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Name : Diana Febri Wuri Nastiti

NIM : 213020201020

Stop Consuming Skincare That Contain Fragrance Ingredients

The use of fragrances or perfumes in beauty products such as skincare and makeup is quite
common. According to the US Food & Drug Administration, fragrance is a combination of chemicals that
gives each perfume a different scent. This chemical serves to neutralize the unpleasant odor that arises
from the skincare ingredients. Currently, many beauty products include fragrance content on their
labels. Unfortunately, the use of fragrances in skincare is actually not recommended because it can can
harm our body , for example like iritation, allergies and hormon disorders. So, it would be nice for us to
avoid skin care products that contain fragrances.

Fragrance is made of essential oil and aromatic compounds. Besides that, the aroma content in
skincare products is a mixture of coconut oil, liquid waxes, benzyl alcohol, camphor, ethyl acetate, liquid
waxes, and other compounds. These ingredients can have a negative impact on our skin, such as the
appearance of allergies. Fragrance ingredients have a high risk of allergies and irritation, as well as the
potential to trigger unwanted reactions such as itching, swelling, redness, skin peeling, and breakouts,"
said Dr. Nikhil Dhingra of Spring Street Dermatology, New York. Dr. Hadley King, MD, FAAD, a
dermatologist in New York said, "The problem with fragrances in skincare is that many of these
compounds are common allergens. So products that contain these compounds can cause allergic
reactions, especially in sensitive skin.

Even though we often think that natural ingredients are better for skin care, unfortunately natural
fragrances can also cause irritation and or allergies, just like artificial fragrances," said dermatologist
Deanne Robinson. Fragrance is not only dangerous for those with sensitive skin, but also for other skin
types because it can have the same effects and symptoms if used continuously. For skin that doesn't
show negative reactions when using skincare with artificial fragrances, I think it's not means we are safe.
I believe that the effects of artificial fragrance chemicals can slowly accumulate and not be seen on the
surface of your skin, but inflammation can occur under the surface of your skin.

Not only that, other effects caused by using fragrance in skincare will also affect hormones and
change the mood. For pregnant and lactating women, the use of cosmetics containing fragrance tends
not to be recommended by experts. This is because, in a study it was said that the fragrance content in
skincare was allegedly able to interfere with the body's hormones and could cause risks to pregnancy.

Based on the arguments that I have explained, it can be concluded that consuming skincare
products that contain fragrance ingredients must be stopped because it can harm our bodies.
Therefore, it's better for us to buy skincare products that contain fragrance free.

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