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En la parte a) del ejercicio hay que completar las oraciones con la palabra
apropiada de la tabla.

En la parte b) del ejercicio hay que completar un texto referente a John Bird con las
formas verbales apropiadas en Past Simple de los verbos que se dan entre

En la parte c) del ejercicio se debe contestar a las preguntas referentes al texto.

En la parte d) del ejercicio escribe acerca de uno de los nombres relacionados con
la evolución de la electrónica: Edison, Hertz, Faraday, Tesla, Karl F. Braun, B.
Shockley o Jack St. C. Kilby.
Junto a los verbos utilizados en la composición, escribe su forma en infinitivo, entre
paréntesis.(extensión máxima de la composición: 140 palabras)

Indicaciones de entrega:

Contesta a las preguntas utilizando este color y envía el trabajo al tutor, en

PDF, con el nombre de “Tarea 1.2”.

a) Complete the sentences with a word from the box


Resistor Resistance Ohm
Capacitor Capacitance Farad
Inductor Inductance Henry

The unit of resistance is the ohm.

A capacitor consists of two metal plates separated by a dielectric.

The basic unit of capacitance is the farad.

The henry is the unit of inductance

The three main types of resistor are: carbon, wire-bound and film.

A solenoid is a type of inductor

b) Life of Scottish engineer and one of television's early pioneers, John Baird.

Baird was born (be born) in Helensburgh, Scotland in 1888, and he attended
(attend) the University of Glasgow, until World War I interrupted (interrupt) his
coursework. He never formally obtained (obtain) a degree, but he made (make)
great advance in his field of engineering, and today people considered (consider)
him as the inventor who led (lead) to the development of television.

Many historians thought (think) that Baird was (be) the first person who
produced (produce) a moving television image using reflected light. In 1924, he
demonstrated (demonstrate) the television to a radio show.

Baird was not (not be) the only inventor at the time who tried (try) to develop
early television. In New York, Bell Laboratories successfully sent (send) sent an
image 225 miles away from one lab to another.

Baird established (establish) Baird Television Development Company. This

company launched (launch) the first transatlantic television transmission from
London to New York state.

Baird died.(die) in June 1946 and was buried (be buried) in his hometown of
Helensburgh. His inventions left(leave) a lasting mark on the development of

c) Make the questions for these answers.

a. Where was Baird born? In Helensburgh

b. In what year was Baird born? In 1888

c. did Baird graduate at any university?No, he never obtained a degree at


d. When did Baird die? In June 1946.

d) Write about some of the scientists or inventors related with electronics. In
brackets, write the infinitive of the verbs that you have used. (maximum: 140

Thomas Alva Edison was born (Milan, Ohio, February 11, 1847-West Orange,
New Jersey, October 18, 1931) was a businessman and a prolific inventor,
considered the most important inventor of the United States. I develop many
devices that have had a great influence around the world, such as the
phonograph, the film camera or a long-lasting incandescent bulb. Nicknamed
"The Wizard of Menlo Park," Edison was one of the first inventors to apply the
principles of chain production and large-scale teamwork to the invention
process, which is why he was recognized for the creation of the first
laboratory .

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