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1. How would you describe yourself?

a. I would describe myself as a kind person, charmful and a serious person when I
need to.

2. What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?

a. The most exciting thing I’ve ever done is travelling to Italy, from a town in
Valencia called Cullera. It was a very long travel, one thousand kilometres

3. What do you think you’ll be doing in five years?

a. I think I will be studying at the university or at the superior conservatory, but
this decision can change because there are still many years ahead.

4. How have you changed in the last few years?

a. I think I don’t change a lot last few years but, the biggest change I made, in my
opinion, is my body, because I used to be a little fat

5. What are you passionate about?

a. I’m passionate about the computers, because I think they are a very
interesting thing, with all the different components, moreover, I’m also
passionate about music, because, as a musician I am, I need to.

6. Are you a risk taker?

a. I think I’m not a risk taker, at least, not almost the time.

7. What are you going to do after school?

a. After school I’m going to go to the conservatory, take dinner there, and wait
for the class I have at thirty past three.

8. Who do you admire and why?

a. I do not admire many people, but one of these is my father because he taught
me all the things I know about mechanics, and more thinks. Besides, he also
helped me in maths

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