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The Glory Road film which tells a true story of the best basketball team from Texas who

everything (Texas Western Miners) whose members are dominated by black people, making their
team humiliated and considered incompetent by the surrounding community. Disputes continue to
occur between blacks and whites so that it spreads hatred, including in the Western team. However,
do not continue to prevent them from realizing their goals. Motivation within them becomes the
driving force for their behavior to meet needs

1. The need for security and protection, including protection from threats to the body and life
such as accidents, diseases, environmental hazards, etc. In the film Glory Road there is a
place where Mrs. Orsten is worried about sending her son to El Paso with her coach Mr.
Haskin. Mother needs a sense of security for her child who will live in El Paso to become a
reliable basketball player (12:01 minutes). There are also places where Mother Orsten says
that we all have flaws and we were created by His grace. This is also a form of the need for
security and human protection as God’s weak servants (minutes 12:27).

In another scene, they are in a restaurant and go to the toilet. And while in the toilet, Shed was
beaten by some white people. The blow for being beaten by the unknown white man. Then Shed’s
friends who are culturally black in their room and say that “we have to take care of each other”, this
scene also proves that humans need a sense of security and protection from harm. Another scene is
when the western team competes in the WSTM. 1380 in

Compete for the first place at the National level in the NCAA National logo. Championship. When
they want to enter the field to compete, they are bullied by many spectators, pelted with popcorn,
soaked with soft drinks so that it causes psychological disturbances in them, namely causing fear and
insecurity due to threats from natural foreign experiences

2. The need for love, namely the need to have and be owned, to give and

Receive love, warmth, friendship, and kinship.

In this film there is a scene where the coach gives love, gives affection to his family. Don Haskins says
family is the most important thing. In the western team too, they need friendship affection so they
give each other a sense of love for friends. Family is the most important thing, Haskins’ wife
desperately needs love and affection from her husband in the midst of his busy life coaching his
basketball team. When some western team members have lovers, they need love from their
girlfriends. There is also a cuddle scene with loved ones when the western team wins the NCAA
match. Because hugging loved ones all emotions will be released.

In another scene, Don Haskins, who always encourages his students, trains them starting with
learning the basics of basketball, disciplined defense just to realize their dreams. These intentions
and actions would not have happened without the love and belonging of Don Haskins to his

3. The need for appreciation

The need for self-esteem and feeling valued by others and recognition from others.

There are several scenes that are examples of the need for appreciation for their potential, skills,
and efforts that they have been trying so far only to be heard and then appreciated by others. The
scene is when white Don Haskins recruits black Bobby. Bobby feels alienated by whites especially if
the skills he has are appreciated by his skills but suddenly the coach sends him home. Shed didn’t
accept that, and he trained independently in the field, proving that his defense was great and not
worth it


There is another scene (minutes 38:20) with talent and discipline. That’s how they will win. Starting
tomorrow night, they’ll be proving, showing playing Texas Western-style basketball. Their efforts to
earn awards. At 1:45:31 minutes, they had fought and won the match. “Mom, I’m the National
champion!”. They mentioned that they were national champions. The statement proves that
humans need the appreciation of others. Their efforts to win would require appreciation from loved
ones like their parents.

4. The need for self-actualization is the highest need in Maslow’s hierarchy, namely the need to
contribute to others or the environment and to achieve one’s full potential.

In this Glory Road film, there are several scenes that can serve as examples of the form

Self-actualization needs to others. An example is when.

Coach Don Haskins accepts an offer to coach the western basketball team at a poor, frugal school to
finance a commoner’s dream. Then Haskins recruited black students (still foreign to whites). Haskins
then headed to several locations that were predominantly black but they had tremendous basketball
potential. Haskins as a student of Mr. Iba, then with Haskins skills became a great coach. He also
recruits them to help them realize their dreams.

At the end of the film, when the Texas Western team managed to become the new national
champion in the NCAA game. Then everyone on their team self-actualized by setting up a charitable
foundation in El Paso to help underprivileged high school students (Willie Cager), become the San
Francisco Warriors’ first-choice draft and become a professional player during the 1997 victory (Don
Haskins). Adolp Ruup’s self-actualization need was to recruit the first black player in the history of
the Kentucky team.

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