
sional accountant. Accounts Assistant
Porters Value Chain is a well-known BDO
analysis tool that aims to explain the The canon of the hybrid accountant is ZAMBIA LIMITED
key driver for profits. By mapping therefore the development of key and +260096893841
costs to activities that can be split into unique competences relevant to pro-
primary and secondary activities and viding them with enhanced compet-
selling the end products at a margin, itive advantages at all phases, while
the firm does more for its customers ensuring strict compliance with the
than just incurring costs. Porter justi- ethical code. Knowledge of relevant
fies the margin as value addition. legislation such as the Companies
Act, The Financial Intelligence Centre
Porters Value Chain is as useful to Act etc. will aid the accountant fortify
accounting professionals as it is to their position in this dynamic econom-
business entities. Developing strate- ic environment.
gic capabilities within the accounting
profession at all phases is not all cost Leading requires going an extra mile,
free. It requires an investment in time, taking a step further. Go for it, retain-
dedication and real costs. The role of ing relevance in the modern account-
the accounting professional here is to ing space while seeking solutions for
identify those activities that add value possible future problems, the canon of
to their professional lives as those are the Hybrid Accountant.
what intensify their ability to retaining
relevance in this dynamic economic REFERENCES
environment. At the introductory/
growth phase, it is more likely that • Conceptualizing Management Ac-
the margin (i.e., difference between counting Change: an institutional
costs and earnings) will be slightly framework (John Burns and Robert
lower. This is because the product W. Scapens)
(professional) is still being introduced •
to the market. However, with invest- • Porter’s value chain (
ment across the various sections of • Prahalad, C.K. and Hamel, G.
the value chain and as the quality of (1990) The Core Competence of the
the value-added increases, margins for Corporation. Harvard Business Re-
the professional are achieved. Howev- view, 68, 79-91.
er, improvements to the professional • Product Life Cycle - Overview, Four
accountant’s value chain must contin- Stages in the Product Life Cycle (cor-
ue throughout the life of their career,
otherwise, the dynamic environment • The Accounting Change Project
and competition will outrun the pro- (Burns and Scapens)
fessional and decline the capabilities
of their value chain.

The Canon of the Hybrid Accountant

The bi-dimensional approach seeks to
address the professional accountant’s
requirements in developing long-term

CA Zambia audit trainees recruited to undertake their practical training by BDO

Graduate School of Business Student Executive with A pupil pre The ZICA Secretary and Chief Executive
registering for the CA Zambia after a Career’s talk. Mr. Anthony Bwembya and the ZCAS Executive Director
Dr. Egret Lengwe during the ZICA/ZCAS MoU signing ceremony.

Graduate School of Business Student Executive with ZICA staff at the FZWA Vice National Coordinator Ms. Hellen Kalumbi presents finan-
first years student orientation. cial donation of K5,000 for women empowerment to the Mayor of
Kafue Honourable Dr. Buumba Malambo

Business Development and Corporate Services Manager Mr. Moses Chitoshi

during a Career talk at Mkushi Secondary School

2.) The performance in these two
AUDIT The same observation was made papers over the last five years has
PROCEDURES IN with regards the Diploma paper, DA always been far below 50% pass,
11 Auditing Principles and Practice, signifying a poor performance
AN AUDIT OF with questions in the two compulso- by candidates who take this
FINANCIAL ry questions comprising same topics
over the five-year period. The main
paper. For the Diploma
paper, the pass rate
STATEMENTS topics covered in the compulsory has been well below
questions at this level include Internal 20% in a majority
By Peterson G Mumbuluma Controls, Risk and Ethics. of examination
2.) As a result of the above, it has sittings.
Introduction been possible for students to selec- 3.) Almost

tively cover the syllabi and concen- all the
his article is aimed at help- trate on topics likely to feature in the exam-
ing students studying ac- compulsory question hoping to score in-
countancy and preparing high marks and only require marginal
marks in the Optional section B of the
to sit auditing examinations. This
paper and still obtain an overall pass.
article is relevant to students tak-
3.) Arising from the above two
ing the DA 11 Principles of Au- points, it is likely that students
diting, CA 2.3 Auditing Principles can study selectively and con-
and Practice and CA 3.2 Advanced centrate on the topics tradi-
Auditing and Practice of the Zam- tionally examined in the
bia Institute of Chartered Accoun- compulsory question
tants (ZiCA) programme. to the exclusion of
In my over 10 years of offering tuition the rest of the
to students studying auditing with the syllabus and
Zambia Institute of Chartered Ac- still pass
countants (ZiCA), I have observed, the exam-
with disappointment, that many have ination.
difficulties understanding the topic of This
audit procedures and are in a majority means that
of cases unable to suggest suitable au- students may
dit procedures for given figures con- pass these pa-
tained in the financial statements. pers and qualify
and still not possess
Background the necessary skills and
The above observation prompted me competences required to
to carry out a review of the past ex- perform audit procedures on
amination papers and examiners’ re- figures contained in financial
ports for papers DA 11 Principles of statements of client companies.
Auditing, CA 2.3 Auditing Principles 4.) Audit procedures have largely
and Practice and CA 3.2 Advanced been examined in Section B of both
Audit and Assurance for the past five examination papers, implying that
years, which revealed a number of in- candidates can choose not to attempt
teresting points. the questions on audit procedures. ers’
Observations from review of past ex- reports
amination papers: Observations from a review of the ex- reviewed
1.) The compulsory questions in each aminers’ reports: showed that
of the two CA papers comprise large- 1.) Candidates perform well and score candidates per-
ly questions on the same topics. As high marks in the compulsory ques- form poorly on
a result, it is possible for candidates tion and score poorly in the option- questions requiring
taking these papers to almost predict al section of the examination. Even candidates to describe
what topics will be examined in the candidates who fail the examination audit procedures that
scenario 40 marks questions. The papers will have scored more marks must be performed in the
topics commonly covered in the com- in the compulsory question compared audit of specific areas in the
pulsory questions are risk and profes- to the optional questions. financial statements.
sional ethics. 4.) It was observed students did not

popularly attempt questions on audit year figure for comparison purposes. Observations made:
procedures. See schedule 10/3
A review of the syllabi for these two Among information contained in
examination papers does not indicate the lead schedule is the audit proce- Conclusion:
or suggest that there are topics that dures carried out and the conclusions The receivables balances are not ma-
will be examined in the compulsory reached. terially misstated.
question at each and every examina- A draft lead schedule contains the fol-
tion. This means that topics that have lowing information: 2.) Financial statement assertions:
previously been examined in Section The financial statements that are pre-
B could feature in the compulsory Ref: 10/1 pared by management before the au-
question and this could be a challenge Client name: Limpopo Ltd dit are commonly referred to as draft
to candidates who selectively study. Period: Y/E 31/12/2020 financial statements. This is because
It is from the above background that Subject: Trade Receivables they are subject to changes as the au-
I have decided to write two articles dit progresses and are only final when
relating to the topic of audit proce- Prepared by: AS Date: 21/01/21 the audit is over.
dures in order to help students deal Reviewed by: SA Date: 25/01/21
with questions on this topic. This is In order for the auditors to conclude
the first of the two articles on audit that the financial statements show a
procedures. Approach & sample selection: true and fair view, they consider the
The following areas shall be looked A sample of items for testing was ex- following matters:
into: tracted from the schedule of receiv-
1.) Meaning of audit procedures: ables provided by the client. Details of (i) That the financial reporting
Auditors perform substantive audit the sample and the results of the audit framework used is relevant to the
procedures on the figures contained in tests are contained in Schedule 10/2. client company being audited.
the financial statements and form an
opinion on the results of the audit pro- Audit procedures performed: (ii) That the financial
cedures performed. statements have been
The audit procedures are performed (i) Obtain an understanding of how prepared in accor-
for all material amounts with regards the report is extracted to confirm com- dance with applica-
transactions contained in the State- pleteness and accuracy of the report. ble laws and regula-
ment of Profit or Loss Account and (Also known as testing the informa- tions.
Other Comprehensive Income and the tion produced by the entity (IPE)) and
balances in the Statement of Financial also obtained a schedule of accounts (iii) That the financial state-
Position. receivables and cast the schedule for ments have been prepared in ac-
arithmetical accuracy. cordance with the International Fi-
The objective of performing substan- nancial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
tive audit procedures on the transac- (ii) Confirmed that the balance of
tions and balances contained in the the schedule of accounts receivables (iv) That the financial statements
financial statements is to test for any agrees with the balance in the receiv- agree with the underlying financial
material misstatements in the fig- ables control account. records of the client company.
ures which could cause the financial The above implies that if financial
statements to be materially misstat- (iii) Selected a sample of receivables statements do not, to a material ex-
ed. Based on the results of the audit balances and performed a receivables tent, comply with the above, the audi-
procedures, the auditors will decide confirmation - see schedule 10/1 tors will consider modifying the audit
whether to issue an unmodified opin- opinion.
ion or to modify the audit opinion. (iv) Reviewed the receivables aged
analysis and confirmed that the al- Financial statement assertions are
For all material amounts in the finan- lowances for receivables have been claims made by management on the
cial statements, the auditors should computed in line with the provisions figures contained in the financial state-
perform specific audit procedures. of IFRS 9. ments. Management make certain
Audit procedures comprise the work claims about the figures and disclo-
that the auditors perform on the fig- vi) For each ageing category obtained sures contained in the draft financial
ures. Ordinarily, for each of the fig- a list of invoices that are making the statements in addition to claiming
ures contained in the Profit or Loss balance in the age analysis for a se- that the above four matters have been
Account and the statement of finan- lected sample, From the invoices Se- complied with. Statutory auditors per-
cial position, there is a lead schedule lected for testing verify whether the form audit procedures to confirm that
prepared showing the amount for the Invoices are Correctly Aged. the assertions made by management
year under review and the previous hold true.

should know the financial state-
Financial statement assertions are in Examples of assertions relating to ments assertions relating to the
three categories as follows: presentation could be for example the figures. Students are, therefore,
presentation of assets held for sale in reminded to study and understand
(i) Assertions about classes of trans- accordance with the requirements of the assertions as explained in para-
actions. These are transactions con- IFRS 5 Non-current Assets for Sale
graph 2 above.
tained in the Statement of Profit or and Discontinued Operations which
Loss Account and Other Compre- requires that assets held for sale
hensive Income and relate to cumu- should be presented separately in the Further, students are expected to
lative figures contained in there. An financial statements. know the provisions of relevant
example of transactions contained in International Financial Reporting
the Profit or Loss Account is revenue The assertions relating to disclosure Standards (IFRSs) to be able to
and all other transactions contained in with regards disclosure requirements design suitable audit procedures.
the Profit or Loss Account. is for example the requirement of IAS This is the reason why students
24 Related Party Disclosures requir- taking auditing examinations are
Two examples of financial statement ing the disclosure of related parties required to have taken a financial
assertions related to the figure of rev- and related party balances transac- reporting examination before. In
enue are as follows: tions in the financial statements.
the event that due to passage of
Accuracy – that the figure of revenue
has been determined accurately. time between taking the financial
3.) Relationship between financial
reporting paper and the auditing
statement assertions and audit pro-
Completeness – that the figure of paper students have forgotten the
revenue includes all revenue relevant accounting knowledge,
In order for the auditors to con-
that has been earned during they are expected to revise these
clude on the financial statements
the year under review. when taking the auditing paper
and issue an appropriate audit
otherwise they are likely to face
(ii) Assertions about opinion, they require to perform
challenges in designing audit pro-
account balances audit procedures. The objective of
which are balances the audit procedures that are per-
contained in the State- formed is to obtain evidence that
5.) Audit procedures and the ex-
ment of Financial Posi- the relevant financial statement
tion at the period end. An aminations:
assertions hold true. It should be
example of assertions about Audit procedures are expected
clear, therefore, that when design-
balances could be the figure of to feature in future examination
ing audit procedures to perform,
inventory at the period end. papers like they have been in the
the auditors would have specific
past. Each of the three syllabuses
assertions in mind.
Two examples of assertions relat- specifies the specific accounting
ing to the figure of inventory in the areas that students need to learn
statement of financial position are as For example, the relevant audit
and examination questions are
follows: procedure for the auditor to per-
most likely to cover these speci-
Existence – that the inventory rep- form to test the assertion of exis-
fied accounting areas. In the event
resented by the figure of inventory tence of year-end inventory would
that the compulsory questions con-
represents inventory that existed at be attendance of the year-end
the period end. If not the figure of in- tain questions on audit procedures,
inventory count by the auditor.
ventory may be materially misstated. students with little knowledge of
Through this, the auditor will ob-
audit procedures would face chal-
serve how the inventory count is
Valuation – that the inventory at the lenges in answering such ques-
conducted by the client company
period end included in the statement tions.
and also physically inspect the in-
of financial position has been valued
ventory which forms the basis of
appropriately in accordance with the Audit procedures have been ex-
provisions of IAS 2 Inventory at the the inventory value in the financial
amined in the following manner
lower cost and net realisable value. statements.
in the past:
(iii) Assertions about presentation 4.) Knowledge required to design
(i) Students required to describe
and disclosures relating to the vari- appropriate audit procedures:
ous disclosure and presentation re- the audit procedures that should be
In order for the student to design
quirements by various accounting performed to test specific financial
suitable and relevant audit pro-
standards. statement assertions.
cedures in the examination, they

(ii) Students required to describe a prescribed number of audit procedures without any assertions hav-
ing been specified.

(iii) Students required to evaluate the appropriateness of suggested audit procedures to

test specific financial statements assertions.
(iv) Students required to explain the meaning of financial statement assertions
giving suitable examples.


In the second and last article on this topic, I will go through

audit procedures for specific financial statement areas
in the relevant syllabuses and illustrate how candi-
dates can suggest suitable audit procedures.
Students are encouraged to study and fully
understand the topic on audit evidence
and audit procedures. Practice with
past examination questions and
answers will improve their
chances of performing
better in answering
questions on audit


1.Examiner’s comments on the

ZiCA website.

2.ZiCA past examination papers for the past

five (5) years for papers DA 11 Principles of
Auditing, CA 2.3 Auditing Principles and Prac-
tice and CA

3.2 Advanced Audit and Assurance.

3.The official ZiCA student handbook.

5.) Temperature Check
Body temperature shall be checked before candidates are
admitted into the examination room.

6.) Arrival time at the Examination Venue

Candidates are urged to arrive at the examination centre
by 08:20 for the 09:00 hours Session and 13:20 hours for

NOTICE FOR the 14:00 hours Session. No candidate shall be allowed

into the examination room after 45 minutes from the time
reading time is given. Note that 15 minutes reading time

JUNE 2022
shall commence at 08:45 hours for the morning session and
13:45 hours for the afternoon session.

7.) Writing at an Examination Centre Different from one
showing on the docket
No candidate shall be admitted into an examination room
at a centre that is different from the information appearing
on the examination docket. Invigilators shall turn away any
candidate that shows up to write at a wrong examination

8.) Accepted Identification documents

A candidate should present the examination docket togeth-
er with the following:

ear candidate, as you embark on writing your a.) Valid ZICA student Identity Card.
June 2022 Examinations, you are instructed b.) National Registration Card (NRC).
to observe the following: c.) Valid Passport
d.) Valid Drivers’ license.
1.) Physical Distancing
Physical distancing of not less than one meter must be ob- NOTE
served. Close contact among candidates should be avoided
at all times. i.) No candidate shall be admitted into the examination
room if the candidate’s docket does not have a passport
2.) Wearing of Face Masks size photo or if they do not have any of the identification
As guided by the health authorities, wearing of masks is documents indicated above.
mandatory. Candidates shall not be allowed into the ex- ii.) Candidates admitted on the basis of a police report and
amination without face masks. Candidates who shall not photocopy of a lost ID must submit the police report and
be admitted into the examination room(s) for failure to ob- photocopy of ID after writing the last paper.
serve this rule shall be personally responsible.
9.) Unauthorised Material
3.) Sanitizing and washing of hands No material other than an authorised calculator, pens, pen-
Before being admitted into the examination room, can- cil and rulers are to be taken into the examination room.
didates MUST sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing and Phones are not allowed into the examination room whether
washing points shall be provided at all examination centres on or off. Invigilators shall confiscate any unauthorised ma-
by ZICA. terial (phones included) found on a candidate in the exam-
ination room and sent to ZICA as evidence. Unauthorised
4.) Attendance Registers materials such as phones shall only be given back to erring
Examination attendance registers shall be used for contact students after their case has been heard by the ZICA Dis-
tracing purposes. Candidates MUST ensure that they sign ciplinary Committee.
the register during each session they attend.
(a)) Illness: applications for deferment are only autho-
10.) Subject Colour Codes rised where illness is supported by a certificate issued by
It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that they a registered medical practitioner. Such deferments shall
write the correct subject. Note that colours for each pro- attract a charge of 30% of the applicable examination fee
gramme and level are as indicated below: per subject for the following examination session.

a.) White – Diploma in Accountancy level 1. (b) Nursing an ill immediate family member: applications
b.) Pink - Diploma in Accountancy level 2. are only authorised if the person who is ill is a spouse,
c.) Blue – CA Certificate in Accountancy. child, biological parent or legal guardian of the candidate.
d.) Yellow – CA Application Advanced Diploma in Ac- The application must be supported by a certificate of ill-
countancy. ness issued by a registered medical practitioner. A charge
e.) Green – CA Advisory Professional in of 30% of the applicable examination fee per subject for
Accountancy. the following examination session shall be levied on such
Note: Any candidate who writes a wrong subject shall
be deemed as absent in the subject they were originally (c) Loss of an immediate family member – applications
supposed to write. are only authorised if the person who died is a spouse,
child, biological parent or legal guardian of the candidate.
11.) Leaving the Examination Room The application must be supported by the death certificate
Please take note that a candidate is not allowed to leave and burial permit for the immediate family member who
the examination room during the first 30 minutes and the has died. Such deferments shall NOT attract any charge.
last 30 minutes.
(d) Legal grounds – applications for deferment are al-
12.) Signing in the Registers lowed for persons who are required to attend court ses-
Candidates MUST ensure that they sign the register for sions or to give evidence in courts of law at the same
every subject they write at the end of the session. Candi- time as they are expected to sit an examination. Such de-
dates MUST request the Invigilator to avail the register ferments shall attract a charge of 30% of the applicable
so that they can sign in the event that the register is not examination fee per subject for the following examina-
availed to them. tion session.

13.) Submission of a Signed Copy of the Malpractice The table below gives a summary of the conditions, the
Declaration. charge and the due date for deferment of the June 2022
If a candidate is writing one paper or a final paper during examinations.
a particular session, they MUST submit their signed ex-
amination malpractice declaration form to the Invigilator Item No. Conditions Charge Due Date
upon completing the examination. 1. ) Illness 30% 25th June
14.) Submission of Examination Dockets
If a candidate is writing one paper or final paper during a
2. ) Nursing an 30% 25th June
particular session, they MUST submit their signed exam-
ill immedi- 2022
ination docket to the Invigilator upon finishing writing.
ate family
15.) 15 Minutes reading Time
Candidates have 15 minutes during which they can go 3. ) Loss of an NIL 25th June
through the paper and make their plans for answering the immedi- 2022
questions. Candidates are permitted to note down any- ate family
thing that can aid them in the examination using a pencil member
on the question paper but NOT in the answer booklet.
During this period, candidates must ensure that they have 4. ) Legal 30% 25th June
been given the correct examination question paper. Note grounds 2022
that 15 minutes reading time shall commence at 08:45
hours for the morning session and 13:45 hours for the
afternoon session. Issued by:
Anthony Bwembya
16.) Deferment of Examinations Secretary and Chief Executive
Candidate applications for deferment will only be Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants
approved based on the following grounds: Accountants Park, 2374/A Thabo Mbeki Road
P O Box 32005



13TH TO 17TH JUNE 2022

Date Morning (09:00 – 12:00) Afternoon (14:00 – 17:00)

CA1.1 – Financial Accounting CA1.5– Management Theory
Monday CA2.1 – Financial Reporting and Practice
13th June 2022 CA3.1 – Advanced Financial Report-
Tuesday CA2.2– Management Accounting CA1.3 – Business Economics
14th June 2022 CA3.5 – Advanced Management

Wednesday CA1.2 – Business Statistics CA1.6 – Business

15th June 2022 CA2.6 – Strategic Business Analysis Communication

Thursday CA2.3 – Auditing Principles and CA2.4 – Taxation

16th June 2022 Practice CA3.4 – Advanced Taxation
CA3.2 – Advanced Audit & Assurance

Friday CA2.5 –Financial Management CA1.4 – Commercial and

17th June 2022 CA3.6 –Advanced Financial Manage- Corporate Law
CA3.8 – Public Sector Financial Man-
CA3.7 – Public Sector Audits
agement and Assurance


13TH TO 17TH JUNE 2022

Date Morning (09:00 – 12:00) Afternoon (14:00 – 17:00)

DA1 – Financial Accounting DA7 – Principles
Monday of Management
DA8 – Financial Reporting
13th June 2022

Tuesday DA5 – Cost Accounting DA3 – Business Economics

14th June 2022
DA9 – Management Accounting

Wednesday DA2- Quantitative Analysis DA4 - Information Technology

15th June 2022 and Communication

Thursday DA11 – Principles of Auditing DA10 – Taxation

16th June 2022

Friday DA6 – Business Law

17th June 2022
DA12 – Governance and
Corporate Law


13TH TO 17TH JUNE 2022

Date Morning (09:00 – 12:00) Afternoon (14:00 – 17:00)

C3 – Accounting for Tax Practitioners C1 – Business Management
13th June 2022 D6 – Tax Audit and
Tuesday D4 – Personal Taxation C4 – Direct Taxes
14th June 2022

Wednesday C2 – Economics and Financial Math- D1- Business Information

15th June 2022 ematics Management
D3- Business Taxation
Thursday C5 – Indirect Taxes
16th June 2022 D5 – International Taxation

Friday D2 – Financial management C6 – Law for Tax Practitioners

17th June 2022


13TH TO 17TH JUNE 2022

Date Morning (09:00 – 12:00) Afternoon (14:00 – 17:00)

PFM1 – Public Sector Accounting
Monday PFM6 – Financial Reporting Frame-
work for Public Sector Entities
13th June 2022

Tuesday PFM3 – Governance and Man-

14th June 2022 agement in the Public Sector

15th June 2022

Thursday PFM5 – Public Sector Audits

16th June 2022

Friday PFM4 – Public Sector Financial PFM2 – Legal Aspects of Public

17th June 2022 Management Sector Finance and Administra-

58 Evelyn Hone College No YES

59 BlueWood Charetered Acccountants No YES Audit. Tax. Advisory

60 Harrison & Associates Chartered No YES

Accountants and Business Advisors

60 Ministry of Finance No YES



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