Question and Answer

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Describe the type of relationship you are looking for.

What qualities would you like in this relationship or person?

Are you seeking a particular age range?.
I want to start a relationship with a woman that will value and treasure what I
am to her and will become to her. I am also looking for a Christian base
relationship.. The kind of qualities that I would like in my Mrs.Right is that she
should be Mature in his way of handling issues, caring for her man, respect her
man, treat him with respect and lots more.
Describe a little of your personality and character traits. (Are you funny,
laid back, more serious, open, shy, etc.?)
I am Family Oriented - Open-minded - Nice - Fun to be with - More serious -
Playful - Shy - Easy-going - Romantic - Passionate and Marriageminded.
Describe your Christian faith.
Where are you at and what are your goals?
What Scripture verses are important to you?
I am born into a Christian Home and have been a Born Again Christian since I
was 42yrs down old. My main goals in life that I am aiming to achieve in Life is to
get Married and settle down living a Happy life with my Family. Mine is to take my
time to find the right woman, love her unconditionally got marriage and do all i
can to put a great and gorgeous smile on her face... serve God with her with our
kids.... get retire so as to give my kids the best education in life..

The scriptural passage in the Bible that I love most is that of JOHN 8:51 Which
say's that "If any man keep my word, he shall never see death"
What would be the perfect setting for a first meeting with a new friend or
date? Describe it :-)
What are your favorite activities? (Including sports, leisure,
artistic/musical, etc.)
I love listening to music, dancing to worship music, hiking, camping,
jetskiing, reading, taking pictures, going to live theatre, and traveling.
Describe your current occupation. Do you like what you do? What is your dream
actually am a Petroleum Engineer, i work mostly in the fields and rigs
drilling crude oil from the soil. I was once in Qatar and i often do work in
oversea mostly. Where did you go to school (i.e. high school or
college/university, etc.)?
What did you study? Did you like it? Would you like to do more?
I schooled and graduated from Oxford University England,UK. I loved waking up
everyday to the beautiful mist rising out of the redwood trees which I saw from my
door room. I have a Master's degree in Petroleum Engineering which is my current
occupation and enjoy knowing about how our world affects humans in this way. What
are some of your personal goals in life?
I want to "Know Christ and Make Him Known." I want to have a family of my own,
Get married, visit every continent and every country with my Wife if possible, have
kids of my own. Serve God with my family and achieve all my Goals set. I have gone
on mission trips in the past and hope to do many more in the future.
How did your previous relationship end and what positive lessons have you
learned which will help you succeed in future relationships?

Where were you born? Have you ever traveled? If so, where? What is your ideal
I was born in the U.K and but i grow up in india cos my mom is from india. I
have been to Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, Kuwait, Thia, Wales, and Austria .. My
ideal adventure would be to go backpacking in North America/Europe or live in
another country like the Philippines or Africa to save the lost souls and feed the
hungry. Is there anything else you would like to add? This is your chanclast (but
not least:-) bit of important info that you would like others to know
e to get in that
140 Tabernacle Street London London England EC2A 4SD

Would you like a man who will cook, shop and keep house?
Would you like a man who maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy
around the house?
What do you most like to do on a day off?

What is one thing you could start doing today that would most improve the
quality of your

When do you feel most afraid?

If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what
would it be?
They say life is about simple pleasures, what is your simplest pleasure, and
how does it make you feel?
What do you find physically attractive? Describe your own personal style.
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is
What are you going to do?
How would you spend a romantic evening with someone you have been dating for
more than one year?
Looking back at your life, describe one particular event that you wish you had
handled differently.
What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner?
Does life look good to you right now?
Describe your current emotional health.
Tell me about your closest friend. How long have you known him/her; and what do
you like best about him/her?
Describe your spirituality.
What are your general feelings about money and personal wealth?
Describe your parents' relationship with each other. How would you describe
your childhood relationship with your mother and/or father?

What are you looking for in a relationship partner?

What are your political beliefs?

Do you have any pets?
Which types of animals do you love to be around?
Are you doing what you love? If not, what would you rather be doing?
Describe your ideal man.
How do you act when you're angry?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What have you learned from past relationships?

If you could do something totally out of character and remain anonymous what
would you
do? If they were making a movie about your life, what would it be called and
which actor would play you?
Describe the worst date you've ever been on.

1. Do you have any siblings? NO

2. What is your favorite color? BLUE AND BLACK
3. When you meet a man, what are the first things you look for in him? HONESTY,
4. What type of music you listen too? ROCK AND R&B
5. Would you call yourself romantic? YES
6. What would be your idea of a perfect date? CANDLE LIGHT OUTING WITH THE
7. Would you have a problem relocating if a relationship became more? SURE
8. What do you drive? honda
9. Do you have any pets? NO BUT I LIKE PET
10. Do you live alone? YES
11. Do you live in a house/apartments? A HOUSE
12. What do you do in your free time? READ AND WATCH MATCHES13. What is your
favorite holiday? WHEN I WENT TO CHINA
14. What is your relationship with your parents? CORDIAL
15. What has been the saddest moment of your life? WHEN I LOST MY WIFE
16. How many relationship have you been in? JUST MY LATE WIFE
17. In the relationships you have been in, do you ever think about what they
are doing in there life now? NO
18. Do you consider yourself very sexual? STRONG
19. What has been the craziest thing you have ever done? DANCE IN A CLUB IN AN

I will like you to answer some few questions before we move on with this
relationship, tell me if you answer is YES or NO.
Are you qualify to be the woman I need you to be?
Will you be able to recognize the things you need to see?
Will you be able to understand, that I'm a good man and I need a good woman?
Can you fulfill promises you made without failure?
Can you put me in my place if you see I am slipping?
Can you talk to me, wholeheartedly, not constantly tripping??
will you like my child to call you mom, and would you be able to see him as your
own kids?

Are you qualify to be called my one and only woman and love me forever?
Can you leave the other men and temptations behind?
Can you come to me with your problems and not wait until it's too late?
Can you stand up and admit if you made a mistake?

Are you qualify to be the honest woman I would want you to be?
Would you be able to look me in my eyes and admit your feelings to me?
Can you take me in your arms and make love to me all night long?
Can you be sensitive in everything you do?

Are you qualify to be my friend as well as my lover?

Can you put our love before any other?
Can you cherish me as if I were Diamonds & Gold?
Can you make me feel like I'm the last man you'll ever hold?

Are you qualify to be called a good woman?

If I have doubts can you reassure me and understand?
Can your love intoxicate me as if I were High?
Will you be able to stand by me thru the thick and thin?

To be in my life, I need to know,


20. I have not dated online before..

21. What's your favorite part of sex?
22. What's your biggest sexual fantasy (involving one partner)?
23.Would you ask me what my biggest sexual fantasy is?
24.What's the naughtiest thing you ever thought of me?
25. Are you familiar with the term "erotic roleplay"?
26. Have you ever had sex in a public place?
27. Do you enjoy phone sex?
28. Where do you want to have sex the most?
29.What do you want to do with my body?
30. Have you ever had a sexy nickname? How did you get it?
31. Would you ever (fill in the blank)?
32. Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom?
33. Do you want to do something really wild?
34. Do you ever had erotic thoughts about me? Describe them.
35 . Can't we ditch this (fill in the blank) and go have sex?
36. What would you do with me if we were alone right now?
37. you could be a contestant on any game show, which one would it be?
38.If you could have a dinner party with any 3 people living or dead, who would
you invite?
39 If you won a billion dollar lottery, what would you do with the money?
40.What are your favorite movies?
41. What are your favorite TV shows?
42 What books have made a big impact on you
43.What drives you crazy?
44.What have you always wanted to do but haven't? Why haven't you done it?
45.What's something about yourself that you hope will never change?
46.What types of food do you like?
47.What was your proudest moment?
48.What 3 words describe your perfect mate?
49.What's your favorite season? Why?
50.Where did you grow up?
I grow up in India cos my Mom is from Indian But my Father is from U.S
* Who has had the greatest positive impact on your life?
51.The three things you can't live without are ... ?
52.Appearance aside, what do people notice about you after meeting you for an
53.How important is family to you? Why?
# Tell me about the first car you ever owned.
# What are your all-time favorite movies?
# What are your secret talents only those closest to you know?
# What is must-see TV for you?
# What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
# What's the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
# What's your favorite outdoor activity?
# What's your favorite quote or saying?
# What kinds of music do you listen to? Who are your favorite musicians right now?
# What TV show or movie are you ashamed to admit you like?
# What was your favorite vacation and why?
# Where's the place you long to go but haven't been to yet? Why there?
# Who is the person who has most influenced your life?

08069395823....My Man

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