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John Vincent C. Durango.


Structure of English.

Ma'am Juneza Nacasabog . Instructor


I didn't believe in this kind of sayings that there is no life after death . For me I believe that there is life
after death. We Christians believe that Jesus is the Savior of all human beings. Even though our bodies
died but our souls will remain alive and we will judge according of what we have done in this world
during when we are alive.

After we die, our soul separates from our bodies and is judged by God. Depending on the outcome of
the judgement, our souls go to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. This belief is centred around Jesus’s
resurrection and God’s plan of our salvation. Like Jesus, we will rise and go to be with God in Heaven,
because he has cleansed us of sin. Death still occurs, and our bodies will waste away, but if we’ve been
good people and have faith, we will go to Heaven and have Eternal Life in God’s presence. Christians
believe death is not the end. All our lives are preparation for where we will go after we die: Heaven, Hell
or Purgatory. Heaven is the ultimate goal, and Jesus has opened it for us. We won’t know anything for
sure until our time comes, but when it does, it would be nice to hope we can live forever in Heaven.

And I believe that there is life after death with God forever. GODBLESS Amen ❤

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