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Analysing Global Fixed Income Markets with Tensors

Bruno Scalzo Dees

Abstract—Global fixed income returns span across multiple This has naturally motivated various developments of PCA
maturities and economies, that is, they naturally reside on multi- for joint term structure analysis, however, a wide range of
dimensional data structures referred to as tensors. In contrast solutions have been proposed as a consequence of the ambi-
to standard “flat-view” multivariate models that are agnostic to
data structure and only describe linear pairwise relationships, guity in the problem formulation. We find a substantial lack
we introduce a tensor-valued approach to model the global risks of agreement in the literature, not only regarding the data
shared by multiple interest rate curves. In this way, the estimated preparation and estimation procedure, but also regarding the
risk factors can be analytically decomposed into maturity-domain number of latent factors that are required to explain the joint
and country-domain constituents, which allows the investor to dynamics of multiple yield curves, and the nature of the global
devise rigorous and tractable global portfolio management and
hedging strategies tailored to each risk domain. An empirical and domestic factors obtained.
analysis confirms the existence of global risk factors shared by One approach is to apply PCA to vectorised data obtained
arXiv:1908.02101v4 [q-fin.PM] 4 Dec 2019

eight developed economies, and demonstrates their ability to from several term structures [3, 4, 5], however, this method
compactly describe the global macroeconomic environment. ignores the multi-curve structure and leads to factors which
I. I NTRODUCTION are difficult to interpret and can still reflect idiosyncratic and
domestic behaviour. Another approach is common PCA [6],
Market participants have long recognized the importance which extracts the eigenvectors that span an identical space
of identifying the common factors that affect the returns of across all countries, however, this method simultaneously di-
securities within asset classes. In such a task it is critical to agonalizes multiple covariance matrices, which is non-analytic
distinguish the common risks that have general impact on the for more than two matrices, and neglects the co-variation
returns of most securities from the idiosyncratic risks that between assets across countries [7]. Alternatively, inter-battery
influence securities individually. For instance, following the factor analysis [8] captures all common factors across do-
seminal work in [1], a significant portion of the fixed income mestic term structures [9], however, the solution method is
literature has been devoted to the technique of principal also computationally prohibitive and implicitly assumes that
component analysis (PCA) [2] to provide a parsimonious idiosyncratic co-variations can only occur domestically, which
interpretation to the dynamics of the term structure of inter- is a restrictive and unrealistic assumption. The major limitation
est rates. Empirical results suggest that three latent factors, shared by the existing techniques is that they are agnostic to
referred to as level, slope and curvature, are required to the multi-curve data structure and resort to methods developed
almost fully reflect the behaviour of the entire term structure. for multivariate analysis. Such a flattened view of the data,
Moreover, the principal components are frequently identified and the rigid assumptions inherent in multivariate analysis,
with economically meaningful events. As such, the degree of are inadequate and ineffective.
robustness in these findings has made PCA a fundamental We recognise that global fixed income returns, which span
building block for characterizing single-economy interest rate across multiple maturities and countries, reside on regular
curves. Notable benefits of the principal components approach multi-dimensional data structures referred to as tensors. It is
include: (i) its analyticity and mathematical tractability; (ii) only through tensor analysis that we have the opportunity
its ability to parsimoniously describe economic factors; (iii) to develop sophisticated models capturing the interactions
its applications for stress-testing and scenario analysis; (iv) its between the entirety of interest rate curves. This motivates the
direct applicability for hedging portfolios. development of multilinear techniques, which have eventually
However, the growing interconnectedness of the interna- found its place in many real-world applications where tensors
tional markets presents a major challenge for risk manage- naturally reside [10, 11, 12, 13, 14].
ment of fixed-income securities, owing to the high correla- Accordingly, we have developed a framework that employs
tion between interest rates across maturities and countries. the structure-aware multilinear algebra to rigorously model
Financial institutions routinely invest globally using strategies the risk factors shared by an international universe of fixed
with limited avenues for diversification. This is largely due income returns. In this way, the estimated risk factors can be
to the legacy analytics which employ “flat-view” multivariate analytically decomposed into two parallel domains of risk: (i)
methods, i.e. PCA, whereby trades are typically hedged by maturity-domain factors which are shared by all countries; and
offsetting their domestic-curve principal components. This (ii) country-domain factors which are shared by all maturities.
leaves such strategies unprotected to cross-country risk arising By operating within each domain in parallel, the investor can
from global macroeconomic events. The most recent credit devise rigorous and tractable global portfolio management and
crisis, for instance, is exemplar of how macroeconomic shocks hedging strategies, with fewer decision parameters, that are
can be crucially transmitted across interest rate curves. For simultaneously tailored to each risk domain, as a consequence
this reason, a parsimonious model to describe the co-variation and natural extension of the proposed multilinear framework.
of interest rates at the relevant maturities and in the relevant An empirical analysis confirms the existence of common
countries appears necessary for global fixed income investors global risk factors shared by eight developed economies.
to adequately identify and manage risk. The resulting maturity-domain and country-domain factors are
B. Scalzo Dees is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Imperial shown to provide compact and physically meaningful insight
College London, London SW7 2AZ, U.K. (e-mail: into the global macroeconomic environment.

II. P REREQUISITES OF T ENSOR A LGEBRA For convenience, we denote the sequence of Kronecker prod-
Tensors are manipulated using the mathematical branch of ucts of the matrices U(n) ∈ RIn ×In , for n = 1, ..., N , by
multilinear algebra, for which we provide a comprehensive
Å ã
introduction to the subject from an academically rigorous, yet ⊗ U(n) = U(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ U(N ) ∈ RK×K (4)
practitioner-focused perspective. We refer the reader to [10,
11] for more details on the topic. The mode-n product of the tensor X ∈ RI1 ×···×IN with the
In this work, scalars are denoted by lightface font, e.g. matrix U ∈ RJn ×In is denoted by
x; vectors by lowercase boldface font, e.g. x; matrices by Y = X ×n U ∈ RI1 ×···×In−1 ×Jn ×In+1 ×···×IN (5)
uppercase boldface font, e.g. X; and tensors by boldface
calligraphic font, e.g. X . and is equivalent to performing the following steps
1: X(n) ← X . Mode-n unfold
A. Nomenclature
2: Y(n) ← UX(n) . Left matrix multiplication
The order of a tensor defines the number of dimensions, also
I1 ×···×IN 3: Y ← Y(n) . Re-tensorize
QN the tensor X ∈ R
referred to as modes. For instance,
is of order N and has K = n=1 In elements in total. For convenience, the sequence of mode-n products of X and
Tensors can be reshaped into mathematically tractable vec- the matrices U(n) ∈ RJn ×In , for n = 1, ..., N , is written as
tor and matrix representations, which we can manipulate using N
linear algebra. The vector representation is denoted by Y = X × U(n) = X ×1 U(1) ×2 · · · ×N U(N ) ∈ RJ1 ×···×JN
x = vec(X ) ∈ RK (1) (6)
and can be expressed in mathematically equivalent vector and
and the mode-n unfolding is obtained by a reshaping the tensor matrix representations, that is
into the matrix Å
h (n) (n) (n)
i K y = ⊗ U(n) x (7)
X(n) = f1 f2 ··· f K ∈ RI n × I n (2) n=N
In Ñ é
(n) 1
which contains the set of column vectors, fi ∈ RI n , Y(n) = U(n) X(n) ⊗ U(i)T (8)
known as mode-n fibres. Fibres are the multi-dimensional i=N
generalization of matrix rows and columns.
Figure 2 illustrates the sequence of mode-n products of an
The operation of mode-n unfolding can be viewed as the
order-3 tensor with matrices U(n) , for n = 1, 2, 3.
reorientation of the mode-n fibres as column vectors of X(n) ,
as illustrated in Figure 1. Notice that the order-3 tensor, X , has
alternative, yet equivalent, representations in terms of mode-1 U(3)
(left panel), mode-2 (middle panel) and mode-3 fibres (right
panel), that is, columns, rows and tubes, respectively.
X U(2)
Y = U(1)
Fig. 2: Sequence of mode-n products for n = 1, 2, 3.

n=1 n=2 n=3

C. Tensor-valued Gaussian random variables
X(n) In standard multivariate data analysis, multiple measure-
ments are collected at a given trial, experiment or time
instant, to form the vector-valued sample, x ∈ RK . An
Fig. 1: Illustration of the mode-n unfolding, X(n) , of the assumption typically adopted in statistical modeling is that
order-3 tensor, X , in view of the orientation of mode-n fibres. variables are described by the distribution x ∼ N (m, Σ),
which implies that the covariance matrix, Σ ∈ RK×K , is
unstructured. However, if the variables have a natural tensor
B. Tensor products representation, then it is desirable, if not necessary, to assume
Multilinear algebra is based on the class of operators that the covariance matrix, Σ, exhibits a more structured form
known as tensor products. The Kronecker product between the motivated by economic considerations.
matrices A ∈ RI×I and B ∈ RJ×J yields the block matrix For instance, real-world order-N tensor-valued signals en-

a11 B · · · a1I B
 countered in finance include:
i) interest rates over curve × maturity × country (N = 3);
A ⊗ B =  ... .. ..  ∈ RIJ×IJ (3)

. .  ii) futures prices over asset × maturity (N = 2);
aI1 B · · · aII B iii) options prices over asset × maturity × strike (N = 3).

The statistical properties of tensor-valued random variables are Owing to the condition in (11), the tensor X is said
intrinsically linked to that of Gaussian random fields, described to exhibit a Kronecker separable covariance structure, and
as follows. Consider the zero-mean random variable on an N - therefore has the following statistical properties [15, 16]
dimensional coordinate system, denoted by x : RN 7→ R, and
E kX k2 = σ 2

described by the coordinate-dependent distribution ¶ ©
2 (n)
E X(n) XT (n) = σ Θ (15)
x(z) ∼ N 0, σ 2 (z)

(9) Å ã
E xxT = σ 2 ⊗ Θ(n)

where z = {z (1) , ..., z (N ) } ∈ RN is an N -dimensional (16)
coordinate vector, and z (n) ∈ R is the n-th axis coordinate.
where x = vec(X ) and k · k denotes the Frobenius norm.
Furthermore, assume that the random variable is equipped with
Intuitively, σ 2 is the average variance over all scalar-valued
a covariance operator σ : RN × RN 7→ R
variables within the tensor, and Θ(n) ∈ RIn ×In is the mode-n
σ(z1 , z2 ) = cov {x(z1 ), x(z2 )} (10) covariance
Ä ä density matrix, which has the unit-trace property
2 tr Θ(n) = 1, ∀n. The covariance density, Θ(n) , designates
where σ(z, z) ≡ σ (z). The random variable is said to exhibit
the proportion of the total variance, σ 2 , allocated to each fibre.
a separable covariance structure if and only if the covariance
The defining feature of the Kronecker separability condition
operator is separable, that is, if the following condition holds
is that the covariance matrix, Σ, is characterised in terms of
Y (n) (n) fiber-to-fiber (multilinear) covariance parameters, in contrast to
σ(z1 , z2 ) = σ (n) (z1 , z2 ), ∀z1 , z2 ∈ RN (11) element-to-element (linear) covariance parameters, as implied
by the multivariate normal distribution.
where σ (n) : R × R 7→ R is the covariance operator specific In addition, the separability condition provides a stable and
to the n-th coordinate axis, and independent to the covariance parsimonious alternative to an unrestricted estimate of Σ, the
operator on the other axes. latter being unstable or even unavailable if the dimensions
of the sample tensor are large compared to the number of
Remark 1. For contextual clarity, consider the random vari- samples.
able, x(m, c) ∈ R, which represents the fixed income return
as a function of the maturity m and country c. This can be Remark 2. Consider the covariance matrix, Σ ∈ RK×K ,
which constitutes of 12 K 2 + K distinct parameters.

viewed as a scalar field on a 2-dimensional coordinate system Ä Inä turn,
2 1 (n)
(maturity × country). The separability condition asserts that the Kronecker separable counterpart, σ ⊗n=NΘ , re-
duces to 1 + 12 N 2

I + I
cov {x(mi , cj ), x(ml , ck )} = σil σjk
(m) (c)
(12) n=1 n n distinct parameters. Referring
back to Remark 1, consider the case where we observe fixed
(m) income returns for Im = 15 maturities and Ic = 8 countries,
where σil is the return covariance between the i-th and l-th
maturities, and is independent of the countries. Similarly, σjk that is, for K = 120 returns in total. Then,  the multivariate
is the return covariance between the j-th and k-th countries, covariance matrix will have 21 1202 + 120 = 7260 distinct
and is independent of the maturities. parameters, whereas the Kronecker separable counterpart re-
duces the model to 1 + 12 152 + 15 + 82 + 8 = 157. The

The act of forming the tensor X ∈ RI1 ×···×IN from K practical utility of such a parameter reduction is evident.
scalar-valued variables is known as tensorization. The scalar-
valued samples are ordered as follows
D. Multilinear principal component analysis
(1) (N ) (n)
[X ]i1 ...iN = x(zi1 , ..., ziN ), in = 1, ..., In , zin ∈R Consider the eigendecomposition of the mode-n covariance
(13) density matrix, that is
Figure 3 illustrates the tensorization of scalar-valued random Θ(n) = U(n) Λ(n) U(n)T (17)
variables to form an order-3 tensor.
( 1. , 1. , 1. ) where U(n) ∈ RIn ×In is the mode-n eigenvector matrix,
.. .. .. ... I3 and Λ(n) ∈ RIn ×In is the mode-n eigenvalueÄ matrix, which
( I1 , 1 , 1 )
is diagonal and has unit-trace property, tr Λ = 1, ∀n.

( 1. , 2. , 1. ) 12
.. .. .. ..
. 1 Following from the properties of the Kronecker product [17],
( I. 1 , 2. , 1. ) 2 we can express the Kronecker separability conditions in (15)-
.. .. .
.. .. .. (16) as follows
( 1. , I2.−1 , I. 3 )
¶ ©
.. .. .. I1 2 (n) (n) (n)T
. E X(n) XT(n) = σ U Λ U (18)
( I1 , I2 −1 , I3 ) 1 2 ··· I2 Å ã
( 1. , I. 2 , I. 3 ) 1
E xxT = σ 2 ⊗ U(n) Λ(n) U(n)T

.. .. .. ..
( I1 , I2 , I3 )
We refer to this result as the multilinear PCA of the tensor-
Fig. 3: Tensorization of scalar variables on a 3D coordinate valued random variable X . This result is intrinsically linked
system to form an order-3 tensor. Each variable possesses a to the well-known multilinear singular value decomposition,
coordinate 3-tuple. also referred to as the Tucker decomposition [18, 19].

III. G LOBAL F IXED I NCOME FACTOR A NALYSIS c1 c2 ··· c Ic c1 c2 ··· cIc

m1 m1
We next proceed to develop the multilinear model for m2 m2
global fixed income returns. The data structures considered in X = ..
= = ..
the sequel are order-2 tensors, that is, matrix-valued random mIm mIm
variables, denotes by X ∈ RI1 ×I2 . The mode-n unfoldings of
order-2 tensors reduce to Fig. 4: Illustration of a tensor-valued sample, represented in
terms of individual returns (left panel), maturity fibres, fi ,
X(1) = X ∈ RI1 ×I2 (20) (c)
(middle panel) and country fibres, fi , (right panel).
T I2 ×I1
X(2) = X ∈R (21)
Although we focus our attention to order-2 tensors, it is
Similarly, the vector representation can be visualised, and
important to note that the multilinear algebra tools provided in
written, in terms of maturity fibres (domestic curves), that is
the previous section, and the model we develop next, naturally
generalise to tensors of any order N .
 
 
A. Data preparation x = ..

= 

. .. 
 
 
Consider the i.i.d. random variable, xt (m, c) ∈ R, which (m)
represents the return of a fixed income asset with maturity m fIc
and from the country c at a time instant t. For simplicity, we
can assume that the return is distributed according to
xt (m, c) ∼ N 0, σ 2 (m, c)

(22) B. Kronecker separability assumptions

which is dependent on the maturity and country. We next show that the multilinear algebra allows us to nat-
urally decompose the multivariate covariance matrix into two
When jointly considering the returns of Im maturities and
parallel covariance matrices – maturity-domain and country-
Ic countries, we can tensorize the collection of returns at
domain covariance. This is possible owing to the defining
each time instant t to form the order-2 tensor-valued random
Kronecker separability feature of tensor-valued models in (14)-
variable Xt ∈ RIm ×Ic , given by
(16), which in this case reduce to
[Xt ]ij = xt (mi , cj ), i = 1, .., Im , j = 1, ..., Ic , (23)
E kXk2 = σ 2

Each tensor has Im Ic returns points in total.  T
E XX = σ Θ
2 (m)
For clarity, it is important to understand the physical mean-  T 2 (c)
E X X =σ Θ (29)
ing of the vector and matrix representations of the considered Ä ä
(m) 2 (c) (m)
tensor. First, define the i-th maturity fibre, fi ∈ RIm , and Σ = E xx = σ Θ ⊗Θ (30)
(c) Ic
i-th country fibre, fi ∈ R , respectively as follows
Intuitively, σ 2 is the average variance of all fixed income
returns, Θ(m) ∈ RIm ×Im is the maturity-domain covariance
   
x(m1 , ci ) x(mi , c1 )
 x(m2 , ci ) 
 x(mi , c2 )  density matrix, and Θ(c) ∈ RIc ×Ic is country-domain covari-
fi =  ..  , fi =  ..  (24)
   
ance density matrix.
 .   . 
Using the tensor representation in (25) based on fibres, it
x(mIm , ci ) x(mi , cIc )
is clear that Θ(m) and Θ(c) respectively describe the average
(m) maturity-to-maturity and country-to-country covariance, since
In other words, the i-th maturity fibre, fi , contains the return
of all maturities associated to the i-th country (the returns we can employ the total expectation theorem [20] to show that
of an entire domestic curve). In turn, the i-th country fibre,
¶ ¶ (m) (m)T ©©
E XXT = Ei E fi fi

(c) (31)
fi , contains the returns of all countries associated to the i-th  T ¶ ¶ (c) (c)T ©©
maturity. E X X = Ei E fi fi (32)
With that, the tensor can be expressed in terms of the where Ei {·} denotes the expectation over the indices i. Equiv-
maturity fibres, or equivalently through the country fibres, as alently, we can inspect the elements of the covariance matrices
[E XXT ]kl = Ei {cov {x(mk , ci ), x(ml , ci )}}

 (c)T  (33)
f1  T
î ó  f2
(c)T  [E X X ]kl = Ei {cov {x(mi , ck ), x(mi , cl )}} (34)
(m) (m) (m)

X = f1 f2 · · · fIc = . 
 (25)
Therefore the statistic [E XXT ]kl describes the expected

 .  . 
return covariance between all assets with maturity mk and
ml . Similarly, [E XT X ]kl describes the expected return

Refer to Figure 4 for an illustrative description. covariance between all assets within countries ck and cl .

C. Implied domestic and cross-country dynamics Note that the eigenvector matrices are orthogonal, that is,
Equipped with the Kronecker separability conditions, we U(m)T U(m) = I and U(c)T U(c) = I.
next investigate the domestic and cross-country fixed income The associated eigenvalue matrices, Λ(m) ∈ RIm ×Im and
return interactions implied by the multilinear model. Λ(c) ∈ RIc ×Ic , respectively hold the eigenvalues, λi and
We begin by observing that the multivariate covariance λi , which describe the fraction of the total variance, σ 2 ,
(m) (c)
matrix is in fact a block matrix of domestic and cross-country explained by factorÄui äand uiÄ . Asä such, the eigenvalues
fixed income return covariance matrices, that is sum up to unity, tr Λ = tr Λ(c) = 1.
Furthermore, we can describe the eigenvectors and eigen-
Σ11 Σ12 · · · Σ1Ic
 
.. values of the multivariate covariance matrix, Σ, in terms
 Σ21 Σ22 . . .
 
.  of maturity-domain and country-domain spectral parameters.
Σ=  . .
 (35)
 .. . .. . .. ..

 Upon decomposing the covariance matrix as
ΣIc 1 · · · · · · ΣIc Ic Σ = UΛUT (40)
where Σii ∈ RIm ×Im is the domestic covariance matrix of we can show that the following relationships hold
the i-th country, and Σij ∈ RIm ×Im is the cross-country Ä ä
U = U(c) ⊗U(m) (41)
covariance matrix between countries i and j. Ä ä
From the Kronecker separability condition in (30), we Λ = σ 2 Λ(c) ⊗Λ(m) (42)
can also express the multivariate covariance matrix as the
following block matrix By inspecting each eigenvector ui ∈ RIm Ic within U ∈
RIm Ic ×Im Ic , as well as its corresponding eigenvalue λi , we
(c) (c) (c)
 
σ 2 θ11 Θ(m) σ 2 θ12 Θ(m) · · · σ 2 θ1Ic Θ(m) can obtain the following relationships
. ..
σ 2 θ22 Θ(m) . .
 
 2 (c) (m) (c)  (c) (m) 
 σ θ21 Θ . uk1 ul


.. .. .. ..   (c) (m) 

. . . .
 Ä (c) (m)
ä  uk2 ul 
ui = uk ⊗ ul = (43)
 
2 (c) (m) 2 (c) (m) .. 
σ θ Ic 1 Θ ··· · · · σ θ In Ic Θ 
 .

(36) (c) (m)
ukIc ul
(c) (c) (m)
where θij is the (i, j)-th element of Θ(c) . Therefore the λi = λk λl (44)
multilinear model asserts that each domestic and cross-country (c) (c)
covariance matrix takes the form where ukj is the j-th element in the vector uk , and owing
to the Kronecker properties, i = (k − 1)Im + l.
Σij = σ 2 θij Θ(m) (37)
Remark 3. Notice the repeated pattern in (43). The Kronecker
The multilinear model implicitly assumes that the maturity- separable structure asserts that, for a given factor ui , the
domain covariance, given by Θ(m) , is identical for all coun- maturity-domain structure within each country is the same, and
tries. This is to say that all countries exhibit the same level, (m)
equal to ul . This follows from the result in (37). Another,
slope and curvature factors, as is demonstrated empirically in less obvious, property is that the country-domain structure is
(c) (c)
the Section V-B. Moreover, the term θij simply scales the the same across any maturity, and equal to uk .
variance parameter, σ , so as to match the observed cross-
(c) E. Estimation procedure
country variance, i.e. tr (Σij ) = σ 2 θij .
Unlike existing approaches for joint term structure model-
ing, the proposed framework is entirely analytical, and so is the
D. Multilinear factor analysis estimation procedure. The estimate of the variance parameter,
It is natural to next evaluate and interpret the orthogonal σ 2 , over T time instants is given by
bases spanned by the maturity-domain and country-domain T
1 X
covariance density matrices, which are obtained through the σ2 = kXt k2 (45)
T − 1 t=1
following eigendecompositions
Θ(m) = U(m) Λ(m) U(m)T (38) Similarly, the maturity-domain and country-domain covariance
density matrices are obtained as follows
Θ(c) = U(c) Λ(c) U(c)T (39)
1 X
The maturity-domain eigenvector matrix, U (m)
∈ R Im ×Im
, Θ(m) = 2
t (46)
(m) σ (T − 1) t=1
contains vectors ui ∈ RIm which describe orthogonal
directions in maturity-to-maturity covariance. These vectors 1 X
represent the well-known level, slope and curvature factors. Θ(c) = XT Xt (47)
σ (T − 1) t=1 t
Similarly, U(c) ∈ RIc ×Ic contains vectors ui ∈ RIc which
describe orthogonal directions in country-to-country covari- These are the maximum likelihood estimators of the tensor-
ance. These also have economic meaning, as is shown in the valued Gaussian distribution, which have been shown to be
sequel. statistically consistent [16].


The direct application of domestic principal components for min w(c)T Θ(c) w(c) , s.t. w(c)T 1 = 1
evaluating market risk and constructing hedged portfolios has
been widely studied and implemented in the financial industry B. Hedging
[21, 22, 23, 24]. However, understanding the commonalities
Hedging of fixed income securities remains one of the
between different country’s term structures is also important
most challenging problems faced by financial institutions. The
for assessing the potential for international diversification and
sensitivity of a portfolio, w, with respect to a risk factor, u, is
managing the risk of global fixed income portfolios.
simply given by the inner product uT w. The aim is to form
The portfolio risk measure we consider is the portfolio
a portfolio which is orthogonal to the risk factor, that is, the
variance, which is a function of the multivariate covariance
aim is to attain uT w = 0.
matrix, Σ ∈ RIm Ic ×Im Ic . Given a vector of portfolio weights,
Within the considered international setup, risk factors are
w ∈ RIm Ic , the portfolio variance is given by
Kronecker separable, that is, u = u(c) ⊗ u(m) . Upon

σp2 = wT Σw (48) setting the portfolio vector to match the Kronecker separable
structure, the risk exposure simplifies to
We have demonstrated in the previous section that, when Ä äÄ ä
considering an international basket of fixed income assets, uT w = u(c)T w(c) u(m)T w(m) (53)
the covariance, Σ, exhibits the Kronecker separable structure
in (30). In light of this, we can show that if we choose our This result asserts that orthogonality, uT w = 0, can be at-
portfolio vector to match the Kronecker separable structure, tained independently in either the maturity or country domain,
that is, if we set and thus it is not necessary to do so in both simultaneously.
Ä ä In other words, orthogonality is achieved by either attaining
w = w(c) ⊗ w(m) (49) u(c)T w(c) = 0 or u(m)T w(m) = 0. We next consider real-
world applications of this result.
where w(m) ∈ RIm and w(c) ∈ RIc are respectively the 1) Hedging long-term bonds: Consider hedging a long-only
maturity-domain and country-domain weights, then we arrive portfolio of international long-term fixed income assets with
at parsimonious and compact solutions for global portfolio i-th maturity (e.g. 30 years), using an international portfolio
management. This owes to the reduction in parameters re- of shorter-term assets. The hedged portfolio must satisfy the
quired for portfolio optimization from Im Ic to (Im + Ic ). This following constraints within the maturity domain only:
evident advantage is only achieved via the decomposition of
overall risk into parallel domain – maturity and country. δT
iw =1 (54)
T (m)
1 w =0 (55)
(m)T (m)
U w =0 (56)
A. Minimum variance portfolio
where δ i ∈ RIm is a vector of zeros with the i-th element
The capital-constrained portfolio which attains the mini- equal to 1. Intuitively, the first condition reflects the long-
mum variance is obtained through the optimization problem only position in the asset with the i-th maturity, the second
min σp2 , s.t. wT 1 = 1 (50) constrains the strategy to be self-financing, while the last
enforces orthogonality with the maturity-domain factors.
the solution of which is given by the well known minimum 2) Hedging domestic bonds: Conversely, consider hedging
variance portfolio a domestic long-only portfolio within the i-th country, using
Σ−1 1 an international portfolio. The hedged portfolio must satisfy
w= (51) the following constraints within the country domain only:
1T Σ−1 1 (c)
Notice that for the Kronecker separable case the optimal δT
iw =1 (57)
T (c)
portfolio reduces to 1 w =0 (58)
(c)T (c)
Ä ä−1 U w =0 (59)
Θ(c) ⊗ Θ(m) 1
w= Ä ä−1 where δ i ∈ RIc . In this case, the first condition reflects the
1T Θ(c) ⊗ Θ(m) 1 long-only position in the i-th country, the second constrains the
Ç (c)−1 (m)−1
å strategy to be self-financing, while the last condition enforces
Θ 1 Θ 1
= ⊗ (52) orthogonality with the country-domain factors.
1T Θ(c)−1 1 1T Θ(m)−1 1 The portfolio hedging problems reduce to solving the linear
This results asserts that the portfolio optimization can be sep- systems A(m) w(m) = b(m) and A(c) w(c) = b(c) , re-
arated into parallel problems within the maturity and country spectively. The optimal maturity-domain and country-domain
domains. This is equivalent to solving for w(m) and w(c) weights are given by w(m) = A(m)+ b(m) and w(c) =
independently through the following minimizations A(c)+ b(c) , where (·)+ denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse
min w(m)T Θ(m) w(m) , s.t. w(m)T 1 = 1

We next provide an empirical analysis of the global term
structure of the international interest rate swaps (IRS) mar- PC1 PC2 PC3

Rate [%]

ket using the proposed multilinear factor model. The data 0
comprised of weekly IRS rate curves1 , ranging in the period
2015-01-01 to 2019-07-01, for eight developed economies, 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
5 10 15 20 25 30
including Switzerland, Euro Area, United Kingdom, Japan, Date (a) Switzerland (SF) Maturity [Yrs]

Australia, New Zealand, Canada and United States. Each 1

domestic IRS curve consisted of swaps with maturities

Rate [%]

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30} years. Therefore, 0
at each time instant, we observed Im = 15 IRS returns for
each of the Ic = 8 economies, resulting in Im Ic = 120 daily 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
5 10 15 20 25 30
observations in total. Figure 5 displays the historical IRS rates (b) Euro Area (EU) Maturity [Yrs]

employed in the analysis. A glance at the collective behaviour 1

of the historical data helps us understand the importance of

Rate [%]

global factors in driving the co-movement of fixed income 0

securities across advanced economies.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5 10 15 20 25 30
Date (c) Great Britain (GB) Maturity [Yrs]
A. Domestic analysis
Firstly, as a complementary and preliminary assessment PC1 PC2 PC3

Rate [%]
of the commonality of returns within different country IRS

curves, we performed a principal component analysis for each
of the eight economies independently, to obtain their dominant −1
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5 10 15 20 25 30
domestic principal components, that is, their domestic level, Date (d) Japan (JP) Maturity [Yrs]

slope and curvature factors. The loadings of the three leading 1

factors within each domestic IRS curve is shown in Figure 5,
Rate [%]

and the percentage of variance explained by each component 0
is reported in Table I.
In agreement with the existing literature, all economies 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
5 10 15 20 25 30
exhibit similar loadings across the three leading principal com- Date (e) Australia (AU) Maturity [Yrs]

ponents. Moreover, the explanatory power of the components 1

is consistent across all economies, whereby the first principal
Rate [%]

component (level) explains ≈ 90%, and the second principal 0

component (slope) explains ≈ 5%, and the third principal com-

ponent (curvature) explains ≈ 1% of the variation in interest 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
5 10 15 20 25 30
Date (f) New Zealand (NZ) Maturity [Yrs]
rate changes. We interpret this as indicating the existence of
three leading dominant factors, that is the global level, global 1
slope and global curvature factors. With these preliminary and
Rate [%]


suggestive results, we now proceed to evaluate the common 0

global risk factors with the proposed multilinear model.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5 10 15 20 25 30
Date (g) Canada (CA) Maturity [Yrs]
Economy Level Slope Curvature
SF 87.88 10.02 1.16 PC1 PC2 PC3
Rate [%]

94.15 4.78 0.66


EU 0
GB 95.29 3.83 0.56
JP 82.04 14.10 2.28 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
5 10 15 20 25 30
Date (h) United States (US) Maturity [Yrs]
AU 92.84 4.94 0.95
NZ 92.30 5.76 0.87
Fig. 5: Weekly swap rates2 for each economy with maturi-
CA 93.14 5.74 0.66
ties {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30} years (respec-
US 95.30 4.06 0.47 tively coloured from blue to red) during the period 2015-01-01
to 2019-07-01 (left panel) and their corresponding level, slope
TABLE I: Explanatory power [%] of each principal component
and curvature components obtained from the PCA of the swap
for the eight economies considered.
weekly returns (right panel).
1 The swap rate is the fixed interest rate that the receiver of the IRS demands
in exchange for the uncertainty of having to pay the short-term floating LIBOR
rate over time. 2 Source: Bloomberg.

B. Global analysis 1
1 u(m)
2 u(m)
In this section we evaluate the results obtained from mul-

tilinear analysis of the international IRS dataset. The imple-
mentation procedure is summarised as follows3 : 0
(i) The weekly IRS returns at the t-th week were tensorized
to form the matrix-valued sample, Xt ∈ RIm ×Ic , as
described in (23); −1
5 10 15 20 25 30
(ii) The parameters of the model (σ 2 , Θ(m) , Θ(c) ) were Maturity [Yrs]loadings.
(a) Maturity-domain factor
estimated using the analytic estimators in (45)-(47);
(iii) The global maturity-domain and country-domain factors, 1
1 u(c)
2 u(c)
3 u(c)
U(m) and U(c) , and their associated eigenvalues, Λ(m)

and Λ(c) , were obtained from the eigendecompositions
of Θ(m) , and Θ(c) , as shown in (38)-(39). 0
The loadings of the three leading maturity-domain factors,
{ui }3i=1 , are plotted in Figure 6(a), and their corresponding
(m) −1
explanatory powers, {λi }3i=1 , are presented in Table II. The








interpretation of the maturity-domain loadings is analogous to (b) Country-domainCountry
factor loadings (1–4).
that of traditional domestic PCA. The maturity-domain factor
loadings resemble the components obtained from domestic 1
5 u(c)
6 u(c)
7 u(c)
principal components (see Figure 5), and therefore confirm the

existence of a common set of bases shared by all economies.
Furthermore, the explanatory powers of these factors are in 0
line with that observed from the domestic analyses, which
further strengthens the validity of our findings. The obtained
maturity-domain factors clearly serve as a stencil for describ- −1







ing the term structure within each domestic IRS curve, and as
(c) Country-domainCountry
factor loadings (5–8).
such we refer to these as the global level, global slope and
global curvature. Fig. 6: Loadings of the three leading maturity-domain global
Additionally, the country-domain factors loadings, factors (top panel) and of the country-domain global factors
(c) c
{ui }Ii=1 , are visualized in Figures 6(b)–6(c), and their (middle and bottom panels).
(c) c
corresponding explanatory powers, {λi }Ii=1 , are presented
in Table III. The most dominant factor, u1 , has positive Economic Variance
loadings across all economies, and can be thought of as Factor Symbol
interpretation explained [%]
the global risk premium, analogous to the level factor in (m)
the maturity-domain. Notice that this factor also explains 1 u1 Global level 92.37
a significant portion of the international IRS variance. The 2 u2 Global slope 5.90
remaining country-domain factors represent interpretable 3 u3 Global curvature 0.97
macroeconomic factors concerning subsets of the considered
economies. These results demonstrate the direct applicability TABLE II: Economic interpretation and explanatory power of
of the proposed approach for gaining physical insight into the the three leading global factors in the maturity-domain.
global macroeconomic environment in a straightforward and
compact manner, owing to the small number of parameters Economic Variance
Factor Symbol
required to fully describe the global fixed income universe. interpretation explained [%]
With reference to the previous section, the maturity-domain (c)
1 u1 Global risk premium 71.62
(listed in Table II) and country-domain (listed in Table III) (c)
factor loadings can be directly employed for global macroe- 2 u2 (AU, NZ) vs. rest 8.34
conomic hedging and risk management. We conclude this (c) (SF, EU, GB, JP) vs.
3 u3 5.72
section by reiterating the practical advantage of the multilinear (AU, NZ, CA, US)
framework, namely: (i) the reduction in parameters required to 4 u4 AU vs. rest 4.21
optimize the global portfolio, which for Im = 15 and Ic = 8 5 u5 GB vs (SF, EU) 3.46
reduces from Im Ic = 120 to (Im + Ic ) = 23 portfolio weight 6
u6 CA vs US 3.02
parameters; and (ii) the parsimonious description of the global (c)
7 u7 SF vs EU 2.13
risk in terms of parallel maturity-domain and country-domain (c)
risk factors that can facilitate the investor’s decision making 8 u8 JPY 1.5
TABLE III: Economic interpretation and explanatory power of
3 The data analysis was implemented using our own Python Higher-Order the eight leading global factors in the country-domain.
Tensor ToolBOX (HOTTBOX) [25].

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The author would like to express his sincere gratitude to
Danilo P. Mandic, Vladimir Lucic and Anoosh Lachin for their
very constructive comments.

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