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def greet_wanderers(message2):

more_people = input("You run into a weary traveler on a road. Do you stab him and take
his wallet or aid him by giving him food? Type s for stab or f for food. ")
more_people = more_people.lower()

while (more_people == "s"):

message = input("Intimidate the weary traveler: ")
more_people = input("Have you canvased the body? y for yes or n for no? ")
more_people = more_people.lower()

while (more_people == "n"):

more_people = input("Why do you murder, if not for gold? ")
print("Seems like a waste of good coin, but whatever!")

while (more_people == "f"):

message3 = input("You reach into your bag and, fumbling around, search for food.
What food do you give him from your bag?: ")
print("You give the traveler", message3, ".")
more_people = input("Are you done giving the traveler food? y for yes or n for no: ")
more_people = more_people.lower()

while (more_people == "n"):

message3 = input("You reach into your bag and, annoyed at your goodwill, meagerly
grab another article of food, but you clutch it a little bit as you hand it over, avarice
gleaming in your eyes. What did you give him? ")
print("You give the traveler", message3, ".")
more_people = input("Are you done giving the traveler food? y for yes or n for no. ")
while (more_people == "n"):
message3 = input("You're really starting to get annoyed with this guy, he seems to
eat but never to fill. You reach into your bag once more but the pulsing in your ears is
getting louder. What do you give him? ")
print("You give the traveler", message3, ".")
more_people = input("He asks for even more food. You've had it with that guy; you
draw your knife, stab him, and take your food back, plus some choice cannabil delicacies.
What do you say? ")

while (more_people == "y"):

more_people = input("Would you like to say goodbye? ")
print("The traveler returns your goodbye and you scurry off.")
more_people = more_people.lower()
greet_wanderers("You have killed the traveler, his blood seeps into the soil, and while
feeling slightly guilty, you feel even more personally enriched.")
print("Trying to shake your sense of foreboding danger as you feel the darkness grow, you
stroll even further down the road")
greet_wanderers("The red stops flashing and you survey your macabre art. Again? You
shake your head and wonder if you will ever get over this dark impulse. Perhaps mother was
right about you all along.")
print("Back to work...")
print("Ooh! Another traveler!")
greet_wanderers("You savor the sweet taste of carnage, before quickly becoming bored and
disinterested and wander off aimlessly.")
print("Ahh, what a wonderful day. *Stops to smell a daisy*")

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