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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

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Building a thriving digital economy as the foundation

for future sustainable growth
Asia’s top-performing economy during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Vietnam has positioned itself at the forefront of the ASEAN’s digital transformation, with experts
hailing the nation’s digital economy as a “dragon being unleashed”.

ndia and China have long
been recognized as the
roaring success stories of
the Asian region. But in more
recent years, a new set of
Asian tigers has emerged on
the world scene. Collectively
known as the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), together these ten
countries boast a combined
GDP of $3 trillion, represent-
ing the fifth-largest economy
in the world.

“Participating in next-
generation FTAs is
a concrete step in
the implementation
of Vietnam’s policy
line of international
economic integration
and sustainable
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Today operating under an

integrated economic trade
block known as the ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC)
that was established in 2015,
the ASEAN is expected to nual GDP growth of around United States,” he says. “Not FTAs will further open up “The COVID-19 hanced efficiency and per-
become the world’s fourth 7% and will continue to do so only are exports increasing Vietnam to foreign invest- pandemic has only formance” will also go a large
largest economy by 2030, following last year’s slump. in volume, high-quality and ment and trade, and are way in further improving the
by which point the region’s In fact, Vietnam was the top- value-added goods are ex- crucial elements for sus- heightened the business climate for investors,
middle class will reach 334 performing Asian economy ported to the United States tainable development. “Par- urgency for ASEAN along with the increased eco-
million, representing around during the COVID-19 pan- more and more.” ticipating in next-genera- nations to move nomic integration through
51% of the population. demic in 2020, with the es- In line with the govern- tion FTAs, such as CPTPP towards building robust FTAs, improving infrastruc-
“The single ASEAN uni- timated 2.9% GDP growth ment’s plan to build a robust and EVFTA, is a concrete digital economies. And ture, low corporate taxes, de-
fied market and produc- driven by manufacturing and digital economy, high-value step in the implementation creasing regulation and pro-
tion base system will act as a steady export demand. exp o r t s s u ch a s s m a r t- of Vietnam’s policy line of perhaps if anything ductive government policies
transparent and open market phones, chips and other international economic in- beneficial has come aimed at reducing barriers to
for goods and services to the “Vietnam is electronic devices and com- tegration and sustainable out of this international foreign investment.
world and as a tight intercon- increasing its position ponents continue to grow, development,” he says. “It is public health crisis, Amid Vietnam’s on-going
nection and harmonization of as the leading with U.S. chipmaker Intel an expression of Vietnam’s it is the fact that the regulatory focus on digital
production and services,” ex- supplier in the recently announcing an in- strong commitment to sup- transformation, the digital
plains Vietnam’s former Min- vestment of $475 million in porting free, transparent,
situation has only economy is estimated to have
ister of Trade and Industry, ASEAN region to its Vietnam division, its big- rules-based trade and sus- helped to accelerate grown by 16% in 2020 to reach
Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, whose the United States. gest chip assembly and test- tainable growth.” Vietnam’s now- $14 billion, and predictions
tenure ended in April. Not only are exports ing site globally. unstoppable digital are that its value could reach
“Along with the 10 ASEAN increasing in volume, During the 2010s, Viet- Digital Transformation transformation” $52 billion by 2025. These
members’ efforts, barriers to high-quality and nam’s exports grew 16% a Another crucial factor outlined figures clearly show that
trade and investment are and year, by far the fastest rate in for Vietnam’s – and indeed the government has set a number Vietnam’s digital dragon has
will be minimized, thereby value-added goods the world, and three times entire ASEAN’s – sustainable of ambitious-yet-achievable indeed been unleashed.
ensuring high efficiency, high are exported to the the emerging-world aver- development is the shift to a targets, which include: ensur- The COVID-19 pandemic
production, decreased pro- United States more age. And with the Southeast digital economy. Among the ing 80% of households have ac- has only heightened the ur-
duction costs, increased qual- and more” Asian country having signed 10 ASEAN states, Vietnam cess to fiber-optic broadband gency for ASEAN nations to
ity of service delivery and high several free trade agree- has positioned itself at the by 2025; increasing the digital move towards building ro-
competitiveness of goods and TRAN TUAN ANH, ments (FTAs) — including forefront of the region’s digital economy’s contribution to bust digital economies. And
services originating from the Former Minister of Trade and Industry, the Comprehensive and transformation, with a 2018 GDP to 20% by 2025 and 30% perhaps if anything beneficial
ASEAN, of which Vietnam is Vietnam Progressive Agreement for report by Google and Temasek by 2030; and ensuring the digi- has come out of this interna-
one of the key players in the Trans-Pacific Partnership haling its digital economy as a tal economy forms at least 10% tional public health crisis, it
integration process.” The U.S. has become Viet- (CPTPP) and agreements “dragon being unleashed.” of each economic sector by is the fact that the situation
Having served as the Chair nam’s largest export market, with the UK (UKVFTA) and The Vietnamese government 2025, and 20% by 2030. has only helped to accelerate
of the ASEAN during the accounting for over 23% of European Union (EVFTA) has been incredibly pro-active The development of “the Vietnam’s now-unstoppable
unprecedented year that the total merchandise ex- — trade flows will continue in promoting the digital econ- digital Government with en- digital transformation.
was 2020, Vietnam has been port turnover, according to expand. omy as the means to ensure
identified among the stand- to Mr. Tuan Anh. “Vietnam As former Minister of sustainable economic growth A BUSINESS & INVESTMENT SUPPLEMENT:
out economic performers in is increasing its position Foreign Affairs Phạm Bình over the coming decades. Un- Project Director: Gonzalo Llaryora; Chief Editor: Jonathan Meaney
the region. Up until 2020, the as the leading supplier in Minh (whose tenure ended der the National Program for Journalist: Mark Barnes; Design: Rubén Salgueiros
country enjoyed average an- the ASEAN region to the in April) stresses, signing Digital Transformation, the

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2 Wednesday, May 5, 2021




6.33% 2.9% 6.7% 4th $20 billion $2.6 billion
average GDP growth projected Vietnam projected foreign direct U.S. FDI
annual GDP in 2020 GDP growth to be world’s investment (FDI) in 2019
growth (2021-25) fourth fastest in 2020
(2001-2020) growing economy

2.7 times 96.46 120 million 13% 26% 45 million
GDP per million projected percentage projected percent- people lifted out
capita increase population population of population age of population of poverty over
(2002-2018) (2019) by 2050 considered considered middle last two decades
middle class class by 2026


1st 29% $52 billion $815 million $15 billion 80%
Vietnam is annual growth of projected size of pledged for projected size targeted
believed to be Vietnam’s digital Vietnam’s digital investment in of e-commerce percentage of
Asia Pacific’s economy through economy by Vietnamese market by 2025 households with
fastest-growing 2025 (CAGR) 2025 startups through fiber-optic broad-
digital economy 2025 band by 2025

16% $281.5 billion 1st $76.4 billion 24.5% 70%
annual growth value of exports the U.S. value of exports U.S. accounts companies with
in Vietnamese in 2020 is Vietnam’s to U.S. 2020 for 24.5% of foreign investors
exports in 2010s number one Vietnam’s export account for 70%
export partner turnover of exports

Opportunities abound in ASEAN’sINGREDIENTS
prime investment destination
Following manufacturing, real estate, construction, infrastructure, mining and food
are other notable sec­tors that attract substantial foreign direct investment, which
Since Since
reached a total of almost $20 billion in 2020, a mere 2% decline on 2019 despite 1993,
from USA
of the
the impact of the pandemic.
S teadfast economic growth,
a growing middle class of
consumers, a favorable invest-
ment climate and strategic lo- INGREDIENTS
cation are among the factors Since 1993, we have been the largest dairy ingredient importer
that have made Vietnam one from the USA and the rest of the world.
of Asia’s hottest destinations
for investors.
Despite the effects of CO-
VID-19, Vietnam’s GDP grew
2.91% in 2020, while foreign
direct investment (FDI)
reached nearly $20 billion, a
mere 2% decline on 2019.
Aside from being Vietnam’s
number one export partner,
the U.S. is also an important
investment partner. U.S. FDI
in Vietnam reached $2.6 bil-
lion in 2019, and former Min-
ister of Trade and Industry,
U.S. chipmaker Intel recently announced an investment of $475 mil­lion in
its Vietnam division, its biggest chip assembly and testing site globally. FOOD
Mr. Tran Tuan Anh (whose We provide
of for
of the
tenure ended in April), says heart of Asia, increasingly tal financial services, online
the Vietnamese government attracting investors in high- gaming, IT-enabled services
and propose
propose food
live cooking
will continue to build a more
favorable investment climate
value industries such as elec-
tronics, with Samsung, LG
and Industry 4.0.
With increasing internet
with support

for U.S. investors looking to and Intel having established access, a young population, We provide all kinds of food for the hospitality industry
use the country as a hub to ac- major manufacturing bases growing incomes, and the and propose great food concepts, as well as live cooking
cess the fast-growing ASEAN in the country. accelerated adoption of Wee-bring WeWe bring
to end-users
bring to end-users
to end-users
varietyvariety range
rangerange ofwith
products of support
products from our dedicated Chef's team.
region and beyond. commerce solutions by from
both selected
from from selected
selected brands
brands retail
andand home
home delivery
delivery service
“The Ministry of Industry “Last November at homes and businesses due to RETAIL - ONLINE STORE
and Trade continues to par- the Viet­nam Ventures impact of the pandemic, the We bring a wide variety of products to end users
ticipate in solving problems Summit, 33 investment e-commerce market is ex-
from selected brands, with retail and home delivery service.
of U.S. businesses in doing funds pledged to pected to grow five-fold be-
business with Vietnam, pro- tween 2018 and 2025, reach-
moting investment projects invest $815 million in ing $15 billion. The market is
and importing raw materials Viet­namese startups dominated by foreign-owned
to balance trade. In particular, through 2025” firms but will see the emer-
there is a focus on removing gence of local players, both
difficulties in technology ser- Following manufacturing, big and small, over the com-
vices, advertising, and trade real estate, construction, ing years, as the government
in services; and to introduce infrastructure, mining and actively encourages business-
and expand opportunities for food are other notable sec- es to embrace e-commerce.
Vietnamese businesses to ac- tors that attract substantial The government has also
cess US goods,” he explains. FDI. But it is perhaps in the focused on building a thriv-
“The two sides’ trade-eco- country’s flourishing digital ing start-up scene, where
nomic-investment relations economy where the future’s New Viet
foreign investors are already New New
New Shop
Viet Shop
Shop Le Square
LeLe Le
Square Epicier
Epicier FinEpicier
Concept Concept
Store Store Store
are developing well, becom- most exciting opportunities playing a significant role. New Viet Shop Le Square Epicier Fin Concept Store
ing the driving force for the lie for foreign investors. Last November at the Viet- CONTACT CONTACT
Vietnam-US relationship.” Vietnam’s digital econo- nam Ventures Summit, 33
The manufacturing sector my is predicted to expand investment funds pledged NEW VIET DAIRY
145 Ton That 145Dam,
That Dam,
Ben Nghe,
Ben Nghe, Ha Noi -NEW
NoiHa- Noi SHOP
Da Nang
- Da Nang LENguyen
Thao FIN
Thao Thao
Dien, Dien,
remains the largest recipient at a rate of 29% CAGR to to invest $815 million in District 1, Ho
1, Ho
145 City,
Ton 1,
That Chi Minh
Dam, City, Vietnam
City, Vietnam
Ben Nghe, Phan ThietHa
- Ho
- DaMinh
- HoCity
Nang Chi
- HoMinh
Chi Minh
City City District 2, Ho
186 Nguyen ChiDistrict
2, HoCity,
City, Vietnam
City, Vietnam
of FDI, accounting for 48% of reach $52 billion by 2025. Vietnamese startups through District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Thiet - Ho Chi Minh City
093 District
8373 4412,
093 8373 441
Ho 8373
8373 Vietnam
84 28 628884 3535
28 6288
3535 3535 84 86 288 3544
84 8684288863544
288 3544
the accumulated total. Viet- As such, investors can reap 2025 – a clear indication that 84 28 6288 3535
84 86 288 3544
nam has rubber-stamped its the potential in a number Vietnam is poised to become
position as a major manufac- of fast-growing segments, Asia’s next major market for
turing and export hub in the including e-commerce, digi- tech investments.

Our World Insert is produced by Business & Investment. USA Today did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021 3

MBBank sets highest level of standards

The banking landscape in Vietnam is being significantly reshaped by digitalization. And leading this digitalization wave is MBBank, which is making many aggressive and
successful moves within the digital sphere: such as establishing its digital bank as an indepedent beta bank, creating its banking app (MBBank App) as a platform for multiple
users, providing banking infrastructure (including license) as part of its services, and positioning itself as a technology-driven company. At the same time that MBBank is grow-
ing its assets, customer base and digital services, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors cum CEO, Thai Trung Luu, has set the bank’s goal to be in the Top 5 – while striving
to reach the Top 3 – commercial banks in Vietnam in terms of quality and efficacy, while continuing to lead the nation’s digital transformation.

he digital revolution MBBank. “Rather, custom- care fees, as they had to in opportunity for the coun- ing re duces the ne e d to ing is likely to be as much
has been sweep- ers tend to conduct trans- the past, customers now try,” Mr. Luu says. travel to branches, maybe part of the “new normal”
ing across Asia re- actions on their mobile c a n c o n d u c t p ay m e n t s An MBBank report getting stuck in traffic en panorama as online learn-
cently. There has been a through digital platforms.” quickly and conveniently shows that , in 2020, its route, only to then join a ing, remote working and
steady trend in the region “Regarding profitability, on their mobile through transaction rate grew queue at the destination, re duce d capacity re cre-
of people turning to their we are in the top five,” he the MBBank App, which thre e-fold, re aching 90 targeting like-minded ation. What began as an
m ob i l e s a n d th e I nter- notes. But there is a key is harnessing the power million electronic trans- customers produces the organic shift based on an
net for banking services, difference in what MB- of the latest Industry 4.0 actions. More than 84% best of both worlds. increasing tendenc y for
with the number of physi- Bank offers and it is key to technologies. of the transactions were “How do you assess the ever yday transactions to
cal branches in decline as the institution’s overrid- Thanks to the power of conducted via digital chan- level of convenience of a be performed remotely for
more and more customers ing strategy: “For Vietnam artificial intelligence, the nels. And this number is bank? From my perspec- convenience could well
opt for the convenience of today, we find that digital tive, it’s the speed you de- prove to form the ver y
online services. transformation is an op- liver your services to your fabric of online business
In Vietnam, the preva- portunity, a tool to show customers and the num- and personal finance as the
lence of information tech- Vietnam’s ability to other ber of customers you are world moves inexorably to-
nology was credited by the parts of the world,” Mr. Luu able to ser ve at the same wards cashless societies.
World Bank as one of the says. “In Vietnam, we also time. For example, if you
primary reasons the coun- find some ways to serve a can ser ve at high speed, “The key for our
tr y dealt so rapidly and huge number of customers but only a fe w custom-
efficiently with the out- with the help of technol- ers, that’s not enough. I success is our hunger
break of the coronavirus ogy. At MBBank, we find want to ser ve 20 million for success. The
pandemic. Not only were that investing in platforms customers at high speed,” second factor is
businesses able to go digi- and technology can help Mr. Luu says. the platform, how
tal, consumers embraced us acquire millions of cus- MBBank also recog- we understand
online shopping and in- tomers per year.” nizes the potential for the
the customers. The
creasingly turned to the Wi t h t h e p a n d e m i c digital transformation to
Internet for information prompting a push to ac- have a positive impact on customer experience
on public services. Bank- celer ate dig iti z ation of humanit ar i an work . A s is the key to building
ing, with a solid foothold product and ser vice ac- part of its participation in a good platform,
already in place, adapted tivities, Vietnam is cur- Vietnam’s National Digital good services”
sw if tly to the chang ing rently implementing the Transformation Program
mindset of customers in National Dig ital Trans - 2020-2025, MBBank has For banks, the society
the age of COVID-19. formation Program 2020- been shifting charity work entering the “new normal”
Vietnam is one of Asia’s 2025, in which the banking f rom the tr aditional to represents a double-edged
f a s t e s t- g r o w i n g d i g i t a l and finance sector plays a digital sphere through iN- sword: social responsibil-
economies, with the sector crucial role. Under this handao (https://inhandao. ity on the one side and the
expected to represent 30% Program, the Government MBBank App uses Elec- “If you can serve at vn), a government-le vel need to remain solvent on
of the national economy by of Vietnam has set a target tronic Know Your Cus - high speed, but only digital humanitarian plat- the other, with the weight
2030. At a consumer level, for more than 50% of the tomer (eKYC) technology form in coordination with of public opinion towards
smartphone penetration population to have an elec- to verify that a customer’s
a few customers, the Vietnam Red Cross and financial institutions
in Vietnam stood at 44.9% tronic payments account identity matches their ID that’s not enough. Vietnam’s Post Office. weighing heavily on the
according to dat a f rom by 2025, a goal which will card, which ensures that I want to serve 20 With a modern, conve- sharp end.
the latest annual Newzoo be facilitated by MBBank’s opening an online bank million customers at nient and easy-to-access “I think now we should
Global Mobile Market Re- digital services. account with the MBBank high speed” approach, this platform of- focus on ways to survive
port, the 15th-highest lev- At the forefront of the App is much easier and fers a transparent method together, not tr y to in-
el in the world and which nation’s digitization drive, safer. Meanwhile, Big Data Mr. Thai Trung Luu, for people to help those crease revenue or profit-
represented 43.7 million MBB ank , w ith a v ision analysis is sig nif ic antly Chief Executive Officer, MBBank most in need, whose ad- ability at that time. That’s
smartphone users. Accen- to become the most con- facilitating the credit ap- dresses are made available the social responsibility,”
ture estimates that inter- venient bank in Vietnam plication process for cus- expected to increase even on the platform after be- Mr. Luu obser ves. “So, I
net usage in the countr y by 2021, has been taking tomers, allowing for the more in the near future. ing checked and verified think in 2020, how to sur-
will rise to cover 65.1% of pioneering steps towards automatic generation of I n Au g u s t 2 0 2 0 , M B by the Vietnam Red Cross. vive with customers during
the population in 2022, d i g i t a l t r a n s fo r m at i o n . customer credit ratings. Shins ei Finance Lim- Money donations and the COV ID-19 was another
at a total of 63.8 million It has created a series of As a result of these pio- ite d L i ability Comp any payment of goods desig- perspective. We adopted a
users , w ith smar tphone new platforms, such as the neering steps in the digi- (Mc re dit), a j oint v en- nated for those in need can strategy to balance growth
penetration projected to MBBank App, the BizMB tal sphere, MBBank made ture between MBBank then be made online and and save costs. In 2020,
reach 52%. By comparison, App, SmartRM and Smart a major breakthrough in and Japan’s Shinsei Bank, delivered to beneficiaries M B B a n k i mp l e m e nte d
Japan’s total penetration in CRM, providing outstand- 2020. “It took us over 20 launched the Mcredit JCB through the Post Office’s a reduction in operating
2019 was around 57% and ing digital experiences for years to acquire 4.5 mil- Credit Card in an effort to Smar t Logistics system. expenses with cost-to-in-
China’s just shy of 60%. its customers. lion customers. But within bridge the gap in the con- Ev e n d u r i n g th e C OV- come ratio (CIR) decreas-
“Customers now don’t Through these digi- the year 2020 alone, thanks sumer credit market. Card ID-19 pandemic, humani- ing by nearly 3% compared
like to come to a physi- tal platforms, businesses to enhancing digital trans- holders will benefit from tarian work has remained to 2019, while revenue still
cal transaction place. It’s in a variety of fields can for mation, MBB ank at- zero interest at over 40,000 a top priority for MBBank. inc re a se d by 10% com-
too complicated because p ro v i d e th e i r e s s e nt i a l tracted two million more retailers in Vietnam, as Vietnam’s rapid response pared to the previous year.
it involves a lot of paper- products and ser vices to customers. It shows that, well as access to over a to the threat of novel coro- We believe that, after CO-
work , procedures and is customers. Indeed, rather in just one year, we can ac- million ATMs globally. navirus spared the country VID-19, opportunities will
very time-consuming,” says than going to physical of- quire the same number of It is all part of Mr. Luu’s from the worst of the pan- come to us. Once you have
Mr. Thai Trung Luu, Vice fices to pay their electric- customers as we did pre- vision for MBBank and the demic but with the world the ability to stand strong
C hairman of the B oard ity, water, and phone bills, viously in 10 or even 20 sector at large: no waiting in the grip of the next wave during a difficult time, you
of Directors cum CEO of or education and health- years. I think it’s a golden around. As digital bank- of infections, digital bank- will come back stronger.”

Building Vietnam’s success story

Over the past few decades, Hoa Binh Construction Group has played a vital role in Vietnam’s development as one of the nation’s leading builders.

owering skyscrap- construction firms that has offices and manufacturing
ers, high-rise of- been a vital protagonist in plants, to hotels, condo-
fice buildings, and Vietnam’s success story since miniums, shopping malls
gleaming new roads, bridg- its establishment in 1987. and airports. The company
es, ports and airports serve has built up its experience
as the clearest physical indi- and reputation as a contrac-
cators of Vietnam’s incred- tor on large-scale projects
ible economic growth over that are demanding in both
the past few decades. technical and aesthetic re-
As the country began quirements, with examples
opening its doors to the world including the Le Méridien
economy around 1995, the 5-Star Hotel, the Saigon
construction industry has Centre Complex and the ex-
witnessed average annual panded terminal at Tan Son
growth of around 10%. The Nhat International Airport.
government and private sec- With ‘Economy, Society
tor have prioritized construc- and Environment’, being
tion as the core of both the the core pillars of HBCG,
country’s socio-econominc the company has been at the
development and growing forefront of the promotion
attractiveness as a business of sustainable development HBCG has built an extensive portfolio of successfully completed projects over the years, from high-rise buildings, offices
destination – with major in- in the construction indus- and manufacturing plants, to hotels, condo­miniums, shopping malls and airports.
vestments across the board, “I don’t think any try – which is indeed of vital
from hospitals, schools and construction company importance to fast-growing leading experience, tech- first venture outside of Asia, and then move on to becom-
housing, to energy, air, road in the world has the Vietnam as it looks to avoid nological and human capi- where it plans to build a con- ing a general contractor and
and maritime infrastructure. the mistakes of some of its tal, and strict adherence to dominium building with 31 co-operate with the local
The Vietnamese govern- same experience. We regional predecessors. the highest international floors and 350 units. contractors to do that.”
ment alone invests about know many construction “First, being environ- standards, HBCG not only “We’ve brought the land Having enjoyed impres-
8% of GDP each year on methods and we know mentally friendly is a part serves as the ideal partner and have the planning ap- sive double-digit revenue
new building projects, with which one is the best of our core values, one of for companies looking to tap proved,” explains Mr. Viết growth in Vietnam for the
the country boasting higher for each project” which is to steer construc- Vietnam’s building opportu- Hải. “We have a government best part of three decades,
grades of infrastructure tion in an environmentally nities, but is itself also seek- license for overseas invest- HBCG is now looking to
quality than any nation at a LÊ VIẾT HẢI, friendly way and to mini- ing to develop collaborative ment and we have already go global, bringing its un-
similar stage of development. Chairman, HBCG mize our impact on Viet- opportunities abroad. Can- transferred some money rivalled construction expe-
Meanwhile, the nation’s large nam’s natural resources,” ada has been the company’s there. We plan to invest first rience to overseas markets.
and capable local construc- “We have worked with explains Mr. Viết Hải.
tion behemoths continue to more than ten big general “We have already cre-
play their obvious role in the contractors from Korea, Ja- ated a green environment
nation’s breakneck develop- pan, China, France, Germa- committee that consists
ment and modernization. ny, Australia, and the USA. I of 17 very smart and very
“After Vietnam integrated don’t think any construction capable engineers that we
with the world economy company in the world has the selected from our staff. For
many foreign investors came same experience. We know Vietnam there is a green INNOVATIVE APPAREL
here. We had a very unique many construction methods building council and Hoa
opportunity to develop the and we know which one is Binh was the first mem- 105 Nguyen Duc Thuan
construction industry in the best for each project.” ber and one of five plati- Nam Dinh,Vietnam
Tel: 84 228 3649365
Vietnam. We learned from Publicly-listed and 30% num members and the Fax: 84 228 3646737
many big international com- foreign-owned, HBCG has only Vietnamese company
panies,” says Lê Viết Hải, built an extensive portfolio among those five platinum
Chairman of Hoa Binh Con- of successfully completed members. The other four
struction Group (HBCG), projects over the years, are foreign members.”
one of the nation’s Top 5 from high-rise buildings, Backed by its industry-

Our World Insert is produced by Business & Investment. USA Today did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content.
4 Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Rising Vietnamese consumer demand poses big

opportunity for U.S. food products
The growing consumer market in Vietnam coupled with low import tariffs means there are big opportunities for U.S. food product exporters in the fast-growing Asian nation.
However, with that growth comes the higher standards and more sophisticated demands of the Vietnamese consumer – as pointed out by Lê Thi Vân and Didier Lachize, direc-
tors of New Viet Dairy, which imports a number of high-quality beef and dairy products from the U.S. for the local market. With this in mind, they point out that opportunities
are not only abound for big U.S. food firms, but also smaller artisan food companies, for example those making high-quality cheeses.

ising incomes, a the nation’s leading import- “We are a good combination Vietnam, they can export ticated demands. This has resulted in a proliferation
growing middle class, ers of dairy, beef and other because Didier brings a lot their product freely.” forced the bigger American of product premiumization,
changing consumer food products. of food safety techniques, And while U.S. importers food companies to raise the with the demand for premi-
habits, open borders and “We looked at the dairy he’s very strict on control, may not enjoy the complete- standard of the products um food products continu-
liberal trade regulation are products and in the begin- and I understand that is very ly tariff-free trade under they export to Vietnam, as ing to grow.
among the major factors ning we just bought some important in our business FTAs like New Viet Dairy’s Ms. Thi Vân points out. This has also opened up
driving the growth of Viet- mozzarella to introduce to because that is the future of large base of clients from the “At the beginning we had opportunities for smaller ar-
nam’s food and beverage hotels and restaurants but at Vietnam,” adds Ms. Thi Vân. Australia and New Zealand, issues with the U.S. export- tisanal and organic produc-
(F&B) industry, which of- the time there were no pizza The combination of these they can still take advantage ers because they didn’t re- ers in the U.S. And New Viet
fers attractive opportunities ovens like there are today. factors has served as the basis of extremely low tariff rates alize Vietnam’s standards Dairy also aims to increase
for foreign investors in the Back then, we were doing of New Viet Dairy’s success in (currently at 2%) – not to were so high. They just its collaboration with these
food importation segment. smaller producers who have
It is expected that Vietnam’s “The Vietnamese the potential to make big
middle-class could double economy has proven gains in Vietnam by cater-
by 2026, which in turn will extremely resilient ing to the growing demand
spur a major increase in de- for premium products.
mand for high-quality food during the COVID-19 “There are a lot of good
and beverage products. In pandemic, and Vietnam products in the U.S. but they
fact, Vietnam is predicted is likely to be the are not targeting exports so
to be among the top three country which will make far. You have a lot of good
countries in Asia in terms a great leap forward in regional cheese and a lot of
of F&B development. high-quality beef that is not
Food is at the core of Viet-
the aftermath” your average, mass-market
namese culture and while kind – organic products
rice and the traditional cui- too,” says Mr. Lachize.
Director, New Viet Dairy
sine will remain prominent, “We have been receiv-
the country’s young and in- ing more of the smaller
creasingly urbanized popu- one container per year but guys that come and visit us
lation has spurred major now we are doing hundreds more and more frequently.
changes in consumer eating of tons per year for mozza- We had non-stop visitors
habits. The majority of Viet- rella for pizza. It means that from the U.S.A. last year.
nam’s population is under the country’s eating habits Mr. Didier Lachize and Ms. Lê Thi Vân, Directors of New Viet Dairy. This has stopped obviously
35 years old, while the ur- have been changing a lot,” due to COVID-19, but we
ban population of Vietnam says Ms. Thi Vân. Vietnam, making it the ideal mention the ease of doing “Young professionals still have a lot of meetings
is set to increase from 34% “I think that one of the partner for companies look- business thanks to Viet- through Z oom. We can
with income are now
to 40% between 2015 and main reasons is that the ing to introduce high-quality nam’s sophisticated digital connect with a small guy in
2025. With more money in country is open for foreign- food, beef and other prod- infrastructure. the real consumers, California making a special
their pockets, these global- ers to come in and bring ucts to the country, including “People know that there is opinion leaders, and cheese and we can import it
ly and open-minded young their culture and open res- those from the U.S. a framework, even if there digital influencers. This and sell it here.”
Vietnamese consumers have taurants and I think that New Viet Dairy already is no free trade agreement has a major impact on All in all, the opportuni-
discovered a growing appe- Vietnamese people are very serves as one of the main with the U.S., with tariffs the way a company can ties for U.S. food producers,
tite for international cuisine. open-minded with food channels for the entry of that are very low and they both big and small, will con-
And with free-trade agree- and they always try to eat U.S. dairy, beef, pork and have always been low. They access the market and tinue to grow in line with
ments (FTAs) like the Com- healthily. They are ver y p ot ato-b a s e d pro duc t s , have never been high like in can sell and grow” the increasing consumer
prehensive and Progressive curious about food. Also, holding the position as the other countries,” adds Mr. demand for international
Agreement for Trans-Pacif- many gener ations have number one importer of U.S. Lachize. “Digitization has HOANG MAI NGUYEN, food products. However,
ic Partnership (CPTPP) and been educated abroad and beef, French fries and pow- also been key. Electronic Director, New Viet Dairy this increasing demand in
liberal trade policies – in- when they come home, they dered milk. And over the registration for imported Vietnam’s open and liberal
cluding those with the Unit- want to eat pizza and pasta. coming years, Mr. Lachize items in Vietnam is very produced what they sell to economy also brings inten-
ed States – having made it These factors drive chang- expects to see an increasing good. We do everything on their American consum- sifying competition – some-
easier for the importation ing consumer habits.” number of U.S. food compa- the internet without paper. ers. But now they have up- thing which, Mr. Lachize
of food products, now is the nies looking towards Viet- We do customs clearance graded their processes and stresses, U.S. investors must
opportune moment for for- Opportunities for U.S. nam as an avenue to grow on the internet, we pay our improved their quality con- also bear in mind. It has in-
eign investors in Vietnam’s food companies their international sales. tax on the internet, we hire trol,” she says. deed posed a challenge that
F&B industry to cater to As a Vietnamese business- “In the beginning, because on the internet, and all of With growing concerns has compelled New Viet
the increasing demand for woman, Ms. Thi Vân pos- the U.S. market was so fo- our invoices are electronic. over the safety and qual- Dairy to continue to inno-
international food products. sesses the knowledge of the cused on selling domestical- Everything is electronic and ity of products, Vietnamese vate in order to stay ahead
Two people that have local market and Vietnam- ly, they weren’t really look- works well.” consumers are willing to pay of the growing number of
closely followed the growth ese culture, while French- ing to export. But that has higher prices for organic competitors. “The tough
of Vietnam’s food industry man Mr. Lachize, a food now changed,” he explains. Premiumization and high products, environmentally thing is that because it has
and the tremendous chang- engineer and graduate of “Now I think they are will- standards conscious options, and prod- become so easy to enter the
es in the eating habits of the the National Agronomy In- ing to export more and more Of course, with the chang- ucts from foreign brands. Vietnamese market, you
Vietnamese consumer are stitute in Paris, ensures New because maybe the domestic ing food preferences of the Meanwhile, health concerns, have more competition. But
Ms. Lê Thi Vân and Mr. Di- Viet Dairy follows the high- market is reaching satura- growing Vietnamese mid- along with rising income that forces us to always find
dier Lachize, the directors est international standards tion and they are learning dle-class also comes higher that leads to consumption the way to lead the race, and
of New Viet Dairy, one of in food safety and quality. that in places like China and standards and more sophis- of higher-tier brands, have that’s the way it is.”

Song Hong: “Innovative garment companies will have

advantages in the global supply chain”
Vietnam’s leading garment maker, who counts Disney amongst its licensers, believes foreign partnerships will be key to making the sector more competitive in light of
the CPTPP agreement.

ietnam is the fourth In 2018, Song Hong ac- investment in digitaliza- ers’ rights. Working condi- ger and more competitive in survive. Fashion brands are
largest exporter of quired the image rights to a tion and automation in the tions in Vietnam are bet- a global economy. asking for shorter lead times
textiles and garments number of famous cartoon country’s garment industry, ter than China, Cambodia, “We can coordinate with and smaller orders and more
worldwide after China, the characters including Hello then the sector will face a Myanmar, Bangladesh, and anyone, anytime, anywhere seasons. It’s a game we have
European Union and Ban- Kitty, Doraemon, and a range challenge in breaking the Indonesia among others.” in the world. This is how to play. We need non-stop in-
gladesh, with the nation’s of Disney favorites, with its CPTTP and European mar- Ultimately, the Hong Song we have to compete. The vestment in our management
textile industry having con- licensing contract recently kets. This is especially the CEO says that – though global competition today is systems including inven-
tinuously grown at an aver- renewed for another three case as nations such as Myan- certain democratic and not about quality or price, tory, sales, finance, human
age rate of more than 15 % years by the American en- mar, Cambodia and Bangla- demographic advantages it’s about speed and who is resources, machinery, and
annually. Vietnam’s reputa- tertainment behemoth. desh have long enjoyed free can certainly give Vietnam faster,” he says. especially R&D. Innovative
tion as a textiles powerhouse trade benefits, with Vietnam a leg up – there will be no “Everyone is changing Vietnamese companies with
has been thanks to leading having to play catch-up with substitute for investment their business model. They these foundations in place
players like Song Hong, one its competitors. and foreign partnerships in are working online, and e- will have more advantages
of the country’s top export- The continued growth of making the industry stron- commerce is the only way to in the global supply chain.”
ers of garment and bedding the Vietnamese textile in-
products which has been in dustry will also rely on the
operation since 1988. global garment giants relo-
“Vietnam has advantages cating their Asian manufac-
in terms of low cost and a turing bases from China.
large population that is still However, Vietnam is now
largely very young. We are starting to see some positive
also a hardworking country developments on this front
and our government sees since the CPTPP agreement.
a lot of potential in grow- “Generally, their first stop
ing and joining the global is always Vietnam, and we
economy,” says Quang Viet have already been in touch
Bui, CEO of Song Hong, “Vietnam has with some big brands in


commenting on the coun- advantages in terms Canada and Australia, who
try’s country’s recent sign- of low cost and a are paying attention to [our
ing of the Comprehensive agreement to join] CPTPP,”
large population that says Mr. Bui.
(According to Vietnam Report 2020)
and Progressive Agree-
ment for Trans-Pacific is still largely very One big advantage for
Partnership (CPTPP). young. We are also a Vietnam as an invest-
“It’s opening more doors hardworking country ment destination in this
for companies like us. But and our government respect is the wide regard
it’s not for everyone,” he ex- for workers’ rights which
plains. “It’s only for those sees a lot of potential are strictly adhered to in
that are ready enough and in growing and joining the country. Something
those that are very com- the global economy” which cannot be said for
mitted to building stron- many other parts of the
ger companies and stron- QUANG VIET BUI, region. “All of our buyers
ger communities. We are CEO, Song Hong are very tough in terms of
one of the most advanced workers’ rights. They au- HOA BINH CONSTRUCTION GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY
companies in Vietnam Despite such successes dit us every month and we Pax Sky Building, 123 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St., Ward 6, District 3, HCMC
right now and have been making Song Hong a leading don’t have any problems. In Tel: (+84)28. 3932 5030, Fax: (+84)28. 3930 2097
doing business with a lot light for the Vietnamese gar- Asia, it seems Vietnam is
of large American brands ment sector, the CEO stress- one of the best countries in
terms of preserving work-
for many years.” es that without an intensive

Our World Insert is produced by Business & Investment. USA Today did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content.

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