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Microprocessor System

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 1

Machine cycle
 8085 has following machine cycle.
 Opcode Fetch.
 Memory Read.
 Memory Write.
 I/O Read
 I/O write.
 Request Acknowledge

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 2

Timing Diagram
 Necessary steps of Machine cycle can be represented
 Such graphical representation is known as Timing
Points to be considered to draw diagram:
1. Identify Instruction.
2. Number of machine cycles.
3. Determine T-States.
4. Determine control signals required for each machine

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 3

Timing Diagram (Cont.…)
 For any instruction:
 1st machine cycle is opcode fetch.
 It takes 4T states for most instruction and 6T for few.
 2nd machine cycle can be memory read (3T) for
memory/(I/O) read/write.
 3rd and 4th depends on the nature of instruction.

 MVI A, 32H
Opcode Fetch(4T) + Memory Read(3T) = 7 T-states.
F(4T) + R(3T) + I/O Write(O 3T) = 10T-states.
11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 4
Timing Diagram (Cont.…)
F R R W  13 T-States
 MOV A, B
F  4 T-States
 LDA CO50 H
F R R R 13 T-States

See book p-780 for machine cycle of all instructions.

Gaonkar R, Microprocessor Architecture Programming and
Application with 8085, Fifth Edition

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 5

Timing Diagram (Cont.…)
 Opcode Fetch

MOV C, A at location

Location Op-code
2005H 4FH

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 6

Timing Diagram (Cont.…)
 Memory read

I/O Read????

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 7

Timing Diagram (Cont.…)
 Memory Write

I/O write??????

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 8

Location Op-code

Timing Diagram (Cont.…) 2000H 3EH

 MVI A,32H (Combine the machine cycles) 2001H 32H

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 9

Timing Diagram (Cont.…)
Class work
Draw the timings diagram for instruction STA 526AH stored at 41FFH

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 10

Timing Diagram (Cont.…)

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 11

Timing Diagram (Cont.…)
Class work
Draw the timings diagram for instruction IN COH stored at 4125H


11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 12

Memory devices
 Memory is an essential component of the microcomputer system.
It is used to store both instructions and data.
 Memory is made up of registers and the number of bits stored in
a register is called memory word .
 Memory word is identified by an address .
 If microprocessor uses 16 bit address , then there will be
maximum of 216 = 65536 memory addresses ranging from 0000H
 There are various types of memory which can be classified in to
two main groups i.e. Primary memory and Secondary memory.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 13

Memory devices

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 14

Memory Hierarchy
As we go down in the hierarchy
 Cost per bit decreases
Capacity of memory increases
Access time increases
 Frequency of access of memory
by processor also decreases.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 15

Address Decoding
 Microprocessor is connected with memory and I/O devices via
common address and data bus.
 Only one device can send data at a time and other devices can
only receive that data. If more than one device sends data at the
same time, the data gets garbled.
 In order to avoid this situation, ensuring that the proper device
gets addressed at proper time, the technique called address
decoding is used.
 In address decoding method, all devices like memory blocks, I/O
units etc. are assigned with a specific address.
 The address of the device is determined from the way in which
the address lines are used to derive a special device selection
signal -- chip select (CS).

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 16

Address Decoding...
 If the microprocessor has to write or to read from a device, the
CS signal to that block should be enabled and the address
decoding circuit must ensure that CS signal to other devices are
not activated.
Unique Address Decoding:
 The address lines are decoded in such a way that for one
particular address, only one register of memory will be enabled.
 All 16 bit of address should be handled(decoded) properly.
 Don’t care conditions is not allowed.
 It is expensive and complicated but fault proof in all cases.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 17

Address Decoding...
Non Unique Address decoding:
 In case of non unique decoding, more than one address can select
same register (Location).
 Some bits are supposed to be don’t care.
 Though it is cheaper there may be a chance of address conflict.
Unique Address Decoding
A15 A0
1000 0000 0000 0000
1000 1111 1111 1111

CHIP SELECT Register Select

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 18

Address Decoding...
Non Unique Address Decoding
A15 A0
10xx 0000 0000 0000
10xx 1111 1111 1111
Here, 10xx have four possible values, 1000 , 1001, 1010, 1011
So, there are four different address possible for same register.
1000 0000 0000 0000  8000
1001 0000 0000 0000  9000
1010 0000 0000 0000  A000
1011 0000 0000 0000  B000

See also: Absolute decoding/Full Decoding, Linear decoding/Partial

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 19
Memory Interfacing
For Memory Interfacing in 8085, following important points are to
be kept in mind.
 Microprocessor 8085 can access 64Kbytes memory since
address bus is 16-bit.
 But it is not always necessary to use full 64Kbytes address space.
The total memory size depends upon the application.
 Generally EPROM (or EPROMs) is used as a program memory
and RAM (or RAMs) as a data memory.
 When both, EPROM and RAM are used, the total address space
64Kbytes is shared by them.
 It is not always necessary to select 1 EPROM and 1 RAM. We can
have multiple EPROMs and multiple RAMs as per the
requirement of application.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 20

Memory Interfacing
 We can place EPROM/RAM anywhere in full 64 Kbytes address
 But program memory (EPROM) should be located from address
0000H since reset address of 8085 microprocessor is 0000H.
 It is not always necessary to locate EPROM and RAM in
consecutive memory For example : If the mapping of EPROM is
from 0000H to OFFFH, it is not necessary to locate RAM from
1000H. We can locate it anywhere between 1000H and FFFFH.
 To locate memory component totally depends on the application.
The memory interfacing requires to :
 Select the chip

 Identify the register

 Enable the appropriate buffer.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 21

Interfacing Circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit to interface a ROM of 4K size.
4k means 4*1024
2 POWER 2* 2 POWER 10
2 POWER 12
Remaining address bit= 16-12=4
A15,A14,A13, A12 are used to generate chip select signal.
Other address bit are used for register select.
Address range for ROM
Starting Address 0000 0000 0000 0000  0000H
Ending Address 0000 1111 1111 1111  0FFFH
chip select 12 bits for address select

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 22

Interfacing Circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit to interface a ROM of 4K size.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 23

Interfacing Circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit to interface 2 RAM of 8K size.
8k means 8*1024
2 POWER 3* 2 POWER 10
2 POWER 13
Remaining address bit= 16-13=3
A15,A14,A13 are used to generate chip select signal.
Other address bit are used for register select.
Address range for RAM 1
Starting Address 1000 0000 0000 0000  8000H
Ending Address 1001 1111 1111 1111  9FFFH
chip select 13 bits for address select

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 24

Interfacing Circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit to interface 2 RAM of 8K size.
Address range for RAM 2
Starting Address 1010 0000 0000 0000  A000H
Ending Address 1011 1111 1111 1111  BFFFH
chip select 13 bits for address select

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 25

Interfacing Circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit to interface 2 RAM of 8K size.
Address range for RAM 1
Starting Address 1000 0000 0000 0000  8000H
Ending Address 1001 1111 1111 1111  9FFFH
Address range for RAM 2
Starting Address 1010 0000 0000 0000  A000H
Ending Address 1011 1111 1111 1111  BFFFH

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 26

Interfacing Circuit
 Find the address range for three memory device.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 27

Memory mapped I/O
 Memory input/ output. It means input is read from memory and
o/p is written to memory.
 Address used in memory mapped I/O is of 16 bit memory
 Memory related instructions such as STA,LDA, STAX, LDAX, MOV,
ADD etc are used.
 Data transfer takes between any register.
 Chip select signal of each device is derived from 16 bit address
lines thus total addressing capability is 64K bytes
 More hardware are required to decode 16- bit address.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 28

I/O mapped I/O
 Port input/ output. It means input is taken from i/p device
connected to a port and o/p is given from any o/p devices
connected to o/p port.
 Address used in I/O mapped I/O is of 8 bit port address.
 I/O related instructions such as IN, OUT.
 Data transfer takes between I/O devices and registers.
 Less hardware are required to decode 16- bit address.
 Since only 8bit address is used, at most 256 bytes can be
identified uniquely.
 Generally low order address bits A0-A7 are used and upper bits
A8-A15 are considered don’t care.
 Usually, I/O mapped I/O is used to map devices like 8255A,
8251A etc.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 29

I/O interface
 Provides a method for transferring
information between internal storage
and external i/o devices.
 Serial interface:
 Exchange data with peripherals in serial mode.
 One bit is transmitted at a time.
 Serial transmission is slow.
 The function of serial i/o interface is to deal with data on the bus in
parallel mode and to communicate with the connected device in
serial mode.
 Its data bus has n data lines, the serial I/O interface accepts n bit
of data simultaneously from the bus and n bits are sent one at a
time thus requiring n time slots.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 30

I/O interface
 Parallel interface:
 The device which can handle
data at higher speed cannot
support with serial interface.
 N bits of data are handled
simultaneously by the bus and
the links to the device directly.
 Achieves faster communication
but becomes expensive due to
need of multiple wires.

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 31

Interfacing circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit for instruction OUT FCH where FCH is
port address.
 In 8085 the lower order address 8- bit and data bus of 8-bit are
same ie. AD0-AD7.
 So, we need ALE to find address from AD0-AD7
 AD0-AD7 is first connected to ALE which is supplied to 8 input NAND
gate to generate I/O select signal.
 I/O write signal is also generated.
 Both signal are combined by NAND gate to generate latch enable

FC 1111 1100

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 32

Interfacing circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit for instruction OUT FCH where FCH is
port address.
FC 1111 1100

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 33

Interfacing circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit for instruction IN FFH where FFH is port
FC 1111 1111

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 34

Interfacing circuit
 Draw interfacing circuit for instruction IN 41H and OUT 42H.
I/P port address 0100 0001
O/P port address 0100 0010

11/3/2020 Er. Sunil Dahal, IOE, PASHCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS, Pokhara 35

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