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Cpge-Kénitra Youssef Laaraj

Tense translation

French-English and English-French conjugation

je prends - I take, I am taking
vous allez - you go, you are going
je prendrai - I will take
vous irez - you will go
je prendrais - I would take
vous iriez - you would go
je prenais - I was taking
vous alliez - you were going
Passé simple(literary tense)
je pris - I took
vous allâtes - you went
(que) je prenne - (that) I take,
Il est important que je prenne... - It's important that I take...
Veut-elle que je prenne...? - Does she want me to take...?

French tenses and their equivalents in English

Present: I take
Imparfait: I was taking.
Plus que parfait: I had taken.
Futur: I will take
Futur parfait: I will have taken
Futur proche: I'm about to take
Conditionel: I would take
Conditionel parfait: I would have taken
Infinitif: To take
Participe present: taking
Participe passe: taken

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