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Name: ______________________________________ Class : _________________

Unit 2 Title: Coastal Zone Management: Caring for the Coasts

Use the checklist below to evaluate your ATLs in this unit: Please use the detailed descriptors for
your reference.

ATL Skill Cluster for Unit 3 Novice Learner Practitioner Expert


1. In this unit, I can create timelines of assignments in

order to meet deadlines.

2. In this unit, I can keep and use a weekly planner for

assignments; record homework on a daily basis.


3. In this unit, I can manage stress

(deadlines/requirements) in a very calm way

4. In this unit, I can overcome obstacles and



5. In this unit, I can demonstrate flexibility in the

selection and use of learning strategies

6. In this unit, I can identify my strengths and

weaknesses as a learned

1. In this unit, I can exchange/express thoughts, messages

and information effectively through interaction
(discussion with peers and classmates)

2. In this unit, I can apply reading and writing skills to gather

and communicate information (e.g. effective note taking
Detailed Descriptions for the four levels:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

The Novice The Learner The Practitioner The Expert

I watch others performing I copy others performing I am able to use the learning I am able to use the learning
the task and using the the learning skill. I follow skill whenever I want. I am able skill whenever I want and I
learning skill. a step by step approach to use the learning skill in can teach other students how
when using the learning different situations. to use the skill.

I am beginning to As I practise the skill I feel I can usually use the skill I can use the skill
understand how the that I am getting better and without referring to the way that automatically. I use the
learning skill works. I ask better. I have done it in the past. I can learning skill in different
questions when I am not sometimes use the learning skill situations some of which are
sure. in different situations. new to me.

I often make errors when When I use the learning Any errors I make I can quickly Any errors I make are
using the skill. skill I check to make sure I correct. corrected automatically.
have not made any errors.

I can only use the skill in

My teacher frequently situations that I have My teacher only occasionally My teacher does not need to
assists me to develop my practised before. My needs to help me with the help me with the learning
use of the learning skill. teacher needs to help me learning skill. skill.


Backward Looking
1. How much did you know about the subject before we started?
2. What problems did you encounter while you were studying this unit? How did you solve them?

Inward Looking
1.Did you enjoy learning about Unit 2? If yes, why? If no, why?

2.What was your favourite lesson or type of activity?

3.What way do you learn best? (by reading and writing, group work, making posters, discussions, drawing mind
maps, listening to a teacher, etc)

4.What was your least favourite lesson or is your least favourite type of activity?

Forward Looking
1. One thing I would like to improve upon is ...(specific criterion/skills)

2. What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for next time?

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