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Effectiveness of Pubmat Announcement and

Reminders Among Students of

Pura Central High School

A Research Paper Presented

To the Faculty of the
Humanities and Social Sciences
Pura Central High School
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject of Research

Arenas, Lea D.
Corpuz, Izzy
Dypiangco, Amazing Grace M.
Fernandez, Aldrin R.
Valdez, Ivan G.
This chapter includes the introduction, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation,
significance of the study, and the definition of terms used.
The Internet and other public computer networks have transformed how people obtain
information from various sources and key stakeholders, and "releasing on the Internet" has
already become commonplace in our way of life. That is why many people nowadays consider
posting information on the Internet to be a form of publication. Accordingly, these days, there
are still numerous material types of publications. Some of which could be from the traditional,
like a book that provides a collection of pages bound together with two covers that people can
read or write. Next, is a bulletin that has brief information printed on a flyer inside another
publication for public consumption. These bulletins are short messages or announcements.
These bulletins are intended to be broadcast to a large audience via television, radio, or the
web. Then, a booklet that looks like a leaf let composed of more than a piece of paper that
people can see as typically bonded. Most of the time, this kind of published material is in the
style of a book. Moreover, there is called broadside. This published material is a large single
sheet with one side printed and intended onto the walls and plastered. This published material
started between the 16th and 19th centuries. With the advancement of newspaper articles and
low-cost novels, they became outdated. In addition, a flyer, also known as a handbill, is a small
sheet of paper with one side printed on it that is distributed to people only for free. Another
one is a journal. It is a published material, just like a book with blank pages inside. These blank
pages can make people take notes on any personal details. Next to that, there is a term
furthermore for a newspaper or 2 related publication. A newsletter is a bulletin, leaflet,
pamphlet, or newspaper distributed to a specific audience. A newsletter is a multi-page paper
that contains news, sports, information, and advertising. Newspapers can be printed and
distributed daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Lastly, a magazine is a book with
front and back paper covers published with information and promotions (Virginia Tech
University Libraries, 2021). On the other hand, electronic publishing, also known as e-
publishing, digital publishing, or online publishing, encompasses the category of e-books, digital
magazines, and the creation of digital libraries and catalogs. Electronic publishing is now
commonplace. It is also becoming more common for books, magazines, and newspapers to be
distributed to consumers via digital devices and online information. The World Wide Web did
not exist until 1990, and email was still hard to use. Even the most idealistic experts could not
have predicted how quickly technology and software would advance. Then Electronic publishing
came, also known as epublishing, as a method of delivering scientific articles and other material
to readers via the internet. However, e-publications are more than just electronic versions of
paper publications; they can be created solely for electronic distribution. Because technology
enables publishers to get information to the readers quickly and efficiently, it is causing
significant shifts in the publishing industry and even influencing how we read. (Murray, n.d)
Generation Z became the world's most populous generation this year and does not read the
text in the same way that previous generations did. They are expert skimmers, spending only
4.4 seconds on every 100 words of text. (Rothman, 2014) However, our brains are to take in
and process massive amounts of visual data. All of this means that when you present visual
content to audiences, providing them with something that their brains can process faster and
seemingly, if the visual communication is effective, with less effort, given how much visual
processing our brains already do. Our brain gets visual information at a faster rate. 3 According
to one estimate, visual communication transmits messages 60,000 times faster than text. Visual
stimuli are a natural and necessary source of information for nearly all life on Earth that has a
sense of sight. Moreover, text-based communication has only been around for a few thousand
years and is, as far as we know, unique to humans. As a result, visual content feels more natural
and intuitive to us on the most fundamental level. Visual content does have a significant impact
on our brains' opportunity to understand and process new information. Words and pictures
together have been shown from the past years to be a more effective learning tool than words
on their own. (Polloff, 2020) Therefore, over the last few years, the combination of visual
communication channels with advances in technology has emerged as the new immersive
environment. The impact of those technological resources, which began in the late twentieth
century and continues to grow, has transformed our world. Like, graphic design, as a visual
communication method, has used this with its media forms to meet the communication needs
of communities in all components. Consequently, the online poster has demonstrated an
effective medium for conveying a message, raising awareness, and establishing a specific idea.
According to studies, the main factors reshaping traditional posters into millennials are digital
screens, which have aided designers to present interactive content through them, and layout
computer softwares that have facilitated producing motion (A New Poster Movement – Eye on
Design, n.d.). In addition, a poster online, which is often called pubmat is now a word
commonly used on the internet by millennials and generation Zs as an abbreviation for
publication material that mainly uses online posters. In essence, although there is no doubt that
print posters play a crucial role in communication, the poster is no longer a static experience on
the walls or street corners. Hence the world wide web online has become the trend to post the
global walls.
Background of the Study
According to a study by (Cennimo 2021), on December 31, 2019, the pandemic was first
disclosed to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO announced the COVID- 19
outbreak of a global medical crisis on January 30, 2020. Regardless of this case, the world will
not end, and people must address the situation and adapt. Students of PCHS took advantage of
the publication material during the pandemic, particularly during the 2022-2023 school year.
The researchers discovered that, aside from the special holidays, special activities, and
information delegated by the PCHS posts motivational and inspirational content Nevertheless,
utilizing the social media account Facebook was a good choice for many students who needed
to hold on during the virus outbreak. As a result, the Pura Central Students must keep studying
online during this outbreak in order to become the hope of the present and future generations.
And currently, because of the situation at hand, the educational institution made its way to
maximize this tool even more. These students must acquire knowledge from their institution
throughout the school year in order to be strong, cope with their fellow students, and perform
under pressure together. During the mandated by law lockdown or home confinement period,
moderate symptoms of fatigue. Pupils who lacked resilience and social support, resilient
students and those who perceived a high level of social support experienced less weariness
during the lockdown. Develop measures to increase personal resilience and social support
among PCHS students to alleviate lockdown fatigue. (Ballad and Leodoro, 2020). Hence,
pubmat, as a visual communication form, has used a variety of media to suit the High school
engagement needs in all areas. Over the last few years, the blending of visual 5 communication
with modern technology has emerged as the new engaging platform. The students of PCHS can
make students feel interactive throughout the environment they have now. To encourage and
convey information primarily through leaders in seats during Covid-19 online classes and to
accomplish outsourcing relevant data first from a college via published materials released on
their Facebook page. Evaluating a publication material is essential to reasearch to see if it is a
successful communication tool. The purpose of this study is to understand how effective online
posters are for the usage of information dissemination among students of PCHS, unlike the past
studies that focus on the layout, content, and elements of other publication material to create
better method. A study by (Dehrashid and Ahmadi, 2021), looks at how animation, technology,
and interactive media interact to create animated posters. As a result, the researchers define
the current understanding of animated posters. Then, the researchers investigate whether, in
the age of digital screens, motion graphics, and advanced integrated technologies, graphic
design is still bound to print technology or must be entirely reconceived as a specific form of
the digital medium by examining the effectiveness of CGI advertisements. And, at the end, who
would be the next generation of poster artists. Alternatively, the current study will inquire
whether the posted pubmat of the faculty of PCHS has the incorporation of effectiveness
through comprehension and retention of the students in content and layout made and posted
among the Students of PCHS. The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of all student
councils of PCHS, mainly in STUDENTS PURA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, considering that online
posters as today’s generation generally use this type of publication material. Although this type
of published content is viewed as a tool to be used to its maximum potential during a
pandemic, there is a demand for it to play a significant role nowadays. In the Communication
field, this will be beneficial because it will aid in successful dissemination. This research will seek
how it signifies the students as a communication tool. Thus, the researchers of this study will
uncover the critical areas. Also, the students from HUMANITIES will provide their knowledge
about the pubmat posted by their PCHS, and it will benefit the students in the future as the key
audiences and target population of these pubmats.
Statement of the Problem
The study will aim to determine the effectiveness of publication material announcement and
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to the following questions:
1. How comprehensive are the pubmats in terms of physical appearance as perceived by the
2. What is the level of learning retention of the students to the pubmat?
3. What are the perceptions of the students to the content and layout of the pubmat?
Scope and Delimitation
This research Effectiveness of Pubmat Announcement and Reminders among students of PCHS
is going to be conducted in the Junior and Senior High School Students Of Pura Central High
School in the academic year 2022-2023. This study aims to know the effectiveness of
publication material and the implication to the students. This study to identify the effectiveness
of publication material announcements and reminders among the students of Pura Central High
School will measure how publication material helps students to gain information.
This study is delimited only for the students of Pura Central High School.
Significance of the study
This study is a significant tool that would open the hearts and minds of the students, audience,
the teachers, and the Students od PCHS itself to see the result of pubmat to the students. It will
reveal the significant relation of the Publication Materials to the viewers and measure the
effectiveness of the said pubmat.
To the students. The direct recipients of this research are the student who has concerns
regarding the layout and design. This study will help them how it will benefit their retention as
receivers, and lastly, how helpful the announcement is to their skill level for comprehension.
This study can pave to thrive about the pubmat on social media.
To the teachers. This study will be beneficial to the teachers, for it will also help the teacher
know about the announcement of the students of PCHS. Also, it will be significant to the
teachers for the pub mat study will help to what basis are they giving gain to the students and
The GRADE 11-HUMSS about publication material and announcement.
To the school administrator. They will benefit from the study because they provide support
and planning about the pubmat announcement in Pura Central High School.
To the future researchers. This study will help future researchers gain knowledge and learn
other insights about the given problem. This study will help develop future researchers to be
productive in the field they had chosen to belong to in the future.
Definition of Terms
The definitions for the following words referenced in the study are supplied for the readers'
input and understanding.
Generation Z. The generation that enters maturity in the second decade of the twenty-first
century is thought to have been exposed to the internet from an early age. The students from
GRADE 11 in the school year 2022-2023 are part of generation Z.
Online Poster. This is the publication material used by the Teacher that is efficient for the
pandemic setting to disseminate information. It is not costly, but the content and layouts are to
be invested for creativity and time to reach the audiences. It shares something on a website or
social media, such as a message or a picture
Pubmat. This is a word used by the Students of PCHS And the online users in the world, a short
term for Publication Material, mostly as an online poster, and not for other publication
Visual Communication. This is the use of visual components to express information or ideas.
As animated GIFs, pictures, movies, pie charts, infographics, and slide deck presentations are
examples of visual communication.
Visual Content. This is a type of visual communication. With the setting that people have in the
pandemic, this will help for information dissemination for visual content is mostly image-based
web content.
World Wide Web. An internet-based information system that allows papers to be linked to
one another via hypertext links, allowing the user to search for information by navigating from
one document to the next. This is the type of channel that is used by the students to post the

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