Ebay TERN Seller Programme - Onboarding Timeline

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Your Onboarding Timeline

Please note the deadlines and links for your benefit...

1 - Book an assessment call

Once your application has been has been processed

you will receive an email requesting you to book an

assessment with the Programme Manager...

Book your Call

2 - Join the Community
If you are not yet a member of the TERN community, you will

need to register using the following link...

STEP Join the Community

3 - Sign Consent Form and T&C's
In order to participate in this programme which is

recorded and posted onto our YouTube channel,

we seek your consent to record and also explain

our terms of service. Read & Sign Here


4 - Book your 1-1 w/ your Advisor
As part of your onboarding we will allocate you

to a GROUP LEAD; a member of the Team who

will be your go-to 1-1 Advisor for the duration of

STEP the programme - Check who your advisor is Tell

4 them about your business and products and let

them know which areas you need help the most

5 - Access Your Programme Workbook

During this programme, you will have the opportunity

STEP to build a visual eBay business plan. This will be your

5 guide and manifesto for success on the platform. If

used to its full potential, you could become an eBay

Top Seller Guru! Access yours here

6 - Prepare for the Booster Session

The booster session is an introduction to the

programme and an opportunity to get a head start on

STEP your eBay Account Registration. See full details here

7 - Register Your Business
In order to participate in the eBay Seller Programme you

need to have a registered business (Ltd, Sole Trader, CIC

or Charity) We have 2 options to achieve this...

STEP Tide Company Registration

8 - Prepare your Products
Do you have access to a reliable supply chain?
Do you have quality product photo's?
STEP Are you able to source more inventory?
Do you have branding and packaging?

8 Do you know how to price your products?

Our TERN SKILLS Workshops

9 - Access the full programme Schedule

We have pre allocated workshop dates and TERN

STEP Skills sessions in the programme Schedule. Please

9 add them all to your personal calendar or accept

the Google calendar invites sent to your email.

10 - Keep in touch!
All workshops are live via zoom on the same

We like to send reminders and updates via WhatsApp Add this

10 number to your phonebook - eBay Group 07466436976

If you are experiencing personal challenges, no matter their

nature, you can let us know by clicking here to schedule a

Community Drop In Session with Erin from our Community Team

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