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Adelianus liling Ida Maratul Khmidah* Muslimin

Software Engineering Technology, Software Engineering Software Engineering Technology,
Agricultural Polytechnic of Technology, Agricultural Agricultural Polytechnic of
Samarinda, 75131, Indonesia Polytechnic of Samarinda, 75131, Samarinda, 75131, Indonesia

Various tactics in the control of pests and diseases of

Abstract- Red chili is very interested in farmers because of
its growing market. To get maximum profit, red chili chili plants include the use of resistant varieties. Plant
farming is carried out intensively, in addition there are also resistance is all characteristics and properties of plants that
several problems that arise in chili plants, such as diseases allow plants to be avoided, have endurance or healing power
and pests that cause crop failure. Based on the case study in from insect pests in conditions that will cause greater
this study, it can be concluded that the author will create an damage. In the use of resistant varieties, it turns out that the
expert system to detect pests and diseases in red chili plants cost is relatively cheap, does not cause environmental
with the forward chaining method and certainty factor. The pollution and is easy to apply by farmers in the field( Sodiq
purpose of this study is to design the web as a solution to 2009).
overcome pests and diseases in red chili peppers and Based on the background that has been described, the
implement the FC fan CF method in detecting web-based problems that can be posed are how to make an android-
diseases and pests of red peppers. The results of this study based mapping information system application in displaying
using data from 15 respondents with the results of 3.68% the distribution of locations and how to display the
answering agreed, it can be concluded that the author can distribution of locations and routes to industrial locations in
build an expert system website that is useful for farmers. each sub-district of Samarinda City. The purpose of this
study is to determine the distribution of industrial location
Keywords- Farmers, Pests, Forward chaining, Certainty points in the city of Samarinda, to make it easier for users to
factor, Red chili. know the route of the industrial location, and to design and
create a mapping information system that is used to manage
I. INTRODUCTION the industrial data of the industrial office.

Chili (Capsicum Annuum) is a vegetable commodity II. LITERATURE REVIEW

that can be marketed in fresh and processed form and has a
fairly high economic value and attractive market prospects. According to research conducted by Maita and Nurhah
Therefore, in general, chili farming businesses are managed (2018), entitled "Android-Based Application for Mapping
by farmers intensively in the hope of obtaining very large the Distribution of Small and Medium Industries in
amounts of results and adequate prices. Pekanbaru". It is easy and makes it easy to report any
The low production of chili in Indonesia is partly developments based on the turnover obtained. The results of
caused by plant disturbing organisms (OPT) in the form of this study are that the presence of an Android-based
pests, diseases and weeds which are limiting factors application makes it easier for people to report and see the
because they can reduce the quality and quantity of distribution in Pekanbaru City.
production results. One of the important pests that often Mapping of small and medium-sized industries using a Web-
inflict damage on chili plants is the aphids pest Aphis. Based Geographic Information System in Tanjungbala Wilda
Aphids (Aphis) are insect pests that damage the City (2014). Explaining this research can display the location
development of chili plants. The attack is almost the same of various industries accompanied by information related to
as the mite but due to the liquid from the leaves it sucks these industries. This is aimed at making it easier to find out
causes the leaves to curl upwards, curl and mottled until it the growth of small and medium industries in Tanjungbalai
can eventually cause shedding. This Aphis tick has the City as well as assisting the Tanjungbalai City Trade and
ability to multiply rapidly. because in addition to being able Industry Office in taking routes and distances for mapping
to reproduce from ordinary mating, she is also able to lay small and medium industries. The results of this research are
eggs without fertilization. According to Balfas (2005), that this application can make it easier for users to find the
losses due to Aphis aphids pest attacks range from 10-30% location of the distribution of small and medium industries in
and during the dry season, the losses caused can be even Tanjungbalai City and display information related to small
greater, reaching 40%. and medium industries in Tanjungbalai City

Research conducted by Amelia Fadhila (2017), entitled economic value for their use, including design activities.
Development of a Web-Based Geographic Information building and industrial engineering.” (Law of the Republic
System for Mapping the Distribution of Micro, Small and of Indonesia No. 5 of 1984). Meanwhile, according to the
Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in Blitar Regency. The Central Statistics Agency, the definition of industry is a
purpose of this research is to map the distribution of Micro, process of changing basic materials into finished goods from
Small, and Medium Enterprises in Blitar Regency which goods of less value to being of higher value with the
aims to assist the community in promoting the marketing intention of part or all of the results being sold or obtaining
and publication of the distribution of Micro, Small and income or profit. So it can be concluded that the definition of
Medium Enterprises (UMKM) using WebGIS and as an industry is a collection of various similar activities and
inventory for the Department of Industry and Trade, production goods or services by using labor and other
Cooperatives and UMKM, Agency Regional Planning and equipment to change goods so that they can have a higher
other related agencies in Blitar Regency, as well as economic value in their use. Classification of the Industrial
establishing community involvement through the existence Sector The industrial sector can be classified into several
of the Web. The results of this research are showing 45 types, but the main industrial sector is divided into three,
points of distribution of UMKM and information through namely large industry, medium industry, and small industry
Google Maps online maps. as follows:
Research conducted by Sabastian (2019), entitled Web- a. Large industry
Based Geographic Information System for Micro, Small A large industry itself can be interpreted, namely an
and Medium Enterprises in Mojokerto Regency. Aims to industry with a workforce of more than 100 people. The
build a geographic-based information system as a mapping characteristics of a large industry are that it has large capital
media, promotional media, marketing media, and web- which is collected collectively in the form of stock
based ordering of UMKM products in Mataram City. The maintenance, the workforce must have special skills, and the
results of this study are that this system provides facilities company's leaders are selected through a fit and proper test.
to find out UMKM in Mataram City by features b. Medium industry
geographic information, provides various information The medium industry is an industry that uses a workforce
about the world of UMKM, becomes a means of of about 20 to 99 people. The characteristics of the medium
promoting UMKM in Mataram City, assisting industry are that they have sufficient or moderate to large
entrepreneurs as e-commerce marketing media, and capital, while workers with certain skills and company
becoming a medium between UMKM and consumers for leaders have certain managerial abilities.
ordering facilities. c. Small industry
Research conducted by Deo Marta Dipayana (2020) Industries where the number of employees or workforce
from Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, is between 5-19 people. Capital is relatively small because
University of Mataram conducted study in 2020 entitled capital is provided by an owner or a small group of capital
Design of a Web and Android-Based Geographic owners, the workforce comes from the surrounding
Information System for Mapping Small and Medium environment or there are still relatives.
Industries in Mataram City. The results of this study are C. Google Maps Api
that the application can provide information about the According to Triansah (2016), Google Maps is currently
distribution of locations in the city of Mataram in real-time a popular web-based mapping service. Users can add Google
so that it can make it easier for both the community, Maps services to a website using the Google Maps API.
owners, and the Department of Industry to obtain the
information needed, make it easier for owners to register
what they have with the Department of Industry and helps The Google Maps API can be added to a website using
users to be able to find suggestions for the closest route that JavaScript. The API provides many facilities and utilities to
can be taken to get to a place.System take advantage of maps and add content to maps through
A. Artificial Intelligence various services, enabling users to create powerful map
According to Wilda (2014), information is data that has applications on a website. However, to be able to access
been processed to reduce uncertainty about a situation or Google Maps, the user must first register an API key with
event. Information can also be defined as the result of registration data in the form of a web domain name that we
processing data in a form that is more useful and more built.
meaningful to the recipient which describes a real eventD. XAMPP
that is used for information system decision-making.
B. Expert System Xampp is an application that can turn our computer into
a server. Xampp's usefulness is to create your local network
The industry is a collection of similar businesses
in the sense that you can create websites offline for trial and
producing the production of goods and services. The
error on your computer. So the function of the Xampp
definition of industry according to experts is as follows:
server itself is our website server for how to use it. It is
According to George T. Renner (2004), the industry is all
called a server because in this case, the computer that we
human activities in the economic field that are productive
will use must provide services to access the web, and for that
or produce goods and money. According to the Law of the
our computer must be a server. It can be concluded that
Republic of Indonesia in 1984, Article 1 concerning
XAMPP is an application tool to provide software packages
industry states that industry is: "Economic activities that
that contain configurations for Web Server, Apache, PHP,
process raw materials, raw materials, semi-finished goods,
and MySQL to help us in the process of making web
or finished goods, or finished goods into goods of higher

applications that are integrated into one so that it is easier Modeling Language).
for us to create web programs. (Josi, 2017). 3. Coding
E. Android Studio The process of changing the form of the system
Android Studio is an IDE for Android Development design into a programming language so that it can
that was introduced by Google at the 2013 Google I/O be read by the computer through the coding process
event. Android Studio is an extension of the Eclipse IDE by the programmer. The coding process uses
and is based on the popular Java IDE, IntelliJ IDEA. MySQL, XAMPP, and Android Studio
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application programming languages.
development. With the development of Eclipse, Android 4. Testing
Studio has many new features compared to Eclipse IDE The application trial stage has been made to find out
(NUR YATI, 2018). whether there are errors in the system.
F. UML 5. Maintenance
UML is the "language" that is becoming the industry At this stage, the application and maintenance of
standard for visualizing, designing, and documenting applications that have been made and succeeded in
software. UML offers a standard for designing models of a the trial stage are carried out so that the application
system. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a substitute can continue to function properly.
for object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design
(OOAD&D/object oriented analysis and design) methods B. Design
which were introduced around the late 80s and early 90s. The design is carried out after the development
UML is a combination of the Booch, Rumbaugh (OMT) stage after analyzing the problem. At this stage, a
and Jacobson methods. But UML covers a wider range than system design is carried out that requires a process.
OOAD. In the middle of the development of UML, 1. Use Case Diagram
standardization of the process was carried out with OMG According to Tohari in Tabrani and Aghniya
(Object Management Group) with the hope that UML (2020) concluded that use cases are a collection
would become the standard modeling language in the future of several things that are interrelated and form
(which is now widely used by various groups of people). a system regularly carried out by an actor. The
(Kurniawan et al., 2021). following is a use case diagram design for this
system which can be seen in picture 3.

A. Research Procedure
The research method used is the waterfall model. The
research method is the steps that will be taken by the author
to make it easier to conduct research can be seen in picture

cture 1. Waterfall Model
Description :
1. Analysis
The analysis was carried out using two data
collection methods, namely interviews and
observations. Data collection interviews were Picture 2. Use Case Diagram
conducted by directly interviewing industry
players in the city of Samarinda, while the 2. Class Diagram
observation was analyzing industrial data in the According to Tohari (2021), class diagram is a
city of Samarinda. specification that, if instantiated, will produce
2. Design an object and is the core of object-oriented
This stage is done by processing the data obtained development and design. The following is a
from the first stage in the form of software design class diagram design for this system which can
that will be made in the form of UML (Unified be seen in picture 3.

Picture 4. Login Page
 Home menu page
After logging in, the system will display the home
Picture 3. Class Diagram menu page in which there is a menu on the
application and there is a button to exit the
application. the home page can be seen in the

This system discusses the appearance of the Industrial

Mapping Information System ApplicationAt at the
Industrial Office of Samarinda City Based on Android
which will be used to obtain information about various
industries along with data on the location of distribution in
the city of Samarinda. Here are some views of the
applications that have been made.
 Login page
On the login page, if the user has created an
account, then he or she can login and access the
existing menu. By filling in the nip and password.
The login page can be seen in the picture 4.
Picture 5. Beranda page
 Graphic menu page
The graphic menu page displays a layout for the
user, where the user can see the percentage of the
district's industrial data. the graphic page can be
seen in the picture 6.

Picture 6. Graphic menu page

 Maps menu page
The industrial maps page displays the location
points of several industries in sub-districts in
Samarinda City. if the user clicks on one of the
existing location points it will display the name of

the industry, and the name of the sub-district. map
page can be seen in the picture 7.

Picture 7. Maps menu page

 Add data page
Users can add Industry data containing the name
of the business, owner, road, village, telephone Picture 9. Data menu page
number, labor, investment value, production  Visi Misi menu page
capacity, the value of raw materials, production This view displays a layout for users, where users
value, longitude, longitude, and name of the sub- can see the vision and mission as well as the
district. Latitude is if the line is above the equator address of the Industrial Office of Samarinda City.
then the value is positive but if the line is below The vision and mission display can be seen in the
the equator then the value is negative. Add data picture 10.
page can be seen in the picture 8.

Picture 10. Visi misi menu page

 About menu page
Picture 8. Add data page The about menu page displays the layout for the
 Data menu page user, where the user can view the history and main
On the data page, the user selects or clicks on one tasks of the industry department. Display about can
of the location points it will display industrial data be seen in the picture 11.
information then there is a call button to call the
industry owner and a route button to show the
industrial location. Display data can be seen in the
picture 9.

system in the future, namely that Industrial Owners can
register themselves to the system, and it is necessary to add
uploads of business license documents for everyone who has
a business license, and it is necessary to add a graph of the
number of industry names per district.


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Picture 11. About menu page Arif Setiawan, M., Tantoni, A., & Fahmi, H. (2021).
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemetaan
Black box testing is a method of testing that tests the Persebaran Menara Telekomunikasi Seluler Berbasis
functions in the system to find out whether these functions GIS Di Lombok Tengah. JUTSI (Jurnal Teknologi
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several functions as samples in the industrial mapping
information system at the industrial office of the city of Fadhila, A. (2017). Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Geografis
Samarinda which will be tested using the black box ( Sig ) Berbasis Web Untuk Pemetaan Persebaran
method. The system test results are shown in Table 1. Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Kabupaten Blitar.
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Table 1. System testing Membangun Website Desa (Studi Kasus Desa Sugihan
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Click Login Show main page Succeed Kurniawan, H., Apriliah, W., Kurnia, I., & Firmansyah, D.
Click Home Displays the home Succeed (2021). Penerapan Metode Waterfall Dalam
menu page, menu button, Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian Pada Smk
and a button to exit Bina Karya Karawang. Jurnal Interkom: Jurnal
the application. Publikasi Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan
Click the graphic Displaying Succeed Komunikasi, 14(4), 13–23.
menu information on
how to use the NUR YATI, M. (2018). Aplikasi Belajar Mengaji Berbasis
system Android. Jurnal Manajemen Informatika, 8(2).
Click the maps Show location Succeed Sabastian, W., R Diah, Y., & Hanum, D. (2019). SISTEM
for industry name dan MENENGAH BERBASIS WEB DI
Click add data display the add Succeed KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO. Universitas Islam
data page Majapahit Mojokerto, 0(02), 63–66.
Click the vision display the vision Succeed Solihin, H. H., & Fuja Nusa, A. A. (2017). Rancang Bangun
mission menu and mission of the Sistem Informasi Penjualan, Pembelian Dan
industry service Persediaan Suku Cadang Pada Bengkel Tiga Putra
and the button to Motor Garut. Infotronik : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
exit the application Dan Elektronika, 2(2), 107.
Click menu displays about and Succeed
about a button to exit the Tabrani, M., & Rezqy Aghniya, I. (2020). Implementasi
application Metode Waterfall Pada Program Simpan Pinjam
Koperasi Subur Jaya Mandiri Subang. Jurnal
Interkom: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi
V. CONCLUSION Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 14(1), 44–53.
The conclusion from the results of the design and
implementation of an industrial mapping information Triansah, A., Cahyadi, D., & Astuti, I. F. (2016).
system at the industrial office of the city of Samarinda Membangun Aplikasi Web Dan Mobile Android
based on Android is to display a map of the distribution of Untuk Media Pencarian Kost Menggunakan Phonegap
each sub-district that has been registered by the service in Dan Google Maps API. Informatika Mulawarman :
the system. The point of distribution also makes it easier Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer, 10(1), 58.
for the Department of Industry to know the location.
Based on the conclusions above, the authors provide Wilda. (2014). PEMETAAN INDUSTRI KECIL DAN
suggestions for the development of this application or MENENGAH (IKM) MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM



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